318 research outputs found

    2019/2020 drought impacts on South America and atmospheric and oceanic influences

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    The 2019/2020 drought in South America caused many impacts on several sectors, as agriculture, water resources and environment, which are reported here. Besides, there is a discussion about anomalies in the atmosphere and ocean during the analyzed period. In a regional scale, there was a reduction of humidity flux over the continent, and in a large scale, the occurrence of different processes could have contributed to the dry conditions. There was a persistent pattern of west-east convection anomalies in the tropical Pacific that could be related to the steady conditions observed over South America and southeast South Atlantic from September 2019 to March 2020. The extreme positive phase of the Indian Ocean Dipole during 2019 austral spring was another event that could have influenced temperature and precipitation in South America through a wavetrain from the Indian Ocean to the South American continent. The Sudden Stratospheric Warming that occurred in September 2019 induced the negative phase of the Southern Annular Mode in December, which generated subsidence over the subtropics and affected the precipitation over South America. In addition, from September 2019 to March 2020, the heating observed in the stratosphere propagated to the troposphere over South America. Ocean indices from 1982 to 2020 are analyzed in the context of dry conditions in the continent and it was observed the relations with AMO, PDO, IOD and El Niño 3.4. From September 2019 to March 2020, there were positive SST anomalies in all oceans, mainly in the North Atlantic Ocean, which could have contributed also to subsidence over South America through a meridional circulation, as seen in other cases. At the end of the studied period, the development of La Niña extended the situation of reduced precipitation in Southern Brazil.Fil: Gomes, Mariah Souza. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Fonseca de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, Iracema. Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais; BrasilFil: Muller, Gabriela Viviana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias Hidricas. Centro de Estudios de Variabilidad y Cambio Climatico.; Argentin

    Factors associated with stress, anxiety, and depression during social distancing in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of clinical signs and symptoms of severe/extreme stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as their associated factors, among Brazilians during social distancing. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in April/May 2020 with 3,200 Brazilians over 18 years old. Respondents’ sociodemographic and clinical data were collected using an online questionnaire, which also included the 21-item Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) to assess emotional symptoms. Unadjusted and adjusted prevalence ratios and their respective 95% confidence intervals were estimated using Poisson regression models with robust variance. RESULTS: Our results show the prevalence of severe/extreme stress was 21.5%, anxiety 19.4%, and depression 21.5%. In the final model, sociodemographic, clinical, and Covid-19-related factors were associated with severe/extreme stress, anxiety, and depression in Brazilians during social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We found the main factors associated with severe/extreme depression to be young women, brown, single, not religious, sedentary, presenting reduced leisure activities, history of anxiety and depression, increased medication use, and Covid-19 symptoms. CONCLUSION: This study may help develop and systematically plan measures aimed to prevent, early identify, and properly manage clinical signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression during the Covid-19 pandemic. DESCRIPTORS: Mental Disorders, epidemiology. Stress, Psychological. Social Isolation. Coronavirus Infections. Health Surveys


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    This work has the purpose of developing a mapping of the thermal differences of air temperature and surface temperature in the municipality of Juazeiro do Norte in a winter and spring episode of 2018. The main sources of data are temperature measurements of the nocturnal mobile air and orbital images to estimate the surface temperature. The two fields carried out through the mobile transect methodology contemplated the routes in the north-east and west-east directions starting at 21:00 hours and totaling 50 minutes, collecting the total air temperature of 57 points distributed in the urban perimeter , measured from an external sensor digital thermometer with 2m Icotem cable and a GPS (Global Positioning System) Garmin Map 76CSX receiver to mark the coordinates of the respective registers. The surface temperature was estimated using orbital images from the Landsat 8 satellite, TIRS thermal sensor, from the transformation of digital numbers into radiance and then into temperature (ºC) translated into syntaxes that are included in the raster calculator tool in ArcGis software. The results show that the thermal variations showed differences of up to 5 ° C in the municipality, demonstrating the amortization that green and drainage areas can exert in this environment, contrary to highly urbanized environments. Another result concerns the difference between air and surface temperatures, where surface temperatures exceeded 40 ° C in densely constructed environments, while the air temperature measured through the transect did not exceed 31 ° C.  Este trabalho tem o propósito de desenvolver um mapeamento das diferenças térmicas da temperatura do ar e da temperatura da superfície no município de Juazeiro do Norte em um episódio de inverno e de primavera do ano de 2018. As principais fontes de dados consistem em medições da temperatura do ar móvel noturna e imagens orbitais para estimar a temperatura de superfície. Os dois campos realizados por meio da metodologia de transecto móvel contemplaram os trajetos na direção norte-leste e oeste-leste iniciando-se às 21:00 horas e totalizando 50 minutos, coletando ao total a temperatura do ar de 57 pontos distribuídos no perímetro urbano, mensurados a partir de um termômetro digital de sensor externo com cabo de 2m Icotem e um receptor GPS (Global Positioning System) modelo Garmin Map 76CSX para marcação das coordenadas dos respectivos registros. A temperatura de superfície fora estimada utilizando as imagens orbitais provenientes do satélite Landsat 8, sensor termal TIRS, a partir da transformação de números digitais em radiância e seguidamente em temperatura (ºC) traduzidas em sintaxes que são inclusas na ferramenta calculadora raster no software ArcGis. Os resultados do trabalho mostram que as variações térmicas registraram diferenças de até 5°C no município, demonstrando a amortização que as áreas verdes e com drenagens podem exercer neste ambiente, contrariamente aos ambientes altamente urbanizados. Outro resultado diz respeito a diferença entre a temperatura do ar e de superfície, onde as temperaturas de superfície chegaram a ultrapassar 40°C em ambientes densamente construídos, enquanto a temperatura do ar mensurada através do transecto não ultrapassou os 31°C. &nbsp

    Balanço nitrogenado em pacientes obesos em ventilação mecânica invasiva

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    Objective This study aimed to evaluate if the protein intake recommendations for obese critically ill requiring mechanical ventilation are sufficient to promote a positive or neutral nitrogen balance. Methods Cross-sectional study that included 25 obese, ≥18 years old, undergoing mechanical ventilation and who were target to receive high-protein enteral nutrition therapy (2.0-2.5g/kg ideal body weight). Clinical, nutritional and biochemical variables were analyzed. Nitrogen balance was performed when patient was receiving full enteral nutrition therapy and was classified: positive when intake was greater than excretion; negative when excretion was greater than intake; neutral when both were equal. Results The characteristics of patients evaluated were 64.1±9.4 years old, clinical treatment 88%, body mass index 36.5±5.1kg/m2, nitrogen balance 0.3g/day (-5.3 to 4.8g/day), protein intake 2.1g/day (2.0-2.3g/kg) ideal body weight. Of individuals analyzed, 52% showed positive or neutral nitrogen balance with median of 4.23g/day 2.41 to 6.40g/day) in comparison to negative group with median of -5.27g/day (-10.38 to -3.86g/day). Adults had higher ratio of negative nitrogen balance (57.1%) than elderly (44.4%), with protein intake of 2.0 versus 2.1g/day, respectively. No correlation was found between nitrogen balance and variables assessed. Conclusion High-protein enteral nutrition therapy contributed to positive or neutral nitrogen balance for approximately half of obese ventilated individuals. With similar protein intake, elderly showed a higher proportion of positive or neutral nitrogen balance. Nitrogen balance can be influenced by various factors, so further studies are required to identify different protein needs in obese critically.Objetivo Avaliar se as recomendações de ingestão proteica para obesos em ventilação mecânica invasiva são suficientes para promover balanço nitrogenado positivo ou em equilíbrio. Métodos Estudo transversal que analisou 25 obesos adultos, em ventilação mecânica invasiva e submetidos à terapia nutricional enteral hiperproteica (2,0-2,5g/kg de peso ideal). Variáveis clínicas, nutricionais e bioquímicas foram analisadas. O balanço nitrogenado foi realizado após a oferta plena da nutrição enteral e classificado como: positivo quando ingestão maior que excreção; negativo quando excreção maior que ingestão; neutro quando ambas foram iguais. Resultados As características dos pacientes avaliados foram idade 64,1±9,4 anos, índice de massa corporal 36,5±5,1kg/m2, tratamento clínico 88%, balanço nitrogenado 0,3g/dia (-5,3 a 4,8g/dia), ingestão proteica 2,1g/dia (2,0-2,3g/kg) de peso ideal. Dos indivíduos analisados, 52% apresentaram balanço nitrogenado positivo ou neutro com mediana de 4,23g/dia (2,41 a 6,40g/dia), comparado ao grupo com balanço negativo -5,27g/dia (-10,38 a -3,86g/dia). Adultos apresentaram maior proporção de balanço nitrogenado negativo (57,1%) do que idosos (44,4%), respectivamente, com ingestão proteica semelhante de 2,0 versus 2,1g/dia. Não foi observada correlação entre balanço nitrogenado e variáveis analisadas. Conclusão A terapia nutricional enteral hiperproteica promoveu um balanço nitrogenado positivo ou neutro em cerca de metade dos obesos em ventilação mecânica invasiva. Com ingestão proteica semelhante, idosos apresentaram maior proporção de balanço positivo ou neutro do que adultos. O balanço nitrogenado pode ser influenciado por diversos fatores e por esse motivo mais estudos são necessários para identificar diferentes necessidades proteicas em pacientes obesos críticos

