97 research outputs found

    Crystalline-to-plastic phase transitions in molecularly thin n-dotriacontane films adsorbed on solid surfaces

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    doi:10.1063/1.3213642Crystalline-to-rotator phase transitions have been widely studied in bulk hydrocarbons, in particular in normal alkanes. But few studies of these transitions deal with molecularly thin films of pure n-alkanes on solid substrates. In this work, we were able to grow dotriacontane (n-C32H66) films without coexisting bulk particles, which allows us to isolate the contribution to the ellipsometric signal from a monolayer of molecules oriented with their long axis perpendicular to the SiO2 surface. For these submonolayer films, we found a step in the ellipsometer signal at ~331 K, which we identify with a solid-solid phase transition. At higher coverages, we observed additional steps in the ellipsometric signal that we identify with a solid-solid phase transition in multilayer islands (~333 K) and with the transition to the rotator phase in bulk crystallites (~337 K), respectively. After considering three alternative explanations, we propose that the step upward in the ellipsometric signal observed at ~331 K on heating the submonolayer film is the signature of a transition from a perpendicular monolayer phase to a denser phase in which the alkane chains contain on average one to two gauche defects per molecule.This work was supported by the Chilean government through FONDECYT Grant Nos. 1060628 and 7080105 and by CONICYT scholarships (E.A.C., V.d.C. and P.A.S.), and by the U.S. NSF Grant No. DMR-0705974

    Estudio del esfuerzo de rodadura en tractores articulados (4WD) y de tracción delantera asistida (FWA)

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    p.221-229En el autotransporte del tractor se producen tros tipos de pérdidas de transmisión, pérdidas por rodadura y pérdida por patinaje. Las pérdidas por transmisión conciernen al diseño de la misma, las pérdidas por patinaje y rodadura son las que más preocupan al productor (FWA y 4WD) comunes a nuestro mercado agrícola, sobre estas condiciones de suelo diferentes, suelo arado, cama de siembra y siembra directa. Los parámetros evaluados fueron: esfuerzos de rodadura fueron contrastados con las fórmulas de predicción de Wismer y Luth y de MCallister. Las conclusiones obtenidas fueron 1) La potencia pérdida en rodadura se incrementó en suelos de baja capacidad portante; 2) Para predecir esfuerzo de rodadura en tractores (FWA y 4WD) cuando transitan sobre suelos arados se puede utilizar la ecuación de predicción de Wismer y Luth; 3) El porcentaje de potencia del motor pérdida por rodadura fue mayor para el tractor FWA cuando transitó sobre suelos de baja capacidad portante, 4) La menor relación potencia pérdida en rodadura 7 potencia motor fue mejor para el 4 WD en suelo cama de siembra y suelo arado, no así en siembra directa y 5) Se encontró, sobre los suelos blandos, una relación directa entre profundidad de huella y el peso del tractor que lo transitó

    Seroprevalencia de marcadores de infecciones transmisibles por vía transfusional en banco de sangre de Colombia

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar la seroprevalencia de marcadores de infecciones transmisibles por vía transfusional. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con fuente de información secundaria, basada en los resultados de pruebas biológicas en los donantes de un banco de sangre de Medellín, Colombia, de 2007 a 2010. Se determinó la seroprevalencia de los marcadores de infección y se compararon según sexo y tipo de donante a través de análisis de frecuencias, chi cuadrado, Fisher y razones de prevalencia. RESULTADOS: La población de base estuvo conformada por 65.535 donantes de los cuales, 3,3% presentaran al menos una prueba biológica positiva. El marcador más prevalente en las pruebas del banco de sangre fue sífilis (1,2%), seguido de tripanosomiasis (1,0%), virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) (0,6%), virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) (0,5%) y virus de la hepatitis B (VHB) (0,2%). Con base en el laboratorio de referencia se halló una prevalencia de 0,6% para sífilis, 0,1% para VHB y 0% para VHC, VIH y Chagas. Se hallaron diferencias estadísticas en la prevalencia de VHB y sífilis según sexo y tipo de donante. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados son coherentes con las prevalencias dadas por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) y se pueden correlacionar con la prevalencia mundial de las infecciones transmisibles por via transfusional. Los resultados hallados en las pruebas del banco de sangre posibilitan la disminución del riesgo transfusional pero limitan la optimización de recursos al excluir donantes clasificados como falsos positivos

