198 research outputs found

    Independence and consistency proofs in quadratic form theory

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    We consider the following properties of uncountable-dimensional quadratic spaces (E, Φ): (*) For all subspaces U ⊆ E of infinite dimension: dim U ˔ < dim E. (**) For all subspaces U ⊆ E of infinite dimension: dim U ˔ < ℵ0. Spaces of countable dimension are the orthogonal sum of straight lines and planes, so they cannot have (*), but (**) is trivially satisfied. These properties have been considered first in [G/O] in the process of investigating the orthogonal group of quadratic spaces. It has been shown there (in ZFC) that over arbitrary uncountable fields (**)-spaces of uncountable dimension exist. In [B/G], (**)-spaces of dimension ℵ1 (so (*) = (**)) have been constructed over arbitrary finite or countable fields. But this could be done only under the assumption that the continuum hypothesis (CH) holds in the underlying set theor

    Conservative non-surgical management of horizontal root-fractured maxillary incisors in a young male with angle class ii, division 2, malocclusion

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    Horizontal root fractures are a rare emergency in a dental office. The injury involves periodontal ligament, cementum, dentine and pulp. The healing is influenced by the location of the root fracture, the displacement of the fragments and the status of the pulp. This report presents a clinical case of horizontal fractures to both maxillary central incisors due to an act of violence. The type of occlusion has avoided a severe diastasis of the coronal parts with a subsequent damage to the pulp and periodontum. The fractures were treated with an orthodontic splint without any further therapy and hard tissue healing was observed. A careful diagnosis and well-timed treatment planning usually allow a cost-efficient and biologically-oriented therapy with a favorable outcome

    Dental injuries in young athletes, a five-year follow-up study

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    Aim The aim of this study is to produce a clinical therapy protocol for a group of 20 athletes between the ages of 8 and 14, who all suffered traumas affecting hard dental and periodontal tissues. Material and methods This study involves a group of 20 athletes (10 male and 10 female) who had suffered dental traumas of varying severity. In order to collect the data, two classification systems were used: one for hard tissue traumas and another for periodontal lesions. The athletes were subdivided into lesion groups, treated depending on the type of lesions and then followed-up over a period of 5 years. A statistical analysis was carried out to study the association between type of lesions, types of sports and the number of teeth involved. Results We found that recovery time ranged from 3 to 5 days for uncomplicated fractures and up to 14 days for luxations. Only four complications were registered during the follow-up period and these were most likely due to the severity of the trauma. Out of the 20 athletes, 16 had begun and maintained the habit of using mouth protection devices when practicing their sport. The statistical analysis focused on the possible association between the risk levels of a sport and the typical lesions and complications that usually occur. Due to their high frequency, the two types of lesions taken into account in our study were complicated fractures (FP) and luxated/fractured teeth (LF). The average number of teeth involved varied according to the sport's risk level (medium or high) with averages of 1.6 teeth involved for medium-risk sports and 2.0 teeth for high-risk sports. Conclusions What emerged in particular was the regular progress in the recovery time needed for the injuries sustained, with few complications or delays in rehabilitation; we also noted that the numerous athletes who habitually used mouthguards while competing during the recovery period did not suffer any recurrences of injuries or further complications. Regarding the results of our statistical analysis, no association was found between the sport's risk, the types of lesions and the occurrence of complications. In addition, analysis of the average number of teeth involved showed that there is no statistical evidence to reject the hypothesis that the ratios remain the same in the two groups

    Preventive treatment of post-traumatic dental infraocclusion: study on the knowledge of dental decoronation in a sample of Italian dental students and dentists

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    AIM: The aim of the present work is to investigate whether dental decoronation is a procedure known by a sample of dental students and Italian dentists. Dental decoronation technique is performed in order to mitigate the outcomes which may occur after a delayed tooth replantation.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cognitive survey about the knowledge of the dental decoronation technique was carried on two groups: a sample of 120 dental students (5th year of dental school), from University of Cagliari, Sassari and of Chieti-Pescara (60 males and 60 females), and a group which involved 200 Italian dentists (age comprised between 25 and 45, 130 females and 70 males) enrolled at pedodontics and orthodontics Masters and CE courses (University of Roma Sapienza, Chieti- Pescara, Cagliari). The latter group's main field of work was paediatric dentistry and orthodontics, two dental specialties often involved in treating Traumatic dental injuries.RESULTS: Only 20 dentists out of the 200 interviewed answered that they knew this technique and only 5 of them proved to know it and were able to describe it correctly. No students interviewed knew this technique.CONCLUSION: It is apparent from the results of this survey that there is very little information about the dental decoronation technique both during the Degree Course in Dentistry and Post Graduate specialty programmes (Continuing Education Courses and Masters)

