661 research outputs found

    Descreening of Color Halftone Images in the Frequency Domain

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    Scanning a halftone image introduces halftone artifacts, known as Moiré patterns, which significantly degrade the image quality. Printers that use amplitude modulation (AM) screening for halftone printing position dots in a periodic pattern. Therefore, frequencies relating halftoning are easily identifiable in the frequency domain. This paper proposes a method for descreening scanned color halftone images using a custom band reject filter designed to isolate and remove only the frequencies related to halftoning while leaving image edges sharp without image segmentation or edge detection. To enable hardware acceleration, the image is processed in small overlapped windows. The windows are filtered individually in the frequency domain, then pieced back together in a method that does not show blocking artifacts

    Behaviour and stability of thermodilution signals in a closed extracorporeal circuit: a bench study.

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    Thermodilution is the gold standard for cardiac output measurement in critically ill patients. Its application in extracorporeal therapy is limited, as a portion of the thermal indicator is drawn into the extracorporeal circuit. The behaviour of thermodilution signals in extracorporeal circuits is unknown. We investigated thermodilution curves within a closed-circuit and assessed the impact of injection volume, flow and distance on the behaviour of the thermodilution signals and catheter constants. We injected 3, 5, 7 and 10 ml of thermal indicator into a heated closed circuit. Thermistors at distances of 40, 60, 80, and 100 cm from the injection port recorded the thermodilution signals (at flow settings of 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 L/min). Area under the curve (AUC), rise time, exponential decay and catheter constants were analysed. Linear mixed-effects models were used to evaluate the impact of circuit flow, distance and injection volume. Catheter positioning did not influence AUC (78 injections). Catheter constants were independent of flow, injection volume or distance to the injection port. The distance to the injection port increased peak temperature and rise time and decreased exponential time constant significantly. The distance to the injection port did not influence catheter constants, but the properties of the thermodilution signal itself. This may influence measurements that depend on the exponential decay of the thermodilution signal such as right ventricular ejection fraction

    AGN feedback and gas mixing in the core of NGC 4636

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    Chandra observations of NGC 4636 show disturbances in the galaxy X-ray halo, including arm-like high surface brightness features (tentatively identified as AGN driven shocks) and a possible cavity on the west side of the galaxy core. We present Chandra and XMM spectral maps of NGC 4636 which confirm the presence of the cavity and show it to be bounded by the arm features. The maps also reveal a ~15 kpc wide plume of low temperature, high abundance gas extending 25-30 kpc to the southwest of the galaxy. The cavity appears to be embedded in this plume, and we interpret the structure as being entrained gas drawn out of the galaxy core during previous episodes of AGN activity. The end of the plume is marked by a well defined edge, with significant falls in surface brightness, temperature and abundance, indicating a boundary between galaxy and group/cluster gas. This may be evidence that as well as preventing gas cooling through direct heating, AGN outbursts can produce significant gas mixing, disturbing the temperature structure of the halo and transporting metals out from the galaxy into the surrounding intra-group medium.Comment: 4 Pages, 2 colour figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. Version with high quality images at http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~ejos/files/N4636_hires.pd

    A detector module with highly efficient surface-alpha event rejection operated in CRESST-II Phase 2

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    The cryogenic dark matter experiment CRESST-II aims at the direct detection of WIMPs via elastic scattering off nuclei in scintillating CaWO4_4 crystals. We present a new, highly improved, detector design installed in the current run of CRESST-II Phase 2 with an efficient active rejection of surface-alpha backgrounds. Using CaWO4_4 sticks instead of metal clamps to hold the target crystal, a detector housing with fully-scintillating inner surface could be realized. The presented detector (TUM40) provides an excellent threshold of 0.60{\sim}\,0.60\,keV and a resolution of σ0.090\sigma\,{\approx}\,0.090 keV (at 2.60\,keV). With significantly reduced background levels, TUM40 sets stringent limits on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering cross section and probes a new region of parameter space for WIMP masses below 3\,GeV/c2^2. In this paper, we discuss the novel detector design and the surface-alpha event rejection in detail.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Radio Sources in Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei. I. VLA Detections of Compact, Flat-Spectrum Cores

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    We report a 0.2" resolution, 15 GHz survey of a sample of 48 low-luminosity active galactic nuclei with the Very Large Array. Compact radio emission has been detected in 57% (17 of 30) of LINERs and low-luminosity Seyferts, at least 15 of which have a flat to inverted radio spectrum (alpha > -0.3). The compact radio cores are found in both type 1 (i.e. with broad Halpha) and type 2 (without broad Halpha) nuclei. The 2 cm radio power is significantly correlated with the emission-line ([OI] lambda6300) luminosity. While the present observations are consistent with the radio emission originating in star-forming regions, higher resolution radio observations of 10 of the detected sources, reported in a companion paper (Falcke et al. 2000), show that the cores are very compact (= 10^8K) and probably synchrotron self-absorbed, ruling out a starburst origin. Thus, our results suggest that at least 50% of low-luminosity Seyferts and LINERs in the sample are accretion powered, with the radio emission presumably coming from jets or advection-dominated accretion flows. We have detected only 1 of 18 `transition' (i.e. LINER + HII) nuclei observed, indicating their radio cores are significantly weaker than those of `pure' LINERs.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, October 20, 200

