95 research outputs found

    The peculiar extinction law of SN2014J measured with The Hubble Space Telescope

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    The wavelength-dependence of the extinction of Type Ia SN2014J in the nearby galaxy M82 has been measured using UV to near-IR photometry obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope, the Nordic Optical Telescope, and the Mount Abu Infrared Telescope. This is the first time that the reddening of a SN Ia is characterized over the full wavelength range of 0.20.2-22 microns. A total-to-selective extinction, RV3.1R_V\geq3.1, is ruled out with high significance. The best fit at maximum using a Galactic type extinction law yields RV=1.4±0.1R_V = 1.4\pm0.1. The observed reddening of SN2014J is also compatible with a power-law extinction, Aλ/AV=(λ/λV)pA_{\lambda}/A_V = \left( {\lambda}/ {\lambda_V} \right)^{p} as expected from multiple scattering of light, with p=2.1±0.1p=-2.1\pm0.1. After correction for differences in reddening, SN2014J appears to be very similar to SN2011fe over the 14 broad-band filter light curves used in our study.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    NTT and NOT spectroscopy of SDSS-II supernovae

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    Context. The SDSS-II Supernova Survey, conducted between 2005 and 2007, was designed to detect a large number of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) around z~0.2, the redshift "gap" between low-z and high-z SN searches. The survey has provided multi-band photometric lightcurves for variable targets, and SN candidates were scheduled for spectroscopic observations, primarily to provide SN classification and accurate redshifts. We present SN spectra obtained in 2006 and 2007 using the NTT and the NOT. Aims. We provide an atlas of SN spectra in the range z =0.03-0.32 that complements the well-sampled lightcurves from SDSS-II in the forthcoming three-year SDSS SN cosmology analysis. The sample can, for example, be used for spectral studies of SNe Ia, which are critical for understanding potential systematic effects when SNe are used to determine cosmological distances. Methods. The spectra were reduced in a uniform manner, and special care was taken in estimating the uncertainties for the different processing steps. Host-galaxy light was subtracted when possible and the SN type fitted using the SuperNova IDentification code (SNID). We also present comparisons between spectral and photometric dating using SALT lightcurve fits to the photometry from SDSS-II, as well as the global distribution of our sample in terms of the lightcurve parameters: stretch and colour. Results. We report new spectroscopic data from 141 SNe Ia, mainly between -9 and +15 days from lightcurve maximum, including a few cases of multi-epoch observations. This homogeneous, host-galaxy subtracted, SN Ia spectroscopic sample is among the largest such data sets and unique in its redshift interval. The sample includes two potential SN 1991T-like SNe (SN 2006on and SN 2007ni) and one potential SN 2002cx-like SN (SN 2007ie). In addition, the new compilation includes spectra from 23 confirmed Type II and 8 Type Ib/c SNe.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Comparative Direct Analysis of Type Ia Supernova Spectra. IV. Postmaximum

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    A comparative study of optical spectra of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) obtained near 1 week, 3 weeks, and 3 months after maximum light is presented. Most members of the four groups that were defined on the basis of maximum light spectra in Paper II (core normal, broad line, cool, and shallow silicon) develop highly homogeneous postmaximum spectra, although there are interesting exceptions. Comparisons with SYNOW synthetic spectra show that most of the spectral features can be accounted for in a plausible way. The fits show that 3 months after maximum light, when SN Ia spectra are often said to be in the nebular phase and to consist of forbidden emission lines, the spectra actually remain dominated by resonance scattering features of permitted lines, primarily those of Fe II. Even in SN 1991bg, which is said to have made a very early transition to the nebular phase, there is no need to appeal to forbidden lines at 3 weeks postmaximum, and at 3 months postmaximum the only clear identification of a forbidden line is [Ca II] 7291, 7324. Recent studies of SN Ia rates indicate that most of the SNe Ia that have ever occurred have been "prompt" SNe Ia, produced by young (100,000,000 yr) stellar populations, while most of the SNe Ia that occur at low redshift today are "tardy", produced by an older (several Gyrs) population. We suggest that the shallow silicon SNe Ia tend to be the prompt ones.Comment: Accepted by PAS

