4 research outputs found
Effects of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on maize
- Author
- Publication venue
- Iowa State University Digital Repository
- Publication date
- 01/01/1949
- Field of study
Techniques and resources for storm-scale numerical weather prediction
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
The topics discussed include the following: multiscale application of the 5th-generation PSU/NCAR mesoscale model, the coupling of nonhydrostatic atmospheric and hydrostatic ocean models for air-sea interaction studies; a numerical simulation of cloud formation over complex topography; adaptive grid simulations of convection; an unstructured grid, nonhydrostatic meso/cloud scale model; efficient mesoscale modeling for multiple scales using variable resolution; initialization of cloud-scale models with Doppler radar data; and making effective use of future computing architectures, networks, and visualization software
- Author
- A. Amprimoz
- A. Amprimoz
- A. Blott
- A. Boutelle
- A. Brodie
- A. Feder
- A. Gandolfo
- A. Purdy
- A. Roche
- A.C. Stewart
- A.D. Armitage
- A.E. Davidson
- A.W. Riley
- Acland Lois
- Alianak Hrant
- Allen Robert
- Amprimoz Alexandre
- Andrus David
- Annand Alan Mark
- Aquin Hubert
- Ardies Tom
- Atwood Margaret
- Atwood Margaret
- Aubert Rosemary
- Austin Don
- Avery Martin
- Avison Margaret
- Avison Margaret
- B. Cameron
- B. Daurio
- B. Davies
- B. Fawcett
- B. Godard
- B. Hehner
- B. Kingstone with
- B. Rasporich
- B. Wood
- B. Wood
- B.M. Ewing
- Bailey Alfred G.
- Bailey Bill
- Barbour Douglas
- Bartlett Brian
- Bartlette Sandra
- Bauer William
- Beissel Henry
- Beresford-Howe Constance
- Berton Pierre
- Biderman Ruth
- Bonnie Fred
- Bowering George
- Bowie Douglas
- Boyarsky Abraham
- Brownlow Edward William
- Bullock Michael
- Burns Mary
- Buyukmihci H.S.
- C. Belkin
- C. Hosek
- C. Pagnoulle
- C. Pollack
- C. Rosen
- C. Thomas
- C.H. Gervais
- C.L. Smiley
- C.T. Bissell
- Calder Ruth
- Callaghan Morley
- Canadian
- Carman Bliss
- Carr Emily
- Castillo Charles
- Clark Joan
- Clute John
- Cohen Leonard
- Cohen Matt
- Collier Diana G.
- Colson Theodore
- Corning Emilia
- Crowe Eleanor
- Crowell Peter
- Cuevas Ernesto
- Cull David
- D. Arnason
- D. Barbour
- D. Barbour
- D. Barbour
- D. Bessai
- D. Bessai
- D. Day
- D. Edmonds
- D. Godfrey
- D. Kent
- D. Ketterer
- D. Latham
- D. Livesay
- D. Livesay
- D. Mantz
- D. Mantz
- D. Rubin.
- D.E.D. Downey
- D.J. Dooley
- D.W. Russell
- D.W. Russell
- Dabydeen Cyril
- Dagg Mel
- Davies Ken
- Davies Robertson
- Davies Robertson
- Dawson Fielding
- Denison Merrill
- Deverell Rex
- Dewdney Chris
- Dickinson Don
- Dickinson Mary Lou
- Doran Jane
- Doubt Bryan
- Drabek Jan
- Dudek Louis
- Duncan Sara Jeannette
- Dunmore Spencer
- E. Cameron
- E. Jewinski
- E. Mandel
- E. Mandel
- E. Seidner
- E. Wachtel
- Eggleston Wilfrid
- Egyedi Bela
- Eirikson Irene
- Elves Hazel
- Engel Howard
- Engel Marian
- Enright William
- Evans Cicely Louise
- Everson R.G.
