31 research outputs found

    Imaging nuclear, endoplasmic reticulum, and plasma membrane events in real time

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    Live cell imaging can provide important information on cellular dynamics; however, the full utilisation of this technology has been hampered by the limitations of imaging reagents. Metal-based complexes have the potential to overcome many of the issues common to many current imaging agents. The rhenium (I)-based complex fac-[Re(CO)3(1,10-phenanthroline)(4-pyridyltetrazolate)], herein referred to as ReZolve-ERâ„¢, shows promise as a live cell imaging agent with rapid cell uptake, low cytotoxicity, resistance to photobleaching and compatibility with multicolour imaging. ReZolve-ERâ„¢ localised to the nuclear membrane/endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and allowed the detection of exocytotic events at the plasma membrane. Thus, we present a new imaging agent for monitoring live cell events in real time, which is ideal for imaging either short- or long-time courses

    CDKI-73 is a novel pharmacological inhibitor of Rab11 cargo delivery and innate immune secretion

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    Innate immunity is critical for host defence against pathogen and environmental challenge and this involves the production and secretion of immune mediators, such as antimicrobial peptides and pro-inflammatory cytokines. However, when dysregulated, innate immunity can contribute to multifactorial diseases, including inflammatory rheumatic disorders, type 2 diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases and even septic shock. During an innate immune response, antimicrobial peptides and cytokines are trafficked via Rab11 multivesicular endosomes, and then sorted into Rab11 vesicles for traffic to the plasma membrane and secretion. In this study, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor CDKI-73 was used to determine its effect on the innate immune response, based on previously identified targets for this compound. Our results showed that CDKI-73 inhibited the delivery of Rab11 vesicles to the plasma membrane, resulting in the accumulation of large multivesicular Rab11 endosomes near the cell periphery. In addition to the effect on endosome delivery, CDKI-73 down-regulated the amount of innate immune cargo, including the antimicrobial peptide Drosomycin and pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). We concluded that CDKI-73 has the potential to regulate the delivery and secretion of certain innate immune cargo, which could be used to control inflammation.Alexandra Sorvina, Tetyana Shandala, Shudong Wang, David J. Sharkey, Emma Parkinson-Lawrence, Stavros Selemidis and Douglas A. Brook

    Investigating Intracellular Localisation and Cytotoxicity Trends for Neutral and Cationic Iridium Tetrazolato Complexes in Live Cells

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    A family of five neutral cyclometalated iridium(III) tetrazolato complexes and their methylated cationic analogues have been synthesised and characterised. The complexes are distinguished by variations of the substituents or degree of p conjugation on either the phenylpyridine or tetrazolato ligands. The photophysical properties of these species have been evaluated in organic and aqueous media, revealing predominantly a solvatochromic emission originating from mixed metal-to-ligand and ligand-to-ligand charge transfer excited states of triplet multiplicity. These emissions are characterised by typically long excited-state lifetimes (~hundreds of ns), and quantum yields around 5-10% in aqueous media. Methylation of the complexes caused a systematic red-shift of the emission profiles. The behaviour and the effects of the different complexes were then examined in cells. The neutral species localised mostly in the endoplasmic reticulum and lipid droplets, whereas the majority of the cationic complexes localised in the mitochondria. The amount of complexes found within cells does not depend on lipophilicity, which potentially suggests diverse uptake mechanisms. Methylated analogues were found to be more cytotoxic compared to the neutral species, a behaviour that might to be linked to a combination of uptake and intracellular localisation

    A paradigm in immunochemistry, revealed by monoclonal antibodies to spatially distinct epitopes on Syntenin-1

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    Syntenin-1 is an essential multi-functional adaptor protein, which has multiple roles in membrane trafficking and exosome biogenesis, as well as scaffolding interactions with either the actin cytoskeleton or focal adhesions. However, how this functional multiplicity relates to syntenin-1 distribution in different endosome compartments or other intracellular locations and its underlying involvement in cancer pathogenesis have yet to be fully defined. To help facilitate the investigation of syntenin-1 biology, we developed two specific monoclonal antibodies (Synt-2C6 and Synt-3A11) to spatially distinct linear sequence epitopes on syntenin-1, which were each designed to be unique at the six-amino acid level. These antibodies produced very different intracellular staining patterns, with Synt-2C6 detecting endosomes and Synt-3A11 producing a fibrillar staining pattern suggesting a cytoskeletal localisation. Treatment of cells with Nocodazole altered the intracellular localisation of Synt-3A11, which was consistent with the syntenin-1 protein interacting with microtubules. In prostate tissue biopsies, Synt-3A11 defined atrophy and early-stage prostate cancer, whereas Synt-2C6 only showed minimal interaction with atrophic tissue. This highlights a critical need for site-specific antibodies and a knowledge of their reactivity to define differential protein distributions, interactions and functions, which may differ between normal and malignant cells.Ian R. D. Johnson, Alexandra Sorvina, Jessica M. Logan, Courtney R. Moore, Jessica K. Heatlie, Emma J. Parkinson-Lawrence, Stavros Selemidis, John J. O’Leary, Lisa M. Butler and Douglas A. Brook

    Prediction of Prostate Cancer Biochemical and Clinical Recurrence Is Improved by IHC-Assisted Grading Using Appl1, Sortilin and Syndecan-1.

