108 research outputs found
Η χρονολόγηση με βάση μικροπαλαιοντολογικά δεδομένα, των ιζηματογενών καλυμμάτων των οφιολίθων είναι ιδιαίτερης σημασίας για την κατανόηση της παλαιογεωγραφικής και γεωδυναμικής εξέλιξης των περιοχών της Τηθύος. Η οφιολιθική ακολουθία του Stepanavan στη Βόρεια Αρμενία συνίσταται από περιδοτίτες, γάββρους, πλαγιογρανίτες και λάβες και ιζηματογενή καλύματα ραδιολαριτών. Θεωρείται ως η βόρεια επέκταση της οφιολιθικής ζώνης Sevan Akera και η ανατολική επέκταση της ζώνης Izmir-Ankara. Αντιπροσωπεύει κατάλοιπο μιας βραδέως εκτεινόμενης μεσο-ωκεάνιας ράχης, που ήταν ενεργή μεταξύ της Ευρασίας και του νότιου Αρμενικού τεμάχους γκοντβανικής προέλευσης. Τα ραδιολάρια που εξετάστηκαν από τους ραδιολαρίτες στην περιοχή της οφιολιθικής ακολουθίας του Stepanavan πιστοποιούν για πρώτη φορά ηλικία Ανώτερου Ιουρασικού (ανώτερο Κιμμερίδιο έως κατώτερο Τιθώνιο) προσδίδοντας ηλικία για αυτό το τμήμα του ωκεάνιου φλοιού της Τηθύος που παρατηρείται στο Lesser Caucasus.Micropalaeontological age evidence for the sedimentary cover of ophiolites is important to understand the palaeogeographic and geodynamic evolution of Tethyan realms. The Stepanavan ophiolitic suite of Northern Armenia consists of peridotites, gabbros, plagiogranite and lavas with a radiolarite sedimentary cover. It is regarded as the northern extension of the Sevan Akera ophiolitic zone and may be considered as the eastern extension of the Izmir-Ankara suture zone. It represents the relics of a slow-spreading mid oceanic ridge that was active between Eurasia and the South-Armenian Block of Gondwanian origin. Radiolaria extracted from radiolarites of the Stepanavan ophiolite provide for the first time a Late Jurassic (late Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian) age constraint for this part of Tethyan oceanic crust preserved in Lesser Caucasus
Offshore Oligo-Miocene volcanic fields within the Corsica-Liguria Basin: Magmatic diversity and slab evolution in the western Mediterranean Sea
International audienceThe European and Corsica-Sardinia margins of the Ligurian Sea (western Mediterranean) have been affected by a geochemically diverse igneous activity, offshore and onshore, since the Eocene. This magmatism occurred in a global subduction-related framework. On the European side, the oldest Tertiary magmatism dated at ca. 35 Ma was mainly calc-alkaline. It included the emplacement of plutonic bodies of adakitic affinity, such as the quartz microdiorite laccolith locally referred to as "esterellite". Younger magmatic events on-land within the whole Ligurian domain were mostly medium-K or K-rich calc-alkaline. Miocene volcanic activity was important in Sardinia, where andesites and ignimbrites were erupted during several magmatic cycles. In Corsica, it was minor although it emplaced lamprophyres near Sisco at 15 Ma. Dredging and diving cruises conducted in the Ligurian Sea during the last thirty years allowed us to collect a number of submarine samples. We discuss here their geochemistry (major and trace elements) and their whole-rock K-Ar ages and mineral 40Ar-39Ar plateau ages. Around 15 Ma, minor amounts of adakitic lavas were emplaced off southwestern Corsica, in the deepest part of the Liguria-Corsica Basin. They rested over the thinnest southwestern Corsica Hercynian continental crust. Closer to the coast, contemporaneous calc-alkaline rocks erupted on a less thinned crust. The adakitic events could be indicative of either the final stages of active subduction, or alternatively of a slab tearing linked to the southeastern retreat and steepening of the slab. The latter event could be connected with the end of the Corsica-Sardinia block drifting and its correlative eastern collision. Younger volcanic effusions, dated at 14-6 Ma, occurred mostly northwest and north of Corsica. K-rich calc-alkaline basalts, shoshonites and K-rich trachytes were emplaced during this period, and alkali basalts erupted as early as 12 Ma in Sardinia. In the Toulon area, alkali basalts dated at 7-6 Ma represent the last onshore activity just before the Messinian crisis, and the Pliocene alkali basaltic outpouring in Sardinia. We propose to link these latter volcanic events to the development of a slab window in a post-collisional tectonic framework
Seabeam and seismic reflection imaging of the tectonic regime of the Andean continental margin off Peru (4°S to 10°S)
Suite à une campagne géophysique réalisée au large de la côte du Perou (croisière Seaperc du R/V "Jean Charcot", juillet 1986), les auteurs proposent une nouvelle interprétation des structures caractérisant la pente continentale de la région étudiée. D'autre part, ils considèrent que cette marge active est une marge active en extension ou bien une marge d'effondrement qui développe un complexe d'accrétion induit par les effondrements de la partie médiane de la pente
De la faille alpine à la fosse de Puysegur (Nouvelle-Zélande) : résultats de la campagne de cartographie multifaisceaux GEODYNZ-SUD, Leg 2
