6,485 research outputs found

    Coherent control of trapped ions using off-resonant lasers

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    In this paper we develop a unified framework to study the coherent control of trapped ions subject to state-dependent forces. Taking different limits in our theory, we can reproduce two different designs of a two-qubit quantum gate --the pushing gate [1] and the fast gates based on laser pulses from Ref. [2]--, and propose a new design based on continuous laser beams. We demonstrate how to simulate Ising Hamiltonians in a many ions setup, and how to create highly entangled states and induce squeezing. Finally, in a detailed analysis we identify the physical limits of this technique and study the dependence of errors on the temperature. [1] J.I. Cirac, P. Zoller, Nature, 404, 579, 2000. [2] J.J. Garcia-Ripoll, P. Zoller, J.I. Cirac, PRL 67, 062318, 200

    Pre-Impoundment Water Quality Study for the Dolores project

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    Pre-Impoundment Water Quality Study for the West Divide Project

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    Introduction: The U.S. Bureas of Reclamation is currently in the process of evaluating a number of water development projects in Southwest Colorado. As a part of the planning process the Bureasu has conducted a water qualtiy investigation, in cooperations with the UWRL, of the stream segments that will be affected by each project. The data collected in this study were used to evaluate the water quality of each stream segment with respect to various beneficial uses of water (agriculture, raw municipal water supply, protection of the aquatic biota) and will provide a baseline by which to assess the impact of each project. In addition, these data will be used in the process of site location, design and oeprations planning for reservoirs and other project features. This report includes only the results of the West Divide Project. Data were collected for three water quality stations associated with this project: Station #13: West Divide Creek Station #20: Lower Colorado River at Silt, Colorado Station #21: Upper Colorado River at Newcastle, Colorado Water quality data were collected during the period from May, 1977, through August, 1978. One sample was collected and analyzed during each month of the study except during June, 1977, when two samples were collected from some sites. The concentration of 49 water quality constituents was determined for each sample at the UWRL

    Pre-Impoundment Water Quality Study for the Mc Elmo Project

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    Introduction: The U.S. Bureas of Reclamation is currently in the process of evaluating a number of water development projects in Southwest Colorado. As a part of the planning process the Bureasu has conducted a water qualtiy investigation, in cooperations with the UWRL, of the stream segments that will be affected by each project. The data collected in this study were used to evaluate the water quality of each stream segment with respect to various beneficial uses of water (agriculture, raw municipal water supply, protection of the aquatic biota) and will provide a baseline by which to assess the impact of each project. In addition, these data will be used in the process of site location, design and oeprations planning for reservoirs and other project features. This report includes only the results of the water quality study of McElmo Creek, associated with the McElmost Project. Water quality data were collected during the period from May, 1977 through June, 1978. One sample was collected and analyzed during each month of the study except during June, 1977, in which two samples were collected from some sites. The concentration of 49 water qualtiy constituents was determined for each sample received at the UWRL

    Pre-Impoundment Water Quality Study for the San Miguel Project

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    Introduction: Scope of Study: The United State Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) is currently evaluating plans to construct a multipurpose reservoir on the San Miguel River 32 kilometers (20 miles) below Telluride, Colorado. As part of the environmental assessment for this project, the Utah Water Research Laboratory (UWRL) was contracted to conduct an intensive water quality study on the San Miguel River and its tributaries in the vicinity of the project area. In this study water samples were collected during the period from May, 1977, to August, 1978, on a monthly basis from three sites on the San Miguel River and from Leopard Creek. Samples were analyzed for 49 water quality parameters. The data collected during this period were used to evaluate the existing quality of water at each site with respect to various water uses. Project description: The plans for this project had not been finalized at the time of this writing, but a tentative plan is described in a USBR planning report (USBR, 1978). In this plan, the Saltado Damsite was to be located in the San Miguel Canyon 32 km downstream from Telluride, Colorado (Figure 1). The reservoir will have a total capacity of 3.20 x 10^7 m^3 (26,000 A. F.) and a surface area of about 154 hectares (380 acrea). The project will provide 47 z 10^6 m^3 (38,211 A.F.) of water for irrigation and 37 x 10^6 m^3 (30,081 A. F.) for municipal and industrial use per year. In addition to the reservoir, the project will include a nine mile long pipeline to Norwood Hill, a lift station at Norwood Hill and a canal on the Wright\u27s Mesa to conduct water to farmlands. Project features are summarized in Table 1

    Pre-Impoundment Water Quality Study for the Mancos Project

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    Introduction: The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation is currently in the process of evaluating a number of water development projects in Southwest Colorado. As a part of the planning process the Bureau has conducted a water quality investigation, in cooperation with the UWRL, of the stream segments that will be affected by each project. The data collected in this study were used to evaluate the water quality of each stream segment with respect to various beneficial uses of water (agriculture, raw municipal water supply, protection of the aquatic biota) and will provide a baseline by which to assess the impact of each project. in addition, these data will be used in the process of site location, design and operation planning for reservoirs and other project features. This report includes only the results of the water quality study of the Mancos River, associated with the Mancos Project. Water quality data were collected during the period from May, 1977, through August, 1978, One sample was collected and analyzed during each month except during June, 1977, in which two samples were collected from some sites. The concentration of 49 water quality constituents was determined for each sample at the UWRL

    Pre-Impoundment Water Quality Study for the Dominguez Project

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    Introduction: The U.S. Bureas of Reclamation is currently in the process of evaluating a number of water development projects in Southwest Colorado. As a part of the planning process the Bureasu has conducted a water qualtiy investigation, in cooperations with the UWRL, of the stream segments that will be affected by each project. The data collected in this study were used to evaluate the water quality of each stream segment with respect to various beneficial uses of water (agriculture, raw municipal water supply, protection of the aquatic biota) and will provide a baseline by which to assess the impact of each project. In addition, these data will be used in the process of site location, design and oeprations planning for reservoirs and other project features. This report includes only the results of the water quality study of stream segments associated with the Dominguez Project. Data were collected for two water quality stations: Station #18: Lower Gunnison River at Whitewater Station # 19: Upper Gunnison River at Dominquez. Water quality data were collected during the period May, 1977, through August, 1978. One sample was collected and analyzed during each month, except during June, 1977, when two samples were collected from some sites. The concentration of 49 water quality constituents was determined for each sample at the UWRL
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