8 research outputs found

    Water in mining from the origins to the beginning of the 19th century

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    W artykule przedstawiono problematykę zagrożenia wodnego w górnictwie od jego zarania do początków XIX wieku. Woda zawsze towarzyszyła górnictwu podziemnemu będąc jego błogosławieństwem, ale jednocześnie przekleństwem. Woda była tym czynnikiem, który przesączając się przez warstwy skale wypłukiwał związki chemiczne, na podstawie których poszukiwacze ukrytych skarbów mogli zorientować się jakie kopaliny użyteczne występują w warstwach górotworu. Woda też zazdrośnie strzegła dostępu do pożądanych surowców, zalewając wyrobiska, a często wręcz uniemożliwiając ich eksploatację. Woda w początkach górnictwa, aż do wynalezienia pierwszych maszyn parowych, była najtańszym i ogólnie dostępnym źródłem energii do napędzania maszyn wykorzystywanych w górnictwie. Do początków XIX wieku były to przede wszystkim wyciągi szybowe, ale też i pompy, którymi odwadniano kopalnię. Wodę wykorzystywano również w procesie przeróbki surowców, ich wzbogacania i do transportu urobku z kopalni – tzw. sztolnie spławne. Złożoność zagadnienia występowania wody w złożach kopalin użytecznych i sposób w jak ówcześni górnicy podchodzili do tego zagadnienia świadczy o ambiwalentnym stosunku do wody w początkowym okresie rozwoju górnictwa. Stosunek górników do wody diametralnie zmienił się wraz z chwilą wprowadzenia do kopalń pomp odwadniających, najpierw parowych, potem z silnikami elektrycznymi. Od tego momentu mówiąc o wodzie w kopalni rozumie się tylko i wyłącznie zagrożenie, z którym należy walczyć. Zagadnieniom wykorzystania wody w procesach technologicznych w kopalniach poświęcone będą dalsze artykuły, które są planowana do druku w kolejnych numerach rocznika.The article presents the problem of water hazards in the mining industry from its origins to the beginning of the 19th century. Water has always accompanied underground mining, being its blessing yet also a curse at the same time. Water was the factor that washed through the layers of rock scouring chemical compounds. On that basis seekers of hidden treasures could find useful minerals in rock layers. Water also jealously guarded access to desirable raw materials, flooding excavations or even preventing them from being exploited. Since the beginning of mining until the invention of the first steam engines, water was the cheapest and widely available energy source for propulsion of machinery used in mining. Until the beginning of the 19th century, these were mainly shafts but also pumps that dewatered mines. Water was also used in the processing of raw materials, their enrichment and transportation from the mine, using so-called navigation adits. The complexity of the problem which the presence of water posed in the deposits of useful minerals and the way in which the miners approached that issue is a testimony to the ambivalent attitude towards water in the early period of mining development. Miners’ attitude to water fundamentally changed with the introduction of dewatering pumps in mines, using steam engines first and then electric motors. From that point on, talking about water in a mine meant struggling against a threat. Part two of the article, which is planned to be printed in the next issue of the yearbook, will be devoted to the use of water in technological processes in mines

    Drainage adits in Upper Silesia – industrial technology heritage and important elements of the hydrotechnical infrastructure

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    Adits played an important role in the hydrotechnical infrastructure for centuries. Initially, they were used mainly to drain wetland and supply water to the population. There were also inherent in the conduct of mining activities. They were used as exploratory, development and supply headings. Their usual function was to drain, ventilate and transport, and after the cessation of mining they became important elements of the hydrotechnical infrastructure in the transformed mining areas. The article presents issues related to the revitalization of the Main Key Hereditary Adit and Friedrich Adit as essential for the areas in which they are located. Both are hydraulic structures with the possibility of adaptation for tourism purposes. The need to consider some technical activities to be undertaken in this type of objects was pointed out, not only including aspects related to their proper protection so that they can continue to safely perform their function, but also to the preservation of their historical values. Due to their age and the method of drilling used in them, those headings are often included in the list of monuments and protected by law

