6 research outputs found

    C‑Ring Cannabinoid Lactones: A Novel Cannabinergic Chemotype

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    As a part of our controlled-deactivation ligand development project, we recently disclosed a series of (−)-Δ<sup>8</sup>-tetrahydrocannabinols (THCs) with a metabolically labile ester group at the 2′-position of the side chain. Now, we have replaced the C-ring in the classical THC structure with a hydrolyzable seven-membered lactone. One of the synthesized analogues binds with high affinity to the CB1 receptor (<i>K</i><sub>i</sub> = 4.6 nM) and exhibits much lower affinities for the mCB2 and the hCB2. Also, in vitro functional characterization found the compound to be an agonist at rCB1. Consistent with our rational design, the lead cannabinergic lactone identified here is susceptible to metabolic inactivation by plasma esterases, while the respective acid metabolite is inactive at CB receptors. These results are highlighted with molecular modeling of the two regiosomeric lactones

    3′-Functionalized Adamantyl Cannabinoid Receptor Probes

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    The aliphatic side chain plays a pivotal role in determining the cannabinergic potency of tricyclic classical cannabinoids, and we have previously shown that this chain could be substituted successfully by adamantyl or other polycyclic groups. In an effort to explore the pharmacophoric features of these conformationally fixed groups, we have synthesized a series of analogues in which the C3 position is substituted directly with an adamantyl group bearing functionality at one of the tertiary carbon atoms. These substituents included the electrophilic isothiocyanate and photoactivatable azido groups, both of which are capable of covalent attachment with the target protein. Our results show that substitution at the 3′-adamantyl position can lead to ligands with improved affinities and CB1/CB2 selectivities. Our work has also led to the development of two successful covalent probes with high affinities for both cannabinoid receptors, namely, the electrophilic isothiocyanate AM994 and the photoactivatable aliphatic azido AM993 analogues

    Binding Site Characterization of AM1336, a Novel Covalent Inverse Agonist at Human Cannabinoid 2 Receptor, Using Mass Spectrometric Analysis

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    Cannabinoid 2 receptor (CB2R), a Class-A G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), is a promising drug target under a wide array of pathological conditions. Rational drug design has been hindered due to our poor understanding of the structural features involved in ligand binding. Binding of a high-affinity biarylpyrazole inverse agonist AM1336 to a library of the human CB2 receptor (hCB2R) cysteine-substituted mutants provided indirect evidence that two cysteines in transmembrane helix-7 (H7) were critical for the covalent attachment. We used proteomics analysis of the hCB2R with bound AM1336 to directly identify peptides with covalently attached ligand and applied in silico modeling for visualization of the ligand–receptor interactions. The hCB2R, with affinity tags (FlaghCB2His6), was produced in a baculovirus–insect cell expression system and purified as a functional receptor using immunoaffinity chromatography. Using mass spectrometry-based bottom-up proteomic analysis of the hCB2R-AM1336, we identified a peptide with AM1336 attached to the cysteine C284(7.38) in H7. The hCB2R homology model in lipid bilayer accommodated covalent attachment of AM1336 to C284(7.38), supporting both biochemical and mass spectrometric data. This work consolidates proteomics data and in silico modeling and integrates with our ligand-assisted protein structure (LAPS) experimental paradigm to assist in structure-based design of cannabinoid antagonist/inverse agonists

    Novel C‑Ring-Hydroxy-Substituted Controlled Deactivation Cannabinergic Analogues

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    In pursuit of safer controlled-deactivation cannabinoids with high potency and short duration of action, we report the design, synthesis, and pharmacological evaluation of novel C9- and C11-hydroxy-substituted hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) analogues in which a seven atom long side chain, with or without 1′-substituents, carries a metabolically labile 2′,3′-ester group. Importantly, in vivo studies validated our controlled deactivation approach in rodents and non-human primates. The lead molecule identified here, namely, butyl-2-[(6a<i>R</i>,9<i>R</i>,10a<i>R</i>)-1-hydroxy-9-(hydroxymethyl)-6,6-dimethyl-6a,7,8,9,10,10a-hexahydro-6<i>H</i>-benzo­[<i>c</i>]­chromen-3-yl]-2-methylpropanoate (AM7499), was found to exhibit remarkably high in vitro and in vivo potency with shorter duration of action than the currently existing classical cannabinoid agonists