14 research outputs found

    Measuring the metallurgical supply chain resilience using fuzzy analytic network process

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    The article presents a methodology for measuring the metallurgical supply chain resilience, which enables the ascertainment of key resilience capabilities and measurable criteria, and determining a level of the resilience. The methodology is based on Analytic Network Process (ANP), which is used to solve the complex decision-making problems, whose structures can be mapped as non-linear networks. Since ambiguous pairwise comparisons expressed by fuzzy sets are considered, the Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP) is applied. The methodology is verified on the generalised model of a metallurgical supply chain. The SuperDecisions software was used for the application. The experiments performed demonstrate the high level of suitability of the FANP approach for measuring metallurgical supply chain resilience.Web of Science55478678

    Efficiency of Polish metallurgical industry based on data envelopment analysis

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    The main purpose of this paper is to compare the technical efficiency of 12 sectors manufacturing basic metals and metal products in Poland. This article presents the use of Data Envelopment Analysis models, to determine overall technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of metallurgical branches in Poland. The average technical efficiency of metallurgical industry in Poland was quite high. The analysis gives a possibility to create a ranking of sectors. Three branches were found to be fully efficient: manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferroalloys, manufacture of basic precious and other non - ferrous metals and manufacture of tubes, pipes, hollow profiles and related fittings, of steel. The results point out the reasons of the inefficiency and provide improving directions for the inefficient sectors.Web of Science55224824

    A computer simulation-based analysis of supply chains resilience in industrial environment

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    The article presents a computer simulation-based model for analysis of supply chain resilience, which allows determining and verifying the generally valid principles, capabilities and ways for building long-term resilience of global supply chains against serious disruptions. The model is created on the basis of a supply chain from automotive industry and contains the main logistics flows used by present automotive producers. Any real automotive supply chain can be modelled as a combination of these logistics flows. The model was created in DOSIMIS-3® and verified using experimental data. The performed simulation demonstrates a significant decrease of the supply chain performance in case of serious disruption occurrence.Web of Science54470670

    Planiranje kapaciteta kod rezanja teških limova

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    The present approach to capacity planning in operations producing heavy metal shapes causes problems in fulfilling the required financial and volume indexes in production, as well as in meeting the work order completion dates. The article represents the methodology for optimal production scheduling in operations producing heavy plate cut shapes, which significantly eliminates the above-mentioned problems. The methodology is based on the application Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP).Postojeći pristup planiranju kapaciteta u proizvodnji metalnih proizvoda od limova uzrokuje probleme kod ispunjavanja zahtjeva financijskih indeksa, razine produktivnosti te kompletiranja isporuke u danim rokovima. Članak daje metodologiju za optimiziranje terminiranja proizvodnje kod rezanja limova, koja značajno eliminira naprijed navedene probleme. Metodologija je temeljena na primjeni Općeg problema pridruživanja (OPP)

    Návrh modelu pro řízení výrobního procesu v úseku tandemové pece - zařízení pro plynulé odlévání v Nové huti, a.s. Ostrava

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta metalurgie a materiálového inženýrství. Katedra (634) ekonomiky a managementu v metalurgi

    Green Transport Balanced Scorecard Model with Analytic Network Process Support

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    In recent decades, the performance of economic and non-economic activities has required them to be friendly with the environment. Transport is one of the areas having considerable potential within the scope. The main assumption to achieve ambitious green goals is an effective green transport evaluation system. However, these systems are researched from the industrial company and supply chain perspective only sporadically. The aim of the paper is to design a conceptual framework for creating the Green Transport (GT) Balanced Scorecard (BSC) models from the viewpoint of industrial companies and supply chains using an appropriate multi-criteria decision making method. The models should allow green transport performance evaluation and support of an effective implementation of green transport strategies. Since performance measures used in Balanced Scorecard models are interdependent, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) was used as the appropriate multi-criteria decision making method. The verification of the designed conceptual framework was performed on a real supply chain of the European automotive industry

    Plánování a řízení výrobních kapacit provozu pro výrobu výpalků z tlustých plechů

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    Import 08/01/2009Prezenční634 - Katedra ekonomiky a managementu v metalurgiiNeuveden

    Opłata za hałas w transporcie kolejowym – przepisy UE, a działanie systemów logistycznych

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    The paper discusses the way of determining the noise level in railway traffic according to new EU recommendations, the introduction of which will result in new charges to be borne by the carriers who, during the provision of transport and handling services, use wagons of the old generation - i.e. such wagons that generate noise above the permitted level on a given section of railway road, determined on the basis of EU regulations. The analysis of technical condition of wagons used in transport in Poland was conducted. The method of determining the noise level in terms of exceedances and charges was discussed. The issue of an optional increase in the reloading of cargo units at railway terminals to transport cargo in silent wagons on designated silent sections of routes was raised - this may affect the development and operation of logistics centers.W artykule omówiono sposób określania poziomu hałasu w ruchu kolejowym według nowych rekomendacji UE, których wprowadzenie będzie skutkować nowymi opłatami ponoszonymi przez przewoźników, którzy podczas świadczenia usług transportowo-przeładunkowych korzystają z wagonów starej generacji – tzn. takich wagonów, które generują hałas powyżej dopuszczalnego na danym odcinku drogi kolejowej, ustalonego na podstawie przepisów UE. Przeprowadzano analizę stanu technicznego wagonów stosowanych w przewozach w Polsce. Omówiono sposób określania poziomu hałasu pod kątem określenia przekroczeń i opłat. Poruszono zagadnienie opcjonalnego zwiększenia przeładunków jednostek ładunkowych na terminalach kolejowych aby na wyznaczonych cichych odcinkach tras ładunki transportować cichymi wagonami – co może wpłynąć na rozwój i działanie centrów logistycznych

    State of the Art in the End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling

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    Growing ecological awareness in society and legal regulations aimed at reducing the negative impact of used products on the environment means that waste management begins to play a significant role in the modern world. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research towards the organization and implementation of waste management. It has been noticed that an important link in the economy is the recycling of used products. Thus, numerous studies are undertaken in the direction of organization, improvement, automation and computerization of the product and material recycling process. The article presents the results of literature research in terms of the implementation of the end-of-life vehicle recycling process

    Sustainability Attitude of Automotive Suppliers

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    The issue of sustainability, or corporate social responsibility (CSR), has become a widely discussed topic in all industrial production sectors. The article focuses on the automobile industrial sector because it is not only the most dynamically developing industrial area but also because it is one of the driving forces of local economies in many European countries. This paper aims to reveal possible differences and diversity of understanding of priorities in the CSR activities provided by automotive suppliers in European countries. Based on the meta-analysis, 73 actions were listed, and a questionnaire survey was performed. Cluster analysis and Fisher’s exact test were applied to find out whether the attitude towards sustainability differs dependent on the position in the supply chain or on the company size