48 research outputs found

    Ability of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis, and commensal Neisseria species to obtain iron from transferrin and iron compounds.

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    The ability of Neisseria species to use iron compounds and to compete with iron-binding proteins was examined with deferrated defined medium and the iron chelator deferoxamine. All Neisseria species were able to assimilate a variety of ferric and ferrous iron salts. They were not able to efficiently solubilize an inorganic iron salt such as ferric nitrate, but were able to use iron chelated by citrate, oxalacetate, pyrophosphate, or nitrilotriacetate. Each of the 95 Neisseria isolates examined was able to use hemin as a sole source of iron, and most, but not all, of the isolates were able to obtain iron from hemoglobin. Heated human serum stimulated growth of all gonococci, meningococci, and some commensal Neisseria species in iron-deficient medium. All gonococci and meningococci were able to scavenge iron from 25% saturated transferrin, whereas most commensal organisms were inhibited by this iron-binding protein. The ability to compete with transferrin was specific, since partially saturated conalbumin was bacteriostatic for all Neisseria species. Although the pathogenic Neisseria species were able to compete more efficiently with transferrin for iron than were the nonpathogenic Neisseria species, no correlation was observed between the virulence of different strains or colony types of gonococci and the ability to scavenge iron in vitro from transferrin or other chelators

    Entry of double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid during transformation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

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    The state of donor deoxyribonucleic acid after entry into competent cells was examined by assaying the transformed cell lysates for donor-marker transforming activity and density of donor deoxyribonucleic acid in CsCl gradients. The experiments showed that deoxyribonucleic acid entered in native, double-stranded form

    Ability of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis, and commensal Neisseria species to obtain iron from lactoferrin.

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    The ability of 107 Neisseria isolates to compete for iron with human lactoferrin (LF) was examined. Each of 15 meningococci, 53% of 59 selected gonococci, and 24% of 33 commensal Neisseria could use LF-bound iron for growth. Isolates which could not obtain iron from LF were growth inhibited when sufficient LF was added to defined agar medium to bind available free iron. No difference was observed in the ability of colony type 1 and colony type 4 gonococci of the same strain to compete with LF for iron. LF was growth inhibitory for 50% of 22 disseminated disease isolates (DGI strains) and 51% of 35 local urogenital disease isolates (UGI strains). Only 14% of gonococcal isolates requiring arginine, hypoxanthine, and uracil for growth were able to compete with LF for iron, whereas 87% of all other gonococcal isolates could do so (P less than 0.005). Ability to obtain iron from LF does not appear to be required for survival of Neisseria on mucosal surfaces, nor essential for invasion of the bloodstream by gonococci. However, ability to utilize LF as a source of iron may contribute to differences in pathogenicity among certain gonococcal isolates

    Vaccines for Gonorrhea: Can We Rise to the Challenge?

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    Immune responses to the gonococcus after natural infection ordinarily result in little immunity to reinfection, due to antigenic variation of the gonococcus, and redirection or suppression of immune responses. Brinton and colleagues demonstrated that parenteral immunization of male human volunteers with a purified pilus vaccine gave partial protection against infection by the homologous strain. However, the vaccine failed in a clinical trial. Recent vaccine development efforts have focused on the female mouse model of genital gonococcal infection. Here we discuss the state of the field, including our unpublished data regarding efficacy in the mouse model of either viral replicon particle (VRP) vaccines, or outer membrane vesicle (OMV) vaccines. The OMV vaccines failed, despite excellent serum and mucosal antibody responses. Protection after a regimen consisting of a PorB-VRP prime plus recombinant PorB boost was correlated with apparent Th1, but not with antibody, responses. Protection probably was due to powerful adjuvant effects of the VRP vector. New tools including novel transgenic mice expressing human genes required for gonococcal infection should enable future research. Surrogates for immunity are needed. Increasing antimicrobial resistance trends among gonococci makes development of a vaccine more urgent

    Experimental Gonococcal Infection in Male Volunteers: Cumulative Experience with Neisseria gonorrhoeae Strains FA1090 and MS11mkC

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    Experimental infection of male volunteers with Neisseria gonorrhoeae is safe and reproduces the clinical features of naturally acquired gonococcal urethritis. Human inoculation studies have helped define the natural history of experimental infection with two well-characterized strains of N. gonorrhoeae, FA1090 and MS11mkC. The human model has proved useful for testing the importance of putative gonococcal virulence factors for urethral infection in men. Studies with isogenic mutants have improved our understanding of the requirements for gonococcal LOS structures, pili, opacity proteins, IgA1 protease, and the ability of infecting organisms to obtain iron from human transferrin and lactoferrin during uncomplicated urethritis. The model also presents opportunities to examine innate host immune responses that may be exploited or improved in development and testing of gonococcal vaccines. Here we review results to date with human experimental gonorrhea

    Gonococci with mutations to low-level penicillin resistance exhibit increased sensitivity to the oxygen-independent bactericidal activity of human polymorphonuclear leukocyte granule extracts.

