122 research outputs found

    Cause and Consequences of Genetic and Epigenetic Alterations in Human Cancer

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    Both genetic and epigenetic changes contribute to development of human cancer. Oncogenomics has primarily focused on understanding the genetic basis of neoplasia, with less emphasis being placed on the role of epigenetics in tumourigenesis. Genomic alterations in cancer vary between the different types and stages, tissues and individuals. Moreover, genomic change ranges from single nucleotide mutations to gross chromosomal aneuploidy; which may or may not be associated with underlying genomic instability. Collectively, genomic alterations result in widespread deregulation of gene expression profiles and the disruption of signalling networks that control proliferation and cellular functions. In addition to changes in DNA and chromosomes, it has become evident that oncogenomic processes can be profoundly influenced by epigenetic mechanisms. DNA methylation is one of the key epigenetic factors involved in regulation of gene expression and genomic stability, and is biologically necessary for the maintenance of many cellular functions. While there has been considerable progress in understanding the impact of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in tumourigenesis, there has been little consideration of the importance of the interplay between these two processes. In this review we summarize current understanding of the role of genetic and epigenetic alterations in human cancer. In addition we consider the associated interactions of genetic and epigenetic processes in tumour onset and progression. Furthermore, we provide a model of tumourigenesis that addresses the combined impact of both epigenetic and genetic alterations in cancer cells

    Interrogating trans and sexual identities through the conceptual lens of translocational positionality

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    This article explores the confluence of trans identity and sexuality drawing on the concept of translocational positionality. In this discussion, a broad spectrum of gendered positionalities incorporates trans identity which, in turn, acknowledges normative male and female identities as well as non-binary ones. It is also recognised, however, that trans identity overlaps with other positionalities (pertaining to sexuality, for example) to shape social location. In seeking to understand subject positions, a translocational lens acknowledges the contextuality and temporality of social categories to offer an analysis which recognises the overlaps and differentials of co-existing positionalities. This approach enables an analysis which explores how macro, or structural, contexts shape agency (at the micro-level) and also how both are mediated by trans people's multiple and shifting positionalities. In this framing, positionality represents a meso layer between structure and agency. Four case studies are presented using data from a qualitative study which explored trans people's experiences of family, intimacy and domestic abuse. We offer an original contribution to the emerging knowledge-base on trans sexuality by presenting data from four case studies. We do so whilst innovatively applying the conceptual lens of translocational positionality to an analysis which considers macro, meso and micro levels of influence

    Effects of sleep deprivation on neural functioning: an integrative review

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    Sleep deprivation has a broad variety of effects on human performance and neural functioning that manifest themselves at different levels of description. On a macroscopic level, sleep deprivation mainly affects executive functions, especially in novel tasks. Macroscopic and mesoscopic effects of sleep deprivation on brain activity include reduced cortical responsiveness to incoming stimuli, reflecting reduced attention. On a microscopic level, sleep deprivation is associated with increased levels of adenosine, a neuromodulator that has a general inhibitory effect on neural activity. The inhibition of cholinergic nuclei appears particularly relevant, as the associated decrease in cortical acetylcholine seems to cause effects of sleep deprivation on macroscopic brain activity. In general, however, the relationships between the neural effects of sleep deprivation across observation scales are poorly understood and uncovering these relationships should be a primary target in future research

    Integrating sequence and array data to create an improved 1000 Genomes Project haplotype reference panel

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    A major use of the 1000 Genomes Project (1000GP) data is genotype imputation in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Here we develop a method to estimate haplotypes from low-coverage sequencing data that can take advantage of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray genotypes on the same samples. First the SNP array data are phased to build a backbone (or 'scaffold') of haplotypes across each chromosome. We then phase the sequence data 'onto' this haplotype scaffold. This approach can take advantage of relatedness between sequenced and non-sequenced samples to improve accuracy. We use this method to create a new 1000GP haplotype reference set for use by the human genetic community. Using a set of validation genotypes at SNP and bi-allelic indels we show that these haplotypes have lower genotype discordance and improved imputation performance into downstream GWAS samples, especially at low-frequency variants. © 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    Supplement Material for: Genomic signatures of chromosomal instability and osteosarcoma progression detected by high resolution array CGH and interphase FISH

