78 research outputs found

    Årstaparkens framtid

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    Denna studie berör förtĂ€tning av ett redan bebyggt omrĂ„de i Uppsala och hur förtĂ€tning pĂ„verkar förhĂ„llandet till befintliga grönomrĂ„den. Befolkningsprognoserna för Uppsala kommun tyder pĂ„ en tillvĂ€xt med drygt 2000 invĂ„nare per Ă„r fram till 2030. Med den tillvĂ€xten krĂ€vs fler bostĂ€der inom staden. Sedan 1990-talet har stadsplaneringen gradvis genomgĂ„tt en förĂ€ndring. I stĂ€llet för att som förr frĂ€mst exploateras i periferin, vĂ€xer och planeras numera staden Ă€ven inĂ„t genom förtĂ€tning. För att klara miljömĂ„l och integrera stadsdelar med varandra, blir staden tĂ€tare genom bebyggelse och infrastrukturer. Det stĂ€ller nya krav pĂ„ dagens parker och grönstrukturer. I östra Uppsala planeras ett nytt bostadsomrĂ„de, Östra Sala backe, för drygt 5000 nya invĂ„nare. OmrĂ„det Ă€r belĂ€get pĂ„ ett gammalt kraftledningsstrĂ„k mellan tvĂ„ befintliga stadsdelar, ett av dem Ă€r byggt under 1950- talet medan det andra byggdes under miljonprogrammets tid. Årsta, miljonprogrammets omrĂ„de, har en stor stadsdelspark som Ă€r tĂ€nkt att förankras med det nyplanerade omrĂ„det. Den hĂ€r studien fokuserar pĂ„ kopplingen mellan det nya omrĂ„det och parken. Ökar tillgĂ€ngligheten till parken med förtĂ€tning av bebyggelse och gatunĂ€t? Platsen har inventerats med hjĂ€lp av Jan Gehls och Kevin Lynchs analysmetoder som bygger pĂ„ mĂ€nniskors rörelse och aktivitet samt visuella element som befolkningen förhĂ„ller sig till. Resultatet tyder pĂ„ att parkens entrĂ©er och dagliga mĂ„lpunkter Ă€r viktiga aspekter. Studien presenteras i kartor och text.This study concerns the densification of an already built-up area and how the densification affects the connection to the existing green areas. Population forecast for the City of Uppsala is indicating a growth of over 2000 people a year by 2030. The growing population requires more housing in the city. Since the 1990s, the cities increase in density. In order to meet environmental objectives and integrate neighborhoods with each other, the city becomes denser through new buildings and infrastructure. This places new demands on today's parks and green structures. In eastern Uppsala, a new residential area, Östra Sala backe, is being planned for more than 5000 new residents. The planned area will be located on an abandoned strip of land, previously used for power lines, between two existing districts. One of them is built in the 1950s, while the other was built during the 1960s regeneration epoch. Årsta, which was built in the 60s, has a large district park that is supposed to be connected to the planned area, Östra Sala backe. This study focuses on the relationship between the new area and the existing park. Can accessibility to the park be increased by densification of buildings and street layout? The location has been analyzed by using the methods of Jan Gehl and Kevin Lynch, focused on human movement patterns and activities as well as visual elements that people relate to. The results indicate that the park's entrances and daily target points are important aspects. I present the results by maps and text

    BestÀmning av optimal skördetidpunkt och lagringspotential för Àpple med DA-meter

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    För att kunna tillgodose marknadens och konsumenternas krav pĂ„ högkvalitativ frukt krĂ€vs en lĂ„ngsiktig strategi för hantering av frukt vid och efter skörd. DĂ€rför har en ny metod tagits fram som pĂ„ ett exakt och icke-destruktivt sĂ€tt bestĂ€mmer optimal skördetidpunkt och lagringsduglighet. Syftet med detta arbete var att utvĂ€rdera anvĂ€ndningen av det icke-destruktiva, praktiska och korrekta instrumentet, DA-mĂ€tare. Försöket utfördes pĂ„ Ă€pplesorterna ’Aroma’ och ’Discovery’. Flera mognadsindex bedömdes för att avgöra mognadsgraden för Ă€pple (Streif index, fasthet, stĂ€rkelsenedbrytning, total löslig torrsubstans och respirationshastighet). Den portabla spektrometern, DA-meter (klorofyll absorbans index (IAD)), kontrollerar fruktmognaden genom att mĂ€ta klorofyllnedbrytning (skillnaden i absorbans mellan 670 och 720 nm) under skalet. DA-mĂ€taren utvĂ€rderades för att kunna ersĂ€tta dessa mognadsindex med en mer praktisk och icke-destruktiv metod. Resultaten visar att det finns korrelationer mellan alla de destruktiva metoder som anvĂ€nts i försöket och plockningstiderna (mognadsgrad). De destruktiva index som visar en tydlig korrelation med plockningstiden har Ă€ven tydlig korrelation med respirationshastigheten och kan dĂ€rmed anvĂ€ndas som lĂ€mpliga mognadsindex. Dessa index Ă€r stĂ€rkelsenedbrytning och fasthet för ’Discovery’, samt total löslig torr substans och Streif index för ’Aroma’. IAD-vĂ€rdet visade en mycket stark negativ korrelation med plockningstiden och med respirationshastigheten för bĂ„da Ă€pplesorterna. DĂ€rför kan IAD-vĂ€rdet anvĂ€ndas som ett index för att bestĂ€mma den optimala skördetidpunkten. Eftersom resultaten visade mycket stark korrelation mellan destruktiva mognadsindex och IAD-vĂ€rdet, kan dessa destruktiva metoder ersĂ€ttas med DA-mĂ€tare för mer exakt bestĂ€mning av mognadsgrad. Lagringspotentialen för de tvĂ„ Ă€pplesorterna kan bedömdas med hjĂ€lp av IAD. Denna studie visar att ’Discovery’ bör skördas inom intervallen IAD 1,0 - 1,5 och lagras under maximum 11 veckor, för att fĂ„ sĂ„ bra lagringspotential som möjligt. Medan ’Aroma’ bör skördas vid ett IAD- vĂ€rde mellan 1,6 - 1,9 och lagras under 12 veckor.To meet market and consumer demand for high quality fruit a long-term strategy for how to handle fruit during and after harvest is required. Therefore, a new method has been developed that accurately and non-destructively determine the optimal harvest date and storability. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the use of the non-destructive, practical and accurate instrument DA-meter. The trial was performed on apple varieties 'Aroma' and 'Discovery'. Several maturation indices were assessed to determine the level of maturity of apple (Streif index, firmness, starch degradation, total soluble solids and respiration rate). The portable spectrometer, DA-meter (chlorophyll absorbance Index (IAD)), were evaluated to replace these methods with a more practical and non-destructive method. The results showed close correlations between all the destructive methods used in this study and picking times. The destructive indices which showed clear correlations with picking times as well as with respiration rate should be used as optimal maturity index. These destructive indices were starch degradation and firmness for ‘Discovery’ and Streif Index and total soluble solids for ‘Aroma’. IAD value showed strong correlation with picking time and respiration rate at harvest. Therefore, different destructive maturity indices can be replaced with DA-meter to determine the optimal harvest time for either cultivars. The storage potential of the two apple cultivars could be assessed using IAD values. This study showed that 'Discovery' should be harvested in the ranges of 1.0 - 1.5 IAD and stored for maximum 11 weeks in air, to get as good storage potential as possible, while 'Aroma' should be harvested at IAD value between 1.6 and 1.9 and stored for 12 weeks in air

