206 research outputs found

    eMoto - Affectively Involving both Body and Mind

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    It is known that emotions are experienced by both body and mind. Oftentimes, emotions are evoked by sub-symbolic stimuli, such as colors, shapes, gestures, or music. We have built eMoto, a mobile service for sending affective mes-sages to others, with the explicit aim of addressing such sensing. Through combining affective gestures for input with affective expressions that make use of colors, shapes and animations for the background of messages, the interac-tion pulls the user into an embodied ‘affective loop’. We present a user study of eMoto where 12 out of 18 subjects got both physically and emotionally involved in the interac-tion. The study also shows that the designed ‘openness’ and ambiguity of the expressions, was appreciated and under-stood by our subjects

    A user-centred approach to affective interaction

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    We have built eMoto, a mobile service for sending and receiving affective messages, with the explicit aim of addressing the inner experience of emotions. eMoto is a designed artifact that carries emotional experiences only achieved through interaction. Following on the theories of embodiment, we argue emotional experiences can not be design in only design for. eMoto is the result of a user-centered design approach, realized through a set of initial brain-storming methods, a persona, a Laban-analysis of body language and a two-tiered evaluation method. eMoto is not a system that could have been designed from theory only, but require an iterative engagement with end-users, however, in combination with theoretical work. More specifically, we will show how we have managed to design an ambiguous and open system that allows for users’ emotional engagement

    Designing gestures for affective input: an analysis of shape, effort and valence

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    We discuss a user-centered approach to incorporating affective expressions in interactive applications, and argue for a design that addresses both body and mind. In particular, we have studied the problem of finding a set of affective gestures. Based on previous work in movement analysis and emotion theory [Davies, Laban and Lawrence, Russell], and a study of an actor expressing emotional states in body movements, we have identified three underlying dimensions of movements and emotions: shape, effort and valence. From these dimensions we have created a new affective interaction model, which we name the affective gestural plane model. We applied this model to the design of gestural affective input to a mobile service for affective messages

    A Foundation for Emotional Expressivity

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    To express emotions to others in mobile text messaging in our view require designs that can both capture some of the ambiguity and subtleness that characterizes emotional interaction and keep the media specific qualities. Through the use of a body movement analysis and a dimensional model of emotion experiences, we arrived at a design for a mobile messaging service, eMoto. The service makes use of the sub-symbolic expressions; colors, shapes and animations, for expressing emotions in an open-ended way. Here we present the design process and a user study of those expressions, where the results show that the use of these sub-symbolic expressions can work as a foundation to use as a creative tool, but still allowing for the communication to be situated. The inspiration taken from body movements proved to be very useful as a design input. It was also reflected in the way our subjects described the expressions

    Validity and Rigour in Soma Design-Sketching with the Soma

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    FÄr domstolens rÀttstillÀmpning komma som en blixt frÄn klar himmel? - En utredning av principen om jura novit curias förhÄllande till kontradiktionsprincipen