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     Osteosarcoma (OS) is characterized by an unstable karyotype which typically has a heterogeneous pattern of complex chromosomal abnormalities. High-resolution array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) in combination with interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses provides a complete description of genomic imbalances together with an evaluation of the contribution of cell-to-cell variation to copy number changes. There have been no analyses to date documenting genomic signatures consistent with chromosomal instability mechanisms in OS tumors using array CGH. In this study, we utilized high-resolution array CGH to identify and characterize recurrent signatures of genomic imbalances using ten OS tumors. Comparison between the genomic profiles identified tumor groups with low, intermediate and high levels of genomic imbalance. Bands 6p22→p21, 8q24 and 17p12→ p11.2 were consistently involved in high copy gain or amplification events. Since these three locations have been consistently associated with OS oncogenesis, FISH probes from each cytoband were used to derive an index of cellular heterogeneity for copy number within each region. OS with the highest degree of genomic imbalance also exhibited the most extreme cell-to-cell copy number variation. Significantly, the three OS with the most imbalance and genomic copy number heterogeneity also had the poorest response to preoperative chemotherapy. This genome wide analysis is the first utilizing oligonucleotide array CGH in combination with FISH analysis to derive genomic signatures of chromosomal instability in OS tumors by studying genomic imbalance and intercellular heterogeneity. This comprehensive genomic screening approach provides important insights concerning the mechanisms responsible for generating complex genomes. The resulting phenotypic diversity can generate tumors with a propensity for an aggressive disease course. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms leading to OS tumor development could result in the identification of prognostic markers and therapeutic targets. </p

    The dual role of serotonin in colorectal cancer

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    Serotonin (5-HT) has complex effects on the central nervous system (CNS), neuroendocrine mechanisms, immunological reactions, intestinal microbiome, and cancer. It has been associated with more severe signs and symptoms of colitis, as well as promoting colorectal cancer (CRC) cells toward expansion. However, recent findings revealed that impairments in 5-HT synthesis lead to high levels of DNA damage in colonocytes, which is linked with inflammatory reactions promoting the development of CRC. Here, we review the diverse roles of 5-HT in intestinal homeostasis and in CRC and discuss how improved understanding of the modulation of the 5-HT pathway could be helpful for the design of novel anticancer therapies

    Posledice evropskih integracijskih procesov na področju po-trgovalnih storitev z vrednostnimi papirji na nadaljnji razvoj panoge v Evropski monetarni uniji

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    Introduction Accurate, continuous, left ventricular stroke volume (SV) measurements can convey large amounts of information about patient hemodynamic status and response to therapy. However, direct measurements are highly invasive in clinical practice, and current procedures for estimating SV require specialized devices and significant approximation. Method This study investigates the accuracy of a three element Windkessel model combined with an aortic pressure waveform to estimate SV. Aortic pressure is separated into two components capturing; 1) resistance and compliance, 2) characteristic impedance. This separation provides model-element relationships enabling SV to be estimated while requiring only one of the three element values to be known or estimated. Beat-to-beat SV estimation was performed using population-representative optimal values for each model element. This method was validated using measured SV data from porcine experiments (N = 3 female Pietrain pigs, 29–37 kg) in which both ventricular volume and aortic pressure waveforms were measured simultaneously. Results The median difference between measured SV from left ventricle (LV) output and estimated SV was 0.6 ml with a 90% range (5th–95th percentile) −12.4 ml–14.3 ml. During periods when changes in SV were induced, cross correlations in between estimated and measured SV were above R = 0.65 for all cases. Conclusion The method presented demonstrates that the magnitude and trends of SV can be accurately estimated from pressure waveforms alone, without the need for identification of complex physiological metrics where strength of correlations may vary significantly from patient to patient

    Genomic alterations detected by comparative genomic hybridization in ovarian endometriomas

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    Endometriosis is a complex and multifactorial disease. Chromosomal imbalance screening in endometriotic tissue can be used to detect hot-spot regions in the search for a possible genetic marker for endometriosis. The objective of the present study was to detect chromosomal imbalances by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) in ectopic tissue samples from ovarian endometriomas and eutopic tissue from the same patients. We evaluated 10 ovarian endometriotic tissues and 10 eutopic endometrial tissues by metaphase CGH. CGH was prepared with normal and test DNA enzymatically digested, ligated to adaptors and amplified by PCR. A second PCR was performed for DNA labeling. Equal amounts of both normal and test-labeled DNA were hybridized in human normal metaphases. The Isis FISH Imaging System V 5.0 software was used for chromosome analysis. In both eutopic and ectopic groups, 4/10 samples presented chromosomal alterations, mainly chromosomal gains. CGH identified 11q12.3-q13.1, 17p11.1-p12, 17q25.3-qter, and 19p as critical regions. Genomic imbalances in 11q, 17p, 17q, and 19p were detected in normal eutopic and/or ectopic endometrium from women with ovarian endometriosis. These regions contain genes such as POLR2G, MXRA7 and UBA52 involved in biological processes that may lead to the establishment and maintenance of endometriotic implants. This genomic imbalance may affect genes in which dysregulation impacts both eutopic and ectopic endometrium