    Benefits of the flipped classroom in health education - a systematic review / Benefícios da sala de aula virada ao contrário na educação sanitária - uma revisão sistemática interrelationship

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    Introduction: The flipped classroom method is characterized by its contents presentation to the learners before classes and online, reserving the face-to-face meetings to deepen and apply these contents. Objective: To search through literature for the most recent flipped classroom method benefits in the health area. Method: The guidelines for the preparation of systematic reviews were followed, collecting relevant studies, searching for published data sources, selecting the terms for the research, evaluating the eligibility of studies, and extracting relevant data. Results and Discussion: 20 articles published between 2016 and 2020 were selected from the PUBMED, SCIELO, ERIC and MEDLINE databases, according to the eligibility criteria. The main benefits of flipped classroom for students were language development, greater interaction between learners, greater engagement in activities and involvement in projects, flexibility in learning styles, better use of time and better performance in assessments. The professors agreed with such benefits but pointed out that a longer time for the preparation of activities would be a limitation. Conclusion: Flipped classroom method has shown itself to be a promising strategy with many health benefits. More research is needed on its implementation in the current context of the Coronavirus Pandemic in 2020. 


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    Este artigo apresenta o relato de uma oficina de alfabetização, letramento e cultura, voltada para professores(as) da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). O trabalho contextualiza a relevância desses temas na EJA e destaca a importância da formação de professores(as) nessa modalidade de ensino. A base teórica utilizada inclui autores como Soares (1998), Ferrero (2017), Freire (2003) e Libâneo (2010), entre outros. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam a importância de processos formativos que incentivem a participação dos docentes em sua própria formação, o que pode resultar em melhorias em sua prática docente. A oficina mostrou-se eficaz na promoção de reflexões sobre a prática pedagógica e no estímulo à elaboração de novas estratégias de ensino. Em suma, este trabalho destaca a importância da formação continuada de professores(as) da EJA, visando a melhoria do processo educacional e o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências dos alunos. Com isso, conclui-se que a alfabetização e o letramento e cultura ministrada por uma formadora de professores na EJA, possibilitou aos alunos um envolvimento de forma concreta com situações reais por meio da linguagem. Percebe-se também que esta pesquisa exerceu profunda influência na forma como o indivíduo se constrói na sociedade atual, sendo ferramentas fundamental para a inserção social do ser humano e objeto de seu interesse, a linguagem escrita pode ser trabalhada por meio de estratégias de aprendizagem que respeitem as características de cada indivíduo, visto que cada um possui sua própria característica e peculiaridades no seu aprendizado

    Cost management: bibliometrics in the annals of the national production engineering meeting

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    The National Meeting of Production Engineering (ENEGEP) is an event organized by the Brazilian Association of Production Engineering (ABEPRO) in which brings together the academic community of researchers working in the sector of Production Engineering and constitutes one of the leading promoters of technical and scientific production in the area. Among the various topics transiting the meeting, cost management is one of those who has relevant interaction. This article aims to analyze the academic contributions published in the Annals ENEGEP from 2008 to 2018 and trends in the area of ​​Economic Management, Cost Management subarea. Methodologically it made the use of bibliometric analysis techniques, analyzing, quantitatively and qualitatively, 219 articles, considering the following variables: quantitative evolution of publications; authoring features per article; authors; educational institutions; keywords; and themes. The main results identified an average of twenty papers per year with the cost management issue, the vast majority of publications were carried out with two or more authors, in relation to the authorship, 71% of authors had only one article, the southern region is the one most representative authors of publications, and as to the keywords which is evident most frequently are "Cost Management" and "costs"

    Energy content of milk from nursing mothers of premature infants and its relationship with caloric intake and maternal sociodemographic characteristics/ Conteúdo energético do leite de nutrizes de lactentes prematuros e sua relação com a ingestão calórica e com características sociodemográficas maternas

