106 research outputs found

    Topological Gravity on (D,N)(D,N)-Shift Superspace Formulation

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    In this contribution, we re-assess the subject of topological gravity by following the Shift Supersymmetry formalism. The gauge-fixing of the theory goes under the Batallin-Vilkovisky (BV) prescription based on a diagram that contains both ghost and anti-ghost superfields, associated to the super-vielbein and the super-Lorentz connection. We extend the formulation of the topological gravity action to an arbitrary number of dimensions of the shift superspace by adopting a formulation based on the gauge-fixing for BF-type models

    Economia do compartilhamento (EC) e as tendências das publicações: uma revisão sistemática de literatura

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    Purpose: Investigate the phenomenon of Sharing Economy (SE) and propose a literature review of the main trends studying SE.Design/methodology/approach: This is a systematic literature review, based on a bibliographic search conducted on the Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct and Springer databases. We selected 146 papers extracted from raw data, which were then analyzed by content.Findings: In the analyzed papers, we identified six main scientific approaches to SE, namely: business models for generating value and profit; business that migrate from ownership-oriented to access-focused models; sustainable business in a changing society; new forms of work; regulatory aspects; and conceptual framework analyses.Originality: In a diverse field such as SE, with its different scientific approaches, two stand out in particular: the first is “social change,” caused by a change in perspective, where sharing continues to replace ownership; the second refers to the emergence of new business models that focus on building organizational value and monetary profit, and not necessarily on effecting positive change, either socially or environmentally. This paper analyzes the main scientific biases identified regarding SE studies. The findings indicate paths for further researchers interested in this scientific field, based on the state of the art.Objetivo: Este artigo investiga o fenômeno da Economia do Compartilhamento (CE), tendo como objetivo identificar e discutir as principais tendências em que a CE está sendo discutida.Desenho / metodologia / abordagem: Revisão da literatura. O presente artigo fez um levantamento nas bases de dados Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct e Springer. 146 artigos foram analisados com base em uma análise de conteúdo.Resultados: Nos artigos analisados, foram identificados 06 vieses principais de pesquisa em que se discute a EC, sendo: modelos de negócios para geração de valor e lucro; modelos de negócios que migram da orientação da posse para o acesso; negócios sustentáveis em uma sociedade em mudança; novas formas de trabalho; aspectos regulatórios e discussão conceitual.Originalidade: Em um campo diverso como a EC, que percorre caminhos diversos, em que se destacam pelo menos 02 formas contrastantes, como: a mudança social, ocasionada por uma mudança de perspectiva, em que o compartilhamento segue em substituição à posse, ou o surgimento de novos modelos de negócios, que independem do benefício ambiental e social, mas visa o alcance do valor e lucro organizacional. Este artigo, ao identificar e discutir os vieses em que a EC tem sido trabalhada na literatura elucida os principais vieses de pesquisa seguidos pelos pesquisadores do campo. Tal elucidação se torna fundamental a fim de guiar novas pesquisas, em se levará em consideração o rumo que os estudos têm seguido

    Study of Bose-Einstein Correlations in e+e- -> W+W- events at LEP

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    Bose-Einstein correlation between like-sign charged-particle pairs in e+e- -> W+W- events recorded with the OPAL detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies between 183 GeV and 209 GeV are studied. Recently proposed methods which allow direct searches for correlations in the data via distributions of test variables are used to investigate the presence of correlations between hadrons originating from different W bosons in W+W- -> qqqq events. Within the statistics of the data sample no evidence for inter-WW Bose-Einstein correlations is obtained. The data are also compared with predictions of a recent implementation of Bose-Einstein correlation effects in the Monte Carlo model PYTHIA.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Superspace Gauge Fixing of Topological Yang-Mills Theories

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    We revisit the construction of topological Yang-Mills theories of the Witten type with arbitrary space-time dimension and number of ``shift supersymmetry'' generators, using a superspace formalism. The super-BF structure of these theories is exploited in orderto determine their actions uniquely, up to the ambiguities due to the fixing of the Yang-Mills and BF gauge invariance. UV finiteness to all orders of perturbation theory is proved in a gauge of the Landau type.Comment: 26 pages, no figures, Late

    Anti-symmetric rank-2 Matter Field on Superspace for N_{T}=2

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    In this work, we discuss the interaction between anti-symmetric rank-two tensor matter and topological Yang-Mills fields. The matter field considered here is the rank-2 Avdeev-Chizhov tensor matter field in a suitably extended NT=2N_{T}=2 SUSY. We start off from the NT=2N_{T}=2, D=4 superspace formulation and we go over to Riemannian manifolds. The matter field is coupled to the topological Yang-Mills field. We show that both actions are obtained as QQ-exact forms, which allows us to write the energy-momentum tensor as QQ-exact observables.Comment: 10 pages, no figure, LaTe

    Estratégia baseada em recursos para o alcance da lucratividade e sustentabilidade : um estudo de caso

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    Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar como as ações gerenciais articulam fatores internos e externos relacionados com a lucratividade e sustentabilidade no contexto de um aterro sanitário. Para tanto se utiliza da ótica da VBR, em que se entende que os recursos internos são a principal fonte geradora da vantagem competitiva e da lucratividade em uma organização. Por sustentabilidade, entendese que é o tratamento igualitário do crescimento econômico, preservação ambiental e desenvolvimento social. O estudo foi realizado por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, através de análise de caso único. Os dados foram coletados através do método de triangulação de dados, que neste caso foi composto por: pesquisa documental, entrevistas e observação. A pesquisa documental consiste na averiguação de documentos, tais como o site, licenças, relatórios anuais, dentre outros. A entrevista foi em profundidade e semiestruturada, sendo os entrevistados membros da organização que ocupam cargos de decisão. A observação foi assistemática não participante. Os dados foram tratados através de uma análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados encontrados foram a implantação de quatro tipos de estratégias, sendo elas: inovação, imagem, diferenciação e diversificação. Estas estratégias articulam elementos internos e externos para a formação das competências essenciais da organização, que conferem a esta vantagem competitiva. A relação positiva entre lucratividade e sustentabilidade não foi encontrada, mas sim a relação entre lucratividade e responsabilidade social corporativa. O trabalho teve como limitação o fato de estudar apenas uma organização, não sendo possível a análise de outras de setores diferentes do de sustentabilidade.This research aims to analyze how the strategy anchored in the Resource Based View (RBV) articulates the internal and external factors for the achievement of profitability and sustainability. From the perspective of RBV, it is understood that internal resources are the main source of competitive advantage and profitability of an organization. For sustainability, it is understood that is the equal treatment of economic growth, environmental preservation and social development. The study was performed by a qualitative approach, in a interpretive bias, through a single case analysis. Data were collected through data triangulation method, which in this case was composed of: documentary research, interviews and observation. The documentary research is the investigation of documents, such as site licenses, annual reports, among others. The interview was in-depth and semi-structured, and the interviewed were members of the organization who occupied decision-making positions. The observation was unsystematic and non-participant. The data were analyzed using content analysis. The main results were the establishment of four types of strategies: innovation, image, differentiation and diversification. These strategies articulate internal and external elements for the formation of the core competencies of the organization, that provides to the organization competitive advantage. The positive relationship between profitability and sustainability was not found, instead was found a relationship between profitability and corporate social responsibility. This research have as limitation the fact of the study only researchs one organization, beeing not possible to analyze other different sectors instead of the sustainability one.FAPE