8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of larvicidal activity and brine shrimp toxicity of rhizome extracts of Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Smith

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    Introduction: In this study, we used dichloromethane (DCM) and methanol (MeOH) extracts of the Zingiber zerumbet rhizome to evaluate brine shrimp lethality and larvicidal activity on Aedes aegypti and Anopheles nuneztovari mosquitoes. Methods: Bioassays were performed by exposing third-instar larvae of each mosquito species to the DCM or MeOH extracts. Results: Probit analysis with DCM and MeOH extracts demonstrated efficient larvicidal activity against A. aegypti and A. nuneztovari larvae. Conclusions: The DCM and MeOH extracts showed higher activity against A. nuneztovari larvae than against A. aegypti larvae, suggesting that the extracts have species-specific activity

    As primeiras participações de atletas do hipismo sul-rio-grandense em Jogos Olímpicos

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    A prática do Hipismo no Rio Grande do Sul foi introduzida pela iniciativa de militares, posteriormente incorporada por civis. Gradualmente, os sul-rio-grandenses começaram a se destacar em competições esportivas. A questão norteadora deste estudo histórico é: como se desenvolveu a prática do hipismo em Porto Alegre até a primeira participação de atletas sul-rio-grandenses em Jogos Olímpicos. A análise documental das fontes evidenciou que a primeira participação de sul-rio-grandenses em Jogos Olímpicos, no hipismo, é datada de 1988, com a presença de um cavaleiro e de uma amazona, embora, desde a edição de 1948, já haver uma equipe representando o Brasil. A conquista de medalhas olímpicas ocorreu em 1996 e 2000, em equipes brasileiras contando com um sul-rio-grandense.Equestrian practice was introduced in Rio Grande do Sul by the military initiative, later incorporated by civilians. Gradually, Rio Grande do Sul people have begun exceling in this sport competitions. The main question of this historical study is: how has it developed Equestrian practice in Porto Alegre until the first participation of Equestrian athletes from Rio Grande do Sul in the Olympic Games. The documentary analysis of the sources revealed that the first participation of Equestrian athletes from Rio Grande do Sul in the Olympic Games is dated 1988 with the presence of a horseman and a horsewoman, though, since the 1948 edition, there is a team representing Brazil. The winning of Olympic medals in 1996 and 2000 occurred in Brazilian teams including an athlete from Rio Grande do Sul