107 research outputs found

    Performance of Sweet Cherry Cultivars and Advanced Selections on Gisela 5 Rootstock in Young Orchards

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    Six sweet cherry cultivars and two advanced selections of Gisela 5 rootstock were tested in 2015–2021 at the Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Fruit trees were planted at distances of 4.5 × 2.5 m and trained as spindles. Orchard floor management included frequently mown grass in alleyways with herbicide strips along tree rows. Cultivars ‘Mindaugė’ and ‘Irema BS’ were the most vigorous at the end of the seventh leaf. Their trunk diameter achieved 11.6 cm. The ‘Merchant’ cultivar had the smallest trunk diameter—9.3 cm. The average yield in 2018–2021 ranged from 2.75 t/ha for ‘Vega’ to 8.73 t/ha for ‘Regina’. Cultivars ‘Regina’, ‘Sunburst’, ‘Irema BS’ and ‘Merchant’ had the highest cumulative yield efficiency of 0.440–0.503 kg/cm2 with respect to the trunk cross-section area (TCSA). The least productive cultivar ‘Vega’ produced fruits of the highest average weight—9.9 g. Fruits of ‘Regina’ and ‘Sunburst’ were large as well—8.8–9.1 g. ‘Irema BS’ fruits had the highest soluble solids content (SSC)—20.2%. The lowest SSC was recorded in ‘Merchant’ and ‘Sunburst’ fruits—14.7–15.8%. The yield of advanced selection, No. 102, equaled to the yield of cv. ‘Regina’. No. 102 had a high fruit weight, and fruits were distinguished by attractiveness and taste.publishedVersio

    Endophytic Bacillus and Pseudomonas spp. Modulate Apple Shoot Growth, Cellular Redox Balance, and Protein Expression Under in Vitro Conditions

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    Interactions between host plants and endophytic microorganisms play an important role in plant responses to pathogens and environmental stresses and have potential applications for plant stress management under in vitro conditions. We assessed the effect of endophytic bacteria on the growth and proliferation of domestic apple cv. Gala shoots in vitro. Further, a model apple cell suspension system was used to examine molecular events and protein expression patterns at an early stage of plant–endophyte interaction. Among the seven strains used in the study, Bacillus spp. strains Da_1, Da_4, and Da_5 and the Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Ga_1 promoted shoot growth and auxiliary shoot proliferation. In contrast, Bacillus sp. strain Oa_4, P. fluorescens strain Ga_3 and P. orientalis strain G_12 inhibited shoot development. In the cell suspension, the effects of the association between endophytic bacteria and plant cells were specific to each strain. Modulation of the cellular redox balance was monitored in the apple cells using a 2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (H2DCFDA) probe, and strain-specific effects were observed that correlated with the in vitro shoot development results. Proteomic analysis revealed differences in protein expressions in apple cells co-cultivated with different Bacillus spp. strains that had contrasting effects on cellular redox balance and shoot development. The Bacillus sp. strain Da_4, which enhanced shoot development and oxidation of H2DCFDA, induced differential expression of proteins that are mainly involved in the defense response and regulation of oxidative stress. Meanwhile, treatment with Bacillus sp. strain Oa_4 led to strong upregulation of PLAT1, HSC70-1 and several other proteins involved in protein metabolism and cell development. Taken together, the results suggest that different cell signaling and response events at the early stage of the plant–endophyte interaction may be important for strain-dependent regulation of cellular redox balance and development of shoot phenotype

    ŽŪMMS konferencijos

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Naminės slyvos (Prunus Domestica L.) ir kaukazinės slyvos (Prunus Cerasifera Ehrh.) atsparumas šalčiams

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    Santr. angl., rusBibliogr.: p. 15-16 (19 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    MA užsienio nario Zdislavo Kaveckio inauguracija

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The Teacher of Lithuanian Horticulturists Professor Zdzisław Kawecki

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Vaisiniai, prieskoniniai ir vaistiniai oranžerijų augalai

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    Bibliogr.: p. 149 (14 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Resistance to spring frost of sour cherry flowers and fruit ovaries

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    Siekiant ištirti, kiek vyšnių žiedinius pumpurus pažeidė pavasario šalnos skirtingais jų vystymosi tarpsniais (pumpuro prieš vegetacijos pradžią, pumpuro vegetacijos pradžioje (pažaliavimas), pumpuro skleidimosi pradžioje, žiedyno pasirodymo, butonų pabalimo, žydėjimo ir vaisių užuomazgų), 2009 metų balandžio ir gegužės mėnesiais kontroliuojamomis laboratorijos sąlygomis (-8–-1 °C temperatūroje) buvo šaldomos vyšnių šakos. Po šaldymo pagal piestelių ir mezginių pažeidimą įvertintas pašalimas. Taip pat įvertinta, kiek vaisių užuomazgų yra pažeista. Tyrimai atlikti Lietuvos sodininkystės ir daržininkystės instituto Sodo augalų genetikos ir biotechnologijos skyriuje. Nustatyta, kad skirtingų tarpsnių vyšnių žiedų generatyvinius organus nevienodai pažeidžia temperatūra, kuriai esant atsiranda pažeidimų, kai augalas pereina iš ramybės būsenos į žydėjimo tarpsnį. Jautriausi augalai yra žydėjimo ir vaisių užuomazgų susidarymo metu. Augalo genotipas lemia bendrąjį atsparumo šalčiui lygį. Įvairiems augalų genotipams yra būdingas savitas fenologinės raidos ritmas, todėl atsiranda galimybė atrinkti genotipus, kurių tarpsniai, kada augalų žiedai yra jautriausi šalnoms, labai trumpi. Veislių ‘Notė’, ‘Širpotreb čiornaja’, ‘Biruliovskaja’, ‘Maliga emplore’ augalų žiedai ir užuomazgos buvo atspariausi pavasario šalnomsIn order to evaluate damage of spring frosts to sour cherry flower buds at different development stages (swollen bud, side green, green tip, tight cluster, open cluster, first white, first bloom, full bloom, fruit ovaries), branches of cherries were frozen in climatic chamber. Damage to pistils and fruit ovaries was evaluated. Study was conducted in April and May in 2009 at the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology of Orchard Plants at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. It was estimated that generative tissues of cherry flowers at different development stages are damaged by cold unequally. The most sensitive plants are at the stages of flowering and formation of fruit ovaries. Total resistance to cold level is determined by plant genotype. Specific phenological rhythm of development is characteristic to each plant genotype. So there is possibility to choose genotypes with very short flower development stages, when plant is the most sensitive to spring frosts. Flowers and fruit ovaries of ‘Notė’, ‘Širpotreb čiornaja’, ‘Biruliovskaja’, ‘Maliga emplore’ cultivars were the most resistant to spring frostsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij