87 research outputs found

    Percepção ambiental de estudantes do Ensino Fundamental em relação às dunas de Cidreira

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    As dunas do município de Cidreira têm sofrido grande impacto ambiental, perdendo muito de sua configuração original devido à interferência do homem. Esse ecossistema está ameaçado pela urbanização e, para os conhecedores da região , é possível notar alterações na fauna e na flora local. Co m o acúmulo de pessoas residindo próxim o às dunas , os animais que ali vivem acabam por se deslocar para outras áreas, ou até mesmo ficam extintos . Para expressar de uma forma clara com a comunidade o que vem acontecendo em relação as dunas, é importante identificar a percepção ambiental das pessoas envolvidas . Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a percepção de estudantes do ensino fundamental de uma escola municipal de Cidreira/RS e sua relação com o meio ambiente, bem como conscientizar os estudantes e, consequentemente, a comunidade sobre a existência de problemas referentes à falta de preservação das dunas, mostrando que todos são responsáveis pela preservação do ambiente. Poucas pessoas sabem da importância das dunas para o município de Cidreira e esta pesquisa possibilita uma reflexão sobre a importância de preservar essa área, um local onde há um ecossistema de biodiversidade exuberante na paisagem do município. Os estudos referentes ao desenvolvimento da percepção ambiental são extremamente importantes para a consciência ambiental dos estudantes. A pesquisa foi realizada com uma turma de sexto ano sobre a importância da preservação das dunas. Foram utilizados na pesquisa, questionário e mapa mental. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de se fazer uma abordagem mais ampliada e estruturada dos assuntos discutidos em sala de aula, mostrando a urgência de reavaliar métodos e práticas no ensino sobre preservação do meio ambiente. A educação ambiental na escola é extremamente necessária para conscientizar as crianças sobre a importância da preservação.The dunes in the municipality of Cidreira have suffered a great environmental impact, losing much of their original configuration due to human interference. This ecosystem is threatened by urbanization and, for those who know the region, it is possible to notice changes in the local fauna and flora. With the accumulation of people residing near the dunes, the animals that live there end up moving to other areas, or even become extinct. In order to clearly express to the community what has been happening in relation to the dunes, it is important to identify the environmental perception of the people involved. This work aims to understand the perception of elementary school students from a municipal school in Cidreira/RS and their relationship with the environ ment, as well as to make students and, consequently, the community aware of the existence of problems related to the lack of preservation. of the dunes, showing that everyone is responsible for preserving the environment. Few people know the importance of the dunes for the municipality of Cidreira and this research allows a reflection on the importance of preserving this area, a place where there is an ecosystem of exuberant biodiversity in the landscape in the municipality. Studies related to the developme nt of environmental perception are extremely important for students' environmental awareness. The research was carried out with a sixth year class on the importance of preserving the dunes. Questionnaire and mental map were used in the research. The result s point to the need to make a broader and more structured approach to the subjects discussed in the classroom, showing the urgency of reassessing methods and practices in teaching about environmental preservation. Environmental education at school is extremely necessary to make children aware of the importance of preservation

    The UNIT algorithm for solving one-dimensional convection-diffusion problems via integral transforms

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    A unified approach for solving convection-diffusion problems using the Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT) was advanced and coined as the UNIT (UNified Integral Transforms) algorithm, as implied by the acronym. The unified manner through which problems are tackled in the UNIT framework allows users that are less familiar with the GITT to employ the technique for solving a variety of partial-differential problems. This paper consolidates this approach in solving general transient one-dimensional problems. Different integration alternatives for calculating coefficients arising from integral transformation are discussed. Besides presenting the proposed algorithm, aspects related to computational implementation are also explored. Finally, benchmark results of different types of problems are calculated with a UNIT-based implementation and compared with previously obtained results.Indisponíve

    Analysis of finite volumes and integral transform solutions for thermally developing non-Newtonian fluid flow

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    The current work provides a comparison between two different methodologies for solving convection-diffusion problems: the Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT) and the Finite Volumes Method (FVM). The problem of thermally developing laminar flow of non-Newtonian fluids between parallel plates is selected for illustrating purposes. Both solutions focus on the transformation of a partial-differential formulation into an ordinary-differential form, either through integral transformation or discretization of the directional variable transversal to the flow. The resulting ODE systems are solved analytically and comparison results are presented, indicating advantages and disadvantages of each methodology. Once comparisons are performed advantages and disadvantages of each methodology are discussed. The results indicate that, in general, the integral transform technique presents a better convergence rate

    Unified Integral Transforms Algorithm for Solving Multidimensional Nonlinear Convection-Diffusion Problems

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    The present work summarizes the theory and describes the algorithm related to an open-source mixed symbolic-numerical computational code named unified integral transforms (UNIT) that provides a computational environment for finding hybrid numerical-analytical solutions of linear and nonlinear partial differential systems via integral transforms. The reported research was performed by employing the well-established methodology known as the generalized integral transform technique (GITT), together with the symbolic and numerical computation tools provided by the Mathematica system. The main purpose of this study is to illustrate the robust precision-controlled simulation of multidimensional nonlinear transient convection-diffusion problems, while providing a brief introduction of this open source implementation. Test cases are selected based on nonlinear multidimensional formulations of Burgers’ equation, with the establishment of reference results for specific numerical values of the governing parameters. Special aspects in the computational behavior of the algorithm are then discussed, demonstrating the implemented possibilities within the present version of the UNIT code, including the proposition of a progressive filtering strategy and a combined criteria reordering scheme, not previously discussed in related works, both aimed at convergence acceleration of the eigenfunction expansions.Indisponível

    Modeling and Simulation of a Desiccant Assisted Brayton Refrigeration Cycle

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    The phase-out of CFCs has shed a new light over natural refrigerants, which have null global warming potentials. Air would be a natural choice, and although the Brayton cycle usually exhibits a lower coefficient of performance when compared to vapor-compression systems of same capacity, it has been considered in applications other than aircraft cooling. These include gas separation, food processing and preservation, refrigerated containers and train air-conditioning. Price perspectives in the oil market also make the Brayton cycle an alternative to be considered as an option for automotive air conditioning. Even though the Brayton cycle is often employed in low temperature applications, the ambient humidity level is essential for the uninterrupted operation. For applications far below the ambient air dew point, the condensate is likely to cause icing at the turbine outlet, causing duct obstruction and system failure. The use of a solid desiccant would provide a thorough humidity control, allowing for increased pressure ratios (and thus lower expansion temperatures) even for significant ambient humidity levels. In the standard Brayton refrigeration cycle, the air is collected by the compressor at ambient conditions, and compressed through a specified compression ratio. The air is then cooled back to the ambient temperature at a regenerator, and sub-sequentially expanded through a turbine to the ambient pressure, at a low temperature. At the proposed cycle, the air is collected by a desiccant wheel and dehumidified, before it is admitted to the compressor. Accordingly, it can be compressed under a significant pressure ratio, without incurring in ice formation when later expanded. The desiccant wheel is dried using the hot air at the compressor outlet, by a heat exchanger which collects the heat that would be otherwise dumped by the regenerator. A mathematical model for the proposed cycle is developed, consisting of a system of non-linear equations which stems from mass and energy balances applied to each individual cycle component. The results show that the desiccant assisted cycle allows for frost-free operation even for temperatures below -60°C, which is required for fish preservation warehouses


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    Heat and mass transfer with chemical kinetics in alcoholic fermentation of multiple sugars: lumped formulation and dimensional analysis

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    Software written in the Wolfram Mathematica language for the simulation of the alcoholic fermentation processes. Both isothermal and non-isothermal simulations codes are provided.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV