25 research outputs found

    Intestinal lymphangiectasia in a 3-month-old girl: A case report of Hennekam syndrome caused by CCBE1 mutation

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    RATIONAL: Intestinal lymphangiectasia (IL) is a rare disease characterized by dilatation and rupture of intestinal lymphatic channels leading to protein-losing enteropathy. IL is classified as primary and secondary types. PATIENT CONCERNS: A 3-month-old girl born at term from vaginal delivery with an APGAR score of 10/10 and birth weight of 4.310 g (>97° percentile) was admitted to our hospital because of increasing abdominal tenderness and diarrhea. At first examination, she presented an abdominal circumference of 60 cm, edema of the lower extremities and vulva, and facial dysmorphisms (hypertelorism, flat nasal bridge, flat mid-face). DIAGNOSIS: Once admitted, ultrasonography showed a large amount of ascites, while blood laboratory investigations revealed severe hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia and hypogammaglobulinemia. Lymphoscintigraphy with 99m-Tc-nanocolloid demonstrated abnormal leakage of the tracer in the abdomen as evidence of IL. To detect a possible secondary, exams were performed and demonstrated positive antibody titres for CMV-IgM and IgG in blood and CMV-DNA positivity in blood, urine, saliva, maternal milk, and gastric and duodenal biopsies. Genetic investigations identified the genomic variant c.472C>T of the CCBE1 gene, coding for a protein variant (p.Arg158Cys), in homozygosity. INTERVENTIONS: Total parenteral nutrition was started and continued for a total of 18 days, then gradually bridged by enteral nutrition with a special formula. In addition, antiviral therapy for CMV infection was added first with intravenous ganciclovir for 14 days, resulting in the disappearance of blood viral load after 7 days of therapy and then with valganciclovir per os for another 30 days. OUTCOMES: The clinical course of the child gradually improved. A few days after starting treatments, lower extremities and vulvar edema disappeared, and abdominal circumference gradually decreased to a stable value of 38 cm, without any ultrasonographic signs of ascites left. Moreover, serum albumin and IgG rose to normal values after 3 months (4.3 g/dL and 501 mg/dL, respectively). LESSONS: This case suggests that in presence of IL both primary and secondary causes should be evaluated. On the other hand, genetic diagnosis is crucial not only for diagnosis but also for prognosis in HS. Life expectancy and quality could deeply vary among different gene mutations and protein variants of the same gene. Further studies and case reports are needed to better understand the clinical meaning of these genetic results and the role of CMV as trigger of IL

    Juvenile moyamoya and craniosynostosis in a child with deletion 1p32p31: Expanding the clinical spectrum of 1p32p31 deletion syndrome and a review of the literature

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    Moyamoya angiopathy (MA) is a rare cerebrovascular disorder characterised by the progressive occlusion of the internal carotid artery. Its aetiology is uncertain, but a genetic background seems likely, given the high MA familial rate. To investigate the aetiology of craniosynostosis and juvenile moyamoya in a 14-year-old male patient, we performed an array-comparative genomic hybridisation revealing a de novo interstitial deletion of 8.5 Mb in chromosome region 1p32p31. The deletion involved 34 protein coding genes, including NF1A, whose haploinsufficiency is indicated as being mainly responsible for the 1p32-p31 chromosome deletion syndrome phenotype (OMIM 613735). Our patient also has a deleted FOXD3 of the FOX gene family of transcription factors, which plays an important role in neural crest cell growth and differentiation. As the murine FOXD3-/- model shows craniofacial anomalies and abnormal common carotid artery morphology, it can be hypothesised that FOXD3 is involved in the pathogenesis of the craniofacial and vascular defects observed in our patient. In support of our assumption, we found in the literature another patient with a syndromic form of MA who had a deletion involving another FOX gene (FOXC1). In addition to describing the clinical history of our patient, we have reviewed all of the available literature concerning other patients with a 1p32p31 deletion, including cases from the Decipher database, and we have also reviewed the genetic disorders associated with MA, which is a useful guide for the diagnosis of syndromic form of MA

