28 research outputs found

    Use of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to assess the stability of the anion exchange membrane MA-41, modified by poly-N,N-diallylmorpholine bromide in overlimiting current modes

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    The paper presents the results of studying the electrochemical characteristics and long-term stability of MA-41 membranes on the surface of which poly-N,N-diallylmorpholinium bromide was applied. The deposition of a polyelectrolyte on the membrane surface leads to an increase in the limiting current from 0.8 to 1.1 mA/cm2. The comparison of the experimental and theoretically calculated values of the limiting current density allows us to conclude that the modification of the membrane surface by poly-N,N-diallylmorpholinium bromide does not lead to the formation of a continuous polyelectrolyte film on the surface, but its fixation occurs due to the sorption of macromolecules on the surface of the ion-exchanger particles. To quantify the rate of the water dissociation reaction at the membrane/solution interface, the method of electrochemical impedance was used, which makes it possible to compare the rate constants of the water dissociation reaction for different membranes, assuming that the reaction is described by the Gericher impedance. It is shown that modification of the MA-41 membrane surface leads to a decrease in the rate of the water dissociation reaction in the current range i = 1.5–4ilim by a factor of 2–6. The reduction in water dissociation reaction rate is attributed to the substitution of catalytically active secondary and tertiary amino groups in the surface layer of the pristine membrane by stable heterocyclic ammonium bases of poly-N,N-diallylmorpholinium. The study of the long-term stability of the resulting membrane showed that when the membrane is polarized with a current equal to  twice the limiting current, the desorption of the modifier occurs within 25 h, and the properties of the membrane become close to those of the unmodified MA-41 membrane. It was shown that the electrochemical impedance method can be used as a very sensitive method for studying the long-term stability of ion-exchange membranes

    New PNM Mutation in SUP35

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    A number of [PSI+]-no-more (PNM) mutations, eliminating [PSI+] prion, were previously described in SUP35. In this study, we designed and analyzed a new PNM mutation based on the parallel in-register β-structure of Sup35 prion fibrils suggested by the known experimental data. In such an arrangement, substitution of non-charged residues by charged ones may destabilize the fibril structure. We introduced Q33K/A34K amino acid substitutions into the Sup35 protein, corresponding allele was called sup35-M0. The mutagenized residues were chosen based on ArchCandy in silico prediction of high inhibitory effect on the amyloidogenic potential of Sup35. The experiments confirmed that Sup35-M0 leads to the elimination of [PSI+] with high efficiency. Our data suggested that the elimination of the [PSI+] prion is associated with the decreased aggregation properties of the protein. The new mutation can induce the prion with very low efficiency and is able to propagate only weak [PSI+] prion variants. We also showed that Sup35-M0 protein co-aggregates with the wild-type Sup35 in vivo. Moreover, our data confirmed the utility of the strategy of substitution of non-charged residues by charged ones to design new mutations to inhibit a prion formationRFBR grant 19-04-00173, RFBR grant 17-54-150002, and PRC CNRS grant PRC1524,18-34-00536, RSF grant 18-14-0005

    Point mutations affecting yeast prion propagation change the structure of its amyloid fibrils

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    We investigated the effect of the point substitutions in the N-terminal domain of the yeast prion protein Sup35 (Sup35NMp) on the structure of its amyloid fibrils. As the objects of the study, proteins with mutations that have different influence on the [PSI+] prion propagation, but do not prevent the aggregation of Sup35NMp in vitro were chosen. The use of the wide range of physico-chemical methods allowed us to show significant differences in the structure of these aggregates, their physical size, clumping tendency. Also we demonstrated that the fluorescent probe thioflavin T (ThT) can be successfully used for investigation of subtle changes in the structural organization of fibrils formed from various Sup35NMp. The obtained results and our theoretical predictions allowed us to conclude that some of selected amino acid substitutions delimit the region of the protein that forms the core of amyloid fibrils, and change the fibrils structure. The relationship of structural features of in vitro Sup35NMp amyloid aggregates with the stability of the [PSI+] prion in vivo allowed us to suggest that oligopeptide repeats (R) of the amyloidogenic N-terminal domain of Sup35NMp from R0 to R2 play a key role in protein aggregation. Their arrangement rather than just presence is critical for propagation of the strong [PSI+] prion variants. The results confirm the suitability of the proposed combination of theoretical and empirical approaches for identifying changes in the amyloid fibrils structure, which, in turn, can significantly affect both the functional stability of amyloid fibrils and their pathogenicity.Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo de Bioactivo

