37 research outputs found

    Plemorphic Adenoma of the Infratemporal Space: A New Case Report

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    Plemorphic adenoma is a frequent benign tumor of the major salivary glands. It could also develop from accessory salivary glands. We are reporting an extremely rare case of pleomorphic adenoma developing from the infratemporal space. The final diagnosis was based on histological confirmation. The treatment was mainly a complete resection via an anterior transmaxillary approach. Diagnosis, clinical behaviour, and treatment of pleomorphic adenoma of the infra-temporal space are reviewed from the literature

    Ponction biopsies rénales dans le Service de Néphrologie de Fès: indications et résultats: à propos de 522 cas

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    L'apport de la ponction biopsie rénale (PBR) dans le diagnostic, le choix thérapeutique et l'évaluation pronostique des néphropathies est considérable. Aucune étude marocaine n'a évalué la pratique et l'apport de la PBR. Notre objectif est d'étudier les indications de la PBR, déterminer la fréquence des maladies rénales identifiées par PBR dans notre région et de faire une confrontation entre les données clinico-biologiques et le diagnostic historique. Notre étude menée entre Janvier 2009 et Décembre 2012, est rétrospective. Nous avons inclus tous les patients du service de Néphrologie du CHU Hassan II de Fès ayant bénéficié d'une biopsie de reins natifs. 522 PBR ont été réalisées. Nous avons exclu 8 biopsies devant le manque de renseignements et avons donc retenu 514. L'âge moyen des patients au moment de la PBR est de 39 ±17 ans (3-82 ans). Le sex ratio est de 0,9. Le syndrome néphrotique est le diagnostic clinique le plus fréquent à tous les âges (58,2%). Les néphropathies glomérulaires représentent 94,2% des maladies rénales diagnostiquées, leur distribution varie selon l'âge des patients. La PBR a confirmé le premier diagnostic suspecté cliniquement dans 40,65 % des cas, alors qu'elle a révélé un diagnostic inattendu chez 22,5% d'entre eux. Le diagnostic syndromique permet d'orienter vers la maladie rénale la plus probable et de guider les thérapeutiques urgentes en attendant les résultats de la PBR. Mais il ne peut en aucun remplacer la PBR qui reste le gold standard.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Profil de l’infection urinaire nosocomiale dans un service de nephrology

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    L'infection urinaire est l'infection nosocomiale la plus fréquente. Elle constitue un véritable problème de santé publique par la surmortalité et le surcoût qu'elle entraîne. L'objectif de notre étude est de  déterminer l'incidence et le profil des IU nosocomiales dans un service de Néphrologie. Etude  rétrospective sur dossier de tous les patients hospitalisés dans notre service durant l'année 2011, ayant bénéficié d'un examen cytobactériologique des urines. Ont été exclus, tous les patients admis avec une IU connue ou active. 325 dossiers ont été retenus. L'incidence de l'IU nosocomiale était de l'ordre de 16,9%. La durée moyenne d'hospitalisation était de 14,1±10,15 jours. 30% de nos patients ont été  transférés du service des urgences. 80% des IU nosocomiales étaient compliquées. Le germe  responsable était E.Coli dans 2/3 des cas dont 14,5% était à E.Coli sécrétrice de bétalactamases à  spectre étendu. L'évolution après traitement était favorable chez 90,7%. En analyse multivariée, les  facteurs de risque pour contracter une IU nosocomiale étaient le sexe féminin; le sondage urinaire et  l'antécédent d'IU à répétition. Nos résultats rejoignent ceux de la littérature concernant les facteurs de risque liés à la survenue de l'IU nosocomiale, la fréquence des infections à entérobactéries, et l'émergence de souches résistantes. Une Surveillance microbiologique et une évaluation de la résistance aux antibiotiques constituent une ligne de défense pour faire face à l'accentuation de nouvelles souches bactériennes de plus en plus résistantes aux antibiotiques rendant les options thérapeutiques très limitées.Key words: Infection urinaire, nosocomiale, facteurs de risque, néphrologi