    Porencephaly in an Italian neonate with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a complex malformative disease caused by the teratogenic effect of alcohol consumed during pregnancy. Mothers are frequently reluctant to admit alcohol consumption during pregnancy. During infancy and particularly during neonatal period, differential diagnosis is difficult. PATIENT CONCERNS: This case is represented by an Italian neonate boy small for gestational age, born by caesarean section at a gestational age of 37 weeks + 6 days by neglect and single-parent pregnancy. On physical examination, he presented particular facial features: microcephaly, epicanthal folds, flat midface, low nasal bridge, indistinct philtrum, and thin upper lip; moreover, examination revealed a macro-penis and recurvation without evidence of glans. DIAGNOSIS: Echocardiogram showed an inter-ventricular defect of medium-muscular type and brain magnetic resonance imaging showed asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres with hypoplasia of the left cerebral hemisphere, dilatation of the left ventricle, cerebrospinal fluid cavity, and porencephaly. INTERVENTIONS: We investigated the ethylglucuronide (EtG) concentration in the neonate's hair by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and we detected EtG in the infant's hair (normal value, 30 pg/mg), demonstrating prenatal alcohol exposure. OUTCOMES: In this neonate, EtG measure in hairs permitted the diagnosis of FASD, so allowing to exclude genetic diseases associated with similar clinical findings. After this result the mother admitted that she drunk alcohol during pregnancy (she declared 3 glasses of wine every day). At the age of 6 months, the child showed a moderate neurodevelopmental delay. CONCLUSION: This case shows that FAD should be considered in neonates with rare neurological diseases as porencephaly. In neonates and infants born to a mother who did not report alcohol use, EtG measure in hairs can significantly improve diagnosis of FASD, so allowing to exclude genetic diseases associated with similar clinical findings

    A New Homozygous IGF1R Variant Defines a Clinically Recognizable Incomplete Dominant form of SHORT Syndrome

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    Here, we describe a child, born from consanguineous parents, with clinical features of SHORT syndrome, high IGF1 levels, developmental delay, CNS defects, and marked progeroid appearance. By exome sequencing, we identified a new homozygous c.2201G>T missense mutation in the IGF1R gene. Proband's parents and other relatives, all heterozygous carriers of the mutation, presented with milder phenotype including high IGFI levels, short stature, and type 2 diabetes. Functional studies using patient's cell lines showed a lower IGF1R expression that leads to the alteration of IGF1R-mediated PI3K/AKT/mTOR downstream pathways, including autophagy. This study defines a clinically recognizable incomplete dominant form of SHORT syndrome, and provides relevant insights into the pathophysiological and phenotypical consequences of IGF1R mutations

    Germline PTPN11 mutation affecting exon 8 in a case of syndromic juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia

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    Juvenile myelomonocitic leukemia (JMML) is an aggressive clonal myeloproliferative disorder (MPD) that occurs mostly in infancy or early childhood, being the median age at diagnosis 24 months. Somatic mutations affecting genes involved in the Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway are responsible for about 80% of JMML (PTPN11 35%, KRAS/NRAS 25%, CBL 10%, NF1 11%) [1] and [2]. Instead, germ-line mutations in the PTPN11 gene are responsible for about 50% of Noonan syndrome (NS), a developmental disorder that occasionally displays MPD sharing similarities with JMML. While the clonal proliferative advantage in non-syndromic JMML cells results from acquired PTPN11 lesions driving to enhanced signal flow through the RAS–MAPK pathway, MPD occurring in NS is associated to a relatively narrow spectrum of germ-line mutations that have less potency in dysregulating this signalling cascade [2]. Consistently, MPD in NS usually regresses spontaneously, while non-syndromic JMML has a poor prognosis, requiring aggressive therapeutic strategies [1]. Therefore distinguish germ-line from somatic mutations is pivotal for patient management and therapy. So far, data from the literature indicate that PTPN11 mutations associated with syndromic and non-syndromic JMML/MPD cluster in exon 3 (90%) and 13 (10%) and these represent the only coding portions of the gene screened in the majority of patients, in both Europe and United States [2] and [3]. Here, we describe a case of a syndromic JMML associated with a mutation in the exon 8 of PTPN11 gene

    Paesaggi valtellinesi : trasformazione del territorio, culturae identità locale

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    Il volume raccoglie gli atti di intervento al corso sul paesaggio realizzato in Valtellina nell'ultimo biennio. I contributi coniugano allo sguardo sui paesaggi locali quello su realtà analoghe e comparabili, esterne alla valle. Lo sforzo qui effettuato è quello di ricondurne la lettura, e la comprensione, entro schemi interpretativi più generali, fuori dalle strette e, spesso, insufficienti maglie del locale