17 research outputs found

    Jugend heute - Sozial-un-vermögen und Politikverdrossenheit?

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    'HĂ€ufig wird die mangelnde Integration von Jugendlichen in Vereinen und VerbĂ€nden beklagt und mit Sorgen um das politische Interesse und die politische Beteiligung von Jugendlichen verbunden. In Anbetracht der Sorge ĂŒber den RĂŒckgang des Sozialkapitals und der deshalb befĂŒrchteten Konsequenzen fĂŒr die politische Partizipation untersucht dieser Artikel anhand der Daten des European Value Survey (1999/ 2000), inwiefern westeuropĂ€ische Jugendliche im Alter zwischen 18 und 25 Jahren Sozialvermögen im Sinne von Mitgliedschaften in formellen Organisationen und informellen Netzwerken haben, ob Jugendliche tatsĂ€chlich politikverdrossen sind, und ob bzw. wie dies mit einem möglicherweise fehlenden Sozialvermögen in Zusammenhang steht.' (Autorenreferat)'The inadequate integration of juveniles in social organizations causes concerns, regarding political interest and the participation of young people. Reflecting fears about decreasing 'social capital' and its consequences for political participation, this article - based on European Value Survey data (1999/ 2000) - analyses to which extent Western European young people (aged 18-25 years) are members of formal social organizations and informal social networks. Do these juveniles express social capital and are they alienated from politics? Furthermore, the question is investigated whether this alienation is linked to social incapacity.' (author's abstract)

    Young people and European citizenship

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    'Die EuropĂ€ische Union regelt in immer stĂ€rkerem Maß das Leben der EuropĂ€ischen BĂŒrgerInnen, nicht nur im ökonomischen sondern im politischen und sozialen Bereich. Dennoch sind Wissen ĂŒber und Interesse an diesen Entwicklungen gering. In diesem Zusammenhang ist die Einstellung junger Menschen als zukĂŒnftige WĂ€hlerInnen und BĂŒrgerInnen besonders wichtig. Basierend auf einer Studie unter insgesamt 3890 18-24 JĂ€hrigen in 10 europĂ€ischen Regionen werden Faktoren analysiert, die das Interesse an EuropĂ€ischer Integration und die Absicht sich an Wahlen zum EuropĂ€ischen Parlament zu beteiligen, fördern. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Aspekte der 'Aktivierung' wie 'political efficacy' (wahrgenommene politische Wirksamkeit), Diskussionen politischer und sozialer Themen und das persönliche Interesse an einer Reihe von politischen und sozialen Fragen, beide Einstellungen beeinflussen. ZusĂ€tzlich stellte sich die emotionale Verbundenheit mit Europa als weiterer wichtiger Faktor heraus. FĂŒr die 'Aktivierung' spielt neben soziodemographischen Variablen 'citizenship education' (politische Bildung) eine wichtige Rolle. Art und Ausmaß von 'citizenship education' variieren betrĂ€chtlich zwischen den untersuchten LĂ€ndern. Die Daten unterstreichen somit die Bedeutung von 'citizenship education' im Allgemeinen und einer europĂ€ischen Ausrichtung im Speziellen.' (Autorenreferat)'The European Union increasingly regulates the lives of European citizens, not only with respect to the economic but also the political and social spheres. However, the knowledge of and the interest in these developments is low. In this context the attitude of young people as future citizens and voters is especially important. Based on a study of a total of 3890 18 to 24 year olds in 10 European regions1 factors are analysed that make young people interested in European integration and likely to vote in European elections. The results show that aspects of 'activation' such as political efficacy, discussions of social and political issues and interest in a range of social and political issues influence both attitudes. In addition emotional attachment to Europe proved to be another important factor. 'Activation' is influenced - apart from socio-demographic variables - by citizenship education, which varies considerably between countries in kind and extent. The data therefore stress the importance of citizenship education and suggest the inclusion of a European dimension in citizenship education.' (author's abstract)

    Young people and politics in Eastern and Western Europe

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    "Basierend auf einer Analyse des World Value Surveys 1995-97 beschĂ€ftigt sich dieser Artikel mit verschiedenen Formen politischen Engagements 16- bis 25-JĂ€hriger in Ost- und Westeuropa. Dabei wird der Begriff des Politischen sehr weit gefasst, um politisches Interesse, politische AktivitĂ€ten, zivile und politische Partizipation, Demokratiebewusstsein, Vertrauen in politische Institutionen sowie neue Formen von Politik miteinzubeziehen. Der Artikel untersucht, von welchen Faktoren diese Aspekte beeinflusst werden und wie die einzelnen Aspekte zusammenhĂ€ngen. Die Analyse zeigt, dass Jugendliche nicht generell von Politik entfremdet sind, wie viele behaupten. Vor allem Jugendliche mit höherer Bildung, aus höheren sozialen Schichten und mĂ€nnliche Jugendliche sind involviert. Eine Ausnahme besteht bei Umweltschutz und -politik, wo Frauen aktiver und besorgter sind als MĂ€nner. Ein weiteres Ergebnis ist, dass Jugendliche in Osteuropa weniger in Politik involviert sind als in Westeuropa, und zwar sowohl in Bezug auf herkömmliche als auch auf unkonventionelle Politik. Schließlich wird eine Typologie von politischen Profilen herausgearbeitet, die zeigen, dass Jugendliche nicht schlechthin apolitisch sind, sondern sich in vielen verschiedenen Formen politisch interessieren und engagieren. Die Ergebnisse deuten eine Entwicklung von 'Lifestyle-Politik' an, die eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Bedeutung fĂŒr politisches Handeln hat als traditionelles parteipolitisches Engagement." (Autorenreferat)"This paper considers the kind of political engagement among young people in Eastern and Western Europe, based upon a sub-sample of 16-25 year olds from the World Values Survey 1995-1997 (N=7740). By taking a broad view of politics to include political involvement, political action, civil and political participation, democratic mindedness, the role of 'new politics' and faith in the political system, it is found that young people are both interested and active in politics. The paper considers how these different aspects of politics are associated together along with the regional and demographic variations. The analysis shows that young people are not generally disengaged from politics (as many have claimed) and that those who are most engaged are those with more education, with higher social class and who are male rather than female. The exception is with environmental politics where women are both more active and more concerned than men. The analysis also found that in general, young people in Eastern Europe are less engaged in politics than those from Western Europe, including both conventional and unconventional political activity. Finally we draw up a typology of the different kinds of political profiles of young people and from this we argue that young people are not disengaged from politics, but rather that their involvement in politics takes a variety of different forms. Furthermore this analysis suggests that we need to look at 'lifestyle' politics as an important field of political action rather than only traditional political engagement such as voting or joining political parties." (author's abstract

    What leads young people to identify Europe? An exploration of 'exposure' to Europe and resources for identification among young Europeans

