19 research outputs found

    Exocytosis in mouse vestibular Type II hair cells shows a high‐order Ca2+ dependence that is independent of synaptotagmin‐4

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    Mature hair cells transduce information over a wide range of stimulus intensities and frequencies for prolonged periods of time. The efficiency of such a demanding task is reflected in the characteristics of exocytosis at their specialized presynaptic ribbons. Ribbons are electron‐dense structures able to tether a large number of releasable vesicles allowing them to maintain high rates of vesicle release. Calcium entry through rapidly activating, non‐inactivating CaV1.3 (L‐type) Ca2+ channels in response to cell depolarization causes a local increase in Ca2+ at the ribbon synapses, which is detected by the exocytotic Ca2+ sensors. The Ca2+ dependence of vesicle exocytosis at mammalian vestibular hair cell (VHC) ribbon synapses is believed to be linear, similar to that observed in mature cochlear inner hair cells (IHCs). The linear relation has been shown to correlate with the presence of the Ca2+ sensor synaptotagmin‐4 (Syt‐4). Therefore, we studied the exocytotic Ca2+ dependence, and the release kinetics of different vesicle pool populations, in Type II VHCs of control and Syt‐4 knockout mice using patch‐clamp capacitance measurements, under physiological recording conditions. We found that exocytosis in mature control and knockout Type II VHCs displayed a high‐order dependence on Ca2+ entry, rather than the linear relation previously observed. Consistent with this finding, the Ca2+ dependence and release kinetics of the ready releasable pool (RRP) of vesicles were not affected by an absence of Syt‐4. However, we did find that Syt‐4 could play a role in regulating the release of the secondary releasable pool (SRP) in these cells. Our findings show that the coupling between Ca2+ influx and neurotransmitter release at mature Type II VHC ribbon synapses is faithfully described by a nonlinear relation that is likely to be more appropriate for the accurate encoding of low‐frequency vestibular information, consistent with that observed at low‐frequency mammalian auditory receptors

    Elementary properties of Ca(2+) channels and their influence on multivesicular release and phase-locking at auditory hair cell ribbon synapses.

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    Voltage-gated calcium (Cav1.3) channels in mammalian inner hair cells (IHCs) open in response to sound and the resulting Ca(2+) entry triggers the release of the neurotransmitter glutamate onto afferent terminals. At low to mid sound frequencies cell depolarization follows the sound sinusoid and pulses of transmitter release from the hair cell generate excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) in the afferent fiber that translate into a phase-locked pattern of action potential activity. The present article summarizes our current understanding on the elementary properties of single IHC Ca(2+) channels, and how these could have functional implications for certain, poorly understood, features of synaptic transmission at auditory hair cell ribbon synapses

    K+ accumulation and clearance in the calyx synaptic cleft of type I mouse vestibular hair cells

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    Vestibular organs of Amniotes contain two types of sensory cells, named Type I and Type II hair cells. While Type II hair cells are contacted by several small bouton nerve terminals, Type I hair cells receive a giant terminal, called a calyx, which encloses their basolateral membrane almost completely. Both hair cell types release glutamate, which depolarizes the afferent terminal by binding to AMPA post-synaptic receptors. However, there is evidence that non-vesicular signal transmission also occurs at the Type I hair cell-calyx synapse, possibly involving direct depolarization of the calyx by K+ exiting the hair cell. To better investigate this aspect, we performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from mouse Type I hair cells or their associated calyx. We found that [K+] in the calyceal synaptic cleft is elevated at rest relative to the interstitial (extracellular) solution and can increase or decrease during hair cell depolarization or repolarization, respectively. The change in [K+] was primarily driven by GK,L, the low-voltage-activated, non-inactivating K+ conductance specifically expressed by Type I hair cells. Simple diffusion of K+ between the cleft and the extracellular compartment appeared substantially restricted by the calyx inner membrane, with the ion channels and active transporters playing a crucial role in regulating intercellular [K+]. Calyx recordings were consistent with K+ leaving the synaptic cleft through postsynaptic voltage-gated K+ channels involving KV1 and KV7 subunits. The above scenario is consistent with direct depolarization and hyperpolarization of the calyx membrane potential by intercellular K+

    Current response in CaV1.3–/– mouse vestibular and cochlear hair cells

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    Signal transmission by sensory auditory and vestibular hair cells relies upon Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of glutamate. The Ca2+ current in mammalian inner ear hair cells is predominantly carried through CaV1.3 voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. Despite this, CaV1.3 deficient mice (CaV1.3–/–) are deaf but do not show any obvious vestibular phenotype. Here, we compared the Ca2+ current (ICa) in auditory and vestibular hair cells from wild-type and CaV1.3–/– mice, to assess whether differences in the size of the residual ICa could explain, at least in part, the two phenotypes. Using 5 mM extracellular Ca2+ and near-body temperature conditions, we investigated the cochlear primary sensory receptors inner hair cells (IHCs) and both type I and type II hair cells of the semicircular canals. We found that the residual ICa in both auditory and vestibular hair cells from CaV1.3–/– mice was less than 20% (12–19%, depending on the hair cell type and age investigated) compared to controls, indicating a comparable expression of CaV1.3 Ca2+ channels in both sensory organs. We also showed that, different from IHCs, type I and type II hair cells from CaV1.3–/– mice were able to acquire the adult-like K+ current profile in their basolateral membrane. Intercellular K+ accumulation was still present in CaV1.3–/– mice during IK,L activation, suggesting that the K+-based, non-exocytotic, afferent transmission is still functional in these mice. This non-vesicular mechanism might contribute to the apparent normal vestibular functions in CaV1.3–/– mice

