2,566 research outputs found

    Final Report

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    O ficheiro anexado é a versão "Final Report". O livro, tem o título: The Impact of HEIs on Regional Development, e o Capítulo do livro, tem o título: "I Give You Mobility: Co-Creation of Innovation as a Tool for Pedagogical Innovation and Social Responsibility" (pp.190-205; Cap. 11), versão da editora: https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/i-give-you-mobility/325285Final Report: The project entitled “I Give you Mobility” was created to address the need to bring mobility to the homes of users of the Home Support Service provided by the Private Institution of Social Solidarity, Fonte Santa , Centro Social da Serra do Bouro.N/

    Impacto no turismo da região demarcada do Alto Douro vinhateiro, após a classificação de Património Mundial da Humanidade pela Unesco

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    Com o presente trabalho pretendeu-se analisar o impacto no turismo, após a atribuição de classificação de Património Mundial da Humanidade, por parte da UNESCO, à região Demarcada do Alto Douro Vinhateiro (ADV). O estudo recaiu sobre o cálculo de alguns indicadores da atividade turística, para o período de 1995-2009. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que se registaram aumentos pouco significativos. Assinalar a variação acentuada entre 1998 e 2000 que poderá estar associada ao evento da EXPO98 e à forte divulgação que o país sofreu nesse evento; na oferta, entre 1999 a 2003, poderá estar relacionado com a classificação da região pela UNESCO; na procura, o índice de preferência mostrou que o ADV ainda não é o destino preferido pelos turistas. A partir de 2005 os indicadores sofrem uma variação positiva mais significativa, resultado provável de um trabalho de maior divulgação desenvolvido pelas entidades locais e pelo próprio Turismo de Portugal

    A evolução dos paradigmas educacionais à luz das teorias curriculares

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    O presente artigo tece algumas considerações relativas à evolução sentida no campo da educação, partindo do modelo comunicacional unidireccional em direcção à explicitação de um novo paradigma educacional. Este paradigma emergente, no limiar do século XXI, adequa-se a uma sociedade dita informacional e relaciona-se com os ambientes de aprendizagem vindouros. Para uma caracterização dos paradigmas abordados neste artigo, recorremos às teorias curriculares como forma de fundamentação das práticas complexas que estão na base dos modelos de organização subjacentes a estes.This article discusses some issues relating to the evolution suffered by education, from the unidirectional communicational model to the definition of a new educational paradigm. This emergent paradigm, in the beginning of the XXI century, is suited to the so called information society and relates to forthcoming learning environments. For a full characterization of the paradigms approached in this article, we refer to the curricular theories which help to understand the complex practices that are the basics of organizational models underlying these paradigms.Cet article nous propose quelques réflexions sur l' évolution de l' éducation, à partir du modèle communicationnel unidirectionnel en direction à l' éxplicitation d' un nouveau paradigme éducationnel. Ce paradigme emergeant, au début du XXI siècle, s' adapte à une societé dite informationnelle et se rapporte aux environnements d' apprentissage de l' avenir du futur. Pour une caractérisation des paradigmes abordés dans cet article nous avons utilisé des théories curriculaires pour justifier des pratiques complexes qui constituent le support des modèles d' organisation sousjacent à ces paradigmes

    Exploring Masstige Brands’ Antecedents and Outcomes

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    This study focused on developing a new conceptual model of consumers’ perceptions of – and behaviours towards – masstige brands based on consumer-brand relationship and brand equity theory, which was then applied using quantitative data analysis. The research model facilitated an exploration of how important brand love, co-creation and need for uniqueness are as masstige brand antecedents and of whether brand happiness, brand loyalty and electronic word of mouth are outcomes. The proposed model’s generalisability was assessed based on consumer data on a total sample of 1,041 consumers from three countries: the United States, Portugal, and China. The hypotheses were tested using partial least squares-structural equation modelling. The results show that the model is well specified, and all the hypothesised relationships between the selected constructs related to masstige brands are supported by the data. The five brands included in the questionnaire have Masstige Mean Score Scale Index values indicating that these brands fit in this classification. The findings have a wide range of theoretical and managerial implications

    Entrevista Com Bridget Conor

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    Entrevista com Bridget Conor71319-33

    Procedures for monitoring and evaluation of teachers: Tensions and expectations in Portugal

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    As sucessivas alterações de que tem sido alvo o estatuto da carreira docente criado em Portugal no ano de 1990 e, num plano mais específico, as iniciativas políticas relativas à avaliação do desempenho docente no mesmo país intensificaram a discussão acerca dos objetivos, protagonistas, métodos e procedimentos associados a essa mesma avaliação. No presente artigo, procuramos contribuir para o aprofundamento dessa discussão, refletindo sobre os desenvolvimentos recentes das políticas de avaliação do desempenho docente em Portugal à luz de dois conceitos centrais: avaliação formativa e supervisão. Essa reflexão sustenta-se nos resultados de alguma investigação empírica e na análise de um conjunto de documentos oficiais relevantes, relativos ora à realidade observada no Continente português ora à situação específica da Região Autónoma dos Açores. Começamos por situar a discussão da avaliação do desempenho docente no quadro concetual das funções da avaliação, enfatizando a função formativa e discutindo até que ponto esta última tem sido considerada no contexto das políticas educativas em causa. Discutimos igualmente algumas possibilidades de desenvolvimento da supervisão pedagógica ao serviço da avaliação formativa dos professores no contexto português, analisando o papel da inspeção enquanto entidade com responsabilidades nos domínios do acompanhamento da ação pedagógica e da avaliação do desempenho docente.ABSTRACT: Changes in the organization of teachers’ career since 1990 and, more specifically, measures related to teacher evaluation in Portugal have fuelled discussions on the objectives, players, methods and procedures with regard to that same evaluation. Through this article, we intend to contribute to a deeper approach to those issues, by reflecting on recent policies on teacher evaluation in Portugal in the light of two central concepts: formative evaluation and supervision. That reflection is based both on outcomes of some empirical research and on the analysis of a number of relevant official documents, related both to the situation in the Portuguese mainland and on the Azores, an Autonomous Region of Portugal. We will start by locating the discussion of teacher evaluation in a conceptual framework that considers all the functions that can be assigned to evaluation. Then we will focus on formative evaluation and discuss the extent to which it has been considered in the Portuguese educational policy. We will also discuss some issues related to educational supervision, especially its relationship with the formative evaluation of teachers in Portugal and the role of the inspectorate in its implementation

    Faith, entertainment, and conflicts on the Camino de Santiago (the way of St. James): a case study on the mediatization of the pilgrimage experience on Facebook groups

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    We call upon the concepts of mediatization, circulation, and discussions about the pilgrimage ritual to reflect on the media interference in the experience of pilgrims going to Santiago de Compostela. From these concepts and the methodology of case studies, we analyze posts in four Facebook groups. The evidence points to a certain distance regarding the Catholic institutional sphere and the linking of this experience to media consumption and entertainment through the expression of the most diverse motivations (self-help, tourism, spiritual, sports, etc.). It also consolidates a totem image of The Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James) as a transforming experience for the different types of pilgrims

    Virtual reality therapy: the power of role-playing social skills

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    Role-play (RP) is a technique for teaching communication and training interpersonal skills, known for its effective way of transmitting learning, in which simulation is one of its main distinguishing features. Social skills, moreover, are behaviors that involve the interpersonal relationship carried out in each social context. Although social skills training is consensually considered one of the most beneficial approaches to improving social functioning in individuals with mental illness, long-term motivation deficits diminish its effectiveness. Virtual reality technology effectively solves the motivation problem, providing a realistic and immersive experience that allows for role-playing of social skills. They provide presence and allow individuals to practice and enhance their social skills. The benefits of both RP and VR technology are clear, and the combination of the two has even greater potential. However, there is still a limited amount of research on the impact of VR in the practice of RP, so further investigation is crucial.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Study of the macrofungi community associated with pinus (Pinus pinaster), chestnut (Castanea sativa) and oak (Quercus pyrenaica), in the Northeast of Portugal

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    The work here presented concerns the preliminary result of Project AGRO 689 “Agronomic, economic and environmental interest of macrofungi associated with pinus (Pinus pinaster), chestnut (Castanea sativa) and oak (Quercus pyrenaica), in the Northeast of Portugal: Production of mycorrhizal, pinus, chestnut and oak plants”. We intend to evaluate the diversity of macrofungi associated with each habitat and to get insight into the differences between mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal species as well as of edible and non-edible ones. Edible mycorrhizal and nonedible mycorrhizal ratios will also be calculated in order to know the impact of their collection in either ecological or economical aspects. During the two seasons of collection (Autumn 2004 and Spring 2005), oak habitat showed the highest number of species and carpophores while pinus was the poorest habitat either in terms of number of species and of carpophores. We discuss the results obtained, comparing the three habitats in terms of biodiversity and potential economical interest of edible macrofungi collection and of ratio of the different trophic levels. We intend to contribute for the evaluation of risk assessment of overcollection of edible species and to a sustainable macrofungi management.The work here presented concerns the preliminary results of Project AGRO 689 "Agronomic, economic and environmental interest of macrofungi associated with pinus (Pinus pinaster), chestnut (Castanea sativa) and oak (Quercus pyrenaica), in the Northeast of Portugal: Production of mycorrhizal pinus, chestnut and oak plants" We intend to evaluate the biodiversity ot"macrofungi associated with each habitat and to get insight into the differences between mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal species as well as of edible and non edible ones. Edible mycorrhizal and nonedible mycorrhizal ratios will also be calculated in order to know the impact of their collection in either ecological and economical aspects. During the two seasons of collection (Autumn 2004 and Spring 2005), oak habitat showed the highest number of species and of carpophores while pinus was the poorest habitat either in terms of number of species and of carpophores. We discuss the results obtained, comparing the three habitats in terms of biod iversity and potential economical interest of edible macrofungi collection and of ratio of the different trophic levels. We intend to contribute for the evaluation of risk assessment of overcollection of edible species and to a sustainable macrofungi management.This work was financed by the Project AGRO 689