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    'Der Artikel untersucht die Ressourcen und Erfahrungen, die es jungen Menschen ermöglichen eine Identifikation mit Europa zu entwickeln. BerĂŒcksichtigt werden Reiseerfahrung, Migrationserfahrung und die Kenntnis europĂ€ischer Fremdsprachen als Faktoren von 'Kontakt mit Europa' sowie die alltĂ€gliche face-to-face Diskussion politischer und sozialer Themen und das Ausmaß des im Schulunterricht vermittelten Wissens ĂŒber die EU als Aspekte der kognitiven Mobilisierung in Bezug auf Europa. Die empirische Analyse zeigt, dass 'Kontakt mit Europa' und kognitive Mobilisierung in Bezug auf Europa wichtige Voraussetzungen fĂŒr eine Identifikation mit Europa darstellen. Daher kann die Identifikation mit Europa nicht getrennt von den Ressourcen behandelt werden, die eine solche Identifikation erst möglich machen. Da diese Ressourcen ungleich verteilt sind, weist der Artikel auf den Stellenwert hin, den Konzepte sozialer Ungleichheit fĂŒr die Untersuchung der Identifikation mit Europa haben. Die Datengrundlage bilden standardisierte Interviews mit einer reprĂ€sentativen Stichprobe der 18-24 JĂ€hrigen in 10 europĂ€ischen Regionen: Bilbao, Madrid, Edinburgh, Manchester, Chemnitz, Bielefeld, Prag, Bratislava, Wien und Vorarlberg (N=3890), die im Zuge des von der EuropĂ€ischen Kommission im fĂŒnften Rahmenprogramm finanzierten multi-nationale Forschungsprojekt 'Orientation of young men and women to citizenship and European identity' durchgefĂŒhrt wurden.' (Autorenreferat)'The paper explores the resources and experiences which allow young people to develop their identification with Europe. We take into consideration mobility experience, migration experience and knowledge of foreign European languages as factors of 'exposure' to Europe and the everyday face-to-face discussion of political and social issues as well as learning about the EU at school as aspects of cognitive mobilization towards Europe. Empirical evidence shows that 'exposure' to Europe and cognitive mobilization towards Europe are important prerequisites for identification with Europe. Therefore identification with Europe cannot be treated separately from the resources that may induce the process of identification. As these resources are unequally distributed, the paper points to the importance of concepts of social inequality in understanding identification with Europe. The paper draws upon sample surveys of young people between 18 and 24 carried out in 10 European regions: Bilbao, Madrid, Edinburgh, Manchester, Chemnitz, Bielefeld, Prague, Bratislava, Vorarlberg and Vienna (N=3890) in the course of the multi-national research project 'Orientations of young men and women to citizenship and European identity', funded by the European Commission within its 5th Frame work Programme.' (author's abstract)

    Ecodemocracy in practice: exploration of debates on limits and possibilities of addressing environmental challenges within democratic systems

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    This article examines the practical implications of ecological democracy or ecodemocracy, inquiring how capable democratic societies are of addressing environmental challenges. It asks: What is needed to secure democratic legitimacy for policy measures to benefit nonhuman species? What would ecodemocracy look like in practice? Different types of existing and possible types of representation are discussed, including the expansion of the precautionary principle, the Council of All Beings or Parliament of Things, and representation through the Parties for Animals. A possible approach in the form of a mandate for proxy eco-representation similar to civil rights through continuous affirmative action is investigated.  Limitations and possibilities of each approach for nature representation are weighed. Key words. anthropocentrism, democracy, ecocentrism, ecological democracy, ecodemocracy, ecological justice, environmental justice, multispecies justice, rights of natur

    Ecological Citizenship Education and the Consumption of Animal Subjectivity

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    The unfolding of the ecological disaster has led authors to reconsider the position of the human subject and his/her relationship with the earth. One entry point is the concept of ecological citizenship, which emphasizes responsibility, community, and care. However, the discourse of ecological citizenship often reduces the human subject to a critical consumer-citizen and citizenship education to the production of such a subject. The position outlined in this paper provides a more fundamental critique of consumption as a way of being in and relating to the world. In particular, it foregrounds objectification, commodification, and its impacts on human and nonhuman subjectivity and the possibility of care within a multi-species community. The paper brings animal-sensitive work in environmental education research and political theory into dialogue with a more general critique of culture and pedagogy in consumer society. From this perspective, ecological citizenship education seeks to liberate human and nonhuman beings from predetermined behavioral results and functions, and opens the time and space for the subjectification of human and nonhuman citizens within the complex dynamics of a multi-species community. With this proposition, the paper contributes to an ecocentric understanding of ecological citizenship education that builds on the continuity of life and subjective experience

