900 research outputs found

    Turnover of outer and inner membrane proteins of rat liver mitochondria

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    Recent reports on the properties and composition of outer and inner mitochondrial membranes suggest that outer and inner membranes of mitochondria are derived from different sources of the cell [l-3]. I

    Communautés rurales et Révolution (1750-1830). Les notables des Mauges

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    En choisissant comme angle d’approche la micro-histoire, Anne Rolland-Boulestreau nous propose une plongĂ©e dans la vie de trois paroisses des Mauges (Maine-et-Loire) dont la particularitĂ© est d’ĂȘtre situĂ©es au cƓur de la VendĂ©e militaire. L’une d’elle a donnĂ© naissance Ă  Jacques Cathelineau, futur chef de la Contre-RĂ©volution vendĂ©enne. L’auteur se propose, Ă  partir de dĂ©pouillements trĂšs approfondis dans lesquels les papiers notariĂ©s occupent une large place, de comprendre comment s’est stru..

    Protestants et catholiques face Ă  la RĂ©volution dans les montagnes du Languedoc

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    Assez peu mentionnĂ© dans l’histoire de la RĂ©volution française, le Languedoc a Ă©tĂ© le thĂ©Ăątre de troubles religieux et politiques profonds. MarquĂ©e par la prĂ©sence de deux communautĂ©s confessionnelles longtemps ennemies, la rĂ©gion a basculĂ© dans une logique d’affrontements oĂč haines politiques et religieuses se confondent. Les violences liĂ©es Ă  la dynamique rĂ©volutionnaire rĂ©veillent le souvenir des guerres de religion qui ont forgĂ© l’identitĂ© collective de la rĂ©gion, notamment dans les montagnes. Haut lieu de la rĂ©forme au temps des guerres de religion, les CĂ©vennes deviennent un bastion patriote sous la RĂ©volution alors que les hautes terres catholiques s’enferment dans un refus qui les pousse Ă  s’engager aux cĂŽtĂ©s de la contre-rĂ©volution mĂ©ridionale. Cette adhĂ©sion ne conduit cependant pas Ă  la naissance d’une « seconde VendĂ©e » de mĂȘme que les haines confessionnelles ne l’emportent pas partout sur le consensus forgĂ© au cours du siĂšcle des LumiĂšres, mais le Languedoc n’en est pas moins marquĂ© par le rejeu de la mĂ©moire des guerres de religion et son impact sur les comportements politiques collectifs durant la pĂ©riode rĂ©volutionnaire.Little mentioned in the history of the French Revolution, Languedoc was the theater of profound religious and political troubles. Characterized by the presence of two confessional communities, themselves long-standing enemies, the region was embroiled in escalating conflicts where political and religious hatreds were mixed. Violence linked to the revolutionary dynamic revived the memory of the wars of religion that had forged the collective identity of the region, notably in the mountains. A center of reform during the time of the wars of religion, the Cevennes became a patriot stronghold under the Revolution while the growing intransigence in the Catholic highlands impelled them to join the meridional counterrevolution. This decision by the Catholics, however, did not led to the birth of a “Second Vendee” just as confessional hatreds did not prevail every-where over the consensus forged during the Enlightenment. Still, Languedoc was marked by the revival of the memory of the Wars of Religion and by their impact on collective political behavior during the revolutionary period

    Further insights into sinusoidal organic anion uptake

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    Previous studies in cultured rat hepatocytes revealed that initial uptake of sulfobromophthalein (BSP) was markedly reduced upon removal of Cl − from the medium. In the present study, unidirectional Cl − gradients were established in short-term cultured rat hepatocytes and their effect on BSP uptake was determined. These investigations revealed that BSP uptake requires external Cl − and is not stimulated by unidirectional Cl − gradients, suggesting that BSP transport is not coupled to Cl − transport. In contrast, BSP transport is stimulated by an inside-to-outside OH − gradient, consistent with OH − exchange or H + cotransport. As the presence of Cl − is essential for but not directly coupled to BSP transport, binding of 35 S-BSP to hepatocytes was determined at 4° C. This revealed an ∌ 10-fold higher affinity of cells for BSP in the presence as compared to the absence of Cl − (K a + 3.2 ± 0.8 vs. 0.42 ± 0.09 ΜM −1 ; P < 0.02). Affinity of BSP for albumin was Cl − -independent, and was ∌ 10% of its affinity for cells in the presence of Cl − . These results indicate that extracellular Cl − modulates the affinity of BSP for its hepatocyte transporter.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/38370/1/1840150127_ftp.pd

    Subcellular distribution of dolichol phosphate

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    originalFil: Dallner, Gustav. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas Fundación Campomar; ArgentinaFil: Behrens, Nicolås H.. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas Fundación Campomar; ArgentinaFil: Parodi, Armando José A.. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas Fundación Campomar; ArgentinaFil: Leloir, Luis Federico. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas Fundación Campomar; ArgentinaBlanco y negro3 påginas en pdfLFL-PI-O-ART. Artículos científicosUnidad documental simpleAR-HYL-201

    Ensei­­gner la révo­­lu­­tion fran­­çaise au début du xxie siÚcle

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    La for­­mule de Benedetto Croce selon laquelle « Il n’est d’his­­toire que contem­­po­­raine » a beau ĂȘtre deve­­nue banale, elle n’en demeure pas moins valide dans sa double por­­tĂ©e : celle de la trans­­for­­ma­­tion indé­­niable des ques­­tions posĂ©es par les his­­to­­riens selon les inter­­ro­­ga­­tions de leur temps et celle, peut-­ĂȘtre moins admise, selon laquelle l’his­­toire comme sciences de l’homme en sociĂ©tĂ© n’atteint Ă  sa pleine reconnais­­sance que si la compré­­hen­­sion du pass..

    Peroxisomal-microsomal communication in unsaturated fatty acid metabolism

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    The addition of 1-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (1-acyl-GPC) to peroxisomes decreased the production of acid-soluble radioactivity formed by ÎČ-oxidation of [1-14C]arachidonate due to substrate removal by esterification into the acceptor. This peroxisomal-associated acyl-CoA:1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase activity was due to microsomal contamination. The production of acid-soluble radioactivity from [1-14C]7,10,13,16–22:4, but not from [3-14C]7,10,13,16–22:4 was independent of 1-acyl-GPC, with and without microsomes. By comparing rates of peroxisomal ÎČ-oxidation with those for microsomal acylation, it was shown that the preferred metabolic fate of arachidonate, when added directly to incubations, or generated via ÎČ-oxidation, was esterification by microsomal 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase, rather than continued peroxisomal ÎČ-oxidation

    Functional and Biogenetical Heterogeneity of the Inner Membrane of Rat-Liver Mitochondria

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    Rat liver mitochondria were fragmented by a combined technique of swelling, shrinking, and sonication. Fragments of inner membrane were separated by density gradient centrifugation. They differed in several respects: electronmicroscopic appearance, phospholipid and cytochrome contents, electrophoretic behaviour of proteins and enzymatic activities. Three types of inner membrane fractions were isolated. The first type is characterized by a high activity of metal chelatase, low activities of succinate-cytochrome c reductase and of glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase, as well as by a high phospholipid content and low contents of cytochromes aa3 and b. The second type displays maximal activities of glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase and metal chelatase, but contains relatively little cytochromes and has low succinate-cytochrome c reductase activity. The third type exhibits highest succinate-cytochrome c reductase activity, a high metal chelatase activity and highest cytochrome contents. However, this fraction was low in both glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase activity and phospholipid content. This fraction was also richest in the following enzyme activities: cytochrome oxidase, oligomycin-sensitive ATPase, proline oxidase, 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase and rotenone-sensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase. Amino acid incorporation in vitro and in vivo in the presence of cycloheximide occurs predominantly into inner membrane fractions from the second type. These data suggest that the inner membrane is composed of differently organized parts, and that polypeptides synthesized by mitochondrial ribosomes are integrated into specific parts of the inner membrane

    Alleviating exercise-induced muscular stress using neat and processed bee pollen: oxidative markers, mitochondrial enzymes, and myostatin expression in rats

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    YesThe current study was designed to investigate the influence of monofloral Indian mustard bee pollen (MIMBP) and processed monofloral Indian mustard bee pollen (PMIMBP) supplementation on chronic swimming exercise-induced oxidative stress implications in the gastrocnemius muscle of Wistar rats. MIMBP was processed with an edible lipid-surfactant mixture (Captex 355:Tween 80) to increase the extraction of polyphenols and flavonoid aglycones as analyzed by UV spectroscopy and high performance liquid chromatography-photo diode array. Wistar rats in different groups were fed with MIMBP or PMIMBP supplements at a dose of 100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg individually, while being subjected to chronic swimming exercise for 4 weeks (5 d/wk). Various biochemical [superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH), malonaldehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), and total protein content], mitochondrial (Complex I, II, III, and IV enzyme activity), and molecular (myostatin mRNA expression) parameters were monitored in the gastrocnemius muscle of each group. Administration of both MIMBP (300 mg/kg) and PMIMBP (100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg, and 300 mg/kg) wielded an antioxidant effect by significantly improving SOD, GSH, MDA, NO, and total protein levels. Further MIMBP (300 mg/kg) and PMIMBP (200 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg) significantly improved impaired mitochondrial Complex I, II, III, and IV enzyme activity. Significant down-regulation of myostatin mRNA expression by MIMBP (300 mg/kg) and PMIMBP (200 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg) indicates a muscle protectant role in oxidative stress conditions. The study establishes the antioxidant, mitochondrial upregulatory, and myostatin inhibitory effects of both MIMBP and PMIMBP in exercise-induced oxidative stress conditions, suggesting their usefulness in effective management of exercise-induced muscular stress. Further, processing of MIMBP with an edible lipid-surfactant mixture was found to improve the therapeutic efficiency of pollen