    Non invasive assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic hemodialysis patients with viral hepatitis C

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    The liver biopsy has long been the "gold standard" for assessing liver fibrosis in patients with hepatitis C. It’s an invasive procedure which is associated with an elevated bleeding, especially in chronic  hemodialysis patients. Main goal is to assess liver fibrosis in chronic hemodialysis with HCV by Fibroscan and by biological scores (APRI, Forns and Fib-4), and to measure the correlation between these tests.  Cross-sectional study including all chronic hemodialysis patients with hepatitis C virus, in two public  hemodialysis centers of Fez. All patients were evaluated for liver fibrosis using noninvasive methods  (FibroScan and laboratory tests). Subsequently, the correlation between different tests has been  measured. 95 chronic hemodialysis were studied, twenty nine patients (30.5%) with chronic hepatitis C. The average age was 52.38 ± 16.8 years. Nine liver fibrosis cases have been concluded by forns score. Fibroscan has objectified significant fibrosis in 6 cases. On the other side APRI has objectified sgnifivant fibrosis only in 3 cases. The Fib-4 showed severe fibrosis in five cases. The results have been most consistent between APRI and Fib-4, followed by Fibroscan and Forns, then APRI and FibroScan.Key words: APRI, fib4, fibroscan, forns, hepatitis C virus, liver fibrosis, chronic hemodialysis

    Diabetic Patients and Peritoneal Dialysis

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    The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) among patients requiring renal replacement therapy (RRT) has been on the rise worldwide, with DM now being the primary cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in roughly one-third of RRT initiations. Although renal transplantation is the optimal treatment for ESRD, its limited availability has led to in-center hemodialysis (HD) being widely used as the default RRT modality in many countries. However, peritoneal dialysis (PD) may offer a superior option for diabetic patients due to its slower ultrafiltration rate, which can help mitigate the dialysis-induced hypotension and coronary ischemia that are associated with extracorporeal circulation during HD. Despite these advantages, unfounded concerns about technique failure and increased complication rates have discouraged some clinicians from recommending PD as a first-line RRT for diabetic patients. We conducted a retrospective study comparing the incidence of complications and technique survival rates between diabetic and non-diabetic patients undergoing PD at a dialysis unit in Morocco. Our findings reveal that, diabetic patients undergoing PD experienced no significant difference in technique survival or incidence of complications compared to their non-diabetics. Nevertheless, only a small proportion (17.5%) of patients in our PD unit was diabetic, suggesting a need to improve access to PD for diabetic patients with ESRD

    Le syndrome du canal carpien chez les patients hémodialysés chroniques

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    Le syndrome du canal carpien (SCC) regroupe l'ensemble des signes et symptômes liés à la compression du nerf médian dans le canal carpien. Cette manifestation de l'amylose à béta2-microglobuline est une complication fréquente de l'hémodialyse au long cours. L'objectif de ce travail est d'analyser les caractéristiques du SCC et de déterminer les facteurs liés à sa survenue chez les hémodialysés chroniques.Nous rapportons une étude transversale monocentrique, menée au 3ème trimestre de l'année 2009, portant sur les patients adultes hémodialysés chroniques au service de Néphrologie-Hémodialyse au CHU de Fès. 59 patients ont accepté de participer à l'étude. Leurs âge moyen est de 48 ± 15 ans avec un sex-ratio de 0,9. Ils bénéficient tous de l'hémodialyse intermittente à raison de 10 à 12 heures par semaine, par une membrane de dialyse en polysulfone à basse perméabilité. La durée moyenne en hémodialyse est de 83 ± 6,5 mois. La prévalence du SCC dans notre centre est de 30,5%. L'électromyogramme (EMG) a confirmé la suspicion clinique du SCC chez 11 patients et a diagnostiqué un SCC chez 8 patients asymptomatiques. La comparaison statistique entre les deux groupes de patients avec et sans SCC a démontré que la survenue de ce syndrome est liée à: l'âge actuel, l'âge avancé à la mise en hémodialyse, le sexe féminin, l'excès pondéral, et l'abord vasculaire. Le SCC est une complication fréquente de l'hémodialyse chronique. L'amélioration de la qualité de dialyse permettrait de réduire le risque de survenue du SCC.Pan African Medical Journal 2013; 14:1

    Chemical Composition and Anti-Urolithiatic Activity of Extracts from Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels Press-Cake and Acacia senegal (L.) Willd

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    Ethnobotanical studies have reported the traditional medicinal uses of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. and Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels against kidney stone formation and other chronic kidney diseases. The present work is undertaken to study the litholytic activity and the inhibiting activity of calcium oxalate crystallization by bioactive compounds identified in Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels press-cake (residue of Argan oil) and in Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. The litholytic activity was studied in vitro on cystine and uric acid stones using a porous bag and an Erlenmeyer glass. The study of the inhibiting activity of calcium oxalate crystallization, was based on temporal measurements of the optical density, registered at a 620 nm wavelength for 30 min using an ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometer. The silylation method was performed to identify phytochemicals, followed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrophotometry (GC/MS) analysis. The results show significant litholytic activity of Argania Spinosa press-cake hydro-ethanolic extract on uric acid and cystine stones, respectively, with dissolution rates (DR) of 86.38% and 60.42% versus 3.23% and 9.48% for the hydro-ethanolic extract of Acacia senegal exudate. Furthermore, the percentages of nucleation inhibition are 83.78% and 43.77% (p ˂ 0.05) for Argania spinosa and Acacia senegal, respectively. The results point to the detection of 17 phytochemicals in Argania spinosa press-cake extract, the majority of which are phenolic acids and have potent anti-urolithiatic action

    Organic food consumption and eating habit in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown

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    The purpose of the current study is to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected eating behavior and directed toward organic food and bioproducts consumption in the North African region especially Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia as well as identify the variables that may affect the eating behavior of these population. Data were collected using an anonymous online survey on 1,244 respondents from Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. The results showed that the confinement did influence the consumption of healthy food to enhance people’s immune system so as to prevent infection by the COVID-19, and other diseases. Moreover, academic level, gender, and country of residence were diversely correlated with the eating behavior during COVID-19 confinement. The understanding of people’s eating behavior will help the public health to reshape future policies toward organic and bio-based food production; moreover, some further nutritional recommendations could be concluded to maintain a global better health status and improve body defence mechanism.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chemical Composition and Anti-Urolithiatic Activity of Extracts from Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels Press-Cake and Acacia senegal (L.) Willd

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    Ethnobotanical studies have reported the traditional medicinal uses of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. and Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels against kidney stone formation and other chronic kidney diseases. The present work is undertaken to study the litholytic activity and the inhibiting activity of calcium oxalate crystallization by bioactive compounds identified in Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels press-cake (residue of Argan oil) and in Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. The litholytic activity was studied in vitro on cystine and uric acid stones using a porous bag and an Erlenmeyer glass. The study of the inhibiting activity of calcium oxalate crystallization, was based on temporal measurements of the optical density, registered at a 620 nm wavelength for 30 min using an ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometer. The silylation method was performed to identify phytochemicals, followed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrophotometry (GC/MS) analysis. The results show significant litholytic activity of Argania Spinosa press-cake hydro-ethanolic extract on uric acid and cystine stones, respectively, with dissolution rates (DR) of 86.38% and 60.42% versus 3.23% and 9.48% for the hydro-ethanolic extract of Acacia senegal exudate. Furthermore, the percentages of nucleation inhibition are 83.78% and 43.77% (p ˂ 0.05) for Argania spinosa and Acacia senegal, respectively. The results point to the detection of 17 phytochemicals in Argania spinosa press-cake extract, the majority of which are phenolic acids and have potent anti-urolithiatic action