    Anthropocene challenges for youth research

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    The Anthropocene has come to signify human dominance over the more-than-human world with all its negative consequences for this planet%s human and nonhuman inhabitants. As young people have started to express their feelings of concern and frustration with the inertia of the political elites, youth research, too, is called upon to reconsider and broaden its perspective. In particular, we argue, that the Anthropocene challenges anthropocentrism, dualisms, and traditional notions of agency in youth research, and must be critiqued through multi-disciplinary investigation. A transgression of the mainstream paradigm in youth research through the perspective of Complex Adaptive Systems Theory (CAS) could provide much needed analyses of a broad range of issues at the intersection of youth and ecological concerns. This article will therefore outline Complex Adaptive Systems Theory (CAS) as a multi-disciplinary tool, and apply it to two examples: the biosocial system of the Elwha River waterscape, and the #Fridays for Future strikes that are both motivated by environmental concerns. Finally, it discusses the possible contributions of a CAS approach in youth research to a better understanding of agency and change in ecologically turbulent times

    Special Issue: Critical inter-disciplinary and inter-species approaches to water sustainability and climate change issues: Constructive alignment between Nature, culture, interdisciplinarity and climate change

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    This special issue represents critical intersections within and between different disciplinary fields, cultures and methodologies towards water sustainability praxis and understanding and climate change mitigation strategies. In recent years both an increasing volume of scientific research and successive international confer-ences on climate have made it very clear that the linkage between critical issues of sustainability (and indeed all the elements that comprise planet earth), continues to be under-considered. No element or cultural context is any less significant than another. At the same time, recent discussions on issues like equity in access to fresh water and many other aspects related to climate change are often over-shadowed by the incessant emphasisplaced on the global goal to reduce earth’s atmospheric temperature by 1.5 degrees Celsius by actions such as reducing emis-sions or carbon capture. This is, of course, a critical issue, yet the quest for solu-tions requires understanding that all facets oflife, weather and climate are inex-tricably interlinked, as strategies for resolving or mitigating must also be. Our search for “constructive alignment” (Biggs and Tang, 2015) between the ecolog-ical, socio-cultural, and economic concerns of sustainability involves making rad-ical departures, some of which appear in each of the papers published in this Special Issue of Visions for Sustainability

    What leads young people to identify with Europe?: An exploration of "exposure" to Europe and resources for identification among young Europeans

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    Abstract: The paper explores the resources and experiences which allow young people to develop their identification with Europe. We take into consideration mobility experience, migration experience and knowledge of foreign European languages as factors of "exposure" to Europe and the everyday face-to-face discussion of political and social issues as well as learning about the EU at school as aspects of cognitive mobilization towards Europe. Empirical evidence shows that "exposure" to Europe andcognitive mobilization towards Europe are important prerequisites for identification with Europe. Therefore identification with Europe cannot be treated separately from the resources that may induce the process of identification. As these resources are unequally distributed, the paper points to the importance of concepts of social inequality in understanding identification with Europe. The paper draws upon sample surveys of young people between 18 and 24 carried out in 10 European regions: Bilbao, Madrid, Edinburgh, Manchester, Chemnitz, Bielefeld, Prague, Bratislava, Vorarlberg and Vienna (N=3890) in the course of the multi-national research project "Orientations of Young Men and Women to Citizenship and European Identity", funded by the European Commission within its 5th Framework Programme.

    Young People and European Citizenship

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    Abstract: The European Union increasingly regulates the lives of European citizens, not only with respect to the economic but also the political and social spheres. However, the knowledge of and the interest in these developments is low. In this context the attitude of young people as future citizens and voters is especially important. Based on a study of a total of 3890 18 to 24 year olds in 10 European regions factors are analysed that make young people interested in European integrationand likely to vote in European elections. The results show that aspects of "activation" such as political efficacy, discussions of social and political issues and interest in a range of social and political issues influence both attitudes. In addition emotional attachment to Europe proved to be another important factor. "Activation" is influenced - apart from socio-demographic variables - by citizenship education, which varies considerably between countries in kind and extent. The data therefore stress the importance of citizenship education and suggest the inclusion of a European dimension in citizenship education.