65 research outputs found

    Long-term Inactive Data Retention through Tape Storage Technology

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    Increasingly the need to retain digital documents indefinitely for legal, administrative or historical purposes is simply leading to a ā€œsave everything foreverā€ approach. The authors argue that due to the technological reasons it is much easier to preserve large amount of documents in the electronic than in the paper form. Thus the selection procedures tend to be less restrictive than they used to be. Nevertheless, for most organizations it would be impossible to sustain this data growth forever. Archives, libraries, museums, institutions holding cultural heritage, as well as other companies and firms, are implementing solutions for creating digital archives, digital libraries, digital repositories and other types of storage systems aiming at long-term preservation of digital materials. Most of the data held in such systems are inactive for a long time, i.e. only a small set of data is frequently retrieved. Therefore, due to the specific needs of every organization, the storage planning process and the technology that is going to be used for storage and long-term preservation requires individual approach. The focus of this paper is on the retention of the long-term inactive data through tape storage technology. The authors will discuss current state of the art tape storage capabilities, and their advantages and disadvantages as a long-term storage and preservation solution

    Identificiranje relevantnih čimbenika primjene tehnologija za potrebe dinamičkog Carpoolinga

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    Development and overall application of numerous advanced technologies (and services) affects significantly the improvement and availability of information with the aim of connecting the users of the carpooling system by passenger cars. Dynamic carpooling supported by Information-Communication (ICTS) and Location-Navigation Technologies and Services (LNTS) represents the upgrade of the traditional and casual carpooling and the modern method of connecting the users. In order to realize a better connection of users, the paper analyzes the characteristics of key software applications that can improve carpooling functioning. A systemic approach (according to research phases) allows identification of relevant factors of applying the technology for the needs of dynamic carpooling. The survey method was used to determine the needs of carpooling users within the traffic environment (traffic network). The aim of the carried out research is to identify the relevant factors of applying the technologies in order to connect the carpooling users and the total development of dynamic carpooling. The contribution of the paper is reflected in determining the relevant factors of applying the technologies for the needs of carpooling development as alternative and sustainable transportation mode.Razvoj i sveopća primjena brojnih suvremenih tehnologija (i usluga) znatno utječe na unaprjeđenje i dostupnost informacija u cilju povezivanja korisnika sustava zajedničkih vožnji osobnim vozilima (carpooling). Dinamički carpooling podržan informacijsko-komunikacijskim (ICTS) i lokacijsko-navigacijskim tehnologijama i uslugama (LNTS) predstavlja nadogradnju tradicionalnog i povremenog carpoolinga te suvremeni način povezivanja korisnika. U cilju kvalitetnijeg povezivanja korisnika u radu se analiziraju karakteristike ključnih programskih aplikacija koje mogu poboljÅ”ati funkcioniranje carpoolinga. Sustavnim pristupom (prema fazama istraživanja) omogućava se prepoznavanje relevantnih čimbenika primjene tehnologija za potrebe dinamičkog carpoolinga. Metodom anketiranja utvrđuju se potrebe korisnika carpoolinga unutar prometnog okruženja (prometne mreže). Cilj provedenog istraživanja je identificiranje relevantnih čimbenika primjene tehnologija za potrebe povezivanja korisnika carpoolinga i ukupnog razvoja dinamičkog carpoolinga. Doprinos članka ogleda se u utvrđivanju relevantnih čimbenika primjene tehnologija za potrebe razvoja carpoolinga kao alternativnog i održivog načina prijevoza

