1,292 research outputs found

    Lie algebra and invariant tensor technology for g2

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    Proceeding in analogy with su(n) work on lambda matrices and f- and d-tensors, this paper develops the technology of the Lie algebra g2, its seven dimensional defining representation gamma and the full set of invariant tensors that arise in relation thereto. A comprehensive listing of identities involving these tensors is given. This includes identities that depend on use of characteristic equations, especially for gamma, and a good body of results involving the quadratic, sextic and (the non-primitivity of) other Casimir operators of g2.Comment: 29 pages, LaTe

    Microangiopathy of cutaneous blood and lymphatic capillaries in chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).

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    The severity of microangiopathy in patients with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) determines the extent of the trophic disturbances of the skin. Resulting from valvular incompetence of deep and/or perforating veins and the accompanying venous outflow obstruction caused by deep venous thrombosis (DVT), the increased ambulatory venous pressure heads are transmitted retrograde into the microvasculature of the skin at the ankle region. In the present study, we have assessed the changes in the cutaneous microvasculature by dynamic fluorescence video microscopy, fluorescence microlymphography, and transcutaneous oxygen tension (tcPO2) measurements. In mild forms of CVI, capillary density, morphologic characteristics, and tcPO2 are still normal. Fluorescent light intensity is, however, significantly increased, indicating an increased transcapillary diffusion of sodium fluorescein (NaF) as a marker for enhanced leakage of the capillaries in the early stage of the disease. The pericapillary halo diameters are significantly enlarged, compared to controls (p < 0.01). In the severe stages of CVI and in patients with venous ulcers, capillary thromboses, probably caused by endothelium-blood cell interactions, may lead to a reduced capillary density. In order to enlarge the exchange surface area, the remaining skin capillaries become tortuous (capillary tufts). Parallel to the reduced capillary number, tcPO2 decreases and can be extremely low at the ulcer rim or at white atrophy spots. Fibrin cuffs are not a specific finding for venous ulceration and do not significantly impair oxygen diffusion. Fluorescence microlymphography permits visualization of the lymphatic capillaries of the superficial skin. In severe stages of CVI, the lymphatic capillary network at the medial ankle area is destroyed, and the remaining lymphatic capillary fragments have an increased permeability to FITC-dextran with a molecular weight of 150,000. These findings demonstrate a special lymphatic microangiopathy in CVI, suggesting an additional lymphatic component in the edema formation

    Ricci flow for homogeneous compact models of the universe

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    Using quaternions, we give a concise derivation of the Ricci tensor for homogeneous spaces with topology of the 3-dimensional sphere. We derive explicit and numerical solutions for the Ricci flow PDE and discuss their properties. In the collapse (or expansion) of these models, the interplay of the various components of the Ricci tensor are studied. We dedicate this paper to honor the work of Josh Goldberg.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Proton acceleration in analytic reconnecting current sheets

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    Particle acceleration provides an important signature for the magnetic collapse that accompanies a solar flare. Most particle acceleration studies, however, invoke magnetic and electric field models that are analytically convenient rather than solutions of the governing magnetohydrodynamic equations. In this paper a self-consistent magnetic reconnection solution is employed to investigate proton orbits, energy gains, and acceleration timescales for proton acceleration in solar flares. The magnetic field configuration is derived from the analytic reconnection solution of Craig and Henton. For the physically realistic case in which magnetic pressure of the current sheet is limited at small resistivities, the model contains a single free parameter that specifies the shear of the velocity field. It is shown that in the absence of losses, the field produces particle acceleration spectra characteristic of magnetic X-points. Specifically, the energy distribution approximates a power law ~ξ-3/2 nonrelativistically, but steepens slightly at the higher energies. Using realistic values of the “effective” resistivity, we obtain energies and acceleration times that fall within the range of observational data for proton acceleration in the solar corona