    Root Fractures in the Primary Teeth and Their Management: A Scoping Review

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    (1) Background: Traumatic dental injuries constitute a major global health problem. Primary deciduous teeth of the upper frontal group are frequently affected by trauma, especially at an early age. It is important to treat primary traumatic injuries because early tooth loss can lead to aesthetic and functional alterations. The most common injuries are extrusion, lateral luxation, and intrusion. Root fracture is a less common complication that can lead to tooth extraction if not properly diagnosed and managed. However, there are a lack of data regarding primary root fracture treatment. The literature was reviewed to study the current knowledge on the treatment of these injuries, and to propose an operative protocol based on the results obtained. (2) Methods: A literature search was performed on Web of Science, PubMed/MEDLINE, and SCOPUS. The research focused on the following features: age of the patient; localization of the root fracture and type of displacement suffered (intrusive, extrusive, or lateral); type of emergency treatment or diagnostic test performed and their compliance with IADT guidelines; follow-up duration. (2) Results: Only 8 articles fully met the inclusion criteria, with a total of 46 patients and 62 root fractures. Out of a total of 62 root fractures, regarding only upper incisors, the most common treatment was splinting (n = 39) for a period ranging from 3 weeks to 3 months (with an average of six weeks). No treatment was performed for 23 of the root fractures. The splinting performed in most of the included cases was semi-rigid, with the splint held in place using a composite resin material. An orthodontic splint using brackets and 0.5 mm stainless steel wire was used in only in one study. (4) Conclusions: We deduced that the root fracture of primary teeth is a rare traumatic dental injury that can cause numerous complications, such as eruptive problems in the permanent teeth. Correct radiological diagnosis, immediate repositioning and semi-rigid splinting could be conservative methods to prevent premature tooth loss in very young patients

    Rare jaw bone tumor: The importance of multidisciplinary management and minimally invasive treatment

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to present a mini review of oral Cementoblastoma and to report a particular case of this tumor. The Cementoblastoma is a rare benign lesion that represents less than 1-6% of all odontogenic tumors. Cementoblastoma, in the current WHO classification of odontogenic tumors, falls under the category of mesenchymal tumors (WHO 2017) and it is characterized by the proliferation of cementum-like tissue and, in all cases, tends to be associated with an erupting permanent tooth, most often the first molar. Case Presentation: A 15-year-old female presented a great Cementoblastoma with cortical expansion that affected the left mandibular body, extending from the canine to the first premolar (size 28x24 mm) and involving the mandibular canal. Surgery was performed under general anesthesia with total excision of the lesion, which was then sent for histological analysis. Due to the high risk of nerve injuries and the extreme fragility of the remaining bone after surgery, which required plates and intermaxillary blockage, the surgical site was regenerated with an iliac crest graft together with autologous and synthetic bone. Results: For the mini-review, 107 articles were found, but only 26 were selected. The patient was monitored for 12 months after surgery; a perfect healing was reported without complications, and she showed no signs of recurrence. Conclusions: This case report emphasizes the usefulness of clinical choices in a rare case of cementoblastoma of great size in a very young patient. In this condition, finding the most effective eradicative and reconstructive treatment, following the last published protocols, could achieve optimal clinical and psychological patient outcomes

    Hypersensitivity in molar incisor hypomineralization: Superficial infiltration treatment

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    To date, there are no standardized protocols available in the literature for hypersensitivity treatment in molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of erosion\u2013infiltration treatments with resin in children with a strong hypersensitivity and also to develop a minimally invasive diagnostic\u2013therapeutic pathway for young MIH patients. Patients with clinical signs of MIH were enrolled according to international guidelines. A total of 42 patients (8\u201314 years old) with sensitivity of at least one molar and patients with post eruptive enamel fractures, but without dentin involvement or cavitated carious lesions were selected. A single superficial infiltration treatment with ICON (DMG, Germany) was performed with a modified etching technique. Sensitivity was tested with the Schiff Scale and Wong Baker Face Scale and was repeated at 12 months follow\u2010up. All patients reported lower sensitivity values at the end of the treatment. Significant differences of sensitivity according to the Schiff scale were reported between T0 and all subsequent follow\u2010ups, p &lt; 0.05. The treatment of erosion infiltration with ICON resin is a minimally invasive preventive treatment that significantly improves the problem of hypersensitivity in permanent molars with MIH

    Recurrent aphthous stomatitis: Treatment and management

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    Background: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis consists of the presence of abrasions or ulcerations located on mucosae (oral or genital). Objectives: The aim of this article is to review the current literature providing the main causes related to recurrent aphthous stomatitis and insights into treatment and management of this clinical condition Methods: Articles matching terms that correlated with "recurrent aphthous stomatitis"were searched on PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library and selected according to their pertinence. Results: Several forms of aphthous stomatitis have been described, based on the extent (minor, major), morphology (herpetiform) and associations to other signs (Beh\ue7et syndrome or more complex inflammatory syndromes). Topical as well as systemic treatments have been described to obtain a faster remission of the aphthosis or to reduce associated symptoms such as pain. Conclusions: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis can have a mild-to-severe clinical appearance, being mainly localized on the oral mucosa or at the level of the genital area. Different strategies have been described so far for its management and treatment
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