916 research outputs found

    Gribov Copies in the Maximally Abelian Gauge and Confinement

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    We fix SU(2)SU(2) lattice gauge fields to the Maximally Abelian gauge in both three and four dimensions. We extract the corresponding U(1)U(1) fields and monopole current densities and calculate separately the confining string tensions arising from these U(1)U(1) fields and monopole `condensates'. We generate multiple Gribov copies and study how the U(1)U(1) fields and monopole distributions vary between these different copies. As expected, we find substantial variations in the number of monopoles, their locations and in the values of the U(1)U(1) field strengths. The string tensions extracted from `extreme' Gribov copies also differ but this difference appears to be no more than about 20\%. We also directly compare the fields of different Gribov copies. We find that on the distance scales relevant to confinement the U(1)U(1) and monopole fluxes that disorder Wilson loops are highly correlated between these different Gribov copies. All this suggests that while there is indeed a Gribov copy problem the resulting ambiguity is, in this gauge and for the study of confinement, of limited importance.Comment: 31 pages LaTeX plus 5 PostScript figures. Uses epsf.sty. Self-unpacking, uuencoded tar-compressed fil

    Large Loops of Magnetic Current and Confinement in Four Dimensional U(1)U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory

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    We calculate the heavy quark potential from the magnetic current due to monopoles in four dimensional U(1)U(1) lattice gauge theory. The magnetic current is found from link angle configurations using the DeGrand-Toussaint identification method. The link angle configurations are generated in a cosine action simulation on a 24424^4 lattice. The magnetic current is resolved into large loops which wrap around the lattice and simple loops which do not. Wrapping loops are found only in the confined phase. It is shown that the long range part of the heavy quark potential, in particular the string tension, can be calculated solely from the large, wrapping loops of magnetic current.Comment: 15 pages (Latex file plus 3 postscript files appended), Univeristy of Illinois Preprint ILL-(TH)-93-\#1

    String Tension from Monopoles in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory

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    The axis for Figure 2 was wrong. It has been fixed and the postscript file replaced (The file was called comp.ps).Comment: (22 pages latex (revtex); 2 figures appended as postscript files - search for mono.ps and comp.ps. Figures mailed on request--send a note to [email protected]) Preprint ILL-(TH)-94-#1

    Glueball and gluelump spectrum in abelian projected QCD

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    We study glueball and gluelump spectra calculated after abelian projection in both quenched and Nf=2N_f=2 full QCD. The abelian projection is made after MA gauge fixing. We demonstrate that both spectra can be recovered despite the problem with positivity. We suggest the interpretation of some of the gluelump states in the language of the abelian projected theory.Comment: Lattice 2001(confinement), 3 page

    Monopole clusters, Z(2) vortices and confinement in SU(2)

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    We extend our previous study of magnetic monopole currents in the maximally Abelian gauge [hep-lat/9712003] to larger lattices at small lattice spacings (20^4 at beta = 2.5 and 32^4 at beta = 2.5115). We confirm that at these weak couplings there continues to be one monopole cluster that is very much longer than the rest and that the string tension, K, is entirely due to it. The remaining clusters are compact objects whose population as a function of radius follows a power law that deviates from the scale invariant form, but much too weakly to suggest a link with the analytically calculable size distribution of small instantons. We also search for traces of Z(2) vortices in the Abelian projected fields; either as closed loops of `magnetic' flux or through appropriate correlations amongst the monopoles. We find, by direct calculation, that there is no confining condensate of such flux loops. We also find, through the calculation of doubly charged Wilson loops within the monopole fields, that there is no suppression of the q=2 effective string tension out to at distances of at least r ~ 1.6/sqrt{K}, suggesting that if there are any vortices they are not encoded in the monopole fields.Comment: 26 pages of LaTeX and PostScript figure

    On projection (in)dependence of monopole condensate in lattice SU(2) gauge theory

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    We study the temperature dependence of the monopole condensate in different Abelian projections of the SU(2) lattice gauge theory. Using the Frohlich-Marchetti monopole creation operator we show numerically that the monopole condensate depends on the choice of the Abelian projection. Contrary to the claims in the current literature we observe that in the Abelian Polyakov gauge and in the field strength gauge the monopole condensate does not vanish at the critical temperature and thus is not an order parameter.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Dual Superconductor Scenario of Confinement: A Systematic Study of Gribov Copy Effects

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    We perform a study of the effects from maximal abelian gauge Gribov copies in the context of the dual superconductor scenario of confinement, on the basis of a novel approach for estimation of systematic uncertainties from incomplete gauge fixing. We present numerical results, in SU(2) lattice gauge theory, using the overrelaxed simulated annealing gauge fixing algorithm. We find abelian and non-abelian string tensions to differ significantly, their ratio being 0.92(4) at BETA = 2.5115. An approximate factorization of the abelian potential into monopole and photon contributions has been confirmed, the former giving rise to the abelian string tension.Comment: 35 pages uucompressed LaTeX with 10 encapsuled postscript figure

    Reliability of Mainstream Tablets for 2D Analysis of a Drop Jump Landing

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    Please refer to the pdf version of the abstract located adjacent to the title

    Dynamics of Monopoles and Flux Tubes in Two-Flavor Dynamical QCD

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    We investigate the confining properties of the QCD vacuum with Nf=2N_f=2 flavors of dynamical quarks, and compare the results with the properties of the quenched theory. We use non-perturbatively O(a)\mathcal{O}(a) improved Wilson fermions to keep cut-off effects small. We focus on color magnetic monopoles. Among the quantities we study are the monopole density and the monopole screening length, the static potential and the profile of the color electric flux tube. We furthermore derive the low-energy effective monopole action. Marked differences between the quenched and dynamical vacuum are found.Comment: 34 pages, 28 figures, Late
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