317 research outputs found

    Blocking airway mucous cell metaplasia by inhibiting EGFR antiapoptosis and IL-13 transdifferentiation signals

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    Epithelial hyperplasia and metaplasia are common features of inflammatory and neoplastic disease, but the basis for the altered epithelial phenotype is often uncertain. Here we show that long-term ciliated cell hyperplasia coincides with mucous (goblet) cell metaplasia after respiratory viral clearance in mouse airways. This chronic switch in epithelial behavior exhibits genetic susceptibility and depends on persistent activation of EGFR signaling to PI3K that prevents apoptosis of ciliated cells and on IL-13 signaling that promotes transdifferentiation of ciliated to goblet cells. Thus, EGFR blockade (using an irreversible EGFR kinase inhibitor designated EKB-569) prevents virus-induced increases in ciliated and goblet cells whereas IL-13 blockade (using s-IL-13Rα2-Fc) exacerbates ciliated cell hyperplasia but still inhibits goblet cell metaplasia. The distinct effects of EGFR and IL-13 inhibitors after viral reprogramming suggest that these combined therapeutic strategies may also correct epithelial architecture in the setting of airway inflammatory disorders characterized by a similar pattern of chronic EGFR activation, IL-13 expression, and ciliated-to-goblet cell metaplasia

    The Evolution of Bat Vestibular Systems in the Face of Potential Antagonistic Selection Pressures for Flight and Echolocation

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    PMCID: PMC3634842This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Evolution of arboreality and fossoriality in squirrels and aplodontid rodents: Insights from the semicircular canals of fossil rodents

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    Reconstructing locomotor behaviour for fossil animals is typically done with postcranial elements. However, for species only known from cranial material, locomotor behaviour is difficult to reconstruct. The semicircular canals (SCCs) in the inner ear provide insight into an animal's locomotor agility. A relationship exists between the size of the SCCs relative to body mass and the jerkiness of an animal's locomotion. Additionally, studies have also demonstrated a relationship between SCC orthogonality and angular head velocity. Here, we employ two metrics for reconstructing locomotor agility, radius of curvature dimensions and SCC orthogonality, in a sample of twelve fossil rodents from the families Ischyromyidae, Sciuridae and Aplodontidae. The method utilizing radius of curvature dimensions provided a reconstruction of fossil rodent locomotor behaviour that is more consistent with previous studies assessing fossil rodent locomotor behaviour compared to the method based on SCC orthogonality. Previous work on ischyromyids suggests that this group displayed a variety of locomotor modes. Members of Paramyinae and Ischyromyinae have relatively smaller SCCs and are reconstructed to be relatively slower compared to members of Reithroparamyinae. Early members of the Sciuroidea clade including the sciurid Cedromus wilsoni and the aplodontid Prosciurus relictus are reconstructed to be more agile than ischyromyids, in the range of extant arboreal squirrels. This reconstruction supports previous inferences that arboreality was likely an ancestral trait for this group. Derived members of Sciuridae and Aplodontidae vary in agility scores. The fossil squirrel Protosciurus cf. rachelae is inferred from postcranial material as arboreal, which is in agreement with its high agility, in the range of extant arboreal squirrels. In contrast, the fossil aplodontid Mesogaulus paniensis has a relatively low agility score, similar to the fossorial Aplodontia rufa, the only living aplodontid rodent. This result is in agreement with its postcranial reconstruction as fossorial and with previous indications that early aplodontids were more arboreal than their burrowing descendants

    Functional Implications of Ubiquitous Semicircular Canal Non-Orthogonality in Mammals

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    The ‘canonical model’ of semicircular canal orientation in mammals assumes that 1) the three ipsilateral canals of an inner ear exist in orthogonal planes (i.e., orthogonality), 2) corresponding left and right canal pairs have equivalent angles (i.e., angle symmetry), and 3) contralateral synergistic canals occupy parallel planes (i.e., coplanarity). However, descriptions of vestibular anatomy that quantify semicircular canal orientation in single species often diverge substantially from this model. Data for primates further suggest that semicircular canal orthogonality varies predictably with the angular head velocities encountered in locomotion. These observations raise the possibility that orthogonality, symmetry, and coplanarity are misleading descriptors of semicircular canal orientation in mammals, and that deviations from these norms could have significant functional consequences. Here we critically assess the canonical model of semicircular canal orientation using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography scans of 39 mammal species. We find that substantial deviations from orthogonality, angle symmetry, and coplanarity are the rule for the mammals in our comparative sample. Furthermore, the degree to which the semicircular canals of a given species deviate from orthogonality is negatively correlated with estimated vestibular sensitivity. We conclude that the available comparative morphometric data do not support the canonical model and that its overemphasis as a heuristic generalization obscures a large amount of functionally relevant variation in semicircular canal orientation between species.Funding for this research was provided by grants NSFIIS-0208675 (http://www.nsf.gov/cise/iis/hcc_pgm.jsp), and EAR-0948842 (http://www.nsf.gov/awards/award_visualiz​ation.jsp?org=EAR). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Geological SciencesAnthropologyEmail: [email protected]