    Adequacy of hospitalizations in a highly complex pediatric hospital

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    Introducción. Para evaluar los pacientes internados sin necesidad, la herramienta de mayor utilidad para detectarlo, es el Protocolo de evaluación de la adecuación en pediatría o Pediatrics Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol (PAEP). El objetivo primario de este estudio es cuantificar los ingresos inadecuados que se producen en el área de un hospital pediátrico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, el Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutiérrez utilizando utilizando el PAEP. Población y métodos. Durante los meses de mayo y junio del año 2015 se analizaron un total de 441 niños menores de 18 años al ingreso, internados durante todos los días de la semana. Se recabaron datos filiatorios, diagnóstico, protocolo PAEP y necesidad de un hospital de alta complejidad. Resultados. La edad media de los pacientes internados fue 4,63 años (SD 4,9). Según la regla PAEP los criterios de internación fueron adecuados en 411/432 (95%), e inadecuados en 21/432 (4,8%). Esto fue inferior a la media de las series publicadas sobre criterios de internación. 151 (34%) podrían haberse internado en un hospital de baja complejidad. Los pacientes de menor complejidad según la necesidad de atención requerida, tenían una edad media de 2,3 años y los de mayor complejidad una edad media de 5.79 años. De acuerdo a la probabilidad de internación inadecuada las patologías asociadas más frecuentes fueron purpura trombótica inmune (PTI), gastroenteritis, anemia para estudio y estados convulsivos. Las patologías que tuvieron mayor probabilidad de requerir baja complejidad fueron, en orden decreciente síndromes bronquiales obstructivos agudos, patologías renales, neumonías y celulitis. Conclusiones. Se encontró una baja tasa de internación inadecuada en relación a otras series de casos con regla PAEP. Un tercio de la muestra podría haberse internado en un hospital general.Introduction. In order to evaluate the hospitalized patients without requirement the most useful tool, it is the Pediatrics Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol(PAEP). The primary objective of this study is to quantify the inadequate income that occurs in the clinical area in this Hospital using PAEP. Population and methods. Analyzed at admission, during the months of May and June of the year 2015, a total of 441 children under the age of 18 years were on all days of the week. A questionnaire with filiatory data, diagnosis, PAEP protocol and need for a hospital of high complexity was completed. Results. The mean age was 4.63 years (SD 4.9). According to the PAEP rule the adequate hospitalization criteria in 411/432 (95%), inadequate in 21/432 (4.8%). This was lower than the average of published series on admission criteria. 151 (34%) could have been hospitalized in a General Hospital. Patients of less complexity according to the need for required care had a mean age of 2.3 years and those of greater complexity had an average age of 5.79 years. According to the probability of inadequate hospitalization, the most frequent associated pathologies were immune thrombotic purpura (ITP), gastroenteritis, anemia for study and seizures. The pathologies that were most likely to require low complexity were, in descending order SBOA, renal pathologies, pneumonias and cellulitis. Conclusions. We found low rate of inadequate hospitalization with compare to other cases records with PAEP rules. A third of the sample may have been admitted to a general hospital.Fil: Bilkis, M.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Molise, C. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Stacha, P. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: García Bournissen, Facundo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Camberosa, M.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, A.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Martin, G.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Dartiguelongue, Josefina. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Candido, G.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Mavrakis, P.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Sagradini, S.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; ArgentinaFil: Fiorentino, J.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez"; Argentin

    Clinical, genetic, and histological features of centronuclear myopathy in the Netherlands

