720 research outputs found

    Role of the Digital for the Third Sector in the Campania Region (Italy): From the Side of Research to the Side of the Objects in the Aftermath of the COVID-19Pandemic

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    This paper aims to investigate the role of the digital in facing the social and practical impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on particularly fragile and affected realities, Third Sector Organizations (TSO), in a context pervaded by structural and socio-economic weaknesses, the Campania Region in south Italy. It analyzes the digital object as: 1. a process - digitization/digitalization and digital transformation, 2. as a scenario - in which identities, activities, and alternative spaces of use or data collection transit and are constructed, and as 3. skills and capabilities - as social capital and value. This re-framing work is intended to be a useful tool for reflecting on the role of digital in research processes, while also offering a contribution to the debate on the Third Sector in contexts of crisis, such as the one generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, that impact its existence, activity, shape, and perspectives

    The role of scientific expertise in COVID-19 policymaking:evidence from four European countries

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    Immense uncertainty and the need for drastic interventions cause politicians to rely heavily on scientific advice for underpinning or legitimating their COVID-19 decision-making. This paper explores the role of scientific advice in this policy field in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK. It shows that scientific advice is based on the disciplinary, mainly medical, back-grounds of advisors but is also influenced by social and economic values, which are core to what politicians find important. During the pandemic, a growing gap between scientific advice and political decisions is observed

    Integrating gender medicine into the workplace health and safety policy in the scientific research institutions: a mandatory task

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    Background. Gender medicine is a multi-faceted field of investigation integrating various aspects of psycho-social and biological sciences but it mainly deals with the impact of the gender on human physiology, pathophysiology, and clinical features of diseases. In Italy, the Decree Law 81/2008 recently introduced the gender issue in the risk assessment at the workplaces. aims. This review briefly describes our current knowledge on gender medicine and on the Italian legislation in risk management. Conclusions. Public or private scientific institutions should be the first to pay attention to the safety of their workers, who are simultaneously subjected to biological, chemical and physical agents. Main tasks of risk manage - ment in scientific research institutions are here analyzed and discussed in a gender perspective

    Gender issues on occupational safety and health

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    The increasing proportion of women in the workforce raises a range of gender-related questions about the different effects of work-related risks on men and women. Few studies have characterized gender differences across occupations and industries, although at this time, the gender sensitive approach is starting to acquire relevance in the field of human preventive medicine. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has encouraged a policy of gender equality in all European member states. Italy has adopted European provisions with new specific legislation that integrates the previous laws and introduces the gender differences into the workplace. Despite the fact that gender equal legislation opportunities have been enacted in Italy, their application is delayed by some difficulties. This review examines some of these critical aspects

    Exploration and learning in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.): the role of action-outcome contingencies

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    Animals have a strong propensity to explore the environment. Spontaneous exploration has a great biological significance since it allows animals to discover and learn the relation between specific behaviours and their consequences. The role of the contingency between action and outcome for learning has been mainly investigated in instrumental learning settings and much less in free exploration contexts. We tested 16 capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) with a mechatronic platform that allowed complex modules to be manipulated and to produce different outcomes. Experimental subjects could manipulate the modules and discover the contingencies between their own specific actions and the outcomes produced (i.e., the opening and lighting of a box). By contrast, Control subjects could operate on the modules, but the outcomes experienced were those performed by their paired Experimental subjects (\u27\u27yoked-control\u27\u27 paradigm). In the exploration phase, in which no food reward was present, Experimental subjects spent more time on the board and manipulated the modules more than Yoked subjects. Experimental subjects outperformed Yoked subjects in the following test phase, where success required recalling the effective action so to open the box, now baited with food. These findings demonstrate that the opportunity to experience action-outcome contingencies in the absence of extrinsic rewards promotes capuchins\u27 exploration and facilitates learning processes. Thus, this intrinsically motivated learning represents a powerful mechanism allowing the acquisition of skills and cognitive competence that the individual can later exploit for adaptive purposes

    Becoming adults: Exploring the late ontogeny of the human talus

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    Introduction: The talus plays an important role in receiving and dissipating the forces and linking the leg and the foot. As such, it is of paramount importance to analyze how its morphology, internal and external, changes during late ontogeny and through adolescence. Method: To explore both the external shape and the internal architecture of the talus, Geometric Morphometrics and trabecular analysis have been applied to a sample of 35 tali from modern human juveniles aged between 5 and 15 years old (Middle Neolithic (4800-4500 BCE) to mid-20th century). Results: Results show that, as the overall size of the talus increases, the shape and orientation of talar facets also change. The youngest individuals exhibit a functional talus that is still characterized by a relatively immature shape (e.g., subtly expressed margins of articular surfaces) with articular facets only minimally rotated towards an adult configuration. In adolescents, talar shape has achieved adult form after the age of 11, with all the articular facets and posterior processes well-developed. Considering internal morphology, trabecular bone varies between age classes. While Bone Volume Fraction shifts during the age 5-15 range, Degree of Anisotropy is relatively more stable over the developmental period examined in the study since it exhibits smaller variations between age classes. Discussion: This study examined the late ontogeny of the human talus by considering both internal and external morphology. Results suggest that, although the locomotion has already assumed an adult-like pattern, the exploration of late talar growth may help understand how the talus adapts to changes in locomotor activity and how it responds to the increase in weight. Present results can be used to a better understanding of talar plasticity, improving interpretations of adult human talar form