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    TvĂ„ grundlĂ€ggande rĂ€ttsgrundsatser inom civilprocessrĂ€tten Ă€r principen om jura novit curia och kontradiktionsprincipen. Jura novit curia innebĂ€r att domstolen kĂ€nner lagen och att domstolen ska tillĂ€mpa den adekvata rĂ€ttsregeln pĂ„ tvisten, oavsett om parterna baserat sin talan pĂ„ denna eller ej. Kontradiktionsprincipen, som bĂ„de finns i intern svensk rĂ€tt och i EKMR, stadgar att ingen fĂ„r dömas ohörd. Dessa tvĂ„ principer existerar parallellt. Det som Ă€r omdiskuterat Ă€r huruvida kontradiktionsprincipen skapar en rĂ€tt för parterna att bemöta den rĂ€ttsregel som domstolen kommer grunda domen pĂ„ och uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka detta och huruvida en sĂ„dan rĂ€tt i vart fall borde finnas. Inom doktrin finns blandade uppfattningar om detta, men det torde stĂ„ klart att de flesta anser att domstolen i vart fall bör underrĂ€tta parterna innan domslutet grundas pĂ„ icke-Ă„beropade rĂ€ttsregler. Med utgĂ„ngspunkt i principernas tillĂ€mpningsomrĂ„den aktualiseras Ă€ven frĂ„gan om domstolens materiella processledning avseende rĂ€ttsregler. Processledningen Ă€r först och frĂ€mst inriktad pĂ„ att berika och begrĂ€nsa processmaterialet för att reda ut oklarheter i parternas talan. I RB stadgas inget uttryckligt om materiell processledning avseende rĂ€ttsfrĂ„gor, men dĂ€r uppstĂ€lls heller inget hinder för detta. HD har i sin praxis berört frĂ„gan flertalet gĂ„nger. I bl.a. NJA 1989 s. 614 konstateras jura novit curias starka stĂ€llning i svensk rĂ€tt. I resningsĂ€rendet till NJA 2016 s. 107 uttalade HD att parterna borde getts möjlighet att yttra sig i tvistemĂ„let. Torgny HĂ„stad har i samband med detta pĂ„stĂ„tt att HD har skapat en plikt för domstolar att inhĂ€mta parternas synpunkter. Även NJA 1999 s. 629 ger uttryck för att parterna bör bli upplysta i de fall domstolen övervĂ€ger att tillĂ€mpa en rĂ€ttsregel som inte diskuterats under rĂ€ttegĂ„ngen. Europadomstolen har Ă€nnu inte prövat frĂ„gan om jura novit curia i förhĂ„llande till kontradiktionsprincipen i dispositiva tvistemĂ„l och tills ett sĂ„dant avgörande kommer torde det vara oklart hur lĂ„ngt kontradiktionsprincipen strĂ€cker sig. Som rĂ€ttslĂ€get ser ut idag Ă€r det alltsĂ„ tillĂ„tet för domstolen att grunda sin dom pĂ„ andra rĂ€ttsregler Ă€n de som Ă„beropats av parterna, utan att parterna förvarnas om detta. Dock bör kommunicering med parterna ske och det gĂ„r dĂ€rmed att utlĂ€sa att överraskande rĂ€ttstillĂ€mpning inte Ă€r önskvĂ€rt.Two fundamental principles in the Swedish procedural code are the principle iura novit curia and the principle of an adversarial procedure. Iura novit curia means that the court knows the law and that the judge is responsible for the application of the relevant legal rules, whether the parties have based their pleadings on these or not. The principle of an adversarial procedure, which exists both in Swedish internal law and in the ECHR, states that the parties have the right not to be judged unheard. These two principles exist side by side. It is discussed whether the principle of an adversarial procedure creates a right for the parties to respond to the legal rule that the court will base its decision on. This thesis aims to examine this question and whether such a right should exist. Within the doctrine there are some different opinions, but it is quite clear that the prevailing view is that the court should notify the parties before it bases its decision on other rules than those the parties raised during the process. The issue concerning the material proceedings regarding the application of law is actualized by the application of these two principles. The material proceedings are first of all aiming to clarify uncertainties in the parties’ pleadings. The rules in RB do not express any explicit support for the notion that direction of proceedings encompasses the application of law, neither does it put up any bars for this notion. The Swedish Supreme Court (HD) has touched the question a couple of time. I NJA 1989 s. 614 HD stated that iura novit curia has a strong position within swedish law. In the new trial case to NJA 2016 s. 107, HD expressed that the parties should have been given the opportunity to express themselves in the dispute. Torgny HĂ„stad has in this context alleged that HD has created an obligation for the court to obtain the view of the parties. Also, NJA 1999 s. 629 expresses that the parties should be enlightened when the court is considering to applying another legal rule to the dispute other than those the parties have referred to. The European Court of Human Rights has not yet tried the issue about iura novit curia in relation to the principle of an adversarial procedure when it comes to civil disputes. Until such a judgement is created, it will probably be uncertain how far the principle of an adversarial procedure stretches. The legal situation today allows the court to base its judgement on other legal rules than does quoted by the parties, without giving the parties such notice. However, communication ought to occur as surprising law enforcement is not desirable

    Demands on monitoring

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    This chapter provides a short overview of the types of processes for reporting as well as legislation that governs why and how monitoring is undertaken and some of the ways in which stakeholders are involved at different levels. Because monitoring for the policy side is, by default, mandated monitoring, this type becomes the focus of this chapter, while noting that many policies and legislation may have been prompted by the results of question-driven monitoring, pointing out areas of concern. In fact, the iterative process of monitoring, analysis, and reporting to a government that, in turn, changes the policies to better fit concerns or issues needing addressing can be seen as a co-development. Whereas the previous chapter illustrated what monitoring is, this chapter illustrates some of the demands on monitoring in legislation and policy, where they outline what monitoring is asked to contribute. The chapter reviews legislation on the global scene, on the community level of the European Union, and at national levels in the areas of water bodies and semi-aquatic, agricultural, urban, and forested semi-natural or natural landscapes

    Designing real-time, continuous emotion annotation techniques for 360° VR videos

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    With the increasing availability of head-mounted displays (HMDs) that show immersive 360° VR content, it is important to understand to what extent these immersive experiences can evoke emotions. Typically to collect emotion ground truth labels, users rate videos through post-experience self-reports that are discrete in nature. However, post-stimuli self-reports are temporally imprecise, especially after watching 360° videos. In this work, we design six continuous emotion annotation techniques for the Oculus Rift HMD aimed at minimizing workload and distraction. Based on a co-design session with six experts, we contribute HaloLight and DotSize, two continuous annotation methods deemed unobtrusive and easy to understand. We discuss the next challenges for evaluating the usability of these techniques, and reliability of continuous annotations
