21 research outputs found

    Analisis Performansi Ultrasound Vechicle Counter menggunakan Algoritma Normalized Auto-Correlation

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    System lalu lintas pada saat ini telah menunjukan evolusi seiring berkembangnya teknologi. Di dukung dengan system transportasi yang tentunya sudah canggih. Dua system tersebut merupakan bagian dari smart city yang diterapkan di kota-kota besar. Pada dasarnya semua saling berkomunikasi untuk terciptanya smart city yang terintegrasi. Akan tetapi komunikasi tersebut harus lah sesuai dengan waktu nyata sehingga semua komponen smart city saling terkoneksi secara real-time. Dalam hal ini peneliti merancang sebuah system penghitung kendaraan secara real-time yang dapat menghitung kendaraan yang melintas pada suatu ruas jalan. Penerapan dan pengembangan sensor Ultrasound, mikrokontroler, mikroprosesor dan Internet Of Things yang saling terhubung untuk memantau kondisi jalan. Dengan menggunakan algoritma Normalized Auto-Correlation yang efisien dalam komputasi untuk mendeteksi kendaraan yang melintas. Algoritma Normalized Auto-Correlation biasanya digunakan untuk membandingkan 2 buah sinyal frekuensi untuk menentukan kemiripan dalam sinyal tersebut. Dalam hal ini algoritma Normalized Auto-Correlation digunakan untuk menentukan perhitungan kendaran yang melewati sensor ultrasound. Sistem akan mendeteksi dengan membandingkan data input dari sensor ultrasound dengan cara membuat data sample terlebih dahulu kemudian data sample tersebut dibandingkan dengan data setelah data sample tersebut. Setelah itu akan keluar nilai korelasinya yang sudah di normalisasikan dengan skala 0-1.0. Dari hasil korelasi tersebut peneliti menentukan threshold untuk perhitungan kendaraan, pada saat nilai korelasi tersebut < 0.70 maka system akan menyatakan dan menghitung sebuah kendaraan telah melewati sensor. Hasil dari analisis pengujian diperoleh persentase sebesar 10.09%. Kata kunci : Real-time sensing, Smart City, Smart Transportation, Smart Traffic System, Auto-Correlation, Ultrasoun

    Blunt Renal Trauma in a Pre-Existing Renal Lesion

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    A 70-year-old male presented with direct trauma to his loin with gross hematuria, as an isolated case of blunt renal trauma (BRT) due to a traffic accident. A pre-existing renal lesion (PERL) was strongly suspected by his past history of gross macroscopic hematuria and monotrauma to the kidney without other associated injuries. Spiral CT scan with contrast and a retrograde pyelogram (RGP) confirmed an occult complex renal cyst. The gold standard of CT diagnosis in this situation is stressed. Computed tomography is particularly useful in evaluating traumatic injuries to kidneys with pre-existing abnormalities. The decision on the initial course of conservative management, ureteral retrograde stenting to drain extravasation, and its final outcome are discussed. Radical nephroureterectomy was carried out by a transperitoneal approach with an early vascular control of the renal pedicle. A brief review of recent literature has been undertaken


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     Objective: The objective is to create 4 extracts of Centella Asiatica whole plants without using toxic chemicals based on an edible oil and water and to study the UV-vis absorption spectrum of the extracts.Methods: An extract of the whole plant was taken in fresh form with green leaves, made in to a paste by using an electric grinder and the paste mixed with water was heated with coconut oil at temperatures below 100 degree C. The oil part and water part of the extracts were then taken and analysed in an UV-vis spectrometer. The experiment was repeated by using Centella Asiatica whole plants dried in sun for a day.Results: The UV spectrum of the oil extract of undried Centella Asiatica whole plant showed absorption peaks at 413nm, 434 nm, 506nm, 537nm, 564nm, 610nm and 670nm. The oil extract of dried Centella Asiatica whole plant showed peaks at 413nm, and 670nm. The peaks between 434 nm and 670 nm in the oil extract were due to Chlorophyll. The strongest peak at 413 nm is the major signal of the extract and is thought to represent the flavonoid Rutin. The water part of the extract of the dried plants does not show any significant peak at 670nm of the chlorophyll.Conclusion: Four extracts of Centella Asiatica whole plant were studied. The oil part of the extracts showed a strong peak at 413 nm. The medicinal values of the 4 extracts of the plant need to be studied in detail


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     Objective: The objective is to create 4 extracts of Centella Asiatica whole plants without using toxic chemicals based on an edible oil and water and to study the UV-vis absorption spectrum of the extracts.Methods: An extract of the whole plant was taken in fresh form with green leaves, made in to a paste by using an electric grinder and the paste mixed with water was heated with coconut oil at temperatures below 100 degree C. The oil part and water part of the extracts were then taken and analysed in an UV-vis spectrometer. The experiment was repeated by using Centella Asiatica whole plants dried in sun for a day.Results: The UV spectrum of the oil extract of undried Centella Asiatica whole plant showed absorption peaks at 413nm, 434 nm, 506nm, 537nm, 564nm, 610nm and 670nm. The oil extract of dried Centella Asiatica whole plant showed peaks at 413nm, and 670nm. The peaks between 434 nm and 670 nm in the oil extract were due to Chlorophyll. The strongest peak at 413 nm is the major signal of the extract and is thought to represent the flavonoid Rutin. The water part of the extract of the dried plants does not show any significant peak at 670nm of the chlorophyll.Conclusion: Four extracts of Centella Asiatica whole plant were studied. The oil part of the extracts showed a strong peak at 413 nm. The medicinal values of the 4 extracts of the plant need to be studied in detail

    Solar Panel Maximum Power Transfer Increases from 63.6% to 90% by using two Sinewave Inverters with 90 o phase shift

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    ABSTRACT: This letter shows that the theoretical efficiency at which the solar panel operates at the Maximum Power Transfer Point is only 63.6% with a single pure sine wave inverter (PWM based) and the efficiency can be increased to 90% by using two sine wave inverters with 90 degree phase shift. A 3 phase inverter can further increase the efficiency to 95.54%

    Effects of Teaching Styles on Male Achievement in Single-Sex and Co-Educational Classrooms in Selected School Districts in Georgia

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of teaching styles on male achievement in single-sex and co-educational classrooms in selected middle schools in Georgia. The researcher used the Grasha Teaching Styles Inventory Version 3.0 to measure relationships between male achievement and teaching styles in single-sex and co-educational classrooms. The population of this study consisted of 16 teachers and 169 students in three middle schools located in Georgia. The survey identified characteristics of each category of teaching style. The teaching styles for this study were Expert, Formal Authority, Personal Model, Delegator, and Facilitator. These styles were considered to be the most common styles exhibited by teachers across the country (Grasha, 2002). This procedure allowed the researcher to see if teachers in single-sex and co-education classrooms differ significantly in the type of teaching style exhibited. This procedure allowed the researcher to see if different combinations of teaching styles and educational environments significantly differ when examining male reading achievement during middle school. The researcher hand delivered the surveys to each school and the designated Counselors and Instructional Coach distributed the surveys to the teachers resulting in a 100% rate of return. All statistical analyses were conducted during scaled scores. The unit of analysis was the individual students. The alpha level of .05 was used as the criterion for failing to reject a difference as statistically significant. The significance level for this study was (p\u3c.05) as this created a better than chance relationship between the variables. Teachers\u27 teaching styles were analyzed using Chi Square test because of the nature of the data (discrete variable). The second year reading achievement data and teaching styles data were analyzed using a 2 X 5 factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA). The SPSS program generated results to determine whether there was a relationship between the dependent and independent variables. In this design, the researcher tried to find whether a relationship existed between a particular teaching style and the level of male academic achievement and whether or not that relationship was statistically significant

    An unusual case of obstructive uropathy: Cystitis cystica with ureteritis cystica

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    A 45-year-old man presented with loin pain and burning micturation. He had a positive Bilharzial titre and impaired renal function. Ultrasonography (USG) revealed right hydroureteronephrosis and a thickened bladder wall with areas of calcification. A diuretic 99mTc - DTPA scan (technetium-99m diethylene triamine penta acetic acid) showed features of obstruction in both the kidneys. Cystoscopy showed polypoid transparent cystic lesions obscuring both the ureters. The obstruction was relived by percutaneous nephrostomy (PCN). Nephrostogram showed multiple scalloped filling defects in the right ureter with obstruction at the uretero vesical junction (UVJ), suspicious of ureteritis cystica (UC). Biopsy of the lesions showed features of Bilharzial proliferative cystitis with extensive cystitis glandularis and cystitis cystica (CC). Complete cure was achieved by semi-interventional methods and prompt treatment of the underlying infection. Diagnosis, management, and progression of this case with review of literature are discussed

    Endometriosis Presenting as Hydronephrosis

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    The most serious urological complication of endometriosis is hydronephrotic renal atrophy secondary to ureteric involvement. As only half of these patients are symptomatic, it is commonly diagnosed late and more by the clinicians awareness and suspicion of this entity. We report a case of an unmarried young female who presented primarily with left loin pain of 2-year duration. She was found to have lower ureteric stricture by an IVU done by her referring doctor. Further workup at our center showed that she had pelvic endometriosis with hydronephrosis secondary to extrinsic ureteric endometriosis. She had a first-degree relative with the same disease. She had no menstrual problems. Diagnostic laparoscopy, biopsy of the lesion, ureteric dilatation with stenting, along with hormonal treatment was given to her as first line of treatment. There was no improvement of the ureteric obstruction even after 6 months of treatment. Finally, surgical excision of the endometrioma, left oophorectomy, along with resection of the ureteric stricture with uretero-ureterostomy was done. This case report includes details of her further management and outcome along with a brief review of literature