- F. Birbalsingh
- F. Cogswell
- F. Davey
- F. Spitzer
- F. Spoerly
- F. Teague
- Fagan Cary
- Fawcett Brian
- Fawcett Brian
- Fawcett Brian
- Ferguson Trevor
- Ferron Jacques
- Finkenbine Mark
- Fischman Sheila
- Fletcher Peggy
- Fobes Greg
- Ford Cathy
- Frye Northrop
- Frye Northrop
- Fuchs Terry
- G. Geddes
- G. Geddes
- G. Hancock
- G. Hancock
- G. Hancock
- G. Marcotte
- G. McWhirter
- G. Melnyk
- G. Murray
- G. Ryga
- G. Ryga
- G. Woodcock
- G. Woodcock
- G. Woodcock
- Gallant Mavis
- Galt John
- Garsonnin Eric
- Garwood Lana
- Gatenby Greg
- Gauvreau Claude
- Gibbs Robert
- Gilbert Gerry
- Gillis Susan
- Godfrey Dave
- Goldsmith Oliver
- Gorman LeRoy
- Gould Terry
- Govier Katherine
- Gregg John
- Greig Hugh
- Grove Frederick Philip
- Gutteridge Don
- Gérin-Lajoie Antoine
- H. de Santana
- H. Porter
- H.G. Edinger
- Haggerty Joan
- Haig-Brown Roderick
- Haliburton Thomas Chandler
- Haliburton Thomas Chandler
- Halko Irene
- Hall Chipman
- Halperin Irving
- Hamilton Pierce Stevens
- Hamilton Susan L.
- Hardy Isabeth
- Harlow Robert
- Harris John
- Harris Paula
- Harrison Devin
- Hayman Robert
- Heide Christopher
- Heide Christopher
- Hekkanen Ernest
- Hendry Tom
- Hendry Tom
- Hendry Tom
- Hiebert Paul
- Hill Kathy
- Hine Daryl
- Hodgins Jack
- Hollingshead Greg
- Hollingsworth Margaret
- Hood Hugh
- Hooper Mollie
- Horst Roger
- Hosein Jennifer
- Howe Joseph
- Howells Annie
- Hubert Cam
- Hubert Cam
- Huggan Isabel
- Huser Glen
- Hutchison Joe
- Hébert Anne
- I. Balfour
- I. Carrington
- I. Young
- Ingram Alyce
- Ireland Ann
- J. Ball
- J. Baxter
- J. David
- J. Hofsess
- J. Hofsess
- J. Lye
- J. Mallinson
- J. Neufeld
- J. Pivato
- J. Reaney
- J. Sowby
- J.C. Green
- J.H. Rosenburg
- J.M. Kertzer
- J.M. Yates
- J.M. Zezulka
- J.R. Struthers
- J.W. Foster
- J.W. Watson
- Jarvis Thomas Stinson
- Jewinski Hans
- Jiles Paulette
- Johnson G. Bertha
- Jonas George
- Jonas George
- Julian Marilyn
- K. Echlin
- K. Norris
- K. Norris
- K. Radu
- K. Russell
- K. Thompson
- K.J. Hughes
- K.P. Stich
- Keenleyside T.A.
- Kemp Penny
- Kemp Penny
- Kertes Joseph
- Kidd Flora
- Kirby William
- Kleiman Ed'
- Klein A.M.
- Knox Alexander
- Konyves Tom
- Konyves Tom
- Kreisel Henry
- Kreisel Henry
- Kroetsch Robert
- Kumin Maxine
- L. McMullen
- L. Sandler
- L.B. Meckler
- L.C. Gottlieb
- L.M. Shirinian
- Lamb Murray
- Landy Francis
- Lane John
- Lauder Scott
- Laurence Margaret
- Lavoie Stephanie
- Layton Aviva
- Layton Irving
- Layton Irving
- Leacock Stephen
- Leckie Keith
- Lee Dennis
- Lemm Richard
- Leprohon Rosanna
- LeSueur William
- Levis Deanna
- Lewis Ruth C.
- Lipkis Jeff
- Livesay Dorothy
- Longmore George
- Loomer L.S.
