6 research outputs found

    Definition, aims, and implementation of GA2LEN/HAEi Angioedema Centers of Reference and Excellence

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    La construcción de la democracia en España (1868-2014)

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    La democracia política del Sexenio, la democracia social de la Segunda República o el pacto democrático de la Transición son algunos de los hitos más relevantes de la historia reciente de España. Fruto de un diálogo interdisciplinar entre historiadores e hispanistas especialistas de la civilización, la cultura, la lingüística y la literatura, procedentes de universidades francesas y españolas, este libro constituye un homenaje a la hispanista francesa Marie-Claude Chaput, catedrática emérita de la Universidad Paris Nanterre. En él se Ileva a cabo un examen crítico de los espacios, representaciones, agentes y proyectos democráticos más destacables de la contemporaneidad española.La démocratie politique de la Première République, la démocratie sociale de la Seconde République, ou le pacte démocratique de la transition ont marqué l’histoire récente de l’Espagne. Ce livre est le résultat d’un dialogue interdisciplinaire entre historiens et hispanistes spécialistes de civilisation, de culture, de linguistique et de littérature, venus d’universités françaises et espagnoles. Il rend hommage à l’hispaniste française Marie-Claude Chaput, professeure émérite de l’université Paris Nanterre, et propose un examen critique des espaces, des représentations, des acteurs et des projets démocratiques les plus significatifs de la contemporanéité espagnole

    The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the management and course of chronic urticaria

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically disrupts health care around the globe. The impact of the pandemic on chronic urticaria (CU) and its management are largely unknown. Aim: To understand how CU patients are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; how specialists alter CU patient management; and the course of CU in patients with COVID-19. Materials and Methods: Our cross-sectional, international, questionnaire-based, multicenter UCARE COVID-CU study assessed the impact of the pandemic on patient consultations, remote treatment, changes in medications, and clinical consequences. Results: The COVID-19 pandemic severely impairs CU patient care, with less than 50% of the weekly numbers of patients treated as compared to before the pandemic. Reduced patient referrals and clinic hours were the major reasons. Almost half of responding UCARE physicians were involved in COVID-19 patient care, which negatively impacted on the care of urticaria patients. The rate of face-to-face consultations decreased by 62%, from 90% to less than half, whereas the rate of remote consultations increased by more than 600%, from one in 10 to more than two thirds. Cyclosporine and systemic corticosteroids, but not antihistamines or omalizumab, are used less during the pandemic. CU does not affect the course of COVID-19, but COVID-19 results in CU exacerbation in one of three patients, with higher rates in patients with severe COVID-19. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic brings major changes and challenges for CU patients and their physicians. The long-term consequences of these changes, especially the increased use of remote consultations, require careful evaluation

    The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the management and course of chronic urticaria

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically disrupts health care around the globe. The impact of the pandemic on chronic urticaria (CU) and its management are largely unknown. Aim: To understand how CU patients are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; how specialists alter CU patient management; and the course of CU in patients with COVID-19. Materials and methods: Our cross-sectional, international, questionnaire-based, multicenter UCARE COVID-CU study assessed the impact of the pandemic on patient consultations, remote treatment, changes in medications, and clinical consequences. Results: The COVID-19 pandemic severely impairs CU patient care, with less than 50% of the weekly numbers of patients treated as compared to before the pandemic. Reduced patient referrals and clinic hours were the major reasons. Almost half of responding UCARE physicians were involved in COVID-19 patient care, which negatively impacted on the care of urticaria patients. The rate of face-to-face consultations decreased by 62%, from 90% to less than half, whereas the rate of remote consultations increased by more than 600%, from one in 10 to more than two thirds. Cyclosporine and systemic corticosteroids, but not antihistamines or omalizumab, are used less during the pandemic. CU does not affect the course of COVID-19, but COVID-19 results in CU exacerbation in one of three patients, with higher rates in patients with severe COVID-19. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic brings major changes and challenges for CU patients and their physicians. The long-term consequences of these changes, especially the increased use of remote consultations, require careful evaluation