526 research outputs found

    Low-temperature amorphous oxide semiconductors for thin-film transistors and memristors: physical insights and applications

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    While amorphous oxides semiconductors (AOS), namely InGaZnO (IGZO), have found market application in the display industry, their disruptive properties permit to envisage for more advanced concepts such as System-on-Panel (SoP) in which AOS devices could be used for addressing (and readout) of sensors and displays, for communication, and even for memory as oxide memristors are candidates for the next-generation memories. This work concerns the application of AOS for these applications considering the low thermal budgets (< 180 °C) required for flexible, low cost and alternative substrates. For maintaining low driving voltages, a sputtered multicomponent/multi-layered high-κ dielectric (Ta2O5+SiO2) was developed for low temperature IGZO TFTs which permitted high performance without sacrificing reliability and stability. Devices’ performance under temperature was investigated and the bias and temperature dependent mobility was modelled and included in TCAD simulation. Even for IGZO compositions yielding very high thermal activation, circuit topologies for counteracting both this and the bias stress effect were suggested. Channel length scaling of the devices was investigated, showing that operation for radio frequency identification (RFID) can be achieved without significant performance deterioration from short channel effects, which are attenuated by the high-κ dielectric, as is shown in TCAD simulation. The applicability of these devices in SoP is then exemplified by suggesting a large area flexible radiation sensing system with on-chip clock-generation, sensor matrix addressing and signal read-out, performed by the IGZO TFTs. Application for paper electronics was also shown, in which TCAD simulation was used to investigate on the unconventional floating gate structure. AOS memristors are also presented, with two distinct operation modes that could be envisaged for data storage or for synaptic applications. Employing typical TFT methodologies and materials, these are ease to integrate in oxide SoP architectures

    Sedação Consciente em Medicina Dentária

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    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina DentáriaIntrodução: Embora atualmente haja uma maior preocupação pela procura do médico dentista, Portugal ainda é dos países da Europa com pior saúde oral. A dor é o principal motivo de procura de tratamentos odontológicos sendo contrariada pelo medo, ansiedade e falta de recursos. Devido à infeliz realidade atual, há necessidade de mudar os métodos de tratamento: recorre-se à sedação consciente. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão sobre o uso de sedação consciente em medicina dentaria, procurando a que melhor se adequa ao sucesso de um tratamento dentário. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizada uma revisão Bibliografia, baseada na informação obtida por pesquisa manual e on-line, no “Google Scholar”, “MEDLINE/PubMed”, “Science Direct”. As palavras-chave foram “Anxiety”, “Pain”, “Pain assessnet”, “Fear”, “Analgesia”, “Sedation”, “Conscious Sedation”, “Nitrous Oxide”. Resultados: Não foram definidos limites temporais, no entanto foram favorecidos os estudos e artigos datados entre 2000 e 2012, publicados em revistas indexadas. Por fim obtiveram-se 73 artigos que respeitam estes critérios de inclusão. Conclusão: Nos últimos anos, houve um crescente desenvolvimento cientifico e tecnológico na sedação, sendo a sedação consciente a que mais evoluiu. A introdução da sedação consciente em medicina dentária, aumentou os índices de sucesso e conforto antes, durante e após os tratamentos odontológicos. Em relação aos materiais utilizados na sedação foram descritos, óxido nitroso, oxigénio, diazepam, midazolam. Desta revisão conclui-se que a mistura de óxido nitroso e oxigénio procedendo de benzodiazepinas, é a mistura que reúne os melhores resultados, físicos, psico-emocionais além de reduzir o tempo de atendimento e aumento de produtividade durante o procedimento odontológico, sendo viável, eficaz, diminuindo o desgaste físico, mental do médico dentista, levando ao conforto e tranquilidade dos pacientes. Introduction: Although, actually, there is a bigger concern to find the dentist doctor, Portugal is still one of Europe’s country with the worst dental health. Pain is the main issue to find dental treatments, being “fear”, anxiety and lack of resources even more important than the first. Due to the unfortunate reality that we live in, there is a need to change the methods of the treatment, so actually some use the “conscious sedation”. Objectives: The purpose of this work is to review the use of “conscious sedation” in dental medicine, searching the best one to the success of dental treatment. Methods and Materials: It was performed a literature review, based on the information obtained by manual search and on-line search, on “Google Scholar”, “ MEDLINE/PubMed”, “Science Direct”. The Key words were “ Anxiety”, “Pain”, “Pain Assessment”, “ Fear”, “ Analgesia”, “ Sedation”, “ Conscious Sedation”, “Nitrous oxide”. Results: There was no time limits defined, however, some issues and articles dated between 2000 and 2013, published in refereed journals, were favored. Finally 73 articles witch meet the criteria of inclusion were obtained. Conclusion: Over the past years, there has been a growing scientific and technology development on sedation, been the “conscious sedation” the one that most evolve. The introduction of “conscious sedation” ins dental medicine, increased the levels of success and comfort before, during and after dental treatments. Regarding the materials used in this method, there is nitrous oxide, oxygen , diazepam and midazolam. This review concludes that the mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, from benzodiazepines, is the one with the best physical and psycho emotional results, besides decreasing the time in attending and increasing productivity during the dental procedure, being viable, effective, decreasing the physical and mental effort of the medical dentist, taking the patient to a high level of comfort and tranquility