- Lowry Margerie Bonner
- Lowther Pat
- M. Acorn
- M. Acorn
- M. Anderson
- M. Atwood
- M. Atwood
- M. Bowering
- M. Boweririg
- M. Dorsinville
- M. Ford
- M. Kennedy
- M. Macina
- M. McLuhan
- M. Micros
- M. Page
- M. Page
- M. Ross
- M. Vipond
- M. Zola
- M.B. Oliver
- M.C. Wilson
- M.G. Hesse
- MacCormack Terry
- Macphail Andrew
- Madott Darlene
- Mahood Maurice
- Mandel Eli
- Mandrake Jill
- Marcotte Gilles
- Margoshes Dave
- Marlatt Daphne
- Marlatt Daphne
- Marshall Joyce
- Marshall Tom
- Mason Mike
- Mathews Laurence
- Mayhew Vic
- McClellan Pat
- McClung Nellie
- McCurry Jim
- McFadden David
- McFadden David
- McKenzie Earl
- McKinnon Barry
- McLean Anne
- McLean James S.
- McLuhan Marshall
- Metcalf John
- Metcalf John
- Mills John
- Minions Stephen
- Mitchell Ken
- Mitchell W.O.
- Mombourquette Michael
- Moore Brian
- Moore Brian
- Moore Ken
- Morton Lionel
- Mowat Farley
- Mrkich Dan
- Munro Alice
- Munro Alice
- Murphy Jeremiah V.
- Musgrave Susan
- N. Carson
- N.W. Fraser
- Neil Al
- Newlove. John
- Nichol B.P.
- Nichol B.P.
- Nichol B.P.
- Nightingale Christine
- Nowlan Alden
- Nowlan Alden
- Nutting Leslie
- O'Flaherty Patrick
- Oates Joyce
- Oates Joyce Carol
- Okun Nicole
- Ondaatje Michael
- Ondaatje Michael
- Ord Douglas
- Orde Lewis
- P. Baltensperger
- P. Hay
- P. Hunt
- P. Monk
- P. Morley
- P. Morley
- P. Quartermain
- P. Stevens
- P. Stevens
- P. Thompson.
- P.F. McNally
- Palmer John
- Parsons Fay
- Petersen Olive MacKay
- Plantos Ted
- Powell Craig
- Pratt E.J.
- Purdy A.
- R. Cameron
- R. Cluett
- R. Fulford
- R. Huebert
- R. LaBonte
- R. Mathews
- R. Page
- R. Siemens
- R. Skelton
- R. Smith
- R. Stuart
- R. Sutherland
- R.A. Lecker
- R.A. Lecker
- R.D. MacDonald
- Raddall Thomas H.
- Radu Kenneth
- Reaney James
- Richards David
- Riches Brenda
- Richler Mordecai
- Riddell John
- Riis Sharon
- Ringwood Gwen Pharis
- Ritter Erika
- Roberts Charles G.D.
- Roberts Charles G.D.
- Roberts Kevin
- Robertson Don
- Robin Skelton
- Robin Donald M.
- Robinson Spider
- Rogers Linda
- Rohmer Richard
- Rooke Constance
- Rose Mildred A.
- Ross D.
- Ross James
- Ross Veronica
- Ross W.W.E.
- Rosta Helen
- Rowdon Larry
- S. Bonnycastle
- S. Clarkson
- S. Djwa
- S. Hatfield
- S. Martin
- S. Morrison
- S. Nagarajan
- S. Solecki
- S. Solecki
- S. Symons
- S.E. Grace
- S.J. Wilson
- Salmaniw Stephen
- Sandor Karl
- Sangster Charles
- Saul John
- Schoemperlen Diane
- Schroeder Andreas
- Schweers Gordon
- Scott Duncan Campbell
- Scott Duncan Campbell
- Scott F.R.
- Seal Graham
- Service Robert W.
- Seton Ernest Thompson
- Seán Virgo
- Sharpe. David
- Sherman K.J.