    Reproduktivna efikasnost visoko-mlečnih krava posle telenja

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    The aim of this work was to determine incidence of calving and postcalving reproduction disorders and their effect on the major parameters of cows reproductive efficiency at dairy farm in the R. Serbia. Total number of 1835 high-milking dairy cows (av. milk production >8500L/305d of lactation) records has been reviewed during one year period, at the large dairy farm in area of Vojvodina (R. Serbia). Normal calving and puerperal period without health problems was observed at 583 cows (27,6%), while different abnormalities during and after calving were recorded in 1252 cows (72,4%). The highest percentages of registered peripartal disorders were dystocia and endometritis (62% and 64%, respectively), affecting almost the same percentage of cows. Peripartal disorders had statistically significant influence (P lt 0.05) on the increase of number of services/conception (3,5 vs. 2,7, reproductive disorders vs. healthy cows, respectively), prolongation of the interval from first postpartal insemination till conception (110 vs. 57 days, reproductive disorders vs. healthy cows, respectively), and increase of days open period (214 vs. 146 days, reproductive disorders vs. healthy cows, respectively). This results have confirmed increased incidence of reproduction disorders during calving and postcalving period that significantly reduces reproductive efficiency in high milking dairy cows after parturition.Istraživanja u mnogim zemljama, tokom poslednjih decenija, pokazuju permanentan pad reproduktivne efikasnosti krava visoke mlečnosti. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi da li i u kojoj meri, peripartalni poremećaji imaju uticaja na osnovne parametre reproduktivne efikasnosti krava u naÅ”im proizvodnim uslovima. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 1835 krava, tokom jedne godine, na jednoj velikoj farmi sa visokom proizvodnjom mleka (prosečna proizvodnja >8500L/305 dana laktacije) u regionu Vojvodine (Republika Srbija). Od ukupnog broja ispitivanih krava, telenje je proÅ”lo bez poremećaja kod 583 krave (27,6%), a različiti poremećaji tokom i posle telenja su ustanovljeni kod 1.252 krave (72,4%). NajčeŔće ustanovljeni peripartalni poremećaji kod visoko mlečnih krava su teÅ”ko teljenje (62%) i endometritis (64%). Peripartalni poremećaji imaju statistički značajan uticaj (P lt 0,05) na povećanje indeksa osemenjavanja (3,5 prema 2,7), produženje intervala od prvog do fertilnog osemenjavanja (57 prema 110 dana), kao i na produženje trajanja servis perioda (146 prema 214 dana), u poređenju sa kravama bez poremećaja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da na farmama visoko mlečnih krava poviÅ”ena učestalost peripartalnih reproduktivnih poremećaja koji značajno utiču na smanjenje reproduktivne efikasnosti krava nakon partusa

    Steganographic Integration of the Data Collected on the Traffic Road

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    The surveillance system video structure represents a suitable medium for steganographic integration of the collected data about the condition of the road and its environment. The surveillance video retains the function of visual presentation of the condition on the road, and the integrated textual data are a component of the video recording structure. The analysis of the steganographically processed video frames indicates the impact on the integrated textual data, the video quality and the impact of manipulation of data on the integrated data. The work uses steganographic algorithm F5 for integration of various amounts of compressed textual files into image recordings recorded under various conditions. In order to prove that integrated and extracted data have identical content, cryptographic and polynomial functions have been used. For the calculations of statistical properties of the values of red, green, blue and intensity component the model was used formed in the MATLAB / Simulink applications

    Fertilitet krmača posle intracervikalnog ili intrauterinog osemenjavanja različitim brojem spermatozoida u dozama redukovanog volumena

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    Modern intensive pig production demands an increasing number of insemination doses per ejaculate of genetically superior boars. In order to achieve such a result the possibility of producing insemination doses in both reduced volume and spermatozoa count without decreasing the fertility of sows is studied. In this trial we studied the effect of insemination with reduced volumes of semen (50 mL) and varied spermatozoa count (4, 2 or 1x109). Insemination was performed by the classical (intracervical) or by the new (intrauterine) techniques and the basic fertility parameters (farrowing % and litter size) were measured. The farrowing value decreased with decreasing spermatozoa numbers after intracervical and intrauterine insemination. However, the farrowing value, regardless of spermatozoa numbers, was significantly higher after intrauterine insemination (83.3%, 76.7%, 66.7%) compared to the classical intracervical insemination (73.3%, 66.7% and 50%). Litters size did not vary significantly depending on the applied insemination procedure or spermatozoa number. These results indicate that application of the new intrauterine insemination procedure enables the use of doses with a smaller volume and spermatozoa number, at the same time obtaining a satisfactory farrowing and litter size. This opens the possibility of obtaining a significantly higher number of doses per ejaculate when compared to the classical intracervical insemination procedure. In such a way can be increased significantly the degree of reproductive exploitation of genetically superior boars.Savremena intenzivna proizvodnja svinja zahteva dobijanje Å”to većeg broja inseminacionih doza po ejakulatu genetski superiornih nerastova. Radi realizacije ovog cilja, istražuju se mogućnosti pravljenja inseminacionih doza redukovanog volumena i broja spermatozoida, ali da inseminacija ovakvim dozama ne rezultuje smanjenim fertilitetom krmača. U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj osemenjavanja dozama duplo redukovanog volumena (50 ml) i različitog broja spermatozoida u dozi (4, 2 ili 1x109), posle klasične (intracervikalne) i nove (intrauterine) tehnologije osemenjavanja, na osnovne parametre fertiliteta krmača (% praÅ”enja i veličina legla). Vrednost praÅ”enja je opadala sa smanjenjem broja spermatozoida u dozi, kako posle intracervikalnog, tako i posle intratuterinog osemenjavanja. Međutim, vrednost praÅ”enja je, bez obzira na broj spermatozoida u dozi, bila znatno veća posle intrauterinog (83,3%, 76,7% i 66,7%) u odnosu na klasično intracervikalno osemenjavanje (73,3%, 66,7% i 50%). Veličina legla nije značajno varirala u zavisnosti od primenjene metode osemenjavanja ili broja spermatozoida u dozi. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da je, primenom nove tehnologije intrauterinog osemenjavanja, moguće koristiti doze znatno redukovanog volumena i broja spermatozoida, a da se, pri tome, postignu zadovoljavajuće vrednosti praÅ”enja i veličine legla. Ovo stvara mogućnost dobijanja značajno većeg broja doza po ejakulatu, u odnosu na klasičnu tehnologiju intracervikalnog osemenjavanja. Time se može značajno povećati stepen reproduktivne eksploatacije genetski superiornih nerastova


