17 research outputs found

    Smanjenje zagađenja okoliša izgaranjem mješavine biobutanola u pilot instalaciji za kogeneraciju toplinske i električne energije

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    Increasingly more, on the government agenda meetings is the environmental pollution caused by the large industrialists. In this category, a high percentage, are represented by the existing Power Plants. A new approach in reducing the environmental pollution is producing energy and heat trough cogeneration. At small scale, cogeneration with high efficiency can be achieved with reciprocating internal combustion engines. The following paper highlights the possibility of running a small scale cogeneration plant with reciprocating internal combustion diesel engine with biobutanol blends. Results regarding the efficiency, emissions and energy cost calculations are presented. Final conclusions and discussions are closing the paper.Zagađenje okoliša od strane velikih industrijskih postrojenja je sve češće na dnevnom redu vlada u čitavom svijetu. Veliki postotak ovih industrijskih postrojenja predstavljaju postojeće termocentrale. Novi pristup koji ima kao rezultat smanjenje zagađenja predstavlja kogeneracija toplinske i električne energije. U pilot instalaciji u laboratorijskim uvjetima kogeneracija sa visokim stupnjem iskorištenja može se postići s motorom s unutarnjim izgaranjem. Rad stavlja u prvi plan pilot instalaciju za kogeneraciju s dizel motorom i mješavinom biobutanola kao osnovnim gorivom. Rezultati su predstavljeni kroz stupanj iskorištenja, emisije štetnih plinova i proračun troškova. Na kraju rada su predstavljeni zaključci i završna diskusija

    Integrated Water Hazards Engineering Based on Mapping, Nature-Based and Technical Solutions

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    Climate change is expected to alter average temperature and precipitation values and to increase the variability of precipitation events, which may lead to even more intense and frequent water hazards. Water hazards engineering is the branch of engineering concerned with the application of scientific and engineering principles for protection of human populations from the effects of water hazards; protection of environments, both local and global, from the potentially deleterious effects of water hazards; and improvement of environmental quality for mitigating the negative effects of water hazards. An integrated approach of water hazards engineering based on mapping, nature-based and technical solutions will constitute a feasible solution in the process of adapting to challenges generated by climate changes worldwide. This paper will debate this concept also providing some examples from several European countries.publishedVersio

    WebGIS Solution for Urban Planning Strategies

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    AbstractIn line with the objectives established by the “European capital of culture” initiative, the entire community is involved in embarking socio-economic and infrastructure projects supported by an information platform which ensures efficient data management for the municipality. This platform should provide a good visibility of the candidate city in the context of enhancing the contribution of culture to its long-term development in accordance with its priorities and strategies. In particular, an important role is played by the implementation of a spatial data geoportal at Local Administration level (Timişoara City Hall) to streamline the data workflow and provide easy access to it in order to increase the visibility of cultural and historical heritage of the municipality. The need of this geoportal arises from the fact that Timişoara has the widest architectural heritage area in the country, of important value to both Romania and Europe. The preservation of this cultural heritage is a duty for the authorities and also for the owners. The present paper brings forward proposals and trends in implementation of a dedicated geoportal for the management of heritage objects to complete the existing urban GIS primarily aiming to contribute to fostering the urban planning and the sustainability of the “European capital of culture” project. This geoportal should include the 3D models of the cultural heritage objects for better preservation over time or restauration purposes and offer virtual tourism tours if they are made available by means of webGIS. That is why, the authors propose a webGIS solution in order to make the geoportal available on the City Hall's webpage. The actuality of the paper is given by the fact that preserving cultural heritage and historical sites represents an important issue that must be taken into account when urban planning projects are required for developing the model of urban growth

    Use of Low-Cost Spherical Cameras for the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage Structures into 3D Point Clouds