    Near-IR Search for Lensed Supernovae Behind Galaxy Clusters - II. First Detection and Future Prospects

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    Powerful gravitational telescopes in the form of massive galaxy clusters can be used to enhance the light collecting power over a limited field of view by about an order of magnitude in flux. This effect is exploited here to increase the depth of a survey for lensed supernovae at near-IR wavelengths. A pilot SN search program conducted with the ISAAC camera at VLT is presented. Lensed galaxies behind the massive clusters A1689, A1835 and AC114 were observed for a total of 20 hours split into 2, 3 and 4 epochs respectively, separated by approximately one month to a limiting magnitude J<24 (Vega). Image subtractions including another 20 hours worth of archival ISAAC/VLT data were used to search for transients with lightcurve properties consistent with redshifted supernovae, both in the new and reference data. The feasibility of finding lensed supernovae in our survey was investigated using synthetic lightcurves of supernovae and several models of the volumetric Type Ia and core-collapse supernova rates as a function of redshift. We also estimate the number of supernova discoveries expected from the inferred star formation rate in the observed galaxies. The methods consistently predict a Poisson mean value for the expected number of SNe in the survey between N_SN=0.8 and 1.6 for all supernova types, evenly distributed between core collapse and Type Ia SN. One transient object was found behind A1689, 0.5" from a galaxy with photometric redshift z_gal=0.6 +- 0.15. The lightcurve and colors of the transient are consistent with being a reddened Type IIP SN at z_SN=0.59. The lensing model predicts 1.4 magnitudes of magnification at the location of the transient, without which this object would not have been detected in the near-IR ground based search described in this paper (unlensed magnitude J~25). (abridged)Comment: Accepted by AA, matches journal versio

    Near-IR search for lensed supernovae behind galaxy clusters: III. Implications for cluster modeling and cosmology

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    Massive galaxy clusters at intermediate redshifts act as gravitational lenses that can magnify supernovae (SNe) occurring in background galaxies. We assess the possibility to use lensed SNe to put constraints on the mass models of galaxy clusters and the Hubble parameter at high redshift. Due to the standard candle nature of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), observational information on the lensing magnification from an intervening galaxy cluster can be used to constrain the model for the cluster mass distribution. A statistical analysis using parametric cluster models was performed to investigate the possible improvements from lensed SNe Ia for the accurately modeled galaxy cluster A1689 and the less well constrained cluster A2204. Time delay measurements obtained from SNe lensed by accurately modeled galaxy clusters can be used to measure the Hubble parameter. For a survey of A1689 we estimate the expected rate of detectable SNe Ia and of multiply imaged SNe. The velocity dispersion and core radius of the main cluster potential show strong correlations with the predicted magnifications and can therefore be constrained by observations of SNe Ia in background galaxies. This technique proves especially powerful for galaxy clusters with only few known multiple image systems. The main uncertainty for measurements of the Hubble parameter from the time delay of strongly lensed SNe is due to cluster model uncertainties. For the extremely well modeled cluster A1689, a single time delay measurement could be used to determine the Hubble parameter with a precision of ~ 10%. We conclude that observations of SNe Ia behind galaxy clusters can be used to improve the mass modeling of the large scale component of galaxy clusters and thus the distribution of dark matter. Time delays from SNe strongly lensed by accurately modeled galaxy clusters can be used to measure the Hubble constant at high redshifts.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    A New Determination of the High Redshift Type Ia Supernova Rates with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys

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    We present a new measurement of the volumetric rate of Type Ia supernova up to a redshift of 1.7, using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) GOODS data combined with an additional HST dataset covering the North GOODS field collected in 2004. We employ a novel technique that does not require spectroscopic data for identifying Type Ia supernovae (although spectroscopic measurements of redshifts are used for over half the sample); instead we employ a Bayesian approach using only photometric data to calculate the probability that an object is a Type Ia supernova. This Bayesian technique can easily be modified to incorporate improved priors on supernova properties, and it is well-suited for future high-statistics supernovae searches in which spectroscopic follow up of all candidates will be impractical. Here, the method is validated on both ground- and space-based supernova data having some spectroscopic follow up. We combine our volumetric rate measurements with low redshift supernova data, and fit to a number of possible models for the evolution of the Type Ia supernova rate as a function of redshift. The data do not distinguish between a flat rate at redshift > 0.5 and a previously proposed model, in which the Type Ia rate peaks at redshift >1 due to a significant delay from star-formation to the supernova explosion. Except for the highest redshifts, where the signal to noise ratio is generally too low to apply this technique, this approach yields smaller or comparable uncertainties than previous work.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Peculiar Type Ia Supernova 2005hk

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    We present a preliminary analysis of an extensive set of optical observations of the Type Ia SN 2005hk. We show that the evolution of SN 2005hk closely follows that of the peculiar SN 2002cx. SN 2005hk is more luminous than SN 2002cx, while still under-luminous compared to normal Type Ia supernovae. The spectrum at 9 days before maximum is dominated by conspicuous Fe III and Ni III lines, and the Si II 6355 line is also clearly visible. All these features have low velocity (~6000 km/s). The near maximum spectra show lines of Si II, S II, Fe II, Fe III, as well as other intermediate mass and iron group elements. Analysis with the code for synthetic spectra SYNOW indicates that all these spectral lines have similar velocities.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to the proceedings of the conference``The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Origins'', 2006 June 11--24, Cefalu, Sicily, to be published by AI

    Near-IR search for lensed supernovae behind galaxy clusters: I. Observations and transient detection efficiency

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    Massive galaxy clusters at intermediate redshift can magnify the flux of distant background sources by several magnitudes and we exploit this effect to search for lensed distant supernovae that may otherwise be too faint to be detected. A supernova search was conducted at near infrared wavelengths using the ISAAC instrument at the VLT. The galaxy clusters Abell 1689, Abell 1835 and AC114 were observed at multiple epochs of 2 hours of exposure time, separated by a month. Image-subtraction techniques were used to search for transient objects with light curve properties consistent with supernovae, both in our new and archival ISAAC/VLT data. The limiting magnitude of the individual epochs was estimated by adding artificial stars to the subtracted images. Most of the epochs reach 90% detection efficiency at SZ(J) ~= 23.8-24.0 mag (Vega). Two transient objects, both in archival images of Abell 1689 and AC114, were detected. The transient in AC114 coincides - within the position uncertainty - with an X-ray source and is likely to be a variable AGN at the cluster redshift. The transient in Abell 1689 was found at SZ=23.24 mag, ~0.5 arcsec away from a galaxy with photometric redshift z=0.6 +/-0.15. The light curves and the colors of the transient are consistent with a reddened Type IIP supernova at redshift z=0.59 +/- 0.05. The lensing model of Abell 1689 predicts ~1.4 mag of magnification at the position of the transient, making it the most magnified supernova ever found and only the second supernova found behind a galaxy cluster. Our pilot survey has demonstrated the feasibility to find distant gravitationally magnified supernovae behind massive galaxy clusters. One likely supernova was found behind Abell 1689, in accordance with the expectations for this survey, as shown in an accompanying analysis paper.Comment: Language-edited version, 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted by A&

    New periodic variable stars coincident with ROSAT sources discovered using SuperWASP

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    We present optical lightcurves of 428 periodic variable stars coincident with ROSAT X-ray sources, detected using the first run of the SuperWASP photometric survey. Only 68 of these were previously recognised as periodic variables. A further 30 of these objects are previously known pre-main sequence stars, for which we detect a modulation period for the first time. Amongst the newly identified periodic variables, many appear to be close eclipsing binaries, their X-ray emission is presumably the result of RS CVn type behaviour. Others are probably BY Dra stars, pre-main sequence stars and other rapid rotators displaying enhanced coronal activity. A number of previously catalogued pulsating variables (RR Lyr stars and Cepheids) coincident with X-ray sources are also seen, but we show hat these are likely to be misclassifications. We identify four objects which are probable low mass eclipsing binary stars, based on their very red colour and light curve morphology