    Stadsliv vid vatten

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    Stockholm Ă€r en stad vid vattnet och strandkanterna Ă€r betydande för stadens identitet. Sedan bilismens expansion i Stockholm har strandkanterna förĂ€ndrats till trafikleder och parkeringsplatser som fragmenterar staden. Trafiken har bidragit till att innerstadens strandkanter Ă€r svĂ„rtillgĂ€ngliga och att det offentliga rummet vid vattnet saknar ett varierat stadsliv. Stadens lĂ„nga strandpromenader har blivit osammanhĂ€ngande och svĂ„rorienterade intill anslutande trafiknoder. Samtidigt ökar Stockholms stads folkmĂ€ngd kraftigt, enligt prognoserna passerar befolkningsmĂ€ngden en miljon invĂ„nare innan Ă„r 2020. Det stĂ€ller krav pĂ„ att fler bostĂ€der byggs, nya bostadsmiljöer som förvĂ€ntas att anlĂ€ggas pĂ„ eller i anslutning till grönomrĂ„den eller andra offentliga rum i staden. Syftet Ă€r att ta reda pĂ„ hur staden kan utveckla fler offentliga rum samtidig som fler bostĂ€der vĂ€ntas byggas. Arbetet utgĂ„r och behandlar Ă€ven sociala vĂ€rden som tillgĂ€nglighet och en förbĂ€ttrad utveckling av stadsliv och levande strandkanter, fokus ligger pĂ„ fotgĂ€ngare och cyklister. Arbetet Ă€r ett gestaltningsförslag pĂ„ hur Stockholm kan utveckla strandkanterna till sammanhĂ€ngande, tillgĂ€ngliga och attraktiva stadsmiljöer som erbjuder ett varierat stadsliv vid vattnet. Förslaget bemöter befolkningsökningen i staden samtidigt som fler offentliga stadsrum möjliggörs vid strandkanterna. Platsen för gestaltningsförslaget Ă€r kajpromenaden lĂ€ngs Söder MĂ€larstrand som Ă€r ett centralt belĂ€get kajomrĂ„de. Söder MĂ€larstrands Ă€r intressant och representativt eftersom dess karaktĂ€r relaterar till andra kajer i Stockholms innerstad, strandkanter som prĂ€glas av trafikleder och parkeringar idag. Inventering- och analysarbetet utgick frĂ„n egna upplevelser och observationer pĂ„ platsen, litteratur, kommunala och nationella styrdokument samt ett undersökande skissarbete. Resultatet av analysdelen blev en vision med programpunkter till gestaltningsförslaget. Punkterna berör utveckling och omfördelning av trafik, nya boendeformer, noder och mĂ„lpunkter som frĂ€mjar ett varierat stadsliv, samt nĂ€rhet till och en ökad upplevelse av stadsgrönska. Förslaget visar att med relativt smĂ„ medel kan en omfördelning av ytor och funktioner pĂ„ kajerna skapa attraktiva stadsrum med levande stadsliv, samtidigt som fler boendemiljöer möjliggörs. Förslaget visar Ă€ven alternativa boendeformer pĂ„ vattnet och i anslutning till vattnet. Stockholms expansion krĂ€ver en utveckling dĂ€r nya boendeformer tillĂ„ts, samt att en dynamisk förĂ€ndring av staden gör att olika funktioner som exempelvis bilismen korrigeras och ger plats Ă„t andra funktioner som samtiden krĂ€ver.Stockholm is a city by the water and its shorelines and the proximity to the water are significant characteristics for the city's identity, The expanding motor vehicle traffic in Stockholm has changed the waterfronts; ports and wharves have been transformed into motor ways and parking lots, contributing to a fragmentation of the city. The traffic situation has changed the waterfronts in the city to inaccessible places and the public spaces near the water lack a diverse urban life. Stockholm is lacking walkways along the waterfronts that connect different parts of the city, which makes it hard to access and find the way along the waterfronts. The population of Stockholm increases rapidly; the population is expected to exceed one million inhabitants before year 2020. This population increase requires that more housing is being built, and new residential areas are being planned on areas currently used either as parks, communal areas or other public spaces. This project is a proposal for how Stockholm can develop to meet the population increase and simultaneously increase public spaces and access to the city’s waterfronts. The project is also treating social values such as accessibility and improved development towards a vibrant city life, with the main focus on pedestrians and cyclists. This design proposal offers ideas on how Stockholm can develop its waterfronts into connected, accessible and attractive urban environments that offer a diverse urban life near the water. The project responds to the increasing population in Stockholm, and is proposing ideas on how to make space available along the shorelines. The location for the proposed design is the waterfront along Söder MĂ€larstrand, located on the north side of Södermalm next to RiddarfjĂ€rden. Söder MĂ€larstrand is an interesting and representative area, as its character is similar to other waterfronts in central Stockholm, which are presently dominated by trafficked roads and parking lots. The inventory and analysis were based on personal experiences and observations on the site, literature, municipal and national policy documents. The literature studies and the analysis are together shaping a program of guidelines used to structure the design proposal. The research is focusing on development and reallocation of traffic, new forms of housing, improvements towards a diverse city life, and increased accessibility to and use of parks and green spaces. The proposal shows that through a reallocation of space along the waterfronts and a remaking of previous structures and patterns, new possibilities open up to generate attractive urban spaces with a vibrant urban life, and simultaneously create more residential environments. The proposal is also suggesting alternative housing on the water and in connection to the water. The expansion of Stockholm requires a vision where new forms of housing are developed, a rethinking of the functions of the city such as car traffic, and a relocation of space to allow for a sustainable future

