54 research outputs found
Ekonomiczno-społeczne uwarunkowania migracji wewnętrznych w Polsce w świetle metody drzew klasyfikacyjnych
This paper analyses socio-economic determinants of migration flows between Polish sub-regions in the years 2008–2010 by using the classification trees (CART) method. Six explanatory variables are selected to determine migration, including GDP per capita, number of economic entities (firms) per 100 inhabitants, investment assets and tangible assets per capita, registered unemployment rate, as well as average monthly salary. The CART method is then used to build models explaining the classification of migration flows into four quartile-based categories. The results confirm that the classification of internal migration flows is strongly determined by socio-economic features, in particular the number of economic entities, investment assets per capita and the unemployment rate. The suburbanisation from cities to neighbouring sub-regions is clearly demonstrated. Better developed regions, especially the largest Polish cities, have the highest migration outflows as well as inflows, yet retain positive net migration. We argue that the proposed analytical approach enables to determine the multidimensional relationships between explanatory social-economic variables and the migration coefficients under study
Practical aspects of testing superconducting electromagnets by the capacitor discharge method taking into account the non-linearity of circuit parameters
The article presents selected issues related to the development and testing of the diagnostics systems dedicated for superconducting electromagnets. The systems were constructed to assess the production quality of superconducting electromagnets of the SIS100 synchrotron, a new accelerator being built as part of the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). One of the systems is used for automatic checking of electrical connection parameters and the continuity of electric circuits. The role of the second device is to assess the quality of winding insulation and to estimate circuit parameters of electromagnet coils using the capacitor discharge method. The work presents measurements and analysis of current and voltage waveforms acquired during discharges on a magnet coil simulator and on the SIS100 main dipole electromagnet
Mitochondrial genomes reveal an east to west cline of steppe ancestry in Corded Ware populations
From around 4,000 to 2,000 BC the forest-steppe north-western Pontic region was occupied by people who shared a nomadic lifestyle, pastoral economy and barrow burial rituals. It has been shown that these groups, especially those associated with the Yamnaya culture, played an important role in shaping the gene pool of Bronze Age Europeans, which extends into present-day patterns of genetic variation in Europe. Although the genetic impact of these migrations from the forest-steppe Pontic region into central Europe have previously been addressed in several studies, the contribution of mitochondrial lineages to the people associated with the Corded Ware culture in the eastern part of the North European Plain remains contentious. In this study, we present mitochondrial genomes from 23 Late Eneolithic and Bronze Age individuals, including representatives of the north-western Pontic region and the Corded Ware culture from the eastern part of the North European Plain. We identified, for the first time in ancient populations, the rare mitochondrial haplogroup X4 in two Bronze Age Catacomb culture-associated individuals. Genetic similarity analyses show close maternal genetic affinities between populations associated with both eastern and Baltic Corded Ware culture, and the Yamnaya horizon, in contrast to larger genetic differentiation between populations associated with western Corded Ware culture and the Yamnaya horizon. This indicates that females with steppe ancestry contributed to the formation of populations associated with the eastern Corded Ware culture while more local people, likely of Neolithic farmer ancestry, contributed to the formation of populations associated with western Corded Ware cultur
Preliminary studies of fungi in the Biebrza National Park (NE Poland). Part III. Micromycetes – new data
Ecological information concerning 292 fungal taxa is reported as a result of two surverys in the Biebrza National Park. Most data presented come from the 5-day all-fungi inventory of the Polish Mycological Society in 2013, and 47 species were recorded during studies in the Biele Suchowolskie fen in 2008/2009. In total, 27 species of zygomycetes, 232 ascomycetes (including anamorphs) and 27 basidiomycetes (mainly Pucciniales). Additionaly some representatives of fungi-like organisms from Stramenopiles (4 species) and Dictyostelia (2) were identified. Fungal groups included were the same as in the previous survey in 2012: 190 taxa associated with plants, 15 with animals, 8 with fungi and 71 isolated from soil, plant debris and animal excrements. The most numerous were anamorphic ascomycetes (159 species). Nineteen species have not been previously known from Poland and 31 species are rare (1–3 localities). For the Biebrza National Park 197 species (67.5%) are new
Genetic continuity, isolation, and gene flow in Stone Age Central and Eastern Europe
Abstract The genomic landscape of Stone Age Europe was shaped by multiple migratory waves and population replacements, but different regions do not all show the same patterns. To refine our understanding of the population dynamics before and after the dawn of the Neolithic, we generated and analyzed genomic sequence data from human remains of 56 individuals from the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Eneolithic across Central and Eastern Europe. We found that Mesolithic European populations formed a geographically widespread isolation-by-distance zone ranging from Central Europe to Siberia, which was already established 10 000 years ago. We also found contrasting patterns of population continuity during the Neolithic transition: people around the lower Dnipro Valley region, Ukraine, showed continuity over 4 000 years, from the Mesolithic to the end of Neolithic, in contrast to almost all other parts of Europe where population turnover drove this cultural change, including vast areas of Central Europe and around the Danube River