    Protein Co-Aggregation Related to Amyloids: Methods of Investigation, Diversity, and Classification

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    Amyloids are unbranched protein fibrils with a characteristic spatial structure. Although the amyloids were first described as protein deposits that are associated with the diseases, today it is becoming clear that these protein fibrils play multiple biological roles that are essential for different organisms, from archaea and bacteria to humans. The appearance of amyloid, first of all, causes changes in the intracellular quantity of the corresponding soluble protein(s), and at the same time the aggregate can include other proteins due to different molecular mechanisms. The co-aggregation may have different consequences even though usually this process leads to the depletion of a functional protein that may be associated with different diseases. The protein co-aggregation that is related to functional amyloids may mediate important biological processes and change of protein functions. In this review, we survey the known examples of the amyloid-related co-aggregation of proteins, discuss their pathogenic and functional roles, and analyze methods of their studies from bacteria and yeast to mammals. Such analysis allow for us to propose the following co-aggregation classes: (i) titration: deposition of soluble proteins on the amyloids formed by their functional partners, with such interactions mediated by a specific binding site; (ii) sequestration: interaction of amyloids with certain proteins lacking a specific binding site; (iii) axial co-aggregation of different proteins within the same amyloid fibril; and, (iv) lateral co-aggregation of amyloid fibrils, each formed by different proteins

    NOS1AP Interacts with α-Synuclein and Aggregates in Yeast and Mammalian Cells

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    The NOS1AP gene encodes a cytosolic protein that binds to the signaling cascade component neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). It is associated with many different disorders, such as schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism, cardiovascular disorders, and breast cancer. The NOS1AP (also known as CAPON) protein mediates signaling within a complex which includes the NMDA receptor, PSD-95, and nNOS. This adapter protein is involved in neuronal nitric oxide (NO) synthesis regulation via its association with nNOS (NOS1). Our bioinformatics analysis revealed NOS1AP as an aggregation-prone protein, interacting with α-synuclein. Further investigation showed that NOS1AP forms detergent-resistant non-amyloid aggregates when overproduced. Overexpression of NOS1AP was found in rat models for nervous system injury as well as in schizophrenia patients. Thus, we can assume for the first time that the molecular mechanisms underlying these disorders include misfolding and aggregation of NOS1AP. We show that NOS1AP interacts with α-synuclein, allowing us to suggest that this protein may be implicated in the development of synucleinopathies and that its aggregation may explain the relationship between Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia

    Stoichiometry and Affinity of Thioflavin T Binding to Sup35p Amyloid Fibrils.

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    In this work two modes of binding of the fluorescent probe thioflavin T to yeast prion protein Sup35p amyloid fibrils were revealed by absorption spectrometry of solutions prepared by equilibrium microdialysis. These binding modes exhibited significant differences in binding affinity and stoichiometry. Moreover, the absorption spectrum and the molar extinction coefficient of the dye bound in each mode were determined. The fluorescence quantum yield of the dye bound in each mode was determined via a spectrofluorimetric study of the same solutions in which the recorded fluorescence intensity was corrected for the primary inner filter effect. As previously predicted, the existence of one of the detected binding modes may be due to the incorporation of the dye into the grooves along the fiber axis perpendicular to the β-sheets of the fibrils. It was assumed that the second type of binding with higher affinity may be due to the existence of ThT binding sites that are localized to areas where amyloid fibrils are clustered