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    Gleason scoring is used within a five-tier risk stratification system to guide therapeutic decisions for patients with prostate cancer. This study aimed to compare the predictive performance of routine H&E or biomarker-assisted ISUP (International Society of Urological Pathology) grade grouping for assessing the risk of biochemical recurrence (BCR) and clinical recurrence (CR) in patients with prostate cancer. This retrospective study was an assessment of 114 men with prostate cancer who provided radical prostatectomy samples to the Australian Prostate Cancer Bioresource between 2006 and 2014. The prediction of CR was the primary outcome (median time to CR 79.8 months), and BCR was assessed as a secondary outcome (median time to BCR 41.7 months). The associations of (1) H&E ISUP grade groups and (2) modified ISUP grade groups informed by the Appl1, Sortilin and Syndecan-1 immunohistochemistry (IHC) labelling were modelled with BCR and CR using Cox proportional hazard approaches. IHC-assisted grading was more predictive than H&E for BCR (C-statistic 0.63 vs. 0.59) and CR (C-statistic 0.71 vs. 0.66). On adjusted analysis, IHC-assisted ISUP grading was independently associated with both outcome measures. IHC-assisted ISUP grading using the biomarker panel was an independent predictor of individual BCR and CR. Prospective studies are needed to further validate this biomarker technology and to define BCR and CR associations in real-world cohorts.Jessica M. Logan ... Lisa M. Butler ... Douglas A. Brooks ... et al

    Drosophila Pkaap regulates Rab4/Rab11-dependent traffic and Rab11 exocytosis of innate immune cargo

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    The secretion of immune-mediators is a critical step in the host innate immune response to pathogen invasion, and Rab GTPases have an important role in the regulation of this process. Rab4/Rab11 recycling endosomes are involved in the sorting of immune-mediators into specialist Rab11 vesicles that can traffic this cargo to the plasma membrane; however, how this sequential delivery process is regulated has yet to be fully defined. Here, we report that Drosophila Pkaap, an orthologue of the human dual-specific A-kinase-anchoring protein 2 or D-AKAP2 (also called AKAP10), appeared to have a nucleotide-dependent localisation to Rab4 and Rab11 endosomes. RNAi silencing of pkaap altered Rab4/Rab11 recycling endosome morphology, suggesting that Pkaap functions in cargo sorting and delivery in the secretory pathway. The depletion of pkaap also had a direct effect on Rab11 vesicle exocytosis and the secretion of the antimicrobial peptide Drosomycin at the plasma membrane. We propose that Pkaap has a dual role in antimicrobial peptide traffic and exocytosis, making it an essential component for the secretion of inflammatory mediators and the defence of the host against pathogens

    Label-free imaging of healthy and infarcted fetal sheep hearts by two-photon microscopy

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    Coronary heart disease is one of the largest causes of death worldwide, making this a significant health care issue. A critical problem for the adult human heart is that it does not undergo effective repair in response to damage, leaving patients with a poor prognosis. Unlike the adult, fetal hearts have the ability to repair after myocardial damage. Using two-photon microscopy, we have visualised the morphological and metabolic changes following myocardial infarction in sheep fetuses, to characterise response to cardiac injury in a mammalian model. Following myocardial infarction, fetal hearts showed no significant increase in collagen deposition in the region of the infarction, when compared to either the surrounding tissue or shams. In contrast, metabolic activity (i. e. NAD(P)H and FAD) was significantly reduced in the region of myocardial infarction, when compared to either the surrounding tissue or sham hearts. For comparison, we also imaged two hearts from preadolescent sheep (sham and myocardial infarction) and showed highly ordered collagen deposition with decreased metabolic activity within the infarcted area. Therefore, two-photon imaging had the capacity to image both morphological and metabolic changes in response to myocardial infarction and showed differences in the response with age. Picture: Two-photon imaging of myocardial infarction (b and d) enabled the visualisation of increased collagen (blue; Em=431 nm) and changes in other tissue autofluorescence (green; Em=489-606 nm) in fetal (a and b) and preadolescent (c and d) hearts, compared to shams (a and c). The excitation wavelength was 840 nm. Scale bars: 10 μm.Alexandra Sorvina, Christie A. Bader, Mitchell C. Lock, Douglas A. Brooks, Janna L. Morrison, Sally E. Plus

    Imaging and lipidomics methods for lipid analysis in metabolic and cardiovascular disease

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    Australian Perspectives: Outcomes from the 2016 ANZ DOHaD Scientific MeetingCardiometabolic diseases exhibit changes in lipid biology, which is important as lipids have critical roles in membrane architecture, signalling, hormone synthesis, homoeostasis and metabolism. However, Developmental Origins of Health and Disease studies of cardiometabolic disease rarely include analysis of lipids. This short review highlights some examples of lipid pathology and then explores the technology available for analysing lipids, focussing on the need to develop imaging modalities for intracellular lipids. Analytical methods for studying interactions between the complex endocrine and intracellular signalling pathways that regulate lipid metabolism have been critical in expanding our understanding of how cardiometabolic diseases develop in association with obesity and dietary factors. Biochemical methods can be used to generate detailed lipid profiles to establish links between lifestyle factors and metabolic signalling pathways and determine how changes in specific lipid subtypes in plasma and homogenized tissue are associated with disease progression. New imaging modalities enable the specific visualization of intracellular lipid traffic and distribution in situ. These techniques provide a dynamic picture of the interactions between lipid storage, mobilization and signalling, which operate during normal cell function and are altered in many important diseases. The development of methods for imaging intracellular lipids can provide a dynamic real-time picture of how lipids are involved in complex signalling and other cell biology pathways; and how they ultimately regulate metabolic function/homoeostasis during early development. Some imaging modalities have the potential to be adapted for in vivo applications, and may enable the direct visualization of progression of pathogenesis of cardiometabolic disease after poor growth in early life.K. G. Stevens, C. A. Bader, A. Sorvina, D. A. Brooks, S. E. Plush and J. L. Morriso