9 research outputs found

    The Skin-Conductance Component of Error Correction in a Logical Reasoning Task

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    La RĂ©ponse ÉlectroDermale (RED) a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e Ă  deux reprises chez les mĂȘmes sujets qui rĂ©alisaient une tĂąche de logique dĂ©ductive, d’abord en commettant une erreur de raisonnement et ensuite, aprĂšs un apprentissage, soit en rĂ©pondant correctement, soit en persĂ©vĂ©rant dans l’erreur selon les sujets. La RED s’est accrue entre les deux sessions et Ă©tait significativement plus importante chez les sujets qui corrigeaient leur erreur initiale de raisonnement que chez les autres, rĂ©vĂ©lant la forte interconnexion entre le raisonnement logique et les indices d’états somatiques impliquĂ©s dans l’émotion. Cela corrobore les rĂ©sultats d’études antĂ©rieures d’imagerie cĂ©rĂ©brale rĂ©alisĂ©es dans notre groupe et indiquant que l’accĂšs Ă  la logique dĂ©ductive dĂ©pend du cortex prĂ©frontal ventromĂ©dian droit dont on connaĂźt l’implication dans la reprĂ©sentation affĂ©rente de la RED et dans l’intĂ©gration Ă©motion-cognition.Skin Conductance Responses (SCRs) were measured in a deductive logic task performed twice by the same subjects, first making reasoning errors and then, after training, providing logical responses or making errors again, depending on the subject. SCRs increased between the two sessions and were significantly higher in the subjects who corrected their reasoning errors than in those that did not, showing the strong interplay between logical reasoning and indices of somatic states involved in emotion. This fits well with the results of previous brain imaging studies from our group showing that access to deductive logic depends on a right ventromedial prefrontal area involved in SCRs afferent representation and emotion-cognition integration

    Régulation neurocognitive de biais perceptifs élémentaires dans des tùches logico-mathématiques (Données comportementales, psychophysiologiques et d'imagerie cérébrale)

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    L'objectif est d'identifier les mĂ©canismes neurocognitifs impliquĂ©s dans la capacitĂ© de jeunes adultes Ă  surmonter des biais perceptifs Ă©lĂ©mentaires dans des tĂąches logico-mathĂ©matiques. Une premiĂšre Ă©tude d'Imagerie par RĂ©sonance MagnĂ©tique fonctionnelle confirme la persistance chez l'adulte de la stratĂ©gie longueur-ega/e-nombre Ă  l'origine de l'Ă©chec de l'enfant Ă  la tĂąche de conservation du nombre de Piaget jusqu'Ă  7 ans. Elle montre que l'interfĂ©rence induite par cette stratĂ©gie est surmontĂ©e en recrutant un rĂ©seau exĂ©cutif prĂ©frontal de gestion de conflits et par des ajustements stratĂ©giques caractĂ©risĂ©s par une variabilitĂ© interindividuelle tant au niveau comportemental que neural. La seconde Ă©tude repose sur un paradigme d'apprentissage basĂ© sur deux tĂąches de raisonnement dĂ©ductif. Elle . indique que la capacitĂ© des adultes Ă  corriger un biais robuste d'appariement relĂšve de facteurs inhibiteurs et mĂ©tacognitifs et qu'elle est associĂ©e Ă  un Ă©tat somatique indexĂ© par une augmentation de la RĂ©ponse ÉlectroDermale.Adults' basic perceptual blases question linear and cumulative conceptions of cognitive development (like Piaget's) that consider adults to be radically diffĂ©rent from children. ThĂšse biases indicate indeed that our behaviour is often guided by heuristic stratĂ©gies which may be adaptive or not depending on situations and which coexist with other, more analytic stratĂ©gies. HĂšre, thĂ© overall aim is to identify neurocognitive mechanisms underlying young adults' ability to overcome such biases during logico-mathematical tasks. Our first study, using functional Magnetic RĂ©sonance Imaging, shows that thĂ© lengfh-equals-number strategy that accounts for children's failure on Piaget's conservation of number task (until 7-years-old) persists in adults. Results indicate that adults overcome thĂ© interfĂ©rence induced by this strategy by recruiting an executive prefrontal network involved in conflict monitoring. They also use stratĂ©gie adjustments characterized by an interindividual variability prĂ©sent both at thĂ© behavioural and neural levels. Some subjects rely on a counting strategy and recruit a leftward asymmetric network, while others use a visuospatial strategy associated with a network showing a rightward asymmetry. The second study consists in a training paradigm based on two logically isomorphic tasks of deductive reasoning. Results show that adults' ability to correct a robust matching bias relies on inhibitory and metacognitive factors. It is also associated with a somatic state indexed by an increase of Skin Conductance Response.BOULOGNE-BU Psych. Henri Pieron (920125201) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Begrenzte Wahl – Gelegenheitsstrukturen und Erwerbsmuster in Paarhaushalten im europĂ€ischen Vergleich

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    Dieser Artikel untersucht Erwerbsmodelle in Paarhaushalten – insbesondere deren VariabilitĂ€t je nach PrĂ€senz und Alter von Kindern. Ziel der vergleichenden Analyse von 10 europĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern auf Basis des European Social Survey (2004/05 und 2006/07) ist die ErklĂ€rung der ausgeprĂ€gten LĂ€nderunterschiede sowohl im Hinblick auf empirisch bedeutsame Erwerbsmuster, vor allem jedoch hinsichtlich deren VerĂ€nderung ĂŒber den Lebenszyklus von Familien. Als ErklĂ€rungsfaktoren werden sowohl wohlfahrtsstaatliche Regelungen (Familien- und Steuerpolitiken) und sozioökonomische Bedingungen (Lohnniveau, Arbeitslosigkeit, VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Teilzeitarbeit) als auch kulturelle Faktoren (gesellschaftlich dominante Werthaltungen in Bezug auf Geschlechterrollen und Kleinkindbetreuung) untersucht. Der Artikel diskutiert das VerhĂ€ltnis dieser strukturellen und kulturellen Faktoren zur Praxis gelebter Erwerbsmuster in Paarhaushalten und kommt dabei zu dem Schluss, dass die ErklĂ€rung geschlechtsspezifischer Erwerbsmuster letztlich von Land zu Land unterschiedlich ausfallen muss, um der KomplexitĂ€t ihrer Genesis gerecht zu werden

    Limited choice : structures of opportunity and employment patterns in European couple households

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    This article investigates employment patterns in couple households - and in particular their variability according to the presence and age of children. The aim of the comparative analysis of ten European countries, using data from the European Social Survey (2004/05 and 2006/07), is to explain the pronounced cross-country differences with regard to empirically relevant household employment patterns—focusing on their variability across an ideal-typical family life-cycle. Explanatory factors include the social policy framework (family and tax policies), socio-economic and labor market conditions (wage level, unemployment, the availability of part-time work) as well as national gender cultures (societal ideals regarding gender roles and childcare). The article discusses the relationship between these structural and cultural factors, on the one hand, and actual practices of gendered employment behaviour, on the other. It concludes that, in order to account for the complexity of causal relations, the explanation of gendered employment patterns ought to be country-specific

    C. Literaturwissenschaft.

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