4 research outputs found

    Network Analysis of Skeletal Muscle During Spaceflight in Male Mice

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    Context: The unloading associated with spaceflight results in the rapid loss of bone and muscle tissue thereby affecting functionality. These are two of the most concerning physiologic changes that occur in space and could limit long-term occupation in space. Thus, a better understanding of the mechanisms of changes to bone and muscle could lead to development of improved therapies to counteract both spaceflight and terrestrial-based bone and muscle dysfunction.Methods: Here we used a non-biased, stringent, deep sequencing (96 million paired end reads targeting 100 bp read length) assay to examine genomic networks altered by spaceflight in the quadriceps (n=4/group). Specifically, 9 week old C57BL/6 male mice were housed on the International Space Station or at Kennedy Space Center for approximately four weeks (n=10/group). Results: 14,228 genes (70% of whole mouse genome) met the cut-off criteria and the data sets were mapped to an average of ~76% of the whole mouse genome. Of these, 840 genes met the t-test criteria, p\u3c0.05. Canonical networks linked to EIF2 signaling, calcium ion signaling, and oxidative stress response were significantly enriched by the differentially expressed genes. A comprehensive energy deprivation was indicated as functions related to protein synthesis and degradation, lipid synthesis and oxidation, and ATP hydrolysis were inhibited, and mitochondrial dysfunction was activated.Conclusions: This is the first time that skeletal muscle changes have been studied in male mice during spaceflight, and these data add important new findings to changes that occur to the musculoskeletal system in male mice during spaceflight. In orthopaedic trauma, many patients spend prolonged periods non-weight bearing and can experience significant muscle atrophy as a result. The networks analyzed in this work may prove to be targets for future therapies to counter this atrophy

    Investigating gene expression profiles of whole blood and peripheral blood mononuclear cells using multiple collection and processing methods.

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    Gene expression profiling using blood samples is a valuable tool for biomarker discovery in clinical studies. Different whole blood RNA collection and processing methods are highly variable and might confound comparisons of results across studies. The main aim of the current study is to compare how blood storage, extraction methodologies, and the blood components themselves may influence gene expression profiling. Whole blood and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) samples were collected in triplicate from five healthy donors. Whole blood was collected in RNAgard® and PAXgene® Blood RNA Tubes, as well as in collection tubes with anticoagulants such as dipotassium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (K2EDTA) and Acid Citrate Dextrose Solution A (ACD-A). PBMCs were separated using sodium citrate Cell Preparation Tubes (CPT™), FICOLL™, magnetic separation, and the LeukoLOCK™ methods. After blood collection, the LeukoLOCK™, K2EDTA and ACD-A blood tubes were shipped overnight using cold conditions and samples from the rest of the collection were immediately frozen with or without pre-processing. The RNA was isolated from whole blood and PBMCs using a total of 10 different experimental conditions employing several widely utilized RNA isolation methods. The RNA quality was assessed by RNA Integrity Number (RIN), which showed that all PBMC procedures had the highest RIN values when blood was stabilized in TRIzol® Reagent before RNA extraction. Initial data analysis showed that human blood stored and shipped at 4°C overnight performed equally well when checked for quality using RNA integrity number when compared to frozen stabilized blood. Comparisons within and across donor/method replicates showed signal-to-noise patterns which were not captured by RIN value alone. Pathway analysis using the top 1000 false discovery rate (FDR) corrected differentially expressed genes (DEGs) showed frozen vs. cold shipping conditions greatly impacted gene expression patterns in whole blood. However, the top 1000 FDR corrected DEGs from PBMCs preserved after frozen vs. cold shipping conditions (LeukoLOCK™ preserved in RNAlater®) revealed no significantly affected pathways. Our results provide novel insight into how RNA isolation, various storage, handling, and processing methodologies can influence RNA quality and apparent gene expression using blood samples. Careful consideration is necessary to avoid bias resulting from downstream processing. Better characterization of the effects of collection method idiosyncrasies will facilitate further research in understanding the effect of gene expression variability in human sample types

    Gene-metabolite networks associated with impediment of bone fracture repair in spaceflight

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    Adverse effects of spaceflight on musculoskeletal health increase the risk of bone injury and impairment of fracture healing. Its yet elusive molecular comprehension warrants immediate attention, since space travel is becoming more frequent. Here we examined the effects of spaceflight on bone fracture healing using a 2 mm femoral segmental bone defect (SBD) model. Forty, 9-week-old, male C57BL/6J mice were randomized into 4 groups: 1) Sham surgery on Ground (G-Sham); 2) Sham surgery housed in Spaceflight (FLT-Sham); 3) SBD surgery on Ground (G-Surgery); and 4) SBD surgery housed in Spaceflight (FLT-Surgery). Surgery procedures occurred 4 days prior to launch; post-launch, the spaceflight mice were house in the rodent habitats on the International Space Station (ISS) for approximately 4 weeks before euthanasia. Mice remaining on the Earth were subjected to identical housing and experimental conditions. The right femur from half of the spaceflight and ground groups was investigated by micro-computed tomography (µCT). In the remaining mice, the callus regions from surgery groups and corresponding femoral segments in sham mice were probed by global transcriptomic and metabolomic assays. µCT confirmed escalated bone loss in FLT-Sham compared to G-Sham mice. Comparing to their respective on-ground counterparts, the morbidity gene-network signal was inhibited in sham spaceflight mice but activated in the spaceflight callus. µCT analyses of spaceflight callus revealed increased trabecular spacing and decreased trabecular connectivity. Activated apoptotic signals in spaceflight callus were synchronized with inhibited cell migration signals that potentially hindered the wound site to recruit growth factors. A major pro-apoptotic and anti-migration gene network, namely the RANK-NFκB axis, emerged as the central node in spaceflight callus. Concluding, spaceflight suppressed a unique biomolecular mechanism in callus tissue to facilitate a failed regeneration, which merits a customized intervention strategy