    Signal transmission in mature mammalian vestibular hair cells

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    The maintenance of balance and gaze relies on the faithful and rapid signaling of head movements to the brain. In mammals, vestibular organs contain two types of sensory hair cells, type-I and type-II, which convert the head motion-induced movement of their hair bundles into a graded receptor potential that drives action potential activity in their afferent fibers. While signal transmission in both hair cell types involves Ca2+-dependent quantal release of glutamate at ribbon synapses, type-I cells appear to also exhibit a non-quantal mechanism that is believed to increase transmission speed. However, the reliance of mature type-I hair cells on non-quantal transmission remains unknown. Here we investigated synaptic transmission in mammalian utricular hair cells using patch-clamp recording of Ca2+ currents and changes in membrane capacitance (ΔCm). We found that mature type-II hair cells showed robust exocytosis with a high-order dependence on Ca2+ entry. By contrast, exocytosis was approximately 10 times smaller in type-I hair cells. Synaptic vesicle exocytosis was largely absent in mature vestibular hair cells of CaV1.3 (CaV1.3−/−) and otoferlin (Otof−/−) knockout mice. Even though Ca2+-dependent exocytosis was small in type-I hair cells of wild-type mice, or absent in CaV1.3−/− and Otof−/−mice, these cells were able to drive action potential activity in the postsynaptic calyces. This supports a functional role for non-quantal synaptic transmission in type-I cells. The large vesicle pools in type-II cells would facilitate sustained transmission of tonic or low-frequency signals. In type-I cells, the restricted vesicle pool size, together with a rapid non-quantal mechanism, could allow them to sustain high-frequency phasic signal transmission at their specialized large calyceal synapses

    Exocytosis in mouse vestibular Type II hair cells shows a high-order Ca2+ dependence that is independent of synaptotagmin-4

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    Mature hair cells transduce information over a wide range of stimulus intensities and frequencies for prolonged periods of time. The efficiency of such a demanding task is reflected in the characteristics of exocytosis at their specialized presynaptic ribbons. Ribbons are electron-dense structures able to tether a large number of releasable vesicles allowing them to maintain high rates of vesicle release. Calcium entry through rapidly activating, non-inactivating CaV1.3 (L-type) Ca2+ channels in response to cell depolarization causes a local increase in Ca2+ at the ribbon synapses, which is detected by the exocytotic Ca2+ sensors. The Ca2+ dependence of vesicle exocytosis at mammalian vestibular hair cell (VHC) ribbon synapses is believed to be linear, similar to that observed in mature cochlear inner hair cells (IHCs). The linear relation has been shown to correlate with the presence of the Ca2+ sensor synaptotagmin-4 (Syt-4). Therefore, we studied the exocytotic Ca2+ dependence, and the release kinetics of different vesicle pool populations, in Type II VHCs of control and Syt-4 knockout mice using patch-clamp capacitance measurements, under physiological recording conditions. We found that exocytosis in mature control and knockout Type II VHCs displayed a high-order dependence on Ca2+ entry, rather than the linear relation previously observed. Consistent with this finding, the Ca2+ dependence and release kinetics of the ready releasable pool (RRP) of vesicles were not affected by an absence of Syt-4. However, we did find that Syt-4 could play a role in regulating the release of the secondary releasable pool (SRP) in these cells. Our findings show that the coupling between Ca2+ influx and neurotransmitter release at mature Type II VHC ribbon synapses is faithfully described by a nonlinear relation that is likely to be more appropriate for the accurate encoding of low-frequency vestibular information, consistent with that observed at low-frequency mammalian auditory receptors

    Analysis of the noise associated to the muscarinic modulation of the mouse perirhinal cortex

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    The perirhinal cortex (PRC) is a polymodal associative area which plays a key role in several memory processes. It has been shown that cholinergic muscarinic modulation plays a crucial role in regulating PRC functions. In this work, changes in the signal noise during muscarinic modulation of the PRC have been observed and analyzed. The relationship between these changes and the information processing performed by neurons of the PRC are inevstigated. In more details, the effects of muscarinic modulation on the membrane potential and on the voltage membrane noise of pyramidal neurons and GABAergic interneurons are inevstigated, both from deep and superficial layers of the PRC