    Identification of proteins involved in neural progenitor cell targeting of gliomas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glioblastoma are highly aggressive tumors with an average survival time of 12 months with currently available treatment. We have previously shown that specific embryonic neural progenitor cells (NPC) have the potential to target glioma growth in the CNS of rats. The neural progenitor cell treatment can cure approximately 40% of the animals with malignant gliomas with no trace of a tumor burden 6 months after finishing the experiment. Furthermore, the NPCs have been shown to respond to signals from the tumor environment resulting in specific migration towards the tumor. Based on these results we wanted to investigate what factors could influence the growth and progression of gliomas in our rodent model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using microarrays we screened for candidate genes involved in the functional mechanism of tumor inhibition by comparing glioma cell lines to neural progenitor cells with or without anti-tumor activity. The expression of candidate genes was confirmed at RNA level by quantitative RT-PCR and at the protein level by Western blots and immunocytochemistry. Moreover, we have developed <it>in vitro </it>assays to mimic the antitumor effect seen <it>in vivo</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified several targets involved in glioma growth and migration, specifically CXCL1, CD81, TPT1, Gas6 and AXL proteins. We further showed that follistatin secretion from the NPC has the potential to decrease tumor proliferation. <it>In vitro </it>co-cultures of NPC and tumor cells resulted in the inhibition of tumor growth. The addition of antibodies against proteins selected by gene and protein expression analysis either increased or decreased the proliferation rate of the glioma cell lines <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that these identified factors might be useful starting points for performing future experiments directed towards a potential therapy against malignant gliomas.</p

    Classroom conversations where everyone can be heard : A study on deliberative conversations in the classroom

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    Can you find any traces of deliberative conversations in today's high school classrooms? The purposeof the study is to shed light on and understand how deliberative conversations are expressed in somehigh school classrooms today, as well as what experiences the teachers in said classrooms have ofdeliberative conversations in the classroom situation. The study is based on a pragmatic perspectivewhere it is believed that the school should create the conditions for deliberative conversations in theclassroom to prepare the students to be part of the deliberative society. Two questions were asked:What criteria for deliberative conversations in classroom situations can be found in today's highschools and how do they work out? What experiences do the elementary school teachers in theobserved classrooms have of deliberative conversations in different classrooms, both as teachers andas students? The selection was made using the one-stage cluster sampling type, where seven out oftwenty-five classes at a junior high school made up the sample. Methodologically, systematicobservation of the first degree was used when the classroom conversations were observed, andqualitative interviews with teachers where the observations were followed up to clarify the underlyingfactors. The material was then analyzed in relation to previous research, guiding documents andcriteria for deliberative conversations. The results show that certain criteria for deliberativeconversations can be traced, while others are more difficult to find. The results also show that the teachers in the observed classrooms have little experience of deliberative conversations, both fromtheir own schooling and in their role as teachers

    Neural Progenitor Cells in malignancy and injury of the brain. A Trojan Horse fro gliomas?