- Sherman Ken
- Sherrin Robert G.
- Shields Carol
- Shirinian Lorne M.
- Simmie Lois
- Simpson Gregg
- Simpson Leo
- Slater Ian
- Smith A.J.M.
- Smith D.C.
- Smith D.L.M.
- Souster Raymond
- Stange Kenneth
- Staniforth Richard
- Station F.
- Stead Robert
- Stein David
- Stein Louise
- Stenson Fred
- Stephen Sid
- Stevens Peter
- Stevenson Lionel
- Stewart A.C.
- Sturmanis Dona
- Such
- Suthren Victor
- Symons Scott
- Symons T.H.B.
- Szumigalski Anne
- T. Hendry
- T. Marshall
- T. Marshall
- T. Marshall
- T. Marshall
- T. Quigley
- T. Stephenson
- T. Wayman
- T.D. MacLulich
- T.D. MacLulich
- T.E. Tausky
- T.Q. Dombrowski
- Teed Roy
- Templeton Charles
- Thomas Audrey
- Thompson James
- Thompson John R.
- Thompson Kent
- Tippett Maria
- Tocque Philip
- Traill Catherine Parr
- Tupper Dorothy
- V. Boland
- Valgardson W.D.
- Valgardson W.D.
- Van der Schel Sjors
- Van Dyck Henry
- Van Rjndt Philippe
- Virgo Sean
- Vlahov Ed
- W. Cude
- W. Cude
- W. Kirkconnell
- W. Pache
- W.H. New
- W.H. New
- Wade John Stevens
- Walker Doris
- Walters Harold N.
- Waltner-Toews David
- Ward Frederick
- Watmough David
- Watt F.W.
- Weinzweig Helen
- Wheatley Patience
- White Marilyn
- Whyte Don
- Wiebe Armin
- Wiebe Rudy
- Wilford M.
- Wilson Ethel
- Windsor Robert
- Woodcock George
- Wreggitt Andrew
- Wright Doug
- Wright Richard B.
- Wynand Derk
- Young David
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease
- Author
- Abraham
- Al-Delaimy
- Alajmi
- Alchanatis
- Aloia
- Aloia
- Amann
- Amin
- Amin
- Amin
- Amin
- Amin
- Ancoli-Israel
- Andreas
- Antonio Culebras
- Arias
- Arias
- Arzt
- Arzt
- Arzt
- Auckley
- Ayas
- Badesch
- Barnes
- Basner
- Bassetti
- Bassetti
- Bassetti
- Baud
- Bazzano
- Becker
- Becker
- Ben-Dov
- Benz
- Bixler
- Bixler
- Bloch
- Brack
- Bradley
- Bradley
- Bradley
- Bradley
- Bradley
- Bradley
- Brooks
- Brouillette
- Brown
- Buda
- Calhoun
- Campos-Rodriguez
- Caples
- Caples
- Caples
- Caples
- Caples
- Carl E. Hunt
- Carlson
- Carroll
- Chan
- Chan
- Chan
- Chaouat
- Chaouat
- Chareonthaitawee
- Chiu
- Chobanian
- Cicolin
- Cleator
- Cohn
- Collop
- Copie
- Corrà
- Coughlin
- Crowell
- Daly
- David P. White
- Davies
- Derderian
- Dimsdale
- Djalilian
- Doherty
- Drager
- Dyken
- Dyugovskaya
- Dyugovskaya
- Eckert
- Edwards
- Edwards
- El Solh
- Elmasry
- Engleman
- Engleman
- Engleman
- Enright
- Faccenda
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Fernando Costa
- Fischter
- Fletcher
- Fletcher
- Floras
- Fogel
- Fogel
- Foley
- Foster
- Francis
- Franklin
- Franklin
- Frattola
- Fritscher
- Frost
- Fung
- Gami
- Gami
- Gami
- Gami
- Gami
- Gami
- Garrigue
- Garrigue
- Gjorup
- Good
- Goodfriend
- Goodman
- Gotsopoulos
- Grimm
- Grote
- Grote
- Guilleminault
- Guilleminault
- Guilleminault
- Görür
- Haas
- Haentjens
- Haines
- Hanly
- Hanly
- Hanly
- Hanly
- Hanly
- Harbison
- Harbison
- Harsch
- Hartmann
- He
- Heinzer
- Hill
- Hla
- Hla
- Hoffmann
- Hoffstein
- Hsu
- Hu
- Hu
- Hung
- Hunt
- Ip
- Ip
- Issa
- Issa
- Izci
- Javaheri
- Javaheri
- Javaheri
- Javaheri
- Javaheri
- Javaheri
- Javaheri
- Javaheri
- Javaheri
- Javaheri
- John S. Floras
- Johnson
- Kaditis
- Kaditis
- Kaditis
- Kales
- Kanagala
- Kaneko
- Kaneko
- Kapa
- Kapur
- Kara
- Karanov
- Kelly
- Kenchaiah
