9 research outputs found

    Virtuell utbildning på distans : erfarenheter från ledarskaps- och coachingprogrammet

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    Pedagogik betraktas som en nyckelfaktor för hur kommunikation utvecklas i online utbildning. Det är emellertid inte bara pedagogik som är av betydelse för interaktions- och kommunikationsmönster. IT-systemen, t.ex. lärplattformar, strukturerar informationen på olika sätt (se t.ex. Kear 2001; Lövheim, 2002) och flera kommunikationskanaler kan också upprätthålla och öka kommunikationen bland studenter (Haythornthwaite et al., 2000). Utgångspunkt för pedagogiska institutionens utveckling av IT-stöd i utbildning bygger på en kombination av ett pedagogiskt förhållningssätt och nya moderna tekniska lösningar. Utifrån den utgångspunkten utvecklas modeller för IT-stöd, som kombinerar och pedagogiska och tekniska aspekter, i både campus- och distansutbildning. Institutionens senaste projekt är ledarskaps- och coachingprogrammet som är en 80-poängs distansutbildning under 3,5 år. Programmet sker i samarbete med flera idrottsförbund. En av ambitionerna med programmet är att försöka utveckla former för IKT-stödd undervisning mot idrottsområdet. T.ex. inom områden som av tradition starkt varit knutna till campus som t.ex. metodikundervisning. En viktig del i projektet är att skapa modeller och riktlinjer för utveckling av flexibla studentanpassade IKT-baserade lärmiljöer, där t.ex teknik som streaming, podcasting, synkrona möten, nätbaserad examination mm. byggs in som, naturliga kursverktyg. Utgångspunkten för den IT-pedagogiska basen i programmet bygger vidare på resultat från tidigare projekt inom pedagogiska institutionen. Dessa projekt är videoanvändning inom VFU för reflektion och diskussion (se t.ex. Söderström et al, 2004) och United Network for Educational Technology (UniNet). I samband med att utbildningen genomförs pågår ett forskningsprojekt om det IT-stödda lärandet inom ledarskaps- och coachingprogrammet. Utgångspunkten för ledarskaps och coachingprogrammet har handlat om att (se t.ex. Davies, 2002; Tolmie & Boyle, 2000): • Ge stöd och support (guider, webbaserade instruktioner mm) • Skapa meningsfulla och stimulerande uppgifter • Som lärare vara synlig • Stimulera samarbete och kollaboration Utbildningens virtuella lärmiljö (Open Source plattform) underlättar för att praktiskt, reflektivt och i interaktion med lärare och andra studenter förena teori och praktik. Miljön stödjer olika typer av digitalt material. T.ex. via synkrona (direkta) möten streamade föreläsningar, ljudfiler, forum för återkoppling och diskussion. Lärmiljön som används bygger på forskning runt lärgemenskaper där ljud och video har stor betydelse och textkommunikationen medvetet tonats ner. Utbildningen är åtkomlig via olika teknologier som mobiltelefoni (wap) och via www och stödjer ljud, bild och text. Programmets ca 60 studenter är för närvarande inne på sitt tredje moment. Vi kan konstatera att vi haft minimala teknikproblem vilket borgar för att vi kan fokusera resurserna mot pedagogiska och innehållsliga frågor. De data som samlats in inom ramen för forskningen om gemenskaper kommer att analyseras under 2006

    Peer review for learning in online and distance education

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    In this article the authors' reports early findings from a project aimed to implement and evaluate peer review in online and distance university education. Data was collected through an online questionnaire with open and closed questions aimed to capture student experiences in a distance course, in which peer review preceded by criteria discussions was implemented. In this article the aim is to learn more about strengths and obstacles with peer review, and participation through ICT and text based communication. A majority of the students found that participating in peer review was valuable, although some found participation a bit taxing and too time consuming. Participation through ICT and text based discussions was found sufficient by the majority although a few students found it restraining. The conclusion is that it can be well worth continuing exploring peer review and how to design this element to support students learning in online and distance university education

    A municipal implementation of a new learning management system in K-12 schools : The teacher perspective

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    Municipalities continue to seek ways to enhance communication, information and documentation for teachers, students and parents through the implementation of learning management systems in schools. In this paper, the launch of a system for K-12 schools in a municipality in Sweden is studied from the teacher perspective. Survey comments submitted by the teachers (N=470) were analysed using a modified version of Koole’s (2011) Framework for the Rational Analysis of Mobile Education. The findings show possibilities such as communication and documentation, as well as challenges related to usability, access and resistance. Lessons learned regarding the implementation of the system are presented.lic

    A municipal implementation of a new learning management system in K-12 schools : The teacher perspective

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    Municipalities continue to seek ways to enhance communication, information and documentation for teachers, students and parents through the implementation of learning management systems in schools. In this paper, the launch of a system for K-12 schools in a municipality in Sweden is studied from the teacher perspective. Survey comments submitted by the teachers (N=470) were analysed using a modified version of Koole’s (2011) Framework for the Rational Analysis of Mobile Education. The findings show possibilities such as communication and documentation, as well as challenges related to usability, access and resistance. Lessons learned regarding the implementation of the system are presented.lic

    Peer review for learning in online and distance education

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    In this article the authors' reports early findings from a project aimed to implement and evaluate peer review in online and distance university education. Data was collected through an online questionnaire with open and closed questions aimed to capture student experiences in a distance course, in which peer review preceded by criteria discussions was implemented. In this article the aim is to learn more about strengths and obstacles with peer review, and participation through ICT and text based communication. A majority of the students found that participating in peer review was valuable, although some found participation a bit taxing and too time consuming. Participation through ICT and text based discussions was found sufficient by the majority although a few students found it restraining. The conclusion is that it can be well worth continuing exploring peer review and how to design this element to support students learning in online and distance university education

    Peer review for learning in online and distance education

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    In this article the authors' reports early findings from a project aimed to implement and evaluate peer review in online and distance university education. Data was collected through an online questionnaire with open and closed questions aimed to capture student experiences in a distance course, in which peer review preceded by criteria discussions was implemented. In this article the aim is to learn more about strengths and obstacles with peer review, and participation through ICT and text based communication. A majority of the students found that participating in peer review was valuable, although some found participation a bit taxing and too time consuming. Participation through ICT and text based discussions was found sufficient by the majority although a few students found it restraining. The conclusion is that it can be well worth continuing exploring peer review and how to design this element to support students learning in online and distance university education

    It's not all about video‐conferencing

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