216 research outputs found

    Structure and Dynamics of Cholesterol-Containing Polyunsaturated Lipid Membranes Studied by Neutron Diffraction and NMR

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    A direct and quantitative analysis of the internal structure and dynamics of a polyunsaturated lipid bilayer composed of 1-stearoyl-2-docosahexaenoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (18:0-22:6n3-PC) containing 29 mol% cholesterol was carried out by neutron diffraction, 2H-NMR and 13C-MAS NMR. Scattering length distribution functions of cholesterol segments as well as of the sn-1 and sn-2 hydrocarbon chains of 18:0-22:6n3-PC were obtained by conducting experiments with specifically deuterated cholesterol and lipids. Cholesterol orients parallel to the phospholipids, with the A-ring near the lipid glycerol and the terminal methyl groups 3 Å away from the bilayer center. Previously, we reported that the density of polyunsaturated docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n3) chains was higher near the lipid–water interface. Addition of cholesterol partially redistributes DHA density from near the lipid–water interface to the center of the hydrocarbon region. Cholesterol raises chain-order parameters of both stearic acid and DHA chains. The fractional order increase for stearic acid methylene carbons C8–C18 is larger, reflecting the redistribution of DHA chain density toward the bilayer center. The correlation times of DHA chain isomerization are short and mostly unperturbed by the presence of cholesterol. The uneven distribution of saturated and polyunsaturated chain densities and the cholesterol-induced balancing of chain distributions may have important implications for the function and integrity of membrane receptors, such as rhodopsin

    Alexandrie (actions du Centre d’études alexandrines)

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    En 2019, le Centre d’Études Alexandrines (CEAlex, USR 3134 Cnrs/Ifao) a continuĂ© les fouilles sur le site de KĂŽm Bahig et sur la villa agricole du site d’AkadĂ©mia, de mĂȘme que ses prospections en MarĂ©otide dans la rĂ©gion au sud du lac Mariout, et a menĂ© des campagnes de fouilles sous-marines sur le site du Phare. Il a en outre procĂ©dĂ© Ă  un diagnostic archĂ©ologique dans l’enceinte du dĂ©pĂŽt archĂ©ologique de Tabiyet Nahassin, en vue de la construction d’un mur de clĂŽture (fig. 1). Il a poursuivi..

    Coupling Phase Behavior of Fatty Acid Containing Membranes to Membrane Bio-Mechanics

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    Biological membranes constantly modulate their fluidity for proper functioning of the cell. Modulation of membrane properties via regulation of fatty acid composition has gained a renewed interest owing to its relevance in endocytosis, endoplasmic reticulum membrane homeostasis, and adaptation mechanisms in the deep sea. Endowed with significant degrees of freedom, the presence of free fatty acids can alter the curvature of membranes which in turn can alter the response of curvature sensing proteins, thus defining adaptive ways to reconfigure membranes. Most significantly, recent experiments demonstrated that polyunsaturated lipids facilitate membrane bending and fission by endocytic proteins – the first step in the biogenesis of synaptic vesicles. Despite the vital roles of fatty acids, a systematic study relating the interactions between fatty acids and membrane and the consequent effect on the bio-mechanics of membranes under the influence of fatty acids has been sparse. Of specific interest is the vast disparity in the properties of cis and trans fatty acids, that only differ in the orientation of the double bond and yet have entirely unique and opposing chemical properties. Here we demonstrate a combined X-ray diffraction and membrane fluctuation analysis method to couple the structural properties to the biophysical properties of fatty acid-laden membranes to address current gaps in our understanding. By systematically doping pure dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC) membranes with cis fatty acid and trans fatty acid we demonstrate that the presence of fatty acids doesn’t always fluidize the membrane. Rather, an intricate balance between the curvature, molecular interactions, as well as the amount of specific fatty acid dictates the fluidity of membranes. Lower concentrations are dominated by the nature of interactions between the phospholipid and the fatty acids. Trans fatty acid increases the rigidity while decreasing the area per lipid similar to the properties depicted by the addition of saturated fatty acids to lipidic membranes. Cis fatty acid however displays the accepted view of having a fluidizing effect at small concentrations. At higher concentrations curvature frustration dominates, leading to increased rigidity irrespective of the type of fatty acid. These results are consistent with theoretical predictions as detailed in the manuscript

    MaĂŻssa Bey et LĂ©onora Miano: deux romanciĂšres face Ă  l’inhumain

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    L’algĂ©rienne MaĂŻssa Bey et la Camerounaise LĂ©onora Miano ont en commun d’explorer, dans leurs romans, les divers visages de l’inhumain, Ă  travers notamment la violence extrĂȘme et la nĂ©gation de l’autre, tout en dĂ©nonçant leurs justifications idĂ©ologiques. Cette dĂ©marche pose un certain nombre de dĂ©fis littĂ©raires qu’elles affrontent habilement. Le personnage d’AyanĂ©, dans L’IntĂ©rieur de la nuit, peut ĂȘtre vu comme une figure symbolique de la posture dĂ©licate de ces Ă©crivaines, rĂ©vĂ©lant le pire tout en y Ă©chappant.Soubias Pierre. MaĂŻssa Bey et LĂ©onora Miano: deux romanciĂšres face Ă  l’inhumain. In: Horizons MaghrĂ©bins - Le droit Ă  la mĂ©moire, N°60, 2009. LittĂ©ratures fĂ©minines avec et autour de MaĂŻssa Bey. pp. 42-47

    Le roman francophone au Maghreb et en Afrique noire: convergences, décalages, parallélismes

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    Parfois évoquée mais peu pratiquée, la comparaison entre la production littéraire africaine des deux cÎtés du Sahara (Maghreb d'une part, Afrique noire d'autre part), est pourtant logique étant donné certaines convergences culturelles, et surtout la parenté des expériences historiques des deux aires. Pour s'en tenir au roman écrit en français depuis 1945, il apparaßt que plusieurs thÚmes et certains enjeux sont similaires, aussi bien pendant les années 50 que dans la production récente. Toutefois, un décalage chronologique est perceptible dans l'évolution du genre romanesque d'un cÎté et de l'autre, et des spécificités de ton et d'écriture continuent de séparer les deux aires, confirmant qu'elles possÚdent chacune un «génie» littéraire propre.Soubias Pierre. Le roman francophone au Maghreb et en Afrique noire: convergences, décalages, parallélismes. In: Horizons Maghrébins - Le droit à la mémoire, N°53, 2005. L'Afrique à voix multiples. pp. 143-149

    Carminella Biondi/ Elena Pessini, RĂȘver le monde, Ă©crire le monde. ThĂ©orie et narrations d’Édouard Glissant, Bologne, CLUEB { Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Bologna], 2004

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    Soubias Pierre. Carminella Biondi/ Elena Pessini, RĂȘver le monde, Ă©crire le monde. ThĂ©orie et narrations d’Édouard Glissant, Bologne, CLUEB { Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Bologna], 2004. In: LittĂ©ratures 55,2006. Pascal a-t-il Ă©crit les PensĂ©es ? pp. 257-258

    L'institution littéraire en Afrique subsaharienne francophone, Etudes littéraires, n° 24, 1991

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    Soubias Pierre. L'institution littéraire en Afrique subsaharienne francophone, Etudes littéraires, n° 24, 1991. In: Littératures 27, automne 1992. pp. 264-266