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    Gliomas are neoplasms arising in the central nervous system (CNS), and constitute the most common primary brain tumor. They are classified depending on the grade and morphology, from grade I, pilocytic astrocytoma, to grade IV, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Glioblastomas constitute a great challenge in treatment due to their disseminating nature. Classical treatments such as surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy still offer a poor prognosis for the patient, depending on the location and grade of the tumor. Patients with high grade gliomas have rapid deterioration and a predicted survival time of approximately 12 months with current treatment modalities. Pre-clinical research for treating gliomas has, during the last years, tried to develop neural progenitor cells as delivery vehicles for therapeutic genes. This is based on the fact that neural progenitor cells (NPC) have a great migratory potential and have been shown to specifically migrate to tumor cells. In this thesis we have tried to address the novel approach of using NPC to target malignant gliomas in rodents. This was done to increase the understanding of tumor progression and to investigate the impact of tumor growth on surrounding cells and their interaction with NPC. When the work on this thesis was started, novel findings of NPC with the ability to specifically home to gliomas in the brain were revolutionizing the notion of targeting disseminating single tumor cells. We wanted to investigate the potential of using NPC as specific delivery vehicles or a ?Trojan horse? for delivering harmful substances or molecules to tumor cells. We made the spectacular finding that certain NPC could prolong the lifespan of animals with gliomas and even cure 25% of the animals. This showed that some NPC themselves displayed antitumor properties. We focused our work towards understanding the underlying mechanism of this and the interaction of NPC and glioma cells in the brain. It appeared that the NPC acted as a true ?Trojan horse? bearing within them the ability to reduce tumor burden as well as tumor invasion in the animals. We have so far investigated and shown that there is a mutual responsiveness between tumor cells and embryonic NPC, which seem to be lacking in the adult brain, at least in response to the syngeneic glioma N29. The NPC can specifically migrate to tumor cells if transplanted at a distance. Upon tumor encounter they change phenotype to express the marker vimentin and can reduce the tumor volume with 67% during the first two weeks. However, no endogenous neuroblast activation, from the subventricular zone, towards a glioma was seen. This was in contrast to the extensive neuroblast activation observed to an excitotoxic lesion, as reported previously. Characterization of the tumor cells and NPC show that there is a genetical difference between NPC which display antitumor effects compared to NPC which do not. Genetical and protein screenings revealed candidate proteins, expressed by the NPC, which could be able to target glioma outgrowth in the brain either through direct toxicity or more likely secondary effects on the tumor microenvironment

    Konsekvenser av polyfarmaci hos Àldre : En litteratursammanstÀllning

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    Bakgrund: AnvÀndningen av lÀkemedel ökar i samhÀllet och speciellt bland Àldre. NÀr mÀnniskan Äldras ökar risken för sjuklighet, detta i kombination med det naturliga Äldrandet gör att lÀkemedel kan fÄ förÀndrade effekter sÄ som interaktioner, biverkningar samt lÄg följsamhet till lÀkemedelsbehandlingen. Distriktssköterskan trÀffar dessa patienter i sitt arbete dagligen. Syfte: Syftet med studien Àr att belysa konsekvenserna av polyfarmaci hos Àldre. Metod: En litteratursammanstÀllning utförd som innehÄllsanalys pÄ 14 artiklar som resulterade i fem underteman och ett tema. Resultat: Studien visade att personer med polyfarmaci hade en högre risk för lÀkemedelsinteraktioner som ledde till biverkningar, högre risk att bli inlagd pÄ sjukhus, sÀmre följsamhet till lÀkemedelsbehandlingen samt högre risk att rÄka ut för fall. Slutsats: Studien bidrar till att distriktssköterskan kan fÄ ökad kunskap om patienter med polyfarmaci samt betydelsen av ett helhetsperspektiv, patientcentrerad omvÄrdnad samt uppföljningar

    ” Mathematics becomes boring when you don’t understand it”. : An interview study with primary school teachers regarding factors that promote student’s interest in mathematics, as well as their collaboration with the special education teacher.

