496 research outputs found

    Four-Wheel Steering

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    This prototype Four-Wheel Steering system is designed for a Formula SAE racecar. Multiple steering geometries can be applied to optimize the handling across a range of speeds. Ackermann steering geometry at low speeds improves the car’s agility in tight, technical race courses. At high speeds the steering transitions to parallel steering geometry, improving stability and giving the driver more precise control over the vehicle. The system fits seamlessly within the rear suspension packaging of the existing WashU Racing vehicle design and minimizes addition of weight by using compact and lightweight electronic linear actuators to steer the rear wheels. In testing of the system on the WashU Racing racecar, a successful prototype was rendered. It was found in order to eliminate error in the actuator movement, a more developed control system is needed to be designed. Testing of the turning radii for standard steering, low speed Ackerman, and high speed in-concert steering yielded successful results. For a left-handed turn, standard steering resulted in a 20’ radius, the low speed Ackerman resulted in a 15’ radius, and the high speed in-concert resulted in a 24’ radius. Overall, the successful prototype gives hope for the system to be fully implemented within the next couple of years. Full testing of the system can be completed once a safer, and more accurate control system is implemented

    Irrationality, Misinformation and the Role of Science Education in Science Communication.

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    Human beings, as a species, are capable of both incredible scientific and technical achievements, but also of deep scientific denial. In late 2012 while the Curiosity rover descended from a “sky crane”, to make a soft landing on the surface of mars (NASA. 2012). many people were preparing for the end of the world, which they believed to have been predicted by the end of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar (Hoopes 2011). This thesis aims to determine the factors contributing to the establishment and persistence of irrational beliefs, and attempts to identify a means of response through science education. Humans find patterns in random noise, ascribe agents, intentions and emotions to completely natural phenomena, and overestimate their control over random chance. When our beliefs are challenged we become uncomfortable considering that we may be wrong, as such a possibility clashes with our ideal perception of ourselves. Subsequently we are convinced by arguments that agree with our preconceptions, even if they are illogical. This is a major obstacle to the communication of accurate scientific information. A series of workshops, comprising two 50-minute sessions, were held to assess the benefit of specific education to communicating the rationale of the principles of science. The workshops were held for two classes of a primary school (P1a, P1b), and two high schools classes (H1, H2). The competency of the classrooms was assessed for both their theoretical understanding of the ideas being communicated, and their application of this knowledge to their own experiments. Additionally the students’ knowledge of the principles of scientific methods was measured prior to, and one month after the workshops, through interviews with a subset of students. The study found that two classes (P1a and H2) were able to demonstrate an improved understanding of the scientific method after the workshop (p<0.01). However H2 demonstrated the lowest ability to apply an understanding of the scientific method to their own experiments. This result suggested that while the H2 students were able to recall the specific information communicated, they were not able to apply this knowledge to practice. Communicating accurate scientific information to adults may not be sufficient to have them reconsider their irrational beliefs. For this reason it is important for science educators to give children the skills to both reason rationally, and to be able to appraise the quality of evidence and information they are exposed to. This can be achieved by focusing on the stated objectives within the ‘Nature of Science’ section of the New Zealand Science Curriculum. However it would also be beneficial to students to understand the innate human cognitive phenomenon that leads people to accepting irrational beliefs. This knowledge will empower the students to challenge not only the arguments of other, but also the evidence their support their own beliefs upon

    Simulating and modelling the impact of secure communication latency for closed loop control

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    Closed loop control systems have been implemented to conduct a variety of tasks (e.g. manufacturing and automation). Industrial Control System (ICS) have been used to regulate a closed loop process; however, ICS are exposed to the same security vulnerabilities associated with enterprise networks. Cryptography has been deployed to overcome the associated data communication weaknesses between each ICS node through the use of block ciphers; however, the drawback of applying cryptographic algorithms to ICS is the additional communication latency. This paper investigates the relationship between security constructs and latency for closed loop control system with test conducted in a simulated environment. A case scenario is illustrated to demonstrate the impact of the results obtained to a real world context

    Effect of thermomechanical processing defects on fatigue and fracture behaviour of forged magnesium

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    The microstructural origins of premature fatigue failures were investigated on a variety of forged components manufactured from AZ80 and ZK60 magnesium, both at the test specimen level and the full-scale component level. Both stress and strain-controlled approaches were used to characterize the macroscopically defect-free forged material behaviour as well as with varying levels of defect intensities. The effect of thermomechanical processing defects due to forging of a industrially relevant full-scale component were characterized and quantified using a variety of techniques. The fracture initiation and early crack growth behaviour was deterministically traced back to a combination of various effects having both geometric and microstructural origins, including poor fusion during forging, entrainment of contaminants sub-surface, as well as other inhomogeneities in the thermomechanical processing history. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; At the test specimen level, the fracture behaviour under both stress and strain controlled uniaxial loading was characterized for forged AZ80 Mg and a structure-property relationship was developed. The fracture surface morphology was quantitatively assessed revealing key features which characterize the presence and severity of intrinsic forging defects.&nbsp; A significant degradation in fatigue performance was observed as a result of forging defects accelerating fracture initiation and early crack growth, up to 6 times reduction in life (relative to the defect free material) under constant amplitude fully reversed fatigue loading. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; At the full-scale component level, the fatigue and fracture behaviour under combined structural loading was also characterized for a number of ZK60 forged components with varying levels of intrinsic thermomechanical processing defects. A novel in-situ non-contact approach (utilizing Digital-Image Correlation) was used as a screening test to establish the presence of these intrinsic defects and reliably predict their effect on the final fracture behaviour in an accelerated manner compared to conventional methods

    The Royal College of Ophthalmologists' National Ophthalmology Database study of cataract surgery: Report 7, immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery in the UK: Current practice and patient selection.

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    BACKGROUND: Cataract extraction is the most frequently performed surgical intervention in the world and demand is rising due to an ageing demography. One option to address this challenge is to offer selected patients immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS). This study aims to investigate patient and operative characteristics for ISBCS and delayed bilateral cataract surgery (DSCS) in the UK. METHODS: Data were analysed from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists' National Ophthalmology Database Audit (NOD) of cataract surgery. Eligible patients were those undergoing bilateral cataract extraction from centres with a record of at least one ISBCS operation between 01/04/2010 and 31/08/2018. Variable frequency comparison was undertaken with chi-square tests. RESULTS: During the study period, 1073 patients had ISBCS and 248,341 DSCS from 73 centres. A higher proportion of ISBCS patients were unable to lie flat (11.3% vs. 1.8%; p < 0.001), unable to cooperate (9.7% vs. 2.7%; p < 0.001); underwent general anaesthesia (58.7% vs. 6.6% (p < 0.001)); had brunescent/white/mature cataracts (odds ratio (OR) 5.118); no fundal view/vitreous opacities (OR 8.381); had worse pre-operative acuity 0.60 LogMAR ISBCS vs. 0.50 (first) and 0.40 (second eye) DSCS and were younger (mean ages, 71.5 vs. 75.6 years; p < 0.001). Posterior capsular rupture (PCR) rates adjusted for case complexity were comparable (0.98% ISBCS and 0.78% DSCS). CONCLUSIONS: ISBCS was performed on younger patients, with difficulty cooperating and lying flat, worse pre-operative vision, higher rates of known PCR risk factors and more frequent use of general anaesthesia than DSCS in centres recorded on NOD

    A new species in the tree genus Polyceratocarpus (Annonaceae) from the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania

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    Polyceratocarpus askhambryan-iringae, an endemic tree species of Annonaceae from the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania, is described and illustrated. The new species is identified as a member of the genus Polyceratocarpus by the combination of staminate and bisexual flowers, axillary inflorescences, subequal outer and inner petals, and multi-seeded monocarps with pitted seeds. From Polyceratocarpus scheffleri, with which it has previously been confused, it differs in the longer pedicels, smaller and thinner petals, shorter bracts, and by generally smaller, less curved monocarps that have a clear stipe and usually have fewer seeds. Because Polyceratocarpus askhambryan-iringae has a restricted extent of occurrence, area of occupancy, and ongoing degradation of its forest habitat, we recommend classification of it as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List

    Superboom Caustic Analysis and Measurement Program (SCAMP) Final Report

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    The objectives of the Superboom Caustic Analysis and Measurement (SCAMP) Program were to develop and validate, via flight-test measurements, analytical models for sonic boom signatures in and around focal zones as they are expected to occur during commercial aircraft transition from subsonic to supersonic flight, and to apply these models to focus boom prediction of low-boom aircraft designs. The SCAMP program has successfully investigated sonic boom focusing both analytically and experimentally, while gathering a comprehensive empirical flight test and acoustic dataset, and developing a suite of focused sonic boom prediction tools. An experimental flight and acoustic measurement test was designed during the initial year of the SCAMP program, with execution of the SCAMP flight test occurring in May 2011. The current SCAMP team, led by Wyle, includes partners from the Boeing Company, Pennsylvania State University, Gulfstream Aerospace, Eagle Aeronautics, and Central Washington University. Numerous collaborators have also participated by supporting the experiment with human and equipment resources at their own expense. The experiment involved precision flight of a McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) F-18B executing different maneuvers that created focused sonic booms. The maneuvers were designed to center on the flight regime expected for commercial supersonic aircraft transonic transition, and also span a range of caustic curvatures in order to provide a variety of conditions for code validations. The SCAMP experiment was designed to capture concurrent F-18B on-board flight instrumentation data, high-fidelity ground-based and airborne acoustic data, and surface and upper air meteorological data. Close coordination with NASA Dryden resulted in the development of new experimental instrumentation and techniques to facilitate the SCAMP flight-test execution, including the development of an F-18B Mach rate cockpit display, TG-14 powered glider in-flight sonic boom measurement instrumentation and "Where's the Focus?" (WTF) software for near-real time way-point computation accounting for local atmospherics. In May 2011, 13 F-18B flights were conducted during 5 flying days over a 2 week period. A densely populated 10,000 ft-long ground acoustic array with 125-ft microphone spacing was designed to capture pre-, focus, and post-focus regions. The ground-based acoustic array was placed in a nominally east-west orientation in the remote Cuddeback lakebed region, north of Edwards AFB. This area was carefully selected to avoid placing focused booms on populated areas or solar power facilities. For the SCAMP measurement campaign, approvals were obtained to temporarily extend the Black Mountain supersonic corridor northward by three miles. The SCAMP flight tests successfully captured 70 boom events, with 61 focus passes, and 9 calibration passes. Seventeen of the focus passes and three of the calibration passes were laterally offset; with the others being centerline flights. Airborne incoming sonic boom wave measurements were measured by the TG-14 for 10 of the F-18B flight passes including one maximum focus signature, several N-u combinations, several overlapped N-u signatures, and several evanescent waves. During the 27-month program, the SCAMP team developed a suite of integrated computer codes with sonic boom focusing predictive capabilities: PCBoom, Lossy Nonlinear Tricomi Equation Method (LNTE) and the Nonlinear Progressive wave Equation (NPE) method. PCBoom propagates the rays through the atmosphere and, in addition to legacy focus signature prediction based on the Gill-Seebass method, provides input source characteristics and propagation parameters to LNTE and NPE. LNTE, a Tricomi solver that incorporates atmospheric losses, computes the focus signature at the focus, and computes the focus signature in the vicinity of the focal zone, including the evanescent and post-focus zones. LNTE signature auralization from low-boom vehicle designs has been demonstrated in the NASA Langley Interior Effects Room (IER). The NPE has also been validated for use in prediction of focused ground boom signatures in sonic boom focal zones. The NPE formulation has the capability to incorporate atmospheric turbulence in the predictions. This has been applied to sonic boom propagation in the past. Prediction of turbulence effects on focal zone signatures was not, however, explored during the SCAMP program

    Effective ecosystem monitoring requires a multi-scaled approach

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    Ecosystem monitoring is fundamental to our understanding of how ecosystem change is impacting our natural resources and is vital for developing evidence-based policy and management. However, the different types of ecosystem monitoring, along with their recommended applications, are often poorly understood and contentious. Varying definitions and strict adherence to a specific monitoring type can inhibit effective ecosystem monitoring, leading to poor program development, implementation and outcomes. In an effort to develop a more consistent and clear understanding of ecosystem monitoring programs, we here review the main types of monitoring and recommend the widespread adoption of three classifications of monitoring, namely, targeted, surveillance and landscape monitoring. Landscape monitoring is conducted over large areas, provides spatial data, and enables questions relating to where and when ecosystem change is occurring to be addressed. Surveillance monitoring uses standardised field methods to inform on what is changing in our environments and the direction and magnitude of that change, whilst targeted monitoring is designed around testable hypotheses over defined areas and is the best approach for determining the causes of ecosystem change. The classification system is flexible and can incorporate different interests, objectives, targets and characteristics as well as different spatial scales and temporal frequencies, while also providing valuable structure and consistency across distinct ecosystem monitoring programs. To support our argument, we examine the ability of each monitoring type to inform on six key types of questions that are routinely posed for ecosystem monitoring programs, such as where and when change is occurring, what is the magnitude of change, and how can the change be managed? As we demonstrate, each type of ecosystem monitoring has its own strengths and weaknesses, which should be carefully considered relative to the desired results. Using this scheme, scientists and land managers can design programs best suited to their needs. Finally, we assert that for our most serious environmental challenges, it is essential that we include information from each of these monitoring scales to inform on all facets of ecosystem change, and this is best achieved through close collaboration between the scales. With a renewed understanding of the importance of each monitoring type, along with greater commitment to monitor cooperatively, we will be well placed to address some of our greatest environmental challenges