    New insights on Celtic migration in Hungary and Italy through the analysis of non-metric dental traits

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    The Iron Age is characterized by an extended interweaving of movements by Celts in Europe. Several waves of Celts from Western and Central Europe migrated southeast and west from the core area of the La Téne culture (between Bourgogne and Bohemia). Through the analysis of non-metric dental traits, this work aims to understand the biological relationship among Celtic groups arrived in Italy and the Carpathian Basin, as well as between local populations and Celtic newcomers. A total of 10 non-metric dental traits were analyzed to evaluate biological affinities among Celts (Sopron-Krautacker and Pilismarót-Basaharc) and Scythians-related populations from Hungary (Tápiószele), Celts from continental Europe (Switzerland and Austria), two Iron Age Etruscan-Celtic sites from northern Italy (Monterenzio Vecchio and Monte Bibele), 13 Iron Age central-southern Italic necropolises, and the northern Italian Bronze Age necropolis of Scalvinetto. Strontium isotopes were measured on individuals from the necropolis of Monte Bibele to infer their local or non-local origin. Results highlight the existence of statistically significant differences between Celts and autochthonous Italian groups. Celtic groups from Hungary and Italy (i.e., non-local individuals of Monterenzio Vecchio and Monte Bibele) share a similar biological background, supporting the historical records mentioning a common origin for Celts migrated to the eastern and southern borders of today’s Europe. The presence of a supposed Steppean ancestry both in Celts from Hungary and Celts from northern Italy corroborates the hypothesis of the existence of a westward migration of individuals and genes from the Steppe towards northern Italy during the Bronze and Iron Age, which contributed to the biological variability of pre-Celtic and later Celtic populations, respectively. Conversely, individuals from central-southern Italy show an autochthonous pre-Iron Age background. Lastly, this work supports the existence of Celtic migratory routes in northern Italy, as shown by biological and cultural admixture between Celts and Italics living together.E.P. was funded from the Erasmus+ Traineeship Program/KA103, Agreement n. 2020-1-IT02-KA103-078332. T.H. and K.G. were supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (FK128013), the Bolyai Scholarship granted by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the ÚNKP-22-5 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Culture and Innovation from the source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Empirical experiments on intrinsic motivations and action acquisition: results, evaluation, and redefinition

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    This document presents Deliverable D3.2 of the EU-funded Integrated Project "IM-CLeVeR - Intrinsically Motivated Cumulative Learning Versatile Robots", contract n. FP7-ICT-IP-231722.The aims of the deliverable, as given in the original IM-CLEVER proposal were to identify new key empirical phenomena and processes, allowing the design of a second set of experiments. This report covers: (1) novelty detection and discovery of when/what/how of agency in experiments with humans ("joystick experiment") and Parkinson patients. (2) how object properties that stimulate intrinsically motivated interaction and facilitate the acquisition of adaptive knowledge and skills in monkeys and children ("board experiment")

    Unravelling biocultural population structure in 4th/3rd century BC Monterenzio Vecchio (Bologna, Italy) through a comparative analysis of strontium isotopes, non-metric dental evidence, and funerary practices

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    The 4th century BC marks the main entrance of Celtic populations in northern Italy. Their arrival has been suggested based on the presence of Celtic customs in Etruscan mortuary contexts, yet up to now few bioarchaeological data have been examined to support or reject the arrival of these newcomers. Here we use strontium isotopes, non-metric dental traits and funerary patterns to unravel the biocultural structure of the necropolis of Monterenzio Vecchio (Bologna, Italy). Subsamples of our total sample of 38 individuals were analyzed based on different criteria characterizing the following analyses: 1) strontium isotope analysis to investigate migratory patterns and provenance; 2) non-metric dental traits to establish biological relationships between Monterenzio Vecchio, 13 Italian Iron age necropolises and three continental and non-continental Celtic necropolises; 3) grave goods which were statistically explored to detect possible patterns of cultural variability. The strontium isotopes results indicate the presence of local and non-local individuals, with some revealing patterns of mobility. The dental morphology reveals an affinity between Monterenzio Vecchio and Iron Age Italian samples. However, when the Monterenzio Vecchio sample is separated by isotopic results into locals and non-locals, the latter share affinity with the sample of non-continental Celts from Yorkshire (UK). Moreover, systematic analyses demonstrate that ethnic background does not retain measurable impact on the distribution of funerary elements. Our results confirm the migration of Celtic populations in Monterenzio as archaeologically hypothesized on the basis of the grave goods, followed by a high degree of cultural admixture between exogenous and endogenous traits. This contribution shows that combining different methods offers a more comprehensive perspective for the exploration of biocultural processes in past and present populations