    The Two-dimensional XMM-Newton Group Survey: z<0.012 groups

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    We present the results of the 2-dimensional XMM-Newton Group Survey (2dXGS), an archival study of nearby galaxy groups. In this paper we consider eleven nearby systems (z<0.012) in Mulchaey et al. (2003), which span a broad range in X-ray luminosity from 10^40 to 10^43 ergs/s. We measure the iron abundance and temperature distribution in these systems and derive pressure and entropy maps. We find statistically significant evidence for structure in the entropy and pressure of the gas component of seven groups on the 10-20% level. The XMM-Newton data for the three groups with best statistics also suggest patchy metalicity distributions within the central 20--50 kpc of the brightest group galaxy, probed with 2-10 kpc resolution. This provides insights into the processes associated with thermalization of the stellar mass loss. Analysis of the global properties of the groups reveals a subclass of X-ray faint groups, which are characterized by both higher entropy and lower pressure. We suggest that the merger history of the central elliptical is responsible for both the source and the observed thermodynamical properties of the hot gas of the X-ray faint groups.Comment: 18 pages, ApJ, 646, 143, 200

    Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy of Antiparallel β-Sheet Secondary Structure

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    We investigate the sensitivity of femtosecond Fourier transform two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy to protein secondary structure with a study of antiparallel β-sheets. The results show that 2D IR spectroscopy is more sensitive to structural differences between proteins than traditional infrared spectroscopy, providing an observable that allows comparison to quantitative models of protein vibrational spectroscopy. 2D IR correlation spectra of the amide I region of poly-L-lysine, concanavalin A, ribonuclease A, and lysozyme show cross-peaks between the IR-active transitions that are characteristic of amide I couplings for polypeptides in antiparallel hydrogen-bonding registry. For poly-L-lysine, the 2D IR spectrum contains the eight-peak structure expected for two dominant vibrations of an extended, ordered antiparallel β-sheet. In the proteins with antiparallel β-sheets, interference effects between the diagonal and cross-peaks arising from the sheets, combined with diagonally elongated resonances from additional amide transitions, lead to a characteristic “Z”-shaped pattern for the amide I region in the 2D IR spectrum. We discuss in detail how the number of strands in the sheet, the local configurational disorder in the sheet, the delocalization of the vibrational excitation, and the angle between transition dipole moments affect the position, splitting, amplitude, and line shape of the cross-peaks and diagonal peaks.

    The Latent Class Structure of ADHD is stable across informants

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    Previous studies have looked at the structure of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) using latent class analysis (LCA) of Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) symptom structure. These studies have identified distinct classes of children with inattentive, hyperactive, or combined subtypes and have used these classes to refine genetic analyses. The objective of the current report is to determine if the latent class structure of ADHD subtypes is consistent across informant using the Conners' Rating Scales (CRS). LCA was applied to CRS forms from mother, father, and teacher reports of 1837, 1329 and 1048 latency aged Dutch twins, respectively. The optimal solution for boys was a 5-class solution for mothers, a 3-class solution for fathers, and a 4-class solution for teachers. For girls, a 4-class solution for mothers and a 3-class for fathers and teachers was optimal. Children placed into a class by one informant had markedly increased odds ratio of being placed into the same or similar class by the other informants. Results from LCA using Dutch twins with the CRS show stability across informants suggesting that more stable phenotypes may be accessible for genotyping using a multi-informant approach

    Associations among the parent–adolescent relationship, aggression and delinquency in different ethnic groups: a replication across two Dutch samples

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    Background: The aim of the present study is to examine whether the patterns of association between the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship on the one hand, and aggression and delinquency on the other hand, are the same for boys and girls of Dutch and Moroccan origin living in the Netherlands. Since inconsistent results have been found previously, the present study tests the replicability of the model of associations in two different Dutch samples of adolescents. Method: Study 1 included 288 adolescents (M age = 14.9, range 12-17 years) all attending lower secondary education. Study 2 included 306 adolescents (M age = 13.2, range = 12-15 years) who were part of a larger community sample with oversampling of at risk adolescents. Results: Multigroup structural analyses showed that neither in Study 1 nor in Study 2 ethnic or gender differences were found in the patterns of associations between support, autonomy, disclosure, and negativity in the parent-adolescent relationship and aggression and delinquency. The patterns were largely similar for both studies. Mainly negative quality of the relationship in both studies was found to be strongly related to both aggression and delinquency. Discussion: Results show that family processes that affect adolescent development, show a large degree of universality across gender and ethnicity