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    The digitization of Cultural Heritage is an important activity for the protection, management, and conservation of structures of particular historical and architectural interest. In this context, the use of low-cost sensors, especially in the photogrammetric field, represents a major research challenge. In this paper, the use of cameras capable of capturing a 360° scene with a single image was assessed. By using spherical photogrammetry and the algorithm based on the structure from motion and multi-view stereo, it is possible to reconstruct the geometry (point cloud) of an object or structure. In particular, for this experiment, the Ricoh theta SC2 camera was used. The analysis was conducted on two sites: one in the laboratory and another directly in the field for the digitization of a large structure (Colonada in Buziaș, Romania). In the case study of the laboratory, several tests were carried out to identify the best strategy for reconstructing the 3D model of the observed environment. In this environment, the approach that provided the best result in terms of both detail and dimensional accuracy was subsequently applied to the case study of Colonada in Buziaș. In this latter case study, a comparison of the point cloud generated by this low-cost sensor and one performed by a high-performance Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS), showed a difference of 15 centimeters for 80% of the points. In addition, the 3D point cloud obtained from 360° images is rather noisy and unable to construct complex geometries with small dimensions. However, the photogrammetric dataset can be used for the reconstruction of a virtual tour for the documentation and dissemination of Cultural Heritage

    Geodetic studies with significant contribution to landslide monitoring in south-western Romania – area with high risk potential

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    Cilj rada je upoznavanje s geodetskim istraživanjima koja su usko povezana s modeliranjem odrona zemlje i moraju se primijeniti za trajno nadziranje područja u kojima dolazi do geomorfoloških opasnosti. Iako se ponekad nedovoljno cijeni doprinos geodeta nekim projektima za nadziranje odrona u svrhu razvoja sustava za rano upozorenje ili izradu karata s prikazom mogućih opasnosti, kako je navedeno u FIG radnoj grupi (2006) [20], i promatra ih se jedino kao dobavljače izmjerenih geometrijskih podataka, njihov je doprinos važan u modeliranju dinamičkih sustava, kao što su strateške konstrukcije (brane, visoke zgrade itd.) ili odroni zemlje te u interpretaciji podataka. Istraživanje ponašanja tijekom vremena nekog objekta zahvaćenog odronom uključuje geodetska mjerenja obavljena u ranije utvrđenim vremenskim intervalima primjenom najsuvremenijih tehnologija, koje omogućuju obradu i pregled tako dobivenih podataka u trodimenzionalnom sustavu. Uz to, cilj je postaviti okvir za oblikovanje i optimizaciju mreža za nadziranje biranjem optimalnih istraživačkih metoda.This paper aims at presenting geodetic studies that are in close connection with landslide modelling and must be used for continuously monitoring the areas affected by geomorphological hazards. Although sometimes the geodesist’s contribution to certain projects for landslide monitoring meant to develop early-warning-systems or risk maps is not adequately appreciated as stated in FIG Working Group (2006) [20] and he is only seen as supplier of measured geometric data, the geodesist has a significant contribution through his abilities regarding the modelling of dynamic systems, like strategic constructions (dams, tall buildings etc.) or landslides and data interpretation The study of how an objective affected by landslides behaves in time implies geodetic measurements performed at pre-set time intervals using state of the art technologies, which allow processing and review of data thus obtained in a three-dimensional system. Moreover, the goal is to set the stage for the shaping and optimization of monitoring networks by choosing the optimal research methods to be used

    Rapid and Accurate Production of 3D Point Cloud via Latest-Generation Sensors in the Field of Cultural Heritage: A Comparison between SLAM and Spherical Videogrammetry

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    The manuscript intends to describe different methodologies for the acquisition, data processing, and identification of strategies aimed at improving the quality of 3D point cloud production using latest-generation sensors in the field of cultural heritage surveying. The point clouds taken into consideration were acquired by passive and active sensors on the Buziaș site, an important historical and architectural structure in Romania. In particular, a spherical camera (Ricoh Theta Z1) was used in order to obtain a video; subsequently, starting from the video, more datasets were extracted and processed in a photogrammetric software based on Structure from Motion and Multi View Stereo algorithms. In addition, a Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) sensor (ZEB Revo RT) was used in order to generate a point cloud. The different point clouds produced were compared with the data obtained through a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) survey. Statistical analyses were carried out to check and validate the results obtained from the comparison between the different techniques and data acquisition methods. The statistical analysis showed that the model obtained with the GeoSLAM was metrically more accurate and detailed than the point cloud generated by the videogrammetric processing highlighted in this study. The paper also analyzes the performance of the three different sensors used, including parameters such as acquisition (timing and ease of use), processing (timing and ease of use), results (accuracy, resolution, and chromatic quality), and costs (instrumental and operator)

    From 3D Point Cloud to an Intelligent Model Set for Cultural Heritage Conservation