Le Leg 2 de la campagne GEODYNZ-SUD, menée au SW de la Nouvelle-Zélande, a permis de reconnaître les structures qui accompagnent du Nord au Sud le passage de la faille alpine à la subduction oblique sous la marge du Fiodland, puis à celle naissante, intra-océanique sous la ride de Macquarie. Au Nord et au-dessus de la plaque australienne subductée vers l'Est, un faisceau longitudinal de décrochements converge vers le système transpressif de la faille alpine en découpant la marge continentale. Au Sud, la déformation décrochante est strictement localisée au sommet de la ride de Macquarie. (Résumé d'auteur
The Thickness of the Mantle Lithosphere and Collision-Related Volcanism in the Lesser Caucasus
The Lesser Caucasus mountains sit on a transition within the Arabia–Eurasia collision zone between very thin lithosphere (<100 km) to the west, under Eastern Anatolia, and a very thick lithospheric root (up to 200 km) in the east, under western Iran. A transect of volcanic highlands running from NW to SE in the Lesser Caucasus allows us to look at the effects of lithosphere thickness variations on the geochemistry of volcanic rocks in this continental collision zone. Volcanic rocks from across the region show a wide compositional range from basanites to rhyolites, and have arc-like geochemical characteristics, typified by ubiquitous negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Magmatic rocks from the SE, where the lithosphere is thought to be thicker, are more enriched in incompatible trace elements, especially the light rare earth elements, Sr and P. They also have more radiogenic ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr, and less radiogenic ¹⁴³Nd/¹⁴⁴Nd. Across the region, there is no correlation between SiO₂ content and Sr–Nd isotope ratios, revealing a lack of crustal contamination. Instead, ‘spiky’ mid-ocean ridge basalt normalized trace element patterns are the result of derivation from a subduction-modified mantle source, which probably inherited its subduction component from subduction of the Tethys Ocean prior to the onset of continent–continent collision in the late Miocene. In addition to the more isotopically enriched mantle source, modelling of non-modal batch melting suggests lower degrees of melting and the involvement of garnet as a residual phase in the SE. Melt thermobarometry calculations based on bulk-rock major elements confirm that melting in the SE must occur at greater depths in the mantle. Temperatures of melting below 1200°C, along with the subduction-modified source, suggest that melting occurred within the lithosphere. It is proposed that in the northern Lesser Caucasus this melting occurs close to the base of the very thin lithosphere (at a depth of ∼45 km) as a result of small-scale delamination. A striking similarity between the conditions of melting in NW Iran and the southern Lesser Caucasus (two regions between which the difference in lithosphere thickness is ∼100 km) suggests a common mechanism of melt generation in the mid-lithosphere (∼75 km). The southern Lesser Caucasus magmas result from mixing between partial melts of deep lithosphere (∼120 km in the south) and mid-lithosphere sources to give a composition intermediate between magmas from the northern Lesser Caucasus and NW Iran. The mid-lithosphere magma source has a distinct composition compared with the base of the lithosphere, which is argued to be the result of the increased retention of metasomatic components in phases such as apatite and amphibole, which are stabilized by lower temperatures prior to magma generation
From seafloor spreading to obduction: Jurassic–Cretaceous evolution of the northern branch of the Neotethys in the Northeastern Anatolian and Lesser Caucasus regions
International audienceWe present arguments for an innovative tectonic set-up just prior to the Northern Neotethys obduction event in the NE Anatolian and Lesser Caucasus area. Along the Northern Neotethyan suture (the Ankara–Erzincan–Amasia–Sevan–Akera suture zone), relicts of the northern branch of the Neotethys oceanic domain outcrop as preserved unmetamorphosed slivers obducted over the northern edge of the South Armenian Block (SAB) and Taurides–Anatolides Platform (TAP) margins. Recent studies have shown that the ophiolitic bodies are formed of similar lithologies of Middle Jurassic age, all bearing mid-ocean ridge basalt chemical compositions enriched in large ion lithophile elements. This extensive database supports a model in which these ophiolites are derived from a single obducted nappe. This model is supported by the metamorphic pressure–temperature–time paths of the sole lithologies under the outcrops of the suture zone ophiolites. Palaeontological dating of sediment deposits directly under or sealing the obduction contact also support this model by temporally linking the emplacement of distant ophiolite outcrops. General emplacement during early Late Cretaceous time has been determined. A south-dipping subduction