    Low Avidity T Cells Do Not Hinder High Avidity T Cell Responses Against Melanoma

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    The efficacy of T cells depends on their functional avidity, i. e., the strength of T cell interaction with cells presenting cognate antigen. The overall T cell response is composed of multiple T cell clonotypes, involving different T cell receptors and variable levels of functional avidity. Recently, it has been proposed that the presence of low avidity tumor antigen-specific CD8 T cells hinder their high avidity counterparts to protect from tumor growth. Here we analyzed human cytotoxic CD8 T cells specific for the melanoma antigen Melan-A/MART-1. We found that the presence of low avidity T cells did not result in reduced cytotoxicity of tumor cells, nor reduced cytokine production, by high avidity T cells. In vivo in NSG-HLA-A2 mice, the anti-tumor effect of high avidity T cells was similar in presence or absence of low avidity T cells. These data indicate that low avidity T cells are not hindering anti-tumor T cell responses, a finding that is reassuring because low avidity T cells are an integrated part of natural T cell responses

    SHP-1 phosphatase activity counteracts increased T cell receptor affinity.

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    Anti-self/tumor T cell function can be improved by increasing TCR-peptide MHC (pMHC) affinity within physiological limits, but paradoxically further increases (K(d) &lt; 1 μM) lead to drastic functional declines. Using human CD8(+) T cells engineered with TCRs of incremental affinity for the tumor antigen HLA-A2/NY-ESO-1, we investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying this high-affinity-associated loss of function. As compared with cells expressing TCR affinities generating optimal function (K(d) = 5 to 1 μM), those with supraphysiological affinity (K(d) = 1 μM to 15 nM) showed impaired gene expression, signaling, and surface expression of activatory/costimulatory receptors. Preferential expression of the inhibitory receptor programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) was limited to T cells with the highest TCR affinity, correlating with full functional recovery upon PD-1 ligand 1 (PD-L1) blockade. In contrast, upregulation of the Src homology 2 domain-containing phosphatase 1 (SHP-1/PTPN6) was broad, with gradually enhanced expression in CD8(+) T cells with increasing TCR affinities. Consequently, pharmacological inhibition of SHP-1 with sodium stibogluconate augmented the function of all engineered T cells, and this correlated with the TCR affinity-dependent levels of SHP-1. These data highlight an unexpected and global role of SHP-1 in regulating CD8(+) T cell activation and responsiveness and support the development of therapies inhibiting protein tyrosine phosphatases to enhance T cell-mediated immunity

    Single cell analysis reveals similar functional competence of dominant and nondominant CD8 T-cell clonotypes.

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    Immune protection from infectious diseases and cancer is mediated by individual T cells of different clonal origin. Their functions are tightly regulated but not yet fully characterized. Understanding the contribution of each T cell will improve the prediction of immune protection based on laboratory assessment of T-cell responses. Here we developed techniques for simultaneous molecular and functional assessment of single CD8 T cells directly ex vivo. We studied two groups of patients with melanoma after vaccination with two closely related tumor antigenic peptides. Vaccination induced T cells with strong memory and effector functions, as found in virtually all T cells of the first patient group, and fractions of T cells in the second group. Interestingly, high functionality was not restricted to dominant clonotypes. Rather, dominant and nondominant clonotypes acquired equal functional competence. In parallel, this was also found for EBV- and CMV-specific T cells. Thus, the nondominant clonotypes may contribute similarly to immunity as their dominant counterparts

    CpG-ODN-induced sustained expression of BTLA mediating selective inhibition of human B cells.

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    BTLA (B- and T-lymphocyte attenuator) is a prominent co-receptor that is structurally and functionally related to CTLA-4 and PD-1. In T cells, BTLA inhibits TCR-mediated activation. In B cells, roles and functions of BTLA are still poorly understood and have never been studied in the context of B cells activated by CpG via TLR9. In this study, we evaluated the expression of BTLA depending on activation and differentiation of human B cell subsets in peripheral blood and lymph nodes. Stimulation with CpG upregulated BTLA, but not its ligand: herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM), on B cells in vitro and sustained its expression in vivo in melanoma patients after vaccination. Upon ligation with HVEM, BTLA inhibited CpG-mediated B cell functions (proliferation, cytokine production, and upregulation of co-stimulatory molecules), which was reversed by blocking BTLA/HVEM interactions. Interestingly, chemokine secretion (IL-8 and MIP1β) was not affected by BTLA/HVEM ligation, suggesting that BTLA-mediated inhibition is selective for some but not all B cell functions. We conclude that BTLA is an important immune checkpoint for B cells, as similarly known for T cells


