16 research outputs found

    Examining pre-service teachers’ the selection and treatment of issues about teaching controversial issues in social studies: For the improvement of social studies teacher training curriculum

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    This paper examines how pre-service social studies teachers handle controversial issues in their practice. Based on the results, suggestions for improving the social studies teacher training curriculum are obtained. Previous social studies suggested that teacher training programs must be reformed in order to enhance the practice of controversial issues learning, but the specifics of the reforms have not been clarified. This is partly because, although previous studies focus on in-service teachers, there has been little research to clarify the perceptions of pre-service teachers regarding teaching about controversial issues. In this paper, we examined the selection and handling of controversial issues by prospective social studies teachers based on questionnaires and interviews with Japanese prospective social studies teachers. The results suggest the following two points. First, there is a need to visualize and verbalize the prospective teachers’ concerns and gatekeeping process with regard to the teacher training curriculum. Second, for teacher education research, there is a need to strengthen cooperation with outside social studies and to expand the role of teachers.本研究はJSPS科研費19K14239の助成を受けたものである


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    本研究では,鳴門市に造成されたビオトープが,コウノトリの餌場として機能するかを明らかにするため,周囲の飛来回数の異なるレンコン田とコウノトリの餌生物量を比較した.餌生物は,すくい採りとペットボトルトラップによって採集した.調査の結果,ビオトープで採集された餌生物の湿重量は,コウノトリの飛来回数が多いレンコン田より小さかった.レンコン田で採集された生物は,アメリカザリガニやウシガエルといった外来種が大半を占めた.これらの生物はコウノトリの主要な餌となり得るが,在来種を捕食するなど,在来生態系に負の影響を与えることが懸念される.今後のビオトープ管理においては,在来種の生息に適した環境づくりとともに,外来種の侵入・拡大防止を両立する取り組みが重要であると考えられた.In order to clarify whether the biotope created in Naruto City functions as a feeding sites for storks, this study compared the amount of stork prey in a lotus root field and a biotope created with different numbers of storks flying to the field. Prey organisms were collected by scooping and plastic bottle traps. The results showed that the wet weight of prey organisms collected in the biotope was smaller than that in the lotus root fields, where the storks visited more frequently. The majority of organisms collected in the lotus root fields were non-native species such as American crayfish and bullfrogs. These organisms are the main food source for storks, but there is concern that they may have a negative impact on native ecosystems, for example, by preying on native species. In future biotope management, it is important to create an environment suitable for habitat of native species as well as to prevent the invasion and spread of non-native species

    Diabetes Caused by Elastase-Cre-Mediated Pdx1 Inactivation in Mice

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    発生段階で膵臓の外分泌組織を欠くマウスは、糖尿病になる --機能的膵島作製における外分泌組織との共存の重要性--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2016-02-18.Endocrine and exocrine pancreas tissues are both derived from the posterior foregut endoderm, however, the interdependence of these two cell types during their formation is not well understood. In this study, we generated mutant mice, in which the exocrine tissue is hypoplastic, in order to reveal a possible requirement for exocrine pancreas tissue in endocrine development and/or function. Since previous studies showed an indispensable role for Pdx1 in pancreas organogenesis, we used Elastase-Cre-mediated recombination to inactivate Pdx1 in the pancreatic exocrine lineage during embryonic stages. Along with exocrine defects, including impaired acinar cell maturation, the mutant mice exhibited substantial endocrine defects, including disturbed tip/trunk patterning of the developing ductal structure, a reduced number of Ngn3-expressing endocrine precursors, and ultimately fewer β cells. Notably, postnatal expansion of the endocrine cell content was extremely poor, and the mutant mice exhibited impaired glucose homeostasis. These findings suggest the existence of an unknown but essential factor(s) in the adjacent exocrine tissue that regulates proper formation of endocrine precursors and the expansion and function of endocrine tissues during embryonic and postnatal stages

    The relationship between peroneus longus and tibialis posterior muscle activities involved in raising the heel during calf-raise and in gait

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    本研究では歩行での蹴り出し動作とカーフレイズ動作について,長腓骨筋,後脛骨筋の筋活動に関連があるかを明らかにすることを目的としている.対象は健常成人23名(男性5名,女性18名,年齢22.1±1.4歳)とし,表面筋電図を用いて歩行時,カーフレイズ動作時の長腓骨筋と後脛骨筋の筋活動を検討した. その結果,長腓骨筋の筋活動,そして長腓骨筋と後脛骨筋の筋活動比について,歩行立脚期蹴り出し直前の足関節底屈動作時とカーフレイズ動作時との間にのみ有意な相関関係が認められた.歩行中の足関節底屈動作時に,長腓骨筋の活動が大きい程,そして後脛骨筋に対する長腓骨筋の活動の割合が大きい対象程,カーフレイズ時においても長腓骨筋の活動が大きく,長腓骨筋の活動の割合が大きい,すなわち優位であることがわかった.このように歩行中の足関節底屈動作とカーフレイズ動作での筋活動に有意な相関が認められたことから,足部への最大荷重点についてもこの二つの動作で関連が予想されるため,今後は足底圧分布についても検討する必要がある.Ankle plantar flexion movements are involved in raising the heel from the ground during gait and calf-raise. In both movements, the trajectory of the maximum point of planter pressure is especially affected by a balance of the activities of the peroneus longus and tibialis posterior muscles, which control inversion and eversion of the calcaneal bone. This study aimed to clarify the relationship between the activities of the peroneus longus and tibialis posterior muscles in raising the heel from the ground during gait and calf-raise. Subjects (5 male, 18 female, aged 22.1±1.4 years) were examined using surface electromyography during gait and calf-raise, which showed the peroneus longus and tibialis posterior muscle activities and their ratio(the peroneus longus muscle activity/the tibialis posterior muscle activity). We calculated the root mean square during the time that the heel was raised from the ground during gait and calf-raise, and root mean square during gait and calf-raise to standing. The results showed that the peroneus longus muscle activity and the ratio between this and tibialis posterior muscle activity that take place from the time the calcaneal bone leaves the ground to when there is maximum planter pressure at the head of metatarsal bones during gait, correlate with muscle activity and ratio during calf-raise. In other words, the greater the peroneus longus muscle activity, the greater the ratio between it and the tibialis posterior in plantar flexion during gait, and the greater these activities and the ratio in plantar flexion during calf-raising. As a result, it can be considered that the location of the maximum point of planter pressure during gait is related to that during calf-raising. Further research is needed to clarify the relationship between the distribution of planter pressure during the gait, and that during calf-raising

    Exocrine tissue-driven TFF2 prevents apoptotic cell death of endocrine lineage during pancreas organogenesis

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    During embryogenesis, exocrine and endocrine pancreatic tissues are formed in distinct regions within the branched ductal structure in mice. We previously reported that exocrine-specific inactivation of Pdx1 by Elastase-Cre caused not only hypoplastic exocrine formation but also substantial endocrine defects resulting in diabetic phenotype, indicating the existence of an exocrine-driven factor(s) that regulates proper endocrine development. In this study, we identified Trefoil Factor 2 (TFF2) as an exocrine gene expressed from embryonic day 16.5 to adulthood in normal mice but significantly less in our Pdx1 mutants. Using in vitro explant culture of embryonic pancreatic tissue, we demonstrated that TFF2 prevented the apoptosis of insulin-producing cells but that antagonizing CXCR4, a known TFF2 receptor, suppressed this anti-apoptotic effect in the mutants. Furthermore, the antagonist in normal pancreatic tissue accelerated the apoptosis of insulin-producing cells, indicating that the TFF2/CXCR4 axis maintains embryonic insulin-producing cells in normal development. TFF2 also suppressed the apoptosis of Nkx6.1+ endocrine precursors in mutant pancreata, but this effect was unperturbed by the CXCR4 antagonist, suggesting the existence of an unknown receptor for TFF2. These findings suggest TFF2 is a novel exocrine factor that supports the survival of endocrine cells in the multiple stages of organogenesis through distinct receptors