    Extended Interferon-Alpha Therapy Accelerates Telomere Length Loss in Human Peripheral Blood T Lymphocytes

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    BACKGROUND: Type I interferons have pleiotropic effects on host cells, including inhibiting telomerase in lymphocytes and antiviral activity. We tested the hypothesis that long-term interferon treatment would result in significant reduction in average telomere length in peripheral blood T lymphocytes. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using a flow cytometry-based telomere length assay on peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples from the Hepatitis-C Antiviral Long-term Treatment against Cirrhosis (HALT-C) study, we measured T cell telomere lengths at screening and at months 21 and 45 in 29 Hepatitis-C virus infected subjects. These subjects had failed to achieve a sustained virologic response following 24 weeks of pegylated-interferon-alpha plus ribavirin treatment and were subsequently randomized to either a no additional therapy group or a maintenance dose pegylated-IFNalpha group for an additional 3.5 years. Significant telomere loss in naive T cells occurred in the first 21 months in the interferon-alpha group. Telomere losses were similar in both groups during the final two years. Expansion of CD8(+)CD45RA(+)CD57(+) memory T cells and an inverse correlation of alanine aminotransferase levels with naive CD8(+) T cell telomere loss were observed in the control group but not in the interferon-alpha group. Telomere length at screening inversely correlated with Hepatitis-C viral load and body mass index. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Sustained interferon-alpha treatment increased telomere loss in naive T cells, and inhibited the accumulation of T cell memory expansions. The durability of this effect and consequences for immune senescence need to be defined

    Infectious and non-infectious diseases burden among Haitian immigrants in Chile: a cross-sectional study

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    Indexación ScopusChile has become a popular destination for migrants from South America and the Caribbean (low- and middle-income countries migration). Close to 200.000 Haitian migrants have arrived in Chile. Infectious and non-infectious disease burden among the Haitian adult population living in Chile is unknown. This study aimed to acquire the basic health information (selected transmissible and non-transmissible conditions) of the Haitian adult population living in Chile. A cross-sectional survey was performed, inviting Haitian-born residents in Chile older than 18 years old. Common conditions and risk factors for disease were assessed, as well as selected transmissible conditions (HIV, HBV, and HCV). 498 participants (60.4% female) from 10 communities in two regions of Chile were surveyed. Most subjects had never smoked (91.5%), and 80% drank less than one alcohol unit per month. The mean BMI was 25.6, with 45% of participants having a normal BMI (20–25). Hypertension was present in 31.5% (33% in the 25–44 age group). Prevalence of HIV was 2.4% (95 CI 1.3–4.2%), hepatitis B (HBsAg positive) was 3.4% (95 CI 2.1–5.5%), and hepatitis C was 0% (95 CI 0.0–0.9%). Quality of life showed a significant prevalence of depression and anxiety markers, particularly in those arriving in Chile less than 1 year ago. Low prevalence of obesity, diabetes, smoking, and drinking and estimated cardiovascular risk were found. Nonetheless, hypertension at a younger age, disproportionately higher prevalence of HIV and HBV infection and frequent markers of anxiety and depression were also found. Public policies for detecting and treating hypertension, HIV, and HBV screening, offering HBV vaccination, and organizing mental health programs for Haitian immigrants, are urgently needed. © 2020, The Author(s).https://www-nature-com.recursosbiblioteca.unab.cl/articles/s41598-020-78970-

    Caracol, Belize, and Changing Perceptions of Ancient Maya Society

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