20,286 research outputs found

    Impact of a Science Methods Course on Pre-Service Elementary Teachers\u27 Knowledge and Confidence of Teaching with Scientific Inquiry and Problem-Based Learning

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    The purpose of this study was to measure the impact of an elementary science methods course on pre-service teachers\u27 knowledge and confidence of teaching with inquiry and problem-based instructional strategies. Changes in pre-service teachers\u27 knowledge and confidence were measured before and after completing the course activities using a pilot survey entitled Science Pedagogical Content Knowledge & Confidence (PCKC) Survey. An integrated lecture/laboratory elementary science methods course engaged participants with hands-on activities designed to increase their pedagogical content knowledge: including theory, planning and implementation of inquiry, and problem-based learning. The results indicated that pre-service teachers\u27 knowledge and confidence improved as a result of enrollment in the elementary science methods course. This article validates reform movements to incorporate scientific inquiry and problem-based learning into coursework

    Photoproduction of Quarkonium in Proton-Proton and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

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    We discuss the photoproduction of Υ\Upsilon and J/ψJ/\psi at high energy pˉp\bar{p}p, pppp and heavy ion colliders. We predict large rates in pˉp\bar{p}p interactions at the Fermilab Tevatron %and in heavy-ion interactions at the CERN LHC. These reactions can be and in pppp and heavy-ion interactions at the CERN LHC. The J/ψJ/\psi is also produced copiously at RHIC. These reactions can be used to study the gluon distribution in protons and heavy nuclei. We also show that the different CP symmetries of the initial states lead to large differences in the transverse momentum spectra of mesonsComment: 4 pgs. with 3 figure

    LANDSAT D local user terminal study

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    The effect of the changes incorporated in the LANDSAT D system on the ability of a local user terminal to receive, record and process data in real time was studied. Alternate solutions to the problems raised by these changes were evaluated. A loading analysis was performed in order to determine the quantities of data that a local user terminal (LUT) would be interested in receiving and processing. The number of bits in an MSS and a TM scene were calculated along with the number of scenes per day that an LUT might require for processing. These then combined to a total number of processed bits/day for an LUT as a function of sensor and coverage circle radius

    “Repressions Are Necessary; the Newspaper Hype Is Not”: Explaining Terror in Soviet Terms

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    The article was submitted on 17.02.2020.Ever since Robert Conquest’s pioneering study of Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union first appeared in 1968, the high point of state-sponsored violence in the 1930s has been commonly referred to as the “Great Terror”. The subsequent adoption of the eponymous title by scholars to describe the broader phenomenon of “state terror” in the Stalinist period is similarly now widespread within the field. This terminology is, however, highly problematic. In the language and ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) terror was consistently portrayed as a threat to, rather than strategy of, the state. It formed part of a tightly controlled terminology of terror, rooted in the Party’s experiences of revolution and civil war, and employed by the regime to marginalize and condemn opponents in official propaganda and private discourse. This study will address this key distinction and illuminate an important element of continuity in the tactics, ideology and self-perception of the CPSU, and its satellite parties within the Communist International, when approaching challenges to their authority (both real and imagined), whether they were of a social, political or even international flavour. Deploying a case study approach, this paper will demonstrate the extent to which “terror” and other related language offered a stable characterisation of the “enemy” throughout the interwar periodВ 1968 г. Роберт Конквест впервые опубликовал новаторское исследование политической ситуации в Советском Союзе в период правления Иосифа Сталина. С этого момента пик государственного насилия 1930-х гг. Стали называть «Большим террором». В последующем термин получил широкое распространение в научных кругах в связи с его использованием для описания более общего феномена государственного террора в сталинский период. Однако это определение представляется весьма проблемным. В языковых практиках и идеологии КПСС понятие «террор» использовали скорее для обозначения опасного для государства явления, чем для описания государственной политики. Все это сформировало, по крайней мере частично, жестко контролируемую терминологию, связанную с террором, берущую начало в том опыте, который партия получила в эпоху революции и Гражданской войны. Терминология террора использовалась режимом для маргинализации и осуждения оппонентов в официальной пропаганде и в частном дискурсе. Настоящее исследование затрагивает ключевую проблему различия в представлениях о направленности террора (от государства или против государства). Особое внимание уделяется связям и преемственности между тактикой, идеологией и самовосприятием КПСС и входившими в Коминтерн партиями-сателлитами в условиях реальных и мнимых социальных, политических и даже международных вызовов их господству. Исследование осуществлено с использованием методов case study с целью показать степень, до которой «террор» и связанные с ним понятия формируют типичные характеристики «врага» в межвоенный период

    Geometric considerations

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    Oxalic, glyoxalic and pyruvic acids in eastern Pacific Ocean waters

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    A sensitive high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) technique has been used to determine the concentration and distribution of several α-keto acids and oxalic acid in seawater samples from a station (28°29′N, 128°38′W) in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Glyoxalic, pyruvic and oxalic acids were found to be present. Although the pyruvic acid profile at this station was in general featureless, the profiles for glyoxalic and oxalic acids showed variations which could be attributed to both primary production and heterotropic activity. Surface waters were found to have a combined concentration of glyoxalic and oxalic acids of ∼300 to 400 nm/liter which makes these two compounds some of the more abundant organic constituents of surface ocean waters

    Genome scan of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera for genetic variation associated with crop rotation tolerance

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    Crop rotation has been a valuable technique for control of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera for almost a century. However, during the last two decades, crop rotation has ceased to be effective in an expanding area of the US corn belt. This failure appears to be due to a change in the insect's oviposition behaviour, which, in all probability, has an underlying genetic basis. A preliminary genome scan using 253 amplified fragment-length polymorphism (AFLP) markers sought to identify genetic variation associated with the circumvention of crop rotation. Samples of D. v. virgifera from east-central Illinois, where crop rotation is ineffective, were compared with samples from Iowa at locations that the behavioural variant has yet to reach. A single AFLP marker showed signs of having been influenced by selection for the circumvention of crop rotation. However, this marker was not diagnostic. The lack of markers strongly associated with the trait may be due to an insufficient density of marker coverage throughout the genome. A weak but significant general heterogeneity was observed between the Illinois and Iowa samples at microsatellite loci and AFLP markers. This has not been detected in previous population genetic studies of D. v. virgifera and may indicate a reduction in gene flow between variant and wild-type beetles

    Navigation input to level C OFT navigation functional subsystem software requirements (rendezvous onorbit-2)

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    Navigation software design requirements are presented for the orbital flight test phase of space shuttle. Computer loads for the entire onorbit-2 operation are documented