3,816 research outputs found

    The Observations of Redshift Evolution in Large-Scale Environments (ORELSE) Survey. I. The Survey Design and First Results on CL 0023+0423 at z = 0.84 and RX J1821.6+6827 at z = 0.82

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    We present the Observations of Redshift Evolution in Large-Scale Environments (ORELSE) Survey, a systematic search for structure on scales greater than 10 h^(–1)_70 Mpc around 20 well-known clusters at redshifts of 0.6 < z < 1.3. The goal of the survey is to examine a statistical sample of dynamically active clusters and large-scale structures in order to quantify galaxy properties over the full range of local and global environments. We describe the survey design, the cluster sample, and our extensive observational data covering at least 25' around each target cluster. We use adaptively smoothed red galaxy density maps from our wide-field optical imaging to identify candidate groups/clusters and intermediate-density large-scale filaments/walls in each cluster field. Because photometric techniques (such as photometric redshifts, statistical overdensities, and richness estimates) can be highly uncertain, the crucial component of this survey is the unprecedented amount of spectroscopic coverage. We are using the wide-field, multiobject spectroscopic capabilities of the Deep Multiobject Imaging Spectrograph to obtain 100-200+ confirmed cluster members in each field. Our survey has already discovered the Cl 1604 supercluster at z ≈ 0.9, a structure which contains at least eight groups and clusters and spans 13 Mpc × 100 Mpc. Here, we present the results on the large-scale environments of two additional clusters, Cl 0023+0423 at z = 0.84 and RX J1821.6+6827 at z = 0.82, which highlight the diversity of global properties at these redshifts. The optically selected Cl 0023+0423 is a four-way group-group merger with constituent groups having measured velocity dispersions between 206 and 479 km s^–1. The galaxy population is dominated by blue, star-forming galaxies, with 80% of the confirmed members showing [O II] emission. The strength of the Hδ line in a composite spectrum of 138 members indicates a substantial contribution from recent starbursts to the overall galaxy population. In contrast, the X-ray-selected RX J1821.6+6827 is a largely isolated, massive cluster with a measured velocity dispersion of 926 ± 77 km s^(–1). The cluster exhibits a well-defined red sequence with a large quiescent galaxy population. The results from these two targets, along with preliminary findings on other ORELSE clusters, suggest that optical selection may be more effective than X-ray surveys at detecting less-evolved, dynamically active systems at these redshifts

    A method of evaluating efficiency during space-suited work in a neutral buoyancy environment

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    The purpose was to investigate efficiency as related to the work transmission and the metabolic cost of various extravehicular activity (EVA) tasks during simulated microgravity (whole body water immersion) using three space suits. Two new prototype space station suits, AX-5 and MKIII, are pressurized at 57.2 kPa and were tested concurrently with the operationally used 29.6 kPa shuttle suit. Four male astronauts were asked to perform a fatigue trial on four upper extremity exercises during which metabolic rate and work output were measured and efficiency was calculated in each suit. The activities were selected to simulate actual EVA tasks. The test article was an underwater dynamometry system to which the astronauts were secured by foot restraints. All metabolic data was acquired, calculated, and stored using a computerized indirect calorimetry system connected to the suit ventilation/gas supply control console. During the efficiency testing, steady state metabolic rate could be evaluated as well as work transmitted to the dynamometer. Mechanical efficiency could then be calculated for each astronaut in each suit performing each movement

    Slip-velocity of large neutrally-buoyant particles in turbulent flows

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    We discuss possible definitions for a stochastic slip velocity that describes the relative motion between large particles and a turbulent flow. This definition is necessary because the slip velocity used in the standard drag model fails when particle size falls within the inertial subrange of ambient turbulence. We propose two definitions, selected in part due to their simplicity: they do not require filtration of the fluid phase velocity field, nor do they require the construction of conditional averages on particle locations. A key benefit of this simplicity is that the stochastic slip velocity proposed here can be calculated equally well for laboratory, field, and numerical experiments. The stochastic slip velocity allows the definition of a Reynolds number that should indicate whether large particles in turbulent flow behave (a) as passive tracers; (b) as a linear filter of the velocity field; or (c) as a nonlinear filter to the velocity field. We calculate the value of stochastic slip for ellipsoidal and spherical particles (the size of the Taylor microscale) measured in laboratory homogeneous isotropic turbulence. The resulting Reynolds number is significantly higher than 1 for both particle shapes, and velocity statistics show that particle motion is a complex non-linear function of the fluid velocity. We further investigate the nonlinear relationship by comparing the probability distribution of fluctuating velocities for particle and fluid phases

    Multi-phonon scattering and Ti-induced hydrogen dynamics in sodium alanate

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    We use ab initio methods and neutron inelastic scattering (NIS) to study the structure, energetics, and dynamics of pure and Ti-doped sodium alanate (NaAlH_4), focusing on the possibility of substitutional Ti doping. The NIS spectrum is found to exhibit surprisingly strong and sharp two-phonon features. The calculations reveal that substitutional Ti doping is energetically possible. Ti prefers to substitute for Na and is a powerful hydrogen attractor that facilitates multiple Al--H bond breaking. Our results hint at new ways of improving the hydrogen dynamics and storage capacity of the alanates.Comment: 5 pages, with 4 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX4 and graphicx macro

    Spin anisotropy of the resonance in superconducting FeSe0.5Te0.5

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    We have used polarized-neutron inelastic scattering to resolve the spin fluctuations in superconducting FeSe0.5Te0.5 into components parallel and perpendicular to the layers. A spin resonance at an energy of 6.5 meV is observed to develop below T_c in both fluctuation components. The resonance peak is anisotropic, with the in-plane component slightly larger than the out-of-plane component. Away from the resonance peak the magnetic fluctuations are isotropic in the energy range studied. The results are consistent with a dominant singlet pairing state with s^{\pm} symmetry, with a possible minority component of different symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Magnon Dispersion and Anisotropies in SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2

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    We study the dispersion of the magnons (triplet states) in SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2 including all symmetry-allowed Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. We can reduce the complexity of the general Hamiltonian to a new simpler form by appropriate rotations of the spin operators. The resulting Hamiltonian is studied by both perturbation theory and exact numerical diagonalization on a 32-site cluster. We argue that the dispersion is dominated by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. We point out which combinations of these anisotropies affect the dispersion to linear-order, and extract their magnitudes.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, v2 conclusion shortened, figs clarifie

    Weak Lensing Detection of Cl 1604+4304 at z = 0.90

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    We present a weak lensing analysis of the high-redshift cluster Cl 1604+4304. At z=0.90, this is the highest-redshift cluster yet detected with weak lensing. It is also one of a sample of high-redshift, optically-selected clusters whose X-ray temperatures are lower than expected based on their velocity dispersions. Both the gas temperature and galaxy velocity dispersion are proxies for its mass, which can be determined more directly by a lensing analysis. Modeling the cluster as a singular isothermal sphere, we find that the mass contained within projected radius R is 3.69+-1.47 * (R/500 kpc) 10^14 M_odot. This corresponds to an inferred velocity dispersion of 1004+-199 km/s, which agrees well with the measured velocity dispersion of 989+98-76 km/s (Gal & Lubin 2004). These numbers are higher than the 575+110-85 km/s inferred from Cl 1604+4304 X-ray temperature, however all three velocity dispersion estimates are consistent within ~ 1.9 sigma.Comment: Revised version accepted for publication in AJ (January 2005). 2 added figures (6 figures total

    Longitudinal SDW order in a quasi-1D Ising-like quantum antiferromagnet

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    From neutron diffraction measurements on a quasi-1D Ising-like Co2+^{\rm 2+} spin compound BaCo2_{\rm 2}V2_{\rm 2}O8_{\rm 8}, we observed an appearance of a novel type of incommensurate ordering in magnetic fields. This ordering is essentially different from the N{\' e}el-type ordering, which is expected for the classical system, and is caused by quantum fluctuation inherent in the quantum spin chain. A Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) nature characteristic of the gapless quantum 1D system is responsible for the realization of the incommensurate ordering.Comment: 4pages, 4figur