23 research outputs found

    The periodicity of phytoplankton in Lake Constance (Bodensee) in comparison to other deep lakes of central Europe

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    Phytoplankton periodicity has been fairly regular during the years 1979 to 1982 in Lake Constance. Algal mass growth starts with the vernal onset of stratification; Cryptophyceae and small centric diatoms are the dominant algae of the spring bloom. In June grazing by zooplankton leads to a lsquoclear-water phasersquo dominated by Cryptophyceae. Algal summer growth starts under nutrient-saturated conditions with a dominance of Cryptomonas spp. and Pandorina morum. Depletion of soluble reactive phosphorus is followed by a dominance of pennate and filamentous centric diatoms, which are replaced by Ceratium hirundinella when dissolved silicate becomes depleted. Under calm conditions there is a diverse late-summer plankton dominated by Cyanophyceae and Dinobryon spp.; more turbulent conditions and silicon resupply enable a second summer diatom growth phase in August. The autumnal development leads from a Mougeotia — desmid assemblage to a diatom plankton in late autumn and winter. Inter-lake comparison of algal seasonality includes in ascending order of P-richness Königsee, Attersee, Walensee, Lake Lucerne, Lago Maggiore, Ammersee, Lake Zürich, Lake Geneva, Lake Constance. The oligotrophic lakes have one or two annual maxima of biomass; after the vernal maximum there is a slowly developing summer depression and sometimes a second maximum in autumn. The more eutrophic lakes have an additional maximum in summer. The number of floristically determined successional stages increases with increasing eutrophy, from three in Königsee and Attersee to eight in Lake Geneva and Lake Constance

    The first decade of oligotrophication of Lake Constance

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    In Lake Constance, after several decades of cutrophication, a decrease in phosphorus loading over the last decade has lead to a partial recovery from eutrophication. Here we analyse the shift in the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton during the first decade of oligotrophication in Lake Constance. During the 1980s, spring total P concentrations decreased from ca. 130 to less than 50 mgr·l–1. This decrease was reflected by an approximately proportional decrease in summer phytoplankton biomass while spring phytoplankton biomass seemed unresponsive. Major taxonomic changes occured during both growth seasons. In spring, the proportion of diatoms, green algae and Chrysophyta increased while the proportion of Cryptophyta decreased. The summer trend was very different: the relative importance of diatoms decreased and Cryptophyta and Chrysophyta increased, while Chlorophyta reached their peak around 1985. These trends are also analysed at the genus level. Comparison with taxonomic trends during the eutrophication period shows the expected reversals in most cases. Comparison with other lakes shows general similarities, with the notable exception that Planktothrix rubescens has never been important in Lake Constance. The increase of diatoms during spring is attributed to their improved competitive performance with increasing Si:P ratios. Their decrease during summer is explained by the increasing silicate removal from the epilimnion by increasing spring populations

    Therapist perceptions of the Danish Physiotherapy Research Database for assessing patients with chronic disease.

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    BACKGROUND: The Danish Physiotherapy Research Database for chronic patients receiving Free of Charge Physiotherapy (PhysDB-FCP) was piloted over a 1-year period. The purpose of the PhysDB-FCP is to provide a user friendly digital online structured tool that standardizes initial and follow up clinical assessments generating data that can be used for clinical decision making and support future research in physiotherapy for patients with chronic disease. Although initial assessments were completed, the attrition rate was 73% and 90% at 3- and 6- months, respectively, which suggests problems with the current tool. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the perspectives of the physiotherapists that used the PhysDB-FCP and propose changes to the tool based on this feedback. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty of the 103 physiotherapists introduced to the PhysDB-FCP completed an anonymous online survey. Physiotherapists were asked Likert/categorical and yes/no questions on experiences with the PhysDB-FCP within their practice, perceptions of patient experiences, suitability of the resources and support provided by the PhysDB-FCP working group and the ideal administration frequency of the assessments within the PhysDB-FCP. Open ended feedback on possible improvements to the PhysDB-FCP was also collected. RESULTS: Physiotherapists agreed that the PhysDB-FCP was useful for taking a physiotherapy assessment (74%) and the patient survey was useful for goal setting (72%). Although physiotherapists felt the PhysDB-FCP was well-defined (82%), only 36% would like to use a similar tool again. Generally, the PhysDB-FCP was too time-consuming, administered too frequently and included irrelevant items. For example, 72% of physiotherapists took >45 min to administer the assessment in the first consultation which was performed over multiple sessions. CONCLUSIONS: The perspectives of physiotherapists using The PhysDB-FCP suggest specific changes that will ensure better use of the tool in future practice. Changes will likely involve administering the assessment less frequently (every 6-months to 1-year), shortening the assessment, and using diagnosis-specific assessment items

    On the Structure of Soluble Organic Substances in Sediments of Lake Plußsee

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    Contribution of mathematical modeling to lake ecosystem understanding: Lake Bourget (Savoy, France)

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    This paper demonstrates how mathematical modeling can contribute to improve understanding of lake behavior. Since the 60's Lake Bourget, one of the largest in France, had been suffering from eutrophication which was checked in 1980 by the diversion of the main sewers entering the lake. A research program was implemented between 1987 and 1990, including an on-site sampling campaign conducted concurrently with thermal and biogeochemical modeling of lake behavior. The model helped provide a better understanding of the ecosystem, displaying some processes hitherto misunderstood: (1) Winter overturn does not reach the bottom of the water column when the weather is mild. This leads to a incomplete reoxygenation of the hypolimnion and to redox conditions inducing the release of orthophosphate from the sediment, (2) Grazing by herbivorous zooplankton is getting more important in the control of spring algal growth as eutrophication of the lake regresses, (3) Settling of particulate phosphorus seems a complex and very important process in Lake Bourget, showing high sedimentation rates for particulate mineral phosphorus