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    Cultural heritage conservation demands interdisciplinary and complex documentation and analysis while facing increasing pressure to adopt sustainable and productive practices. This paper bridges these gaps by proposing a methodology and a set of requirements for Building Information Modeling (BIM) models aligned with European directives for sustainability and productivity in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector. Leveraging 3D scanning and intelligent models, we establish information needs specific to conservation, encompassing material properties, historical data, and decay analysis. Interoperability, compatibility with advanced analytical tools, and open-source formats are emphasized for seamless data integration and accessibility. We further introduce two use cases for BIM-enabled heritage conservation, illustrating the application of our proposed methodology in real-world scenarios. These cases exemplify how BIM models cater to the specific needs of cultural heritage sites, from their initial condition assessment to ongoing preservation efforts. Through these examples, we demonstrate the adaptability of BIM technology in capturing and managing the complex information associated with heritage conservation, including structural details, material characteristics, and historical significance. Our work highlights the potential of BIM to revolutionize heritage conservation practices, offering a digital backbone for documentation, analysis, and management that aligns with sustainability and productivity goals

    Protocols for UAS-based observation

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    In Chapter 1 the terms and the characteristics of an unmanned spatial data collection system were defined along with the fields of application, advantages, and disadvantages of different solutions and sensors. This chapter will present an overview of existing protocols and broad guidelines on environmental unmanned aerial system (UAS)-based monitoring, including study design with the general and possible use of the platform and sensor/camera settings, comprising quality assurance (QA) with all necessary steps (i.e., georeferencing, radiometric calibration for optical and thermal sensors, programming the flight mission, and data processing) to fulfill a complete survey mission for a given environmental application. Although the field of UAS-driven data collection represents a multidisciplinary system of rapidly developing science areas, there are many unifying elements and associations in their application. One of the key objectives of this chapter is to provide UAS users with general practical guidance in optimizing the collection and delivery of high-quality output for subsequent analysis and interpretation. Across diverse UAS applications, a general framework can describe work within five interconnected steps (Fig. 2.1) (Tmusic et al., 2020)


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    The land use, in any geographical region, is constantly changing, under the action of natural and/or anthropogenic factors. The changes produced on land use categories can have positive and/or negative consequences on terrestrial ecosystems or can be reflected in the profile of human activities. In this context, the purpose of the research included in this study was to identify the changes produced in time and space in the land use, in the Crisul Alb river basin, over a period of approximately thirty years. Starting from the results obtained, by quantifying the "mobilized" surfaces, an alarm signal was raised on the risks associated with these changes or their benefits were highlighted. In rural areas, in general, but also in the case of the study area, there were situations of afforestation of grasslands, in contact with forestry, the abandonment of fruit plantations and the transition of these lands to other ways of use. On the other hand, in areas with agricultural activities, accessible and better populated, the expansion of arable land and the establishment or "revitalization" of fruit plantations was highlighted, Based on the results obtained in this study, it can be stated that monitoring changes in land use is particularly important in management strategies, at local and regional level

    Spatial data acquisition for traffic lights intersections as a basis for GIS development in Timisoara, Romania

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    The continuous development and the rapid economic growth of Timisoara municipality (western Romania) have contributed to the increase in transport needs. The number of motor vehicles registered by natural persons (125195), and the number of motor vehicles registered by legal entities (35303), results in one motor vehicle per two persons. To these figures are added the commuters, students and tourists who come by car to the city. Thus, the main cause of road traffic is the increasing number of vehicles, day by day. In order to maximize road capacity and speed up the pedestrians’ flow, traffic lights are used at approximately every intersection. As such, the proper use of traffic signals can lead to more efficient traffic management. Due to the evolution in time, technology comes to aid precisely to solve such problems and especially to streamline road traffic issues. Thus, the article presents the workflow that includes identifying the elements of a traffic light intersection, measuring, and processing them, in order to realize a layout plan that can be introduced into a GIS system to manage traffic lights in an intelligent manner. Using GIS (Geographical Information System) technology, the problem of road traffic can be solved appropriately and efficiently. Based on the main characteristics of urban traffic and the efficient, appropriate use of traffic lights, approaching, and treating the information according to the area, its spatial and geographical location through coordinates, GIS technology can be used to solve problems given by the zonal agglomeration of heavy traffic centres, or areas with peak hours. The fluidization of the traffic can ensure better circulation and aeration of the crowded areas and the avoidance of the congestion of some central arteries, especially during rush hours