- Kessler
- Kezirian
- Kimmel
- Kinebuchi
- Kleiger
- Koehler
- Koehler
- Kohyama
- Kourembanas
- Krahn
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- Kraiczi
- Kraiczi
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- Kwok
- Laks
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- Lanfranchi
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- Lavie
- Lavie
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- Lesske
- Leung
- Leung
- Levine
- Levy
- Li
- Liston
- Logan
- Logan
- Lopez-Jimenez
- Lowe
- Lyle J. Olson
- Lüthje
- Malhotra
- Malone
- Mansfield
- Mansfield
- Marcus
- Marin
- Mary Woo
- Mauer
- McArdle
- McNicholas
- Mehra
- Meier-Ewert
- Mello
- Miletin
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- Milleron
- Miman
- Minoguchi
- Mitchell
- Mohsenin
- Mooe
- Mooe
- Mooe
- Motley HL
- Motta
- Mucklow
- Nakayama
- Narkiewicz
- Narkiewicz
- Narkiewicz
- Naughton
- Naughton
- Neill
- Netzer
- Nieto
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- Ohga
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- Olson
- Olson
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- Otto
- Pack
- Pack
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- Partinen
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- Pepperell
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- Phillips
- Planès
- Port
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- Punjabi
- Punjabi
- Punjabi
- Punjabi
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- Quan
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- Resnick
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- Richards
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- Ryan
- Ryan
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- Sajkov
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- Sanders
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- Sanner
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- Schohn
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- Schwartz
- Serratto
- Shafer
- Shahar
- Shamsuzzaman
- Shamsuzzaman
- Sharafkhaneh
- Shepard
- Shepard
- Shepard
- Sher
- Shiota
- Shivalkar
- Silberberg
- Silverberg
- Simantirakis
- Simonneau
- Sin
- Sin
- Sin
- Singh
- Sinha
- Sklar
- Smith
- Smith
- Solin
- Somers
- Somers
- Somers
- Somers
- Somers
- Somers
- Somers
- Somers
- Sorajja
- Spaak
- Spiegel
- Staniforth
- Stegman
- Stephen Daniels
- Sullivan
- Suzuki
- Svatikova
- Svatikova
- Svatikova
- Sánchez-Armengol
- Tal
- Tam
- Tamura
- Tang
- Tauman
- Tauman
- Terry Young
- Teschler
- Thomas G. Pickering
- Tilkian
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- Tkacova
- Tkacova
- Tkacova
- Tkacova
- Turkington
- Unterberg-Buchwald
- van de Borne
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- Veasey
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- Vgontzas
- Virend K. Somers
- Voelkel
- von Känel
- von Känel
- Wadhwa
- Walsh
- Wang
- Wang
- Wellman
- Wessendorf
- White
- White
- Wilcox
- Wilkinson
- William T. Abraham
- Williams
- Wolk
- Wolk
- Xie
- Yaggi
- Yamakawa
- Yinon
- Yoshinaga
- Younes
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Zimmerman
- Zoccali
- Zoccali
- Zohar
- Zwillich
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study