572 research outputs found

    Improving uncertainty in Widmark equation calculations:alcohol volume, strength and density

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    The Widmark equation is probably the most commonly used calculation for medicolegal purposes. Recently the National Research Council (USA) and the Forensic Science Regulator (UK) have called for the uncertainty of all results to be given with all forensic measurements and calculations. To improve the uncertainty of measurement of results from Widmark calculations we have concentrated on the uncertainties of measurement involved in the calculation of alcohol, that of the volume of alcohol, the concentration of alcohol and the density of alcohol as previous studies have investigated some of the other factors involved . Using experimental studies, the scientific literature and legal statutes, we have determined revised and improved uncertainties of the concentration of ethanol for Widmark calculations for both the USA and UK. Based on the calculations that we have performed we recommend the use of Monte Carlo Simulation for the determination of uncertainty of measurement for Widmark Calculations

    Monitoring Students and Enforcing Information Technology use Policies in Universities

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    This paper presents the results of an Internet survey of university Information Technology (IT) managers on the use/abuse of IT resources by a university’s students. The survey sought data on university size, public/private organization, whether there were policies in place on acceptable use of IT resources, possible student use and actions, and finally how IT resources were monitored if they were monitored. Results revealed that most universities had policies on the proper use of IT resources but were very unlikely to monitor use/abuse of IT resources mainly due to a lack of personnel. Some potential abuses were identified and respondents were asked what actions might be taken with respect to such abuse

    The benefit of context for facial composite construction.

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    Purpose - The aim of this study was to investigate whether the presence of a whole-face context during facial composite production facilitates construction of facial composite images.Design/Methodology - In Experiment 1, constructors viewed a celebrity face and then developed a facial composite using PRO-fit in one of two conditions: either the full-face was visible while facial features were selected, or only the feature currently being selected was visible. The composites were named by different participants. We then replicated the study using a more forensically-valid procedure: In Experiment 2 non-football fans viewed an image of a premiership footballer and 24 hours later constructed a composite of the face with a trained software operator. The resulting composites were named by football fans.Findings - In both studies we found that presence of the facial context promoted more identifiable facial composite images.Research limitations/implications – Though this study uses current software in an unconventional way, this was necessary to avoid error arising from between-system differences.Practical implications - Results confirm that composite software should have the whole-face context visible to witnesses throughout construction. Though some software systems do this, there remain others that present features in isolation and these findings show that these systems are unlikely to be optimal. Originality/value - This is the first study to demonstrate the importance of a full-face context for the construction of facial composite images. Results are valuable to police forces and developers of composite software

    Aerobic scope protection reduces ectotherm growth under warming

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    1. Temperature has a dramatic effect on the physiology of ectothermic animals, impacting most of their biology. When temperatures increase above optimal for an animal, their growth gradually decreases. The main mechanism behind this growth rate reduction is unknown. 2. Here, we suggest the 'aerobic scope protection' hypothesis as a mechanistic explanation for the reduction in growth. 3. After a meal, metabolic rate, and hence oxygen consumption rate, transiently increase in a process called specific dynamic action (SDA). At warmer temperatures, the SDA response usually becomes temporally compressed, leading to a higher peak oxygen consumption rate. This peak in oxygen consumption rate risks taking up much of the animal's aerobic scope (the difference between resting and maximum rates of oxygen consumption), which would leave little residual aerobic scope for other aerobic functions. 4. We propose that water-breathing ectothermic animals will protect their postprandial residual aerobic scope by reducing meal sizes in order to regulate the peak SDA response during times of warming, leading to reductions in growth. 5. This hypothesis is consistent with the published literature on fishes, and we provide predictions that can be tested.Peer reviewe

    Re-colonization of hostile environments by benthic foraminifera: an example from Montserrat, Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc

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    The Soufrière Hills Volcano, on the island of Montserrat, has an eruption history spanning over 2 million years. During this time the volcano has undergone multiple eruptions with intervening periods of low activity or dormancy. The most recent activity began in 1995 and has seen a series of major eruptive events. One of the most recent of these, and the focus of this study, occurred on the 20th May 2006. This major dome collapse produced 90 million m3 of volcanic material in only 3 hours, propelling ash clouds through the air and pyroclastic flows down the side of the volcano and into the sea. In this study of benthic foraminifera, cores from four sites off-shore Montserrat are analysed, including those collected from a location within the path of the 2006 ash cloud, around 10 km west of the Montserrat coast. In this area, one core contained 6-7 cm of ash overlying hemipelagic sediments. Volcanic ash is present in two distinct layers, one 3 cm layer produced by the 2006 eruption and the other, 3-4 cm layer, from an earlier eruption in 2003. Other cores were collected from areas unaffected by recent ash fall deposits and provide a base line for comparisons within the affected areas. To the east and south-east of Montserrat there is a different situation as this is the direction of travel of massive pyroclastic flows down the Tar Valley and the impact on the sea floor is more dramatic. There are also two extinct volcanic centres that allow the investigation of sea floor re-colonization on different time scales. The sites to the west of Montserrat record rapid colonization by benthic foraminifera of opportunistic taxa, comparable to that seen near Mt Pinatubo in the South China Sea while the sites to the east record a slower pattern of re-colonization by a wider spectrum of taxa, similar to that recorded at Deception Island in the Southern Ocean, with different benthic taxa performing the pioneering role.</jats:p

    Hippocampal sequencing mechanisms are disrupted in a maternal immune activation model of schizophrenia risk

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    Episodic memory requires information to be stored and recalled in sequential order, and these processes are disrupted in schizophrenia. Hippocampal phase precession and theta sequences are thought to provide a biological mechanism for sequential ordering of experience at timescales suitable for plasticity. These phenomena have not previously been examined in any models of schizophrenia risk. Here, we examine these phenomena in a maternal immune activation (MIA) rodent model. We show that while individual pyramidal cells in the CA1 region continue to precess normally in MIA animals, the starting phase of precession as an animal enters a new place field is considerably more variable in MIA animals than in controls. A critical consequence of this change is a disorganization of the ordered representation of experience via theta sequences. These results provide the first evidence of a biological-level mechanism that, if it occurs in schizophrenia, may explain aspects of disorganized sequential processing that contribute to the cognitive symptoms of the disorder

    Effect of altered sensory conditions on multivariate descriptors of human postural sway

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    Multivariate descriptors of sway were used to test whether altered sensory conditions result not only in changes in amount of sway but also in postural coordination. Eigenvalues and directions of eigenvectors of the covariance of shnk and hip angles were used as a set of multivariate descriptors. These quantities were measured in 14 healthy adult subjects performing the Sensory Organization test, which disrupts visual and somatosensory information used for spatial orientation. Multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant analysis showed that resulting sway changes were at least bivariate in character, with visual and somatosensory conditions producing distinct changes in postural coordination. The most significant changes were found when somatosensory information was disrupted by sway-referencing of the support surface ( P =3.2·10 −10 ). The resulting covariance measurements showed that subjects not only swayed more but also used increased hip motion analogous to the hip strategy. Disruption of vision, by either closing the eyes or sway-referencing the visual surround, also resulted in altered sway ( P =1.7·10 −10 ), with proportionately more motion of the center of mass than with platform sway-referencing. As shown by discriminant analysis, an optimal univariate measure could explain at most 90% of the behavior due to altered sensory conditions. The remaining 10%, while smaller, are highly significant changes in posture control that depend on sensory conditions. The results imply that normal postural coordination of the trunk and legs requires both somatosensory and visual information and that each sensory modality makes a unique contribution to posture control. Descending postural commands are multivariate in nature, and the motion at each joint is affected uniquely by input from multiple sensors.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42010/1/221-122-2-185_81220185.pd

    Flocculation onset in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: effect of ethanol, heat and osmotic stress

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    Aims: To examine the effect of different stress conditions on the onset of flocculation in an ale-brewing strain, Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC 1195. Methods and Results: Flocculation was evaluated using the method of Soares, E.V. and Vroman, A. [Journal of Applied Microbiology (2003) 95, 325]; plasma membrane integrity was accessed using propidium iodide and the staining of the yeast cell wall was performed using calcofluor white M2R. Cells in exponential phase of growth were subjected to different stress conditions. The addition of 1%, 3% and 5% (v/v) ethanol, 1% and 3% (v/v) isopropanol or a brief heat shock (52ºC, 5 min), did not induce an early flocculation phenotype when compared with control cells. The addition of 10% (v/v) ethanol, a continuous mild heat-stress (37ºC) or an osmotic stress (0.5 or 1 mol l-1 of NaCl) did not induce a flocculent phenotype. Conclusions: Flocculation seems not to be induced as a response to different chemical (ethanol and isopropanol) and physical (heat and osmotic) stress conditions. Conversely, osmotic and ethanol [10% (v/v)] stress, as well as a continuous mild heat shock (37ºC), have a negative impact on the phenotype expression of flocculation. Significance and Impact of the Study: The findings reported here contribute to the elucidation of the control of yeast flocculation. This information might be useful to the brewing industry, as the time when the onset of flocculation occurs can determine the fermentation performance and the beer quality, as well as in other biotechnological industries where flocculation can be used as a cell separation process.ERASMUS; ISEP (Portugal)

    Clonal expansion of new penicillin-resistant clade of neisseria meningitidis serogroup w clonal complex 11, Australia

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    In Western Australia, Neisseria meningitidis serogroup W clonal complex 11 became the predominant cause of invasive meningococcal disease in 2016. We used core-genome analysis to show emergence of a penicillin-resistant clade that had the penA_253 allele. This new penicillin-resistant clade might affect treatment regimens for this disease
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