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    Aim: To evaluate the energy content of milk of nursing mothers of premature infants and identify whether there is association with caloric intake and maternal sociodemographic variables. Methods: analytical, cross-sectional study with milk donated by 18 nursing mothers of premature infants admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the National Institute of Woman, Child and Adolescent Health - IFF/Fiocruz. The energy content of breast milk was evaluated by crematocrit, by the human milk bank. To assess maternal food consumption, the Food Frequency Questionnaire was used and sociodemographic data were obtained from interviews with the nursing mothers. Data were evaluated using the SPSS 22.0 software.Results: It was found that 89% of the milk collected was normocaloric, with an average energy content of 597.2 ± 79.1 kcal/L and that most of the milk expressed was colostrum. The average caloric intake of the nursing mothers was 2554 ± 413.1 kcal/day and the consumption of polyunsaturated fats, which corresponded to 3.5% of the total energy intake, was below the recommendation. There was no association between the energy content of human milk and the studied variables, but there was a tendency for nursing mothers living outside the city of Rio de Janeiro to have a higher caloric content in milk (p = 0.06).Conclusion: The human milk samples were normocaloric, maternal food consumption was inadequate for polyunsaturated fats and there was no association of sociodemographic variables or maternal caloric intake with the energy content of human milk

    Espaço de cuidados de enfermagem à saúde do homem e ao câncer de próstata: relato de uma atividade extensionista

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    The aim of this study is to report the experience from the experience of a fellow, about the development of extensionist actions linked to an extension project with the theme of prevention of prostate cancer and attention to men's health. An experience report is set up based on the observations and experience of the scholarship holder. Interviews were conducted with visitors to the Urology ward of a university hospital to assess their knowledge on the subject of prostate cancer; lectures aimed at clarifying all visitors and users who attend an outpatient unit; and tracking children and siblings of clients diagnosed with prostate cancer. A profile was also created on the social network Instagram, with the aim of disseminating information regarding prostate cancer and other pathologies targeted at the male population. The extensionist project has achieved its health education objectives for improvements in men's health, either by carrying out health promotion and prostate cancer prevention at the university hospital, or by using the social network Instagram to publish content based on scientific references.O objetivo deste estudo é relatar a experiência a partir da vivência de uma bolsista, acerca do desenvolvimento das ações extensionistas vinculadas a um projeto de extensão com a temática de prevenção ao câncer de próstata e atenção à saúde do homem. Configura-se um relato de experiência pautado nas observações e vivência da bolsista. São realizadas entrevistas com visitantes da enfermaria de Urologia de um hospital universitário para avaliar o conhecimento dos mesmos sobre o tema câncer de próstata; palestras visando o esclarecimento de todos os visitantes e dos usuários que comparecem a uma unidade ambulatorial; e rastreamento de filhos e irmãos de clientes com diagnóstico de câncer de próstata. Foi criado também um perfil na rede social Instagram, com o objetivo de disseminar informações relativas ao câncer de próstata e outras patologias direcionadas a população masculina. O projeto extensionista tem atingido seus objetivos de educação em saúde para melhorias na saúde masculina, seja pela realização de promoção à saúde e prevenção do câncer de próstata no hospital universitário, seja pelo uso da rede social Instagram para publicações de conteúdos embasados em referências científicas

    Espaço de cuidados de enfermagem à saúde do homem e ao câncer de próstata: relato de uma atividade extensionista

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    The aim of this study is to report the experience from the experience of a fellow, about the development of extensionist actions linked to an extension project with the theme of prevention of prostate cancer and attention to men's health. An experience report is set up based on the observations and experience of the scholarship holder. Interviews were conducted with visitors to the Urology ward of a university hospital to assess their knowledge on the subject of prostate cancer; lectures aimed at clarifying all visitors and users who attend an outpatient unit; and tracking children and siblings of clients diagnosed with prostate cancer. A profile was also created on the social network Instagram, with the aim of disseminating information regarding prostate cancer and other pathologies targeted at the male population. The extensionist project has achieved its health education objectives for improvements in men's health, either by carrying out health promotion and prostate cancer prevention at the university hospital, or by using the social network Instagram to publish content based on scientific references.O objetivo deste estudo é relatar a experiência a partir da vivência de uma bolsista, acerca do desenvolvimento das ações extensionistas vinculadas a um projeto de extensão com a temática de prevenção ao câncer de próstata e atenção à saúde do homem. Configura-se um relato de experiência pautado nas observações e vivência da bolsista. São realizadas entrevistas com visitantes da enfermaria de Urologia de um hospital universitário para avaliar o conhecimento dos mesmos sobre o tema câncer de próstata; palestras visando o esclarecimento de todos os visitantes e dos usuários que comparecem a uma unidade ambulatorial; e rastreamento de filhos e irmãos de clientes com diagnóstico de câncer de próstata. Foi criado também um perfil na rede social Instagram, com o objetivo de disseminar informações relativas ao câncer de próstata e outras patologias direcionadas a população masculina. O projeto extensionista tem atingido seus objetivos de educação em saúde para melhorias na saúde masculina, seja pela realização de promoção à saúde e prevenção do câncer de próstata no hospital universitário, seja pelo uso da rede social Instagram para publicações de conteúdos embasados em referências científicas