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    The Strymon basin is one of the most important sedimentary basins in Northern Greece where significant geothermal fields are located. The SW part of the Strymon basin manifests geothermal interest. Available geophysical data (seismic, gravity, magnetic and electrical data) contributed to the identification of major faults that control the fluid-flow paths of the geothermal field and the estimation of depth to the metamorphic basement. The former is of great importance because the geothermal aquifer is expected to be at the contact of the basal conglomerate with the metamorphic basement. The highest thermal gradient values (10-15o C/100 m) were observed in the western part of the study area near the known geothermal field of Therma – Nigrita. Other important geothermal anomalies (>6o C/100 m) occur in the Patriki area, north of the village of Ivira and in the area between the villages of Patriki and Achinos. Geothermal interest manifests itself in the following areas: north of Mavrothalassa (>4o C/100 m), southwest of Ivira and east of Agios Dimitrios. It appears furthermore that the main thermal anomaly is associated with two NW-SE fault systems that affect the basement in the areas of Patriki and north of Achinos - Ivira correspondingly. These faults have been detected by the use of geophysical surveys. The presence of NE-SW faults extends the anomaly southwestwards


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    [EN] Cultural Heritage Information Management Systems (CHIMS) have been developed in order to achieve the georeference of the items in the Cultural Heritage database. Eleutherna in Crete is one of the most significant archaeological sites in Greece, with. many buildings constructed and destroyed during its long life. Hence, it is easily understandable that this vast archaeological site is complicated and difficult to understand, even by experts. In this paper the development of a Cultural Heritage Management System, called ARCHAEOsystem, is described and analyzed. The system has as geographic base a recent orthophoto of the area and for its design several parameters were taken into account. The conceptual design of the data base with the Entity-Relational (E-R) model preceded the development of this object oriented system. This E-R model is described and evaluated for its operability. After the initial experimental operation of the system, eventual practical problems will be identified and confronted. Finally, presentation of future prospects is being attempted and eventual uses of such a system are proposed.Tapinaki, SI.; Georgopoulos, A.; Ioannidis, C.; Frentzos, E.; Stampolidis, N.; Maragoudakis, N. (2016). DEVELOPMENT OF A GEOREFERENCED ARCHAEOLOGICAL INFORMATION DATA BASE FOR ELEUTHERNA IN CRETE. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 333-336. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.3558OCS33333

    The structure of the ophiolitic beltin Albania inferred from geomagnetic anomalies

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    The ground magnetic measurements in Albania were used for the compilation of the Total Magnetic Field (TMF) anomaly map of Albania. The magnetic data were processed and interpreted in order to study the structure of the ophiolitic belts of Albania. The ophiolites of Albania are placed at the Mirdita zone and are divided into two parallel alignments which are called the eastern and western ophiolitic belts. They are associated with strong potential field anomalies and their characteristics are considered crucial for a better understanding of the tectonic settings of Albania. The ground TMF data used in this study were acquired over various campaigns (1990-1994) and cover most of Albania's territory. The data were compiled to a map after reduction to the epoch 1990.4. The strongest magnetic anomalies in Albania appear along the known ophiolitic belts which trend NE-SW to the north and NW-SE to the south. Several processing steps were applied to the unified and gridded data in order to obtain information on the distribution of the magnetic sources. The magnetic sources were subsequently modeled using a 2.5D inversion technique. The magnetic properties of the ophiolites determined from laboratory measurements on rock samples, while their lateral extent was calculated from the processing of the magnetic data and used as constraints to the inversion procedure. The bottom of the ophiolitic belts is considered to be predominated by harzburgites. They exhibit lower magnetization than other rocks of the complex, i.e. gabbros, basalt. In fact gabbros are associated with the observed high frequency magnetic anomalies. The modeling results indicate that the thickness of the ophiolites is reduced from east to west. The eastern ophiolitic belt has a maximum thickness of approximately 12 km at its northern section (Kukesi and Lura massifs). The magnetic sources appear with relatively small thickness at the western ophiolitic belt. Boundaries of the eastern ophiolites are characterized by vertical contacts


