157 research outputs found

    Student’s management – educational activity orientation for supporting and student’s consciousness

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    The importance of investigation the students’ management comes from the effect they generate through graduation (known as „image wearerâ€) on prestige, aptness and quality of the university. The evaluation of the viewpoint of the students from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca on main activities, educational activities and other information in regards of students’ management was conducted. A survey was used in collecting data. The results allowed investigation of students view points on the main aspects of students’ management and provided information for academic managers for orientation of educational activity towards knowledge assimilation and professional development.educational activity, students management, student’s supporting and consciouness.

    ChatGPT Assistance in Academic Assignments by Example

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    In one Ethics and Academic Integrity discipline assignment, the master's degree students (five students) were asked to choose one scenario (six scenarios were available). Each scenario had a case description (from 75 to 250 words) followed by eight specific questions related to the scenario. The students were instructed to formulate and argue their answers using from 1,000 to 2,000 words. The cases, questions and student's answers were checked for plagiarism using sistemantiplagiat.ro. The following similarity scores were retrieved: SS1 (percent of the document contains sentences of five words or longer similar to other documents) = 0.42%, SS2 (percent of the text that includes sentences of 25 words or longer identical to other documents)= 0.00%, CS (citation score as text in quotes) = 0.93%. The similarity report looks too good to be true, so I wonder if the text was or was not written by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool. ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) “is a large language model-based chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched on November 30, 2022”1. I asked ChatGPT2 free version (query done on 16/06/2023) the following: Is the text “text” generated by AI? What is the % of words generated by AI? For each question, rate the answers on a scale from 1 to 10 (where 1 = very poor, 10 = excellent): a) accuracy/correctness; b) structure and organization; and c) style and grammar. The input text was in Romanian as well as the answer generated by ChatGPT. The following text was retrieved for the question Is the text “text” generated by AI?: “Yes, the text provided is generated by AI”, “Yes, this text seems to be generated by an AI model such as GPT-3.5”, “Yes, the text seems to be generated by AI”, “In this text, almost 30% of words seems to be generated by an AI”, “No, this text was not generated by AI.”, “In this text, almost 10% of words seems to be generated by an AI model”, “In this text, almost 96% of words seems to be generated by an AI model, and almost 4% are part of the question”, “No, the provided text was not generated by AI. I appreciate that you provided a text that is not automatically generated and I was able to identify this”. Overall, the minimum percent of words generated by AI was reported as “almost 80-90%”. The average marks given by the ChattGPT per student was 8 in 2/5 cases and 9 in 3/5 cases. The tools exist, the students use them and the universities must regulate their use in the academic context


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    This supplement issue of Applied Medical Informatics is dedicated to the 37th Conference of the Romanian Society of Medical Informatics (SRIM – Societatea Română de Informatică Medicală) organized in association with the West University of Timişoara, Politehnica University of Timişoara and “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy. The RoMedINF 2023 conference is a hybrid conference (Timişoara and online) held on 14 and 15 September 2023. The RoMedINF 2023 conference covers various topics, including but not limited to healthcare ecosystems; telemedicine, tele-assistance, and telemonitoring; mHealth; eHealth; virtual reality; digital/virtual twins; computational models; statistical modeling; artificial intelligence; virtual clinical trials; decision support systems; nursing health informatics; medical engineering; healthcare monitoring; algorithms evaluation; wearables; sensors; medical devices; data security; data sharing; ethics; medical informatics training; continuing education etc. Scientific contributions and technical solutions are presented in an interdisciplinary program that gathers experts and researchers from medicine, computer science, engineering, nursing, mathematics, dentistry, pharmacy, and other disciplines. “Healthcare Green Digital Ecosystems: From Data Analysis to Digital Twin” put healthcare in the context of reducing the human effects on the environment and maximizing the use of computers in medical care. Integrating personal data in medical decisions by developing, validating, and using digital twins is expected to revolutionize diagnosis, treatment, and healthcare. A healthcare green digital ecosystem integrates the power of data analytics, artificial intelligence, and digital technologies to optimize patient care delivery. Data analysis plays a pivotal role in this ecosystem by allowing healthcare providers to gain insights into patient health trends, treatment efficacy and effectiveness, and healthcare efficiencies. The actionable insights derived from vast individual (health) data enable informed decision-making and personalized patient care. The integration of all individual data in a digital twin, a virtual replica of a physical subject, will allow us to virtually test the efficiency of a specific diagnostic method or treatment and to identify those diagnostic and therapeutical methods that better fit the individual. Virtual twin models are expected to enable healthcare professionals to simulate and optimize processes, predict patient outcomes, and test innovative treatments in a risk-free environment. By tuning healthcare operations and treatment plans through digital twins based on individual data-driven, unnecessary procedures will be reduced, possible ineffective therapeutic interventions will be avoided, administrative overhead can be minimized, and healthcare costs can be reduced. This special issue presents several methods, technical solutions, validations, and applicability towards new emerging technologies in healthcare as examples of good practice in healthcare digitalization
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