    A projection model of the contributory pension expenditure of the spanish social security system: 2004-2050

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    The need for long-term fiscal projections is self evident. Of these projections, pension expenditure is one of the most important since firstly it represents a large share of total expenditure, and secondly because of the positive correlation between this variable and demographic ageing. In this paper, we develop a model to project contributory pension expenditures in the Spanish Social Security System disaggregating the results by pension category, social security regime and sex. The most salient of the results obtained is the expected steady growth of total expenditure in contributory pensions. This would lie around 15% of GDP around 2045 compared to its initial level of barely 8% even though the baseline scenario incorporates a substantial recovery of employment and female participation rates. By pension categories, retirement pensions are those that determine the tendency of total expenditure evolution. Interesting conclusions can also be extracted from the analysis by sex. For instance, even accounting for an increase in female retirement pensions due to their higher participation, the corresponding increase in widow male pensions implies a higher total increase of the total number of contributory pensions accruing to men.Pensions system, sustainability, public expenditure.

    Sócio-economia e gestão ambiental da APA de Cafuringa

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    O capítulo traz a discussão sobre até onde a proteção ambiental deve impedir a incorporação socioeconômica na gestão dos territórios protegidos

    El otro lado del espejo. Arquitectura y cómic, la obra de Schuiten y Peeters.

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    La influencia de la Arquitectura en el Cómic es asunto probado. Críticos y estudiosos como Eco, Masotto, Montaner o Smolderen así lo atestiguan. La ciudad y su arquitectura son protagonistas en “The Yellow Kid” de Outcoult de 1896 y de las visiones perspectivas de metrópolis como New York en “Little Nemo” de Mc Cay de 1910. Los aportes más significativos a la visión de la arquitectura desde el cómic tal vez hayan sido los desarrollados por Hergé y sus ciudades de ficción construidas a partir de lugares y ciudades reales. Los arquitectos comienzan a manejar el lenguaje del cómic en los manifiestos de Archigram y de Superstudio, hasta llegar a nuestros días con los aportes de Koolhaas, Big o Herzog y de Meuron. El surgimiento de la dupla de Peeters y Schuiten adquiere en este contexto relevancia significativa. En la serie conocida como las “Ciudades Oscuras” la arquitectura es protagonista, y por tanto sus constructores: promotores inmobiliarios, políticos y arquitectos también lo son. La figura descollante del panorama arquitectónico de las Ciudades Oscuras es Eugéne Robick, en cuya obra es detectable la influencia de arquitectos como Horta o Sant´Elía. La obra de Schuiten y Peeters prueba el valor y la importancia del cómic en la mediática cultural contemporánea; cómic que permite forzar los límites de la realidad y desarrollar nuevas interpretaciones sin otros condicionamientos que los de la imaginación

