6 research outputs found


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    The objective of this research is to obtain empirical evidence related to the effect of income smoothing on the earningsinformativeness of manufacturing firms listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2005-2007 period. Earningsinformativeness is measured using future earnings response coefficient (FERC) measuring the effect of current stock return on the future earning. Population used in this research was all manufacturing firms listed in IDX during 2005-2007 periods. Sample was selected using purposive sampling by which it was obtained 65 firms. The research used multiple regressions as analysis tool with the aid of computer software for statistic SPSS version 16.00. Result of the research shows that data were distributed normally for all variables. In the classic assumption test, there is no autocorrelation, multi co-linearity and heteroskedasticity tendency. Using multiple regressions model, two further supplement tests were done, main and advance test. Supplement test using earning persistence model shows that income smoothing may strengthen the persistence of earnings of a firm and in benchmarkCKSSmodel it shows that the information on the future earning may be described in the current stock return. Result of main test income smoothing interaction in benchmarkCKSSmodel shows that income smoothing may lower informativenes level of firm earnings. This result is supported by advance test using decomposition model. From the result of study it is concluded that income smoothing significantly affectsearningsinformativeness. It is also suggested that future research on this topic prolong research period, enlarge research sample and differ sample into certain industry category so that it is found more in-dept and further results. Keywords: income smoothing, earnings informativeness, future earning response coefficient (FERC), earnings persistence model, benchmarkCKSS model, decomposition model


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    Sarung goyor Sragen is an excellent product that is grown will be given the availability of potential and existing resources and has a clear market opportunity. In developing superior products mentioned, SME centers incorporated in the local Cooperative containers. In connection with this, the development of superior products sarung Goyorbased One Village One Product (OVOP) support, both from the Government of Central Java Province, as well as the Central Government and the Higher Education scheme Hi Link. Research for the improvement of the technology applied. Technology selection methods used in the implementation of activities, namely: observation intended to observe goyorsarung woven products, manufacturing process innovation goyor woven sarung, equipment manufacture of loom machinesnew models, KalijambeSragen. Assistance on an individual basis is intended to determine the potential of individual craftsmen to be developed optimally. Training is needed in order to export and import of cooperatives and community groups can export its own without the help of wholesalers

    Factors Influencing the Success of Wayang Kulit Performances

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    This research developed a model for the creative industry of wayang kulit (shadow puppet) performances. It established factors influencing the success of wayang kulit shows. The study questioned whether (1) nature increases innovative behavior; (2) personality improves innovative behavior; (3) the ability to adopt innovative behavior increases business success; (4) age increases entrepreneurial success. A sample of 75 respondents from wayang kulit shows in three locations in Indonesia was used. The Partial Least Square (PLS) technique with WarpPLS 5.0 software was employed for data analysis. The results show that (a) individual traits influence innovative behavior; (b) an individual’s personality has no impact on innovative behavior; (c) innovative behavior influences the success of the show; and (d) old age lowers the success rate. This study provides empirical evidence that characteristics and behavior are factors that drive the success of wayang kulit shows. Additional testing was conducted to determine the level of audience satisfaction with the shows. Questionnaire results were obtained from 63 respondents. Testing focused on information, identity, interaction and entertainment. Keywords: creative industry, wayang kulit performance, Indonesi

    Corporate Governance, Audit Quality, Family Ownership and Earnings Management

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    This study aimed to obtain empirical evidence regarding the influence of corporate governance and audit quality on earnings management measures, as well as their relationship with the effect of family ownership. Research on earnings management has been widely conducted, but research in family firms is still limited, while based on previous observational data, 95% of companies in Indonesia are family firms. In addition, the difference in the concept of corporate governance in developing countries compared to developed countries is crucial in relation to company supervision patterns. Earnings management practices carried out by company management can be caused by the occurrence of information asymmetry in which management as an agent has more information related to the company than the company owner. This information asymmetry is used by managers to mislead other parties with the aim of increasing their managerial career or compensation. Implementing the corporate governance mechanism is a way to reduce earnings management. Another factor affecting earnings quality is audit quality. This study took a sample of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange during the 2017- 2018 period. 152 sample data were tested. This study used secondary data obtained from annual reports of companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Moderated regression analysis (MRA) was used. Corporate governance had no effect on earnings management and audit quality had a significant effect on earnings management behavior. Family ownership was able to strengthen the effect of audit quality in determining earnings management actions. Keywords: corporate governance, audit quality, earnings management, family ownershi

    Pengaruh Penerapan Corporate Governance terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan di Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine the effect of the corporate governance to firm performance. Corporate governance is a concept that emphasizes the importance of the right of shareholders to obtain information that is accurate, correct and timely. The structure of corporate governance in this study focuses on board size and the proportion of independent directors.The sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling, which samples are intentionally determined based ciri.sifat characteristics deemed to have a close relationship with the characteristics / properties of the previously known populations. Based on test results obtained in this study concluded that there is significant influence board size and the proportion of independent directors regarding the company's financial performance, both of which are measured by the cash flow return on assets (CFROA) and return on equity (ROE)

    Peran Income Smoothing dalam Meningkatkan Earnings Informativeness

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence of income smoothing effect on earnings informativeness. Earnings informativeness is the information content of future returns that reflected from return (Tucker and Zarowin, 2006). This study will develop a CKSS concept that developed by Collins et al. (1994), which tested the earnings informativeness through future earnings response coefficients (future earnings response coefficient / FERC) in measuring the influence of the stock return movement in future earnings. The samples in the study were determined by using purposive sampling, which took samples of non-financial companies, with years of observation from 2004 to 2011. The research sample includes 104 non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study using SPSS 20 version, as multiple regression analysis (multiple regression). Tests conducted on the interaction effect of income smoothing with future earnings to return. The test results in this study showed a significant positive value, indicated that income smoothing action able to strengthening the relationship of earnings and return. This proves that income smoothing action is not always biased (garbles), but this action is aimed as efficient communication, because the information generated by company is significantly can be used as a prediction of future information. These results are consistent with Zarowin (2002), Tucker and Zarowin (2006), Cahan et al., (2008), as well as Hamzawi and Alfatooni (2011)