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    Gonococci which cause disseminated gonococcal infection are nearly always highly penicillin sensitive, in contrast to many isolates causing uncomplicated gonorrhea. We questioned whether any of the known chromosomal mutations to low-level penicillin resistance might adversely affect virulence. The penA2 locus is known to result in low-level resistance to penicillins, whereas mtr-2 results in nonspecific resistance to a variety of antimicrobial agents. We found that the penA2 and mtr-2 mutations each markedly increased sensitivity of strain FA19 to oxygen-independent killing by human polymorphonuclear leukocyte mixed or isolated azurophilic granule extracts. The penA2 and mtr-2 mutations had no effect on sensitivity to serum antibody and complement. Isogenic opaque or transparent variants of several strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae were equally resistant to human polymorphonuclear leukocyte mixed granule extract bactericidal systems. There were also no differences in susceptibility of piliated type 1 and nonpiliated type 4 variants to human polymorphonuclear leukocyte mixed granule extracts. Since the penA2 and mtr-2 loci are known to increase the degree of cross-linking of cell wall peptidoglycan, the structure of peptidoglycan apparently affects sensitivity to killing by one or more polymorphonuclear leukocyte azurophilic granule extract bactericidal systems. These observations might explain why gonococci with mutations similar to penA2 and mtr-2 are almost never isolated from patients with disseminated gonococcal infection

    Ferric Enterobactin Binding and Utilization by Neisseria gonorrhoeae

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    FetA, formerly designated FrpB, an iron-regulated, 76-kDa neisserial outer membrane protein, shows sequence homology to the TonB-dependent family of receptors that transport iron into gram-negative bacteria. Although FetA is commonly expressed by most neisserial strains and is a potential vaccine candidate for both Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis, its function in cell physiology was previously undefined. We now report that FetA functions as an enterobactin receptor. N. gonorrhoeae FA1090 utilized ferric enterobactin as the sole iron source when supplied with ferric enterobactin at approximately 10 Ī¼M, but growth stimulation was abolished when an omega (Ī©) cassette was inserted within fetA or when tonB was insertionally interrupted. FA1090 FetA specifically bound 59Fe-enterobactin, with a Kd of approximately 5 Ī¼M. Monoclonal antibodies raised against the Escherichia coli enterobactin receptor, FepA, recognized FetA in Western blots, and amino acid sequence comparisons revealed that residues previously implicated in ferric enterobactin binding by FepA were partially conserved in FetA. An open reading frame downstream of fetA, designated fetB, predicted a protein with sequence similarity to the family of periplasmic binding proteins necessary for transporting siderophores through the periplasmic space of gram-negative bacteria. An Ī© insertion within fetB abolished ferric enterobactin utilization without causing a loss of ferric enterobactin binding. These data show that FetA is a functional homolog of FepA that binds ferric enterobactin and may be part of a system responsible for transporting the siderophore into the cell

    Ferric Enterobactin Binding and Utilization by Neisseria gonorrhoeae

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    FetA, formerly designated FrpB, an iron-regulated, 76-kDa neisserial outer membrane protein, shows sequence homology to the TonB-dependent family of receptors that transport iron into gram-negative bacteria. Although FetA is commonly expressed by most neisserial strains and is a potential vaccine candidate for both Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis, its function in cell physiology was previously undefined. We now report that FetA functions as an enterobactin receptor. N. gonorrhoeae FA1090 utilized ferric enterobactin as the sole iron source when supplied with ferric enterobactin at approximately 10 Ī¼M, but growth stimulation was abolished when an omega (Ī©) cassette was inserted within fetA or when tonB was insertionally interrupted. FA1090 FetA specifically bound 59Fe-enterobactin, with a Kd of approximately 5 Ī¼M. Monoclonal antibodies raised against the Escherichia coli enterobactin receptor, FepA, recognized FetA in Western blots, and amino acid sequence comparisons revealed that residues previously implicated in ferric enterobactin binding by FepA were partially conserved in FetA. An open reading frame downstream of fetA, designated fetB, predicted a protein with sequence similarity to the family of periplasmic binding proteins necessary for transporting siderophores through the periplasmic space of gram-negative bacteria. An Ī© insertion within fetB abolished ferric enterobactin utilization without causing a loss of ferric enterobactin binding. These data show that FetA is a functional homolog of FepA that binds ferric enterobactin and may be part of a system responsible for transporting the siderophore into the cell