    Aplication of breathable and odorless lining to orthopaedic shoes

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    The main purpose of this work is to apply new materials and new finishing to improve comfort in orthopaedic footwear associated with orthosis. This desideratum will be reached through the selection and application of advanced materials, such, breathables membranes and fabric finished with anti-fungal and anti-bacteria treatments. In this work, water vapor permeability was evaluated to determine the transport property of water vapor produced by transpiration of the skin. A new lining with breathable membrane and anti-odour finishing has been developed and tested. Water vapor permeability of the new lining was compared with a commercial leather lining, commercial lining with breathable membrane - AquaStopT, breathable membrane and weave fabric. The possibility to use fabrics with anti-odour finishing’s, laminated with a hydrophilic breathable membrane, for lining proposes has been demonstrated. Application of membranes with weave fabric by lamination decreases the breathability of materials, nevertheless, the lining with hydrophilic (LF) membrane and the leather’s lining have similar values for water vapor permeability, with the advantage that LF is impermeable.FCT, COMPETE, QREN, UNIÃO EUROPEI

    Development and application of a new concept of cork substrate in footwear and clothing

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    In the present work a “cork substrate” is developed aiming the achievement of an innovative material with ideal properties to respond to clothing and footwear applications. The preparation phases of leather processing are highly complex, with a large level of environmental aggressiveness. Garment and footwear industries are widely looking for new materials and applications able to reduce industrial pollutant charge, as well as new processes with lower water and energy consumption and higher economic advantages. Nowadays the conventional material to produce footwear is leather because it combines excellent properties such as: breathability, softness and thermal conductivity. A cork skin is laminated with membranes and textile fabrics and a comparison with leather properties has been done. The inner layer is made with a twill fabric that can be dyed and finished to confer functionalized properties. The results obtained are very promising and the possibility of using this laminated is demonstrated.We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from QREN (Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional – National Strategic Reference Framework), for this study “COLTEC”, Project no 2011/19280, co-financiado pelo FEDER, Programa Operacional Regional Norte. The authors wish to express their acknowledgment to FCT and FEDER-COMPETE funding, under the project PEst-C/CTM/UI0264/2011

    Breathable, impermeable and odourless lining for orthopaedic footwear application

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    Is has been recognized that the breathability and impermeability of the shoes lining play a crucial role on the performance and comfort of footwear. The main goal of this work is to study the application and behaviour new materials and new finishing to improve comfort in orthopaedic footwear associated with orthosis. This desideratum is reached through the selection and application of advanced materials, such as, breathable membranes and fabric finished with anti-fungal and anti-bacteria treatments. In this study, water vapour permeability was evaluated to determine the water vapour transport property produced by skin transpiration. Furthermore, a new lining with hydrophilic breathable membrane and anti-odour finishing has been developed and tested. Water vapour permeability of the new lining was compared with other conventional materials. From the obtained results, it can be drawn that the application of membranes with weave fabric by lamination decreases the breathability of material. The possibility to use fabrics with anti-odour finishing’s, laminated with a hydrophilic breathable membrane, for lining proposes has been demonstrated.compete qren fct união europei

    Razão e consciência do dano social: relato literário e histórico

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    Estimulado pela necessidade de falar, na Escola Judicial do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 1ª Região, sobre o tema especificado no título, passei alguns dias estudando e refletindo a respeito e o resultado me pareceu um tanto quanto surpreendente. Em razão disso, expresso a conclusão neste presente texto, como forma de submetê-la à crítica, pedindo perdão, desde já, pelo tamanho do texto e também pelos elementos ainda precários de análise