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    Studiens syfte Àr att undersöka lÄg- och mellanstadielÀrares uppfattningar avseende faktorer som de anser kan frÀmja elevers intresse för matematik. Vidare Àmnar studien belysa hur lÀrare ser pÄ specialpedagogens roll och samverkan i det arbetet. LÀrarens stöd i matematikundervisning Àr oerhört viktigt för att bibehÄlla elevers intresse menar Jakobsson och Nilsson (2012). UtifrÄn det pÄstÄendet valdes ett relationellt perspektiv ut, för denna studie. Studien har en kvalitativ metodansats, dÀr semistrukturerade intervjuer med 10 lÄg- och mellanstadielÀrare frÄn fyra kommuner i Sverige, genomfördes. DÄ svenska elevers resultat i matematik sjunker alltmer (Skolverket, 2022a; Skolverket, 2022b) och sÀrskilt stöd för elever ofta sÀtts in sÄ sent som i Ärskurs 9 (Skolverket 2022c; Wallström, 2022) Àr det angelÀget att undersöka hur lÀrare ser pÄ dilemmat, och hur specialpedagoger kan bidra till detta viktiga arbete. Studiens viktigaste resultat visar att en varierad undervisning i matematik Àr kritisk för att fÄ elever intresserade av Àmnet. Vidare synliggjorde resultatet att det behövs goda relationer mellan lÀrare och elever. Med relationen som utgÄngspunkt kan lÀrare individanpassa innehÄll, metod och uppgifter utifrÄn varje elevs kunskap och förmÄga. Alla informanter uttryckte ett behov av mer stöd frÄn specialpedagogen pÄ skolan, bÄde i klassen och i samtal. Detta dÄ deras nuvarande organisation gÀllande specialpedagogik inte fungerar vÀl. Slutsatsen frÄn studien Àr att det relationella arbetet Àr en grundpelare som behöver fungera om lÀrare ska kunna skapa ett intresse för den matematiska undervisningen. Vidare visar resultatet att specialpedagogens yrkesroll behöver tydliggöras i praktiken.The purpose of the study is to examine primary and middle school teachers' perceptions regarding factors that they believe can promote students' interest in mathematics. Furthermore, the study aims to shed light on how teachers view the special education teacher's role and collaboration in that work. According to Jakobsson and Nilsson (2012), the teacher's support in mathematics is extremely important to maintain the students' interest. Based on that statement, a relational perspective was selected for this study. The study has a qualitative methodological approach, where semi-structured interviews with 10 primary and middle school teachers from four municipalities in Sweden were conducted. As Swedish students' results in mathematics are increasingly decreasing (Skolverket, 2022a; Skolverket, 2022b) and special support for students is often introduced as late as in year 9 (Skolverket 2022c; Wallström, 2022), it is urgent to investigate teachers standpoint regarding this dilemma, and how they believe that special educators can contribute to this important work. The study's most important results show that varied teaching in mathematics is critical in getting students interested in the subject. Furthermore, the results highlighted the need for good relationships between teachers and students. With the relationship as a foundation, teachers can individually adapt content, method and tasks based on each student's knowledge and ability. All informants expressed a need for more support from the special education teacher at school, both in class and in a deeper dialogue between teachers and the special education teacher. This is because their current organization regarding special education isn't really as high functioning as they would like. The conclusion from the study is that relational work is an important foundation that needs to be in place if teachers are to be able to create an interest in mathematics. Furthermore, the results show that the special education teacher's professional role (in Sweden) needs to be clarified in practice