Unraveling ancestry, kinship, and violence in a Late Neolithic mass grave
The third millennium BCE was a period of major cultural and demographic changes in Europe that signaled the beginning of the Bronze Age. People from the Pontic steppe expanded westward, leading to the formation of the Corded Ware complex and transforming the genetic landscape of Europe. At the time, the Globular Amphora culture (3300–2700 BCE) existed over large parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but little is known about their interaction with neighboring Corded Ware groups and steppe societies. Here we present a detailed study of a Late Neolithic mass grave from southern Poland belonging to the Globular Amphora culture and containing the remains of 15 men, women, and children, all killed by blows to the head. We sequenced their genomes to between 1.1- and 3.9-fold coverage and performed kinship analyses that demonstrate that the individuals belonged to a large extended family. The bodies had been carefully laid out according to kin relationships by someone who evidently knew the deceased. From a population genetic viewpoint, the people from Koszyce are clearly distinct from neighboring Corded Ware groups because of their lack of steppe-related ancestry. Although the reason for the massacre is unknown, it is possible that it was connected with the expansion of Corded Ware groups, which may have resulted in competition for resources and violent conflict. Together with the archaeological evidence, these analyses provide an unprecedented level of insight into the kinship structure and social behavior of a Late Neolithic community
Nuncio Achille Ratti’s connections with the Church in Łódź
This article, based on archival sources, presents nuncio Achille Ratti, a future pope Pius XI, and his activity in Poland and in Łódź. His activity took place in a difficult period of the First World War during important systemic changes. In December 1920 the decision was made about the inception of the diocese of Łódź. Achille Ratti contributed to it and is known as the “Polish Pope”
Nowe dane na temat chronologii oddziaływania horyzontu Hunyadihalom-Lažňany na młodsze społeczności naddunajskie na północ od Karpat
The subject of this article is connections from Carpathian Basin in the Lublin-Volhynian (LV-C)
culture – the first Eneolithic culture in Lesser Poland. Comparative analysis of the pottery from the LV-C
child grave no 7 in Książnice (Lesser Poland) points towards the Hunyadihalom-Lažňany horizon as the
mainstream source of analogies; and, according to the scheme proposed by Sławomir Kadrow and Anna
Zakościelna, the LV-C drew on these analogies at the end of phase III or approx. 3700 –3600 BC (Kadrow,
Zakościelna 2000). While, the radiocarbon dating (5180±35BP) dates the grave to approx. 4050 –3940 BC,
which according to the scheme proposed by Kadrow and Zakościelna would mean that we are dealing with
a feature from phase II. Of extreme importance which influenced the interpretation of the grave were the
new data related to absolute chronology of the of the Copper Age in the Carpathian Basin. In the light of
new radiocarbon chronology of the Hunyadihalom-Lažňany horizon (ca. 4200 –3800 BC, according Raczky,
Siklósi 2013; ca. 4000 –3800 BC according Brummack, Diaconescu 2014), the date of grave 7 from
Książnice corresponds well to the ceramic inventory with the characteristics of the Hunyadihalom-Lažňany
horizon. The presence of the Hunyadihalom-Lažňany influences in Lesser Poland in the late 5th and 4th millennia
BC forces us to pose the questions about their role in the spread of “Chalcolithic” attributes north
of the Carpathian Mountains. There is clearer support for the thesis that the new cultural trends, which
were expressed by the sepulchral ideology borrowed from the area of the Carpathian Basin emphasizing
the elitism of burials, drawing clearer distinctions between the sacred and the profane in the spatial sense,
and strongly emphasizing sexual dimorphism, could be to a greater extent the result of the influences of the
Hunyadihalom-Lažňany horizon, and not just – as has traditionally been accepted – of the Tiszapolgár and
Bodrogkeresztúr cultures.Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu są wpływy ugrupowań środkowej epoki miedzi z Kotliny Karpackiej
na kulturę lubelsko-wołyńską – pierwszą eneolityczną kulturę w Małopolsce. Analiza porównawcza ceramiki
z grobu 7 kultury lubelsko-wołyńskiej z Książnic (Małopolska) wskazuje jako główny nurt analogii
horyzont Hunyadihalom-Lažňany, do którego nawiązania wg schematu Sławomira Kadrowa i Anny Zakościelnej,
występują w KLW pod koniec fazy III, czyli ok. 3700–3600 BC (Kadrow, Zakościelna 2000).
Jednocześnie data radiowęglowa (5180±35BP) dość precyzyjnie umieszcza omawiany zespół na przełomie
V i IV tysiąclecia BC, a dokładniej ok. 4050–3940 BC, co wg schematu S. Kadrowa i A. Zakościelnej
oznacza, iż mielibyśmy do czynienia z obiektem z fazy II. Niezwykle ważnym czynnikiem, który wpłynął
na interpretację omawianego grobu okazały się nowe dane dotyczące chronologii absolutnej epoki miedzi
w Kotlinie Karpackiej. W świetle nowej chronologii radiowęglowej horyzontu Hunyadihalom-Lažňany
w Kotlinie Karpackiej (ok. 4200 – 3800 BC wg Raczky, Siklósi 2013; ok. 4000 – 3800 BC wg Brummack,
Diaconescu 2014), data z grobu 7 z Książnic dobrze współgra z inwentarzem ceramicznym o cechach
horyzontu Hunyadihalom-Lažňany. Obecność wpływów Hunyadihalom-Lažňany w Małopolsce na przełomie
V i IV tysiąclecia BC zmusza do postawienia pytań o ich znaczenie w rozprzestrzenianiu się atrybutów
„epoki miedzi” na północ od Karpat. Coraz wyraźniej rysuje się teza, że nowe trendy kulturowe,
których wyrazem była zapożyczona z terenu Kotliny Karpackiej ideologia sepulkralna podkreślająca elitaryzm
pochówków, wyodrębniająca sacrum i profanum w sensie przestrzennym, oraz silnie akcentująca
dymorfizm płciowy, mogły być w większym stopniu wynikiem oddziaływań horyzontu Hunyadihalom-
-Lažňany, a nie tylko, jak tradycyjnie zakładano, kultur Tiszapolgár i Bodrogkeresztúr
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