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    Centronuclear myopathy (CNM) is a genetically heterogeneous congenital myopathy characterized by muscle weakness, atrophy, and variable degrees of cardiorespiratory involvement. The clinical severity is largely explained by genotype (DNM2, MTM1, RYR1, BIN1, TTN, and other rarer genetic backgrounds), specific mutation(s), and age of the patient. The histopathological hallmark of CNM is the presence of internal centralized nuclei on muscle biopsy. Information on the phenotypical spectrum, subtype prevalence, and phenotype–genotype correlations is limited. To characterize CNM more comprehensively, we retrospectively assessed a national cohort of 48 CNM patients (mean age = 32 ± 24 years, range 0–80, 54% males) from the Netherlands clinically, histologically, and genetically. All information was extracted from entries in the patient's medical records, between 2000 and 2020. Frequent clinical features in addition to muscle weakness and hypotonia were fatigue and exercise intolerance in more mildly affected cases. Genetic analysis showed variants in four genes (18 DNM2, 14 MTM1, 9 RYR1, and 7 BIN1), including 16 novel variants. In addition to central nuclei, histologic examination revealed a large variability of myopathic features in the different genotypes. The identification and characterization of these patients contribute to trial readiness

    Clinical, genetic, and histological features of centronuclear myopathy in the Netherlands

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    Centronuclear myopathy (CNM) is a genetically heterogeneous congenital myopathy characterized by muscle weakness, atrophy, and variable degrees of cardiorespiratory involvement. The clinical severity is largely explained by genotype (DNM2, MTM1, RYR1, BIN1, TTN, and other rarer genetic backgrounds), specific mutation(s), and age of the patient. The histopathological hallmark of CNM is the presence of internal centralized nuclei on muscle biopsy. Information on the phenotypical spectrum, subtype prevalence, and phenotype-genotype correlations is limited. To characterize CNM more comprehensively, we retrospectively assessed a national cohort of 48 CNM patients (mean age = 32 +/- 24 years, range 0-80, 54% males) from the Netherlands clinically, histologically, and genetically. All information was extracted from entries in the patient's medical records, between 2000 and 2020. Frequent clinical features in addition to muscle weakness and hypotonia were fatigue and exercise intolerance in more mildly affected cases. Genetic analysis showed variants in four genes (18 DNM2, 14 MTM1, 9 RYR1, and 7 BIN1), including 16 novel variants. In addition to central nuclei, histologic examination revealed a large variability of myopathic features in the different genotypes. The identification and characterization of these patients contribute to trial readiness

    Spectrum of Clinical Features in X-Linked Myotubular Myopathy Carriers:An International Questionnaire Study

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    OBJECTIVE: To characterize the spectrum of clinical features in a cohort of X-linked myotubular myopathy (XL-MTM) carriers, including prevalence, genetic features, clinical symptoms, and signs, as well as associated disease burden. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional online questionnaire study among XL-MTM carriers. Participants were recruited from patient associations, medical centers, and registries in the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands. We used a custom-made questionnaire, the Checklist Individual Strength (CIS), the Frenchay Activities Index (FAI), the Short Form 12 (SF-12) health survey, and the McGill Pain Questionnaire. Carriers were classified as manifesting or nonmanifesting on the basis of self-reported ambulation and muscle weakness. RESULTS: The prevalence of manifesting carriers in this study population (n = 76) was 51%, subdivided into mild (independent ambulation, 39%), moderate (assisted ambulation, 9%), and severe (wheelchair dependent, 3%) phenotypes. In addition to muscle weakness, manifesting carriers frequently reported fatigue (70%) and exercise intolerance (49%). Manifesting carriers scored higher on the overall CIS (p = 0.001), the fatigue subscale (p < 0.001), and least severe pain subscale (p = 0.005) than nonmanifesting carriers. They scored lower on the FAI (p = 0.005) and the physical component of the SF-12 health survey (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of manifesting XL-MTM carriers may be higher than currently assumed, most having a mild phenotype and a wide variety of symptoms. Manifesting carriers are particularly affected by fatigue, limitations of daily activities, pain, and reduced quality of life. Our findings should increase awareness and provide useful information for health care providers and future clinical trials

    Selected Applications

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