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    Quality of life in burn patients. Using Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief in Greek burned patients

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    The Burn Specific Health Scale (BSHS) is the only condition-specific measure of health status currently in use for the burn injury population. Aim: The aim of this study was to translate and culturally adapt the BSHS-B into Greek, and to present the preliminary results of this validation project, assessing the internal consistency and construct validity.Methods: The specific instrument (BSHS-B) was translated from the Swedish original version into Greek language. The survey that was conducted involved a sample of hundred and five (105) burn patients. Instruments:•The BSHS-Brief •The Short Form of Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36) Results Internal consistency was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha value. High level (0,91)of internal consistency was observed for the total instrument.Regarding criterion validity, several statistically significant correlations were found between scales of the BSHS-B and scales of SF-36. Finding several statistically significant correlations suggest good criterion validity for the BSHS-B. Construction validity was investigated by analysis of factors, applying the orthogonal rotation. The 9 subscales that emerged interpret the 74% of the variability of the BSHS-B, rate which is highly satisfactory. In conclusion, the proposed Greek version of the BSHS-B demonstrates adequate reliability and validity.Η Ειδική Κλίμακα Υγείας στην Εγκαυματική Νόσο (BSHS) αποτελεί ειδικό εργαλείο μέτρησης κατάστασης υγείας σε ασθενείς με εγκαυματικό τραύμα.Ο σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης, ήταν να μεταφράσει στα ελληνικά και να προσαρμόσει πολιτισμικά τη σύντομη έκδοση της Ειδικής Κλίμακας Υγείας στην Εγκαυματική Νόσο, να την επικυρώσει, να αξιολογήσει την εσωτερική συνοχή και τη δομική της εγκυρότητα.Μέθοδος: Η Ειδική Κλίμακα Υγείας στην Εγκαυματική Νόσο μεταφράστηκε στα ελληνικά. Ακολούθως διεξήχθη έρευνα σε δείγμα 105 εγκαυματιών ασθενών. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν• Η σύντομη έκδοση της Ειδικής Κλίμακας Υγείας στην Εγκαυματική Νόσο (BSHS-Β), και• Η συνοπτική μορφή του Ερωτηματολόγιου Επισκόπησης Υγείας (SF 36). Αποτελέσματα:Ο συντελεστής εσωτερικής συνέπειας Cronbach's alpha για την ειδική κλίμακα υγείας στην εγκαυματική νόσο (BSHS-B) ήταν 0,91 γεγονός που δηλώνει εξαιρετική εσωτερική συνέπεια.Αναφορικά με την εγκυρότητα κριτηρίου, βρέθηκαν αρκετές στατιστικά σημαντικές συσχετίσεις ανάμεσα στις κλίμακες της ειδικής κλίμακας υγείας στην εγκαυματική νόσο και στις κλίμακες του SF-36. Η εύρεση αρκετών στατιστικά σημαντικών συσχετίσεων υποδηλώνει ικανοποιητική εγκυρότητα κριτηρίου.Η εγκυρότητα κατασκευής διερευνήθηκε με την ανάλυση παραγόντων, εφαρμόζοντας την ορθογώνια περιστροφή. Οι 9 επιμέρους κλίμακες που προέκυψαν ερμηνεύουν το 74% της μεταβλητότητας της ειδικής κλίμακας υγείας στην εγκαυματική νόσο, ποσοστό που κρίνεται εξαιρετικά ικανοποιητικό. Συμπερασματικά, η προτεινόμενη ελληνική έκδοση της Ειδικής Κλίμακας Υγείας στην Εγκαυματική Νόσο BSHS-B επιδεικνύει αξιοπιστία και επαρκή δομική εγκυρότητα