under the SAB shortly predating obduction has recently been proposed from the metamorphic and magmatic evolution preserved in the SAB crystalline basement, founding a model featuring opposite-direction subduction from at least late Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous times. The emplacement of alkaline pillow basalts directly on the oceanic crust is dated as Early to mid-Cretaceous. These dates argue the existence of abnormal mantle heat flows which may be responsible for a decrease in the density of the 80 Ma-old oceanic lithosphere prior to its obduction onto the SAB–TAP. We present a detailed review of recent data to further constrain the structural and geodynamic evolution of this sector and to define the tectonic set-up just prior to the obduction event
Obduction of old oceanic lithosphere due to reheating and plate reorganization: Insights from numerical modelling and the NE Anatolia – Lesser Caucasus case example,
International audienceThe ophiolites of NE Anatolia and of the Lesser Caucasus (NALC) evidence an obduction over ∼200 km of oceanic lithosphere of Middle Jurassic age (c. 175–165 Ma) along an entire tectonic boundary (>1000 km) at around 90 Ma. The obduction process is characterized by four first order geological constraints:(1) Ophiolites represent remnants of a single ophiolite nappe currently of only a few kilometres thick and 200 km long. The oceanic crust was old (∼80 Ma) at the time of its obduction.(2) The presence of OIB-type magmatism emplaced up to 10 Ma prior to obduction preserved on top of the ophiolites is indicative of mantle upwelling processes (hotspot).(3) The leading edge of the Taurides-Anatolides, represented by the South Armenian Block, did not experience pressures exceeding 0.8 GPa nor temperatures greater than ∼300 °C during underthrusting below the obducting oceanic lithosphere.(4) An oceanic domain of a maximum 1000 km (from north to south) remained between Taurides-Anatolides and Pontides-Southern Eurasian Margin after the obduction.We employ two-dimensional thermo-mechanical numerical modelling in order to investigate obduction dynamics of a re-heated oceanic lithosphere. Our results suggest that thermal rejuvenation (i.e. reheating) of the oceanic domain, tectonic compression, and the structure of the passive margin are essential ingredients for enabling obduction. Afterwards, extension induced by far-field plate kinematics (subduction below Southern Eurasian Margin), facilitates the thinning of the ophiolite, the transport of the ophiolite on the continental domain, and the exhumation of continental basement through the ophiolite. The combined action of thermal rejuvenation and compression are ascribed to a major change in tectonic motions occurring at 110–90 Ma, which led to simultaneous obductions in the Oman (Arabia) and NALC regions
Lithological nature of the subduction channel: Insights from the Karabakh suture zone (Lesser Caucasus) and general comparisons,
International audienceThe lithological nature of major interplate boundaries is estimated by a field analysis of a well preserved exhumed subduction channel in the Caucasus Karabakh region. From this field example the subduction channel is a narrow geological object of about 500 m width formed at approximate depth of 10 km along an Andean-type subduction zone. It is comprised by an upper ‘sedimentary’ channel formed by an upper section of detrital and volcanic rocks thrusted on top of pelagic sediments scrapped off the oceanic floor. This sedimentary mélange is thrusted on top of an intensely deformed tectonic mélange. The tectonic mélange comprises blocks of basalt from the oceanic floor and a focussed deformation zone 50–100 m in width. This zone is mainly formed by mud-supported conglomerates exhibiting a chlorite + carbonate matrix with blocks of basalt, cross-cut by numerous chlorite-carbonate-epidote-albite veins. It overlies an undeformed ocean floor section. Superposed chlorite- and calcite-bearing veins in the mélange evidence high fluid:rock ratios of 0.3–2.3, with varied δ18O and δ13C isotopic ratios (+17 < δ18O < +25‰; −7 < δ13C < +4‰), which agrees with fluid mixing between pelagic sediments and a hydrothermal component at temperatures ranging from 120 to 400 °C, and thus mixing between deep and shallow reservoirs along the subduction interface. These data show that the several fluid reservoirs situated along the interplate boundary could have been connected by high-magnitude co-seismic displacements along the subduction zone. These subduction channel features are confronted to other similar fossil examples and current settings, such as the Andes accretionary prism to propose a reconstructed geometry of the interplate contact zone from the surface to the base of the crust
Tectonic controls on the sedimentary filling of the Tumaco–Borbon forearc basin, Southern Colombia and Northern Ecuador during the last 30 my
International audienc
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