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    Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) are emerging as powerful treatment strategies with outstanding target specificity and high therapeutic activity in cancer patients. While >30 ADCs are currently being investigated in clinical trials, brentuximabvedotin and T-DM1 represent clinically approved ADCs in cancer patients. We hypothesized that their sustained clinical responses could be related to the stimulation of an antitumor immune response. Indeed, the two microtubule-destabilizing agents Dolastatin 10 and Ansamitocin P3, from which the cytotoxic components of brentuximabvedotin and T-DM1 are derived, may serve as prototypes for a class of agents that induce tumor cell death and convert tumor resident, tolerogenic dendritic cells (DCs) into efficient antigen presenting cells (APCs). The two drugs induced phenotypic and functional maturation of murine splenic as well as human monocyte-derived DCs. In contrast, microtubule-stabilizing agents such as taxanes did not display this feature. In tumor models, both Dolastatin 10 and Ansamitocin P3 efficiently promoted antigen uptake and migration of tumor-resident DCs to tumor-draining lymph nodes, thereby potentiating tumor-specific T cell responses. Underlining the requirement of an intact host immune system for the full therapeutic benefit of these two compounds, their antitumor effect was far less pronounced in mice lacking adaptive immunity or dendritic cells. Combinations with immune checkpoint inhibition (anti-CTLA-4/-PD-1) did further augment antitumor immunity and tumor rejection, which was reflected by reduced Treg numbers and elevated effector function of tumor resident T cells. Ultimately, we were able to demonstrate peripheral immune cell activation and brisk T cell infiltration into tumors in patients previously treated with BrentuximabVedotin. Experiments are currently ongoing to investigate the immunological mode of action of T-DM1 using orthotopic breast cancer models and patients undergoing treatment. Our data reveal a novel mode of action for microtubule-depolymerizing agents and provide a strong rationale for clinical treatment regimens combining these with immune-based therapies. Disclosure: All authors have declared no conflicts of interes

    DNA amplifications at 20q13 and MDM2 define distinct subsets of evolved breast and ovarian tumours.

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    DNA amplification seems to be particularly frequent in human breast tumours and has been associated with cancer evolution and aggressiveness. Recent data indicate that new events should be added to the list, such as the amplifications at chromosome 20q13 or the MDM2 gene. The present work aimed at determining the incidence and clinicopathological signification of these amplifications in a large series of breast and ovarian tumours. We tested 1371 breast and 179 ovarian tumours by Southern blotting and observed amplification of 20q13 in 5.4% breast and 2.8% ovarian carcinomas, whereas MDM2 was found amplified in 5.3% and 3.8% of breast and ovarian tumours respectively. MDM2 RNA expression levels were analysed in a subset of 57 breast tumours and overexpression was observed in 4/57 (7%) of the tumours. Elevated expression levels coincided with amplification of the gene. In breast cancer, 20q13 and MDM2 amplifications seem to define subsets of aggressive tumours. Indeed, 20q13 was correlated to axillary nodal involvement and occurred preferentially in younger patients (< 50 years). Furthermore, 20q13 correlated, as did MDM2 amplification, to aneuploidy. In parallel, we had also tested our tumour DNAs for amplification of CCND1, ERBB-2 and MYC, which made it possible to test for correlations with 20q13 or MDM2 amplifications. Whereas 20q13 showed a very strong correlation to CCND1 amplification, that of MDM2 was prevalent in MYC-amplified tumours. Interestingly, 20q13 and MDM2 amplifications showed some degree of correlation to each other, which may possibly be owing to the fact that both events occurred preferentially in aneuploid tumours. In ovarian cancer, no statistically significant correlation was observed. However, 20q13 amplification occurred preferentially in stage 3 tumours and MDM2 was correlated to ERBB-2 amplification. This may suggest that in ovarian tumours also, 20q13 and MDM2 amplifications occur in late or aggressive cancers