    Estimating Omissions from Searches

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    The mark-recapture method was devised by Petersen in 1896 to estimate the number of fish migrating into the Limfjord, and independently by Lincoln in 1930 to estimate waterfowl abundance. The technique applies to any search for a finite number of items by two or more people or agents, allowing the number of searched-for items to be estimated. This ubiquitous problem appears in fields from ecology and epidemiology, through to mathematics, social sciences, and computing. Here we exactly calculate the moments of the hypergeometric distribution associated with this long-standing problem, confirming that widely used estimates conjectured in 1951 are often too small. Our Bayesian approach highlights how different search strategies will modify the estimates. As an example, we assess the accuracy of a systematic literature review, an application we recommend.Comment: One figure. Supplementary Material included as an Appendi

    Deterministic processes structure bacterial genetic communities across an urban landscape

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    Land-use change is predicted to act as a driver of zoonotic disease emergence through human exposure to novel microbial diversity, but evidence for the effects of environmental change on microbial communities in vertebrates is lacking. We sample wild birds at 99 wildlife-livestock-human interfaces across Nairobi, Kenya, and use whole genome sequencing to characterise bacterial genes known to be carried on mobile genetic elements (MGEs) within avian-borne Escherichia coli (n=241). By modelling the diversity of bacterial genes encoding virulence and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) against ecological and anthropogenic forms of urban environmental change, we demonstrate that communities of avian-borne bacterial genes are shaped by the assemblage of co-existing avian, livestock and human communities, and the habitat within which they exist. In showing that non-random processes structure bacterial genetic communities in urban wildlife, these findings suggest that it should be possible to forecast the effects of urban land-use change on microbial diversity

    Design of the DIRECT-project: interventions to increase job resources and recovery opportunities to improve job-related health, well-being, and performance outcomes in nursing homes

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    Background Because of high demands at work, nurses are at high risk for occupational burnout and physical complaints. The presence of job resources (such as job autonomy or social support) and recovery opportunities could counteract the adverse effect of high job demands. However, it is still unclear how job resources and recovery opportunities can be translated into effective workplace interventions aiming to improve employee health, well-being, and performance-related outcomes. The aim of the current research project is developing and implementing interventions to optimize job resources and recovery opportunities, which may lead to improved health, well-being and performance of nurses. Methods/design The DIRECT-project (DIsc Risk Evaluating Controlled Trial) is a longitudinal, quasi-experimental field study. Nursing home staff of 4 intervention wards and 4 comparison wards will be involved. Based on the results of a base-line survey, interventions will be implemented to optimize job resources and recovery opportunities. After 12 and 24 month the effect of the interventions will be investigated with follow-up surveys. Additionally, a process evaluation will be conducted to map factors that either stimulated or hindered successful implementation as well as the effectiveness of the interventions. Discussion The DIRECT-project fulfils a strong need for intervention research in the field of work, stress, performance, and health. The results could reveal (1) how interventions can be tailored to optimize job resources and recovery opportunities, in order to counteract job demands, and (2) what the effects of these interventions will be on health, well-being, and performance of nursing staff

    Polyurethane scaffold with in situ swelling capacity for nucleus pulposus replacement

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    Nucleus pulposus (NP) replacement offers a minimally invasive alternative to spinal fusion or total disc replacement for the treatment of intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration. This study aimed to develop a cytocompatible {NP} replacement material, which is feasible for non-invasive delivery and tunable design, and allows immediate mechanical restoration of the IVD. A bi-phasic polyurethane scaffold was fabricated consisting of a core material with rapid swelling property and a flexible electrospun envelope. The scaffold was assessed in a bovine whole {IVD} organ culture model under dynamic load for 14 days. Nucleotomy was achieved by incision through the endplate without damaging the annulus fibrosus. After implantation of the scaffold and in situ swelling, the dynamic compressive stiffness and disc height were restored immediately. The scaffold also showed favorable cytocompatibility for native disc cells. Implantation of the scaffold in a partially nucleotomized {IVD} down-regulated catabolic gene expression, increased proteoglycan and type {II} collagen intensity and decreased type I collagen intensity in remaining {NP} tissue, indicating potential to retard degeneration and preserve the {IVD} cell phenotype. The scaffold can be delivered in a minimally invasive manner, and the geometry of the scaffold post-hydration is tunable by adjusting the core material, which allows individualized design. Keywords : Intervertebral disc degeneratio

    New infant cranium from the African Miocene sheds light on ape evolution

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    The evolutionary history of extant hominoids (humans and apes) remains poorly understood. The African fossil record during the crucial time period, the Miocene epoch, largely comprises isolated jaws and teeth, and little is known about ape cranial evolution. Here we report on the, to our knowledge, most complete fossil ape cranium yet described, recovered from the 13 million-year-old Middle Miocene site of Napudet, Kenya. The infant specimen, KNM-NP 59050, is assigned to a new species of Nyanzapithecus on the basis of its unerupted permanent teeth, visualized by synchrotron imaging. Its ear canal has a fully ossified tubular ectotympanic, a derived feature linking the species with crown catarrhines. Although it resembles some hylobatids in aspects of its morphology and dental development, it possesses no definitive hylobatid synapomorphies. The combined evidence suggests that nyanzapithecines were stem hominoids close to the origin of extant apes, and that hylobatid-like facial features evolved multiple times during catarrhine evolution