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    In this paper a new method for design of the first order differentiator is presented. The proposed differentiator consists of two parallel branches, i.e. direct path and IIR all-pass filter. The described design method allows one to obtain solution with minimum mean relative error at the desired region by controlling the ratio of phase response extremes. A small relative magnitude error, as well as a low phase error, at low frequencies is condition for good time domain behaviour. The obtained differentiator can be realized by means of only two multipliers, hence being a good choice for real time applications. The proposed solution provides a lower magnitude error than several known differentiators with similar phase error

    Prevalencija i stupanj infestacije gljivica kod upale vanjskog uŔnog kanala u pasa

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    Otitis externa is a persistent and recurrent problem, and the resistance of the involved pathogens to conventional drugs has made this a serious issue in veterinary medicine. This is an inflammation of the external ear canal in dogs that can be caused by bacteria or yeast. Often, these two causative agents are isolated together in combination. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of yeast and the degree of infestation of the isolated pathogens in canine otitis externa at veterinary clinics for small pets at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Samples were taken from 60 dogs with clinical symptoms of otitis externa using a sterile swab and sent to laboratory for further mycological and bacteriological examination. In order to isolate the bacteria and yeast, conventional methods were used under aerobic conditions. Of the total samples, 53 (88.33%) were positive for at least one of the causative agents of otitis externa. Yeasts were isolated from 36 (52.94%) samples. The study showed that in comparing mixed and independent types of infection, in most cases 15/23 (65.22%) the degree of infestation with yeast was highest when the infection was mixed with bacteria. In relation to dog breeds, their ear forms and type of infection, more yeast samples (either as solo or mixed infection) were isolated from dogs with pendulous ears. It has been confirmed that Malassezia pachydermatis is the most common yeast pathogen of otitis externa in dogs, compared to other species of this genus, and it occurs in a higher degree of infestation in mixed infections than in solo infections. Dog breeds with pendulous ear form are more predisposed to yeast otitis externa than erect eared dog breeds.Kao perzistentan i rekurentan problem, zbog prisustva rezistencije patogenih uzročnika na konvencionalne lijekove upala vanjskog uÅ”nog kanala predstavlja ozbiljan problem u veterinarskoj medicini. Upala vanjskog uÅ”nog kanala u pasa može biti prouzročena bakterijama i gljivicama. Ova se dva uzročnika često mogu izolirati zajedno, u kombinaciji. Predmet je ovog istraživanja bio utvrđivanje prevalencije gljivica i stupnja infestacije izoliranih patogena kod upale vanjskog uÅ”nog kanala u pasa u Veterinarskoj klinici za male životinje Departmana za veterinarsku medicinu u Novom Sadu, Srbija. Uzorci su uzeti od 60 pasa s kliničkim simptomima upale vanjskog uÅ”nog kanala pomoću sterilnog brisa, a poslani su u Laboratorij na daljnje mikoloÅ”ko i bakterioloÅ”ko ispitivanje. Da bi se izolirale bakterije i gljivice, uporabljene su konvencionalne metode u aerobnim uvjetima. Od ukupnog broja uzoraka, 53 (88,33 %) su bila pozitivna na prisustvo najmanje jednog od uzročnika upale vanjskog uÅ”nog kanala. Gljivice su izolirane iz ukupno 36 (52,94 %) uzoraka. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je u slučaju usporedbe između mijeÅ”anih i samostalnih tipova infekcije u najvećem broju slučajeva 15/23 (65,22 %) stupanj infestacije gljivicama bio najviÅ”i kada je infekcija bila pomijeÅ”ana s bakterijama. U odnosu na pasmine pasa, njihove tipove uÅ”iju i vrstu infekcije, utvrđeno je da je viÅ”e uzoraka s gljivicama bilo kao samostalna ili mijeÅ”ana infekcija izolirano u pasa s visecĢim uÅ”ima. Potvrđeno je da je Malassezia pachydermatis najčeÅ”cĢi gljivični patogen upale vanjskog uÅ”nog kanala pasa, u usporedbi s drugim vrstama ovoga roda. Kod mjeÅ”ovite infekcije javlja se u vecĢem stupnju infestacije nego kod samostalne infekcije. Pasmine pasa s visecĢim uÅ”ima su sklonije nastanku upale vanjskog uÅ”nog kanala prouzročene gljivicama nego pasmine pasa s uspravnim uÅ”ima

    The influence of breed and age on appearing of pyometra in bitches

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    Pyometra (chronic purulent inflammation of the uterus) is a frequent reproductive disorder in sexually mature bitches that usually occurs between the 4th week and the 4th month following estrus when the animal is not pregnant. The objective of this investigation was to examine the influence of the breed of bitch on the age when pyometra is diagnozed, and in the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The average age of 321 examined bitches with diagnozed pyometra was 8.4 years. A statistically significant (Pā‰¤0.05) difference was established in the average age of bitches of big breeds (7.3 years) in comparison with the age of bitches of small breeds, at the time of pyometra occurrence (9.8 years). Bitches of mixed breeds were aged 8.8 years on the average when they were diagnozed with pyometra. Pyometra was diagnozed at the age between 7 and 9 years in 52% of the examined bitches of big breeds, while 51% bitches of small breeds were diagnozed with pyometra when they were considerably older (ā‰„10 years). On the grounds of the results of these investigations, it can be concluded that the risk of pyometra occurring increases significantly after 5 years of age, but that breed has a significant effect on the age at which pyometra occurs in bitches

    Integration of Transport-relevant Data within Image Record of the Surveillance System

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    Integration of the collected information on the road within the image recorded by the surveillance system forms a unified source of transport-relevant data about the supervised situation. The basic assumption is that the procedure of integration changes the image to the extent that is invisible to the human eye, and the integrated data keep identical content. This assumption has been proven by studying the statistical properties of the image and integrated data using mathematical model modelled in the programming language Python using the combinations of the functions of additional libraries (OpenCV, NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib). The model has been used to compare the input methods of meta-data and methods of steganographic integration by correcting the coefficients of Discrete Cosine Transform JPEG compressed image. For the procedures of steganographic data processing the steganographic algorithm F5 was used. The review paper analyses the advantages and drawbacks of the integration methods and present the examples of situations in traffic in which the formed unified sources of transport-relevant information could be used.</p

    The influence of different molecular weight seminal plasma protein content on some fertility parameters in boar s ejaculates

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different percentage of seminal plasma proteins with different molecular weight on sperm motility and fertility parameters (farrowing rate (FR), number of live-born pigs (PBA) per litter and percentage of unsuccessful insemination). A total of 50 sperm-rich ejaculate fractions were collected (one per boar) using the gloved hand method. The quality parameters of the semen samples were first evaluated at the farm. Further assessment of sperm quality was performed on a CASA - computer assisted semen analysis by two competent operators. Seminal plasma protein fractions were obtained by AOAC -Association of Official Analytical Chemists as a chemical method. The assessment of reproductive performance was carried out based on collected data of three parameters in selected 9696 sows: FR, PBA per litter and percentage of unsuccessful insemination. Protein fractions were divided in to three groups (10 - 20kDa, 21 - 30kDa and 31-40kDa) Proteins with 10 - 20kDa did not have significant effect and correlation with analyzed parameters. Significant differences were recorded in farrowing rate between samples with up to 80 % compared to samples with 10% of proteins with 21 - 30kDa. Significant differences were recorded in unsuccessful insemination between samples with different percentage of proteins with 31 - 40kDa. Results of this study have shown the effect of different percentage of certain fraction of seminal plasma proteins on boar ejaculates fertility potential
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