    Species Status of Neisseria gonorrhoeae: Evolutionary and Epidemiological Inferences from MLST

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    Abstract Background Various typing methods have been developed for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, but none provide the combination of discrimination, reproducibility, portability, and genetic inference that allows the analysis of all aspects of the epidemiology of this pathogen from a single data set. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) has been used successfully to characterize the related organisms Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria lactamica. Here, the same seven locus Neisseria scheme was used to characterize a diverse collection of N. gonorrhoeae isolates to investigate whether this method would allow differentiation among isolates, and to distinguish these three species. Results A total of 149 gonococcal isolates were typed and submitted to the Neisseria MLST database. Although relatively few (27) polymorphisms were detected among the seven MLST loci, a total of 66 unique allele combinations (sequence types, STs), were observed, a number comparable to that seen among isolate collections of the more diverse meningococcus. Patterns of genetic variation were consistent with high levels of recombination generating this diversity. There was no evidence for geographical structuring among the isolates examined, with isolates collected in Liverpool, UK, showing levels of diversity similar to a global collection of isolates. There was, however, evidence that populations of N. meningitidis, N. gonorrhoeae and N. lactamica were distinct, with little support for frequent genetic recombination among these species, with the sequences from the gdh locus alone grouping the species into distinct clusters. Conclusion The seven loci Neisseria MLST scheme was readily adapted to N. gonorrhoeae isolates, providing a highly discriminatory typing method. In addition, these data permitted phylogenetic and population genetic inferences to be made, including direct comparisons with N. meningitidis and N. lactamica. Examination of these data demonstrated that alleles were rarely shared among the three species. Analysis of variation at a single locus, gdh, provided a rapid means of identifying misclassified isolates and determining whether mixed cultures were present

    Neisseria gonorrhoeae Activates the Proteinase Cathepsin B to Mediate the Signaling Activities of the NLRP3 and ASC-Containing Inflammasome

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    Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a common sexually transmitted pathogen that significantly impacts female fertility, neonatal health, and transmission of HIV worldwide. N. gonorrhoeae usually causes localized inflammation of the urethra and cervix by inducing production of IL-1Ī² and other inflammatory cytokines. Several NLR (Nucleotide binding domain, Leucine Rich Repeat) proteins are implicated in the formation of pro-IL-1Ī²-processing complexes called inflammasomes in response to pathogens. We demonstrate that NLRP3 (cryopyrin,NALP3) is the primary NLR required for IL-1Ī²/IL-18 secretion in response to N. gonorrhoeae in monocytes. We also show that N. gonorrhoeae infection promotes NLRP3-dependent monocytic cell death via pyronecrosis, a recently described pathway with morphological features of necrosis, including release of the strong inflammatory mediator HMBG1. Additionally, N. gonorrhoeae activates the cysteine protease Cathepsin-B as measured by the breakdown of a Cathepsin B substrate. Inhibition of Cathepsin B shows that this protease is an apical controlling step in the downstream activities of NLRP3 including IL-1Ī² production, pyronecrosis, and HMGB1 release. Non-pathogenic Neisseria strains (N. cinerea and N. flavescens) do not activate NLRP3 as robustly as N. gonorrhoeae. Conditioned media from N. gonorrhoeae contains factors capable of initiating the NLRP3 mediated signaling events. Isolated N. gonorrhoeae lipooligosaccharide, a known virulence factor from this bacterium that is elaborated from the bacterium in the form of outer membrane blebs, activates both NLRP3-induced IL-1Ī² secretion and pyronecrosis. Our findings indicate that activation of NLRP3-mediated inflammatory response pathways is an